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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 169 The Glory of Krieg (please order the full version)

The World Engine appeared, and without saying a word, Said controlled the fleet to collide collectively, turning it into a powerful bomb, destroying the World Engine.

It’s not that Said didn’t want to fight a conventional naval battle. He was shocked by the two thousand warships that were wiped out in an instant, and he didn’t expect to win with conventional tactics.

Anyway, the fleet is controlled by puppets and does not have a single human being, so it can be used as a kamikaze attack.

However, the primarchs couldn’t stand it any longer, and Guilliman said in pain: “Your Highness, that’s not it! The cyclone torpedoes and nova cannons haven’t been used yet!”

“Although warships have large production capacity, they are not cheap. Why not try conventional combat first?”

As soon as he finished speaking, the Primarch Legion fleet fired a salvo of nova cannons, concentrating fire on the two tomb ships, easily exploding the tomb ships, and then pointed the muzzles at the world engine.

Said replied: “You should quickly stay away from the world engine. I just paralyzed its power system!”

Although the original body did not understand the reason, he still obeyed the order. The fleet had just dispersed when countless electric arcs swept through it, easily breaking through the void shield and blasting countless battleships.

In an instant, countless groups of fireworks appeared in the void, including both the puppet fleet and the original fleet.

However, thanks to Said’s timely reminder and leaving the arc range in time, the main force of the imperial fleet was still there and launched a counterattack.

More than five thousand Nova Cannons fired in a salvo, focusing on the World Engine. Said was surprised to find that the World Engine actually had a shield, a void shield.

With powerful energy, the Void Shield easily blocks the Nova Cannon, moves slowly, and uses arcs to fight back.

At the same time, the World Engine maintains contact with the Pyramid Array, repairs the remains of soldiers recovered from the surface, and transmits them back to the surface.

Wherever the green arc went, the imperial fleets evaded one after another, not daring to make a direct connection. Gradually, the world engine occupied the low-Earth orbit.

This means that the Imperial fleet can no longer destroy the Pyramid Array via orbital bombardment.

If the suicide impact had not paralyzed the power system, the World Engine would have achieved this goal faster.

At this time, Guilliman sighed and said: “Your Highness, you suddenly discovered that suicide collision is indeed a good idea.”

Sanguinius teased: “But it’s too late. The enemy’s void shield is raised and the arc array is activated. We have no chance.”

Leon Zhuangson said: “The void shield is probably connected to the Star God fragments, and the long-range cannon fire will take a long time. Why don’t you join the gang?”

Vulcan said: “I agree, if you jump into gangs earlier and solve the problem earlier, fewer people will die.”

So, the four original bodies decided to join the gang together, and then found Said and said: “Your Highness, please give us cover!”

Said sighed and nodded: “Okay, be sure to pay attention to safety and come back alive!”

After saying this, a large number of puppet fleets rushed towards the world engine, crashed into the arc array, and were hit by the green arc. One shot broke the void shield, and the second shot exploded the hull.

The original body jumped into the fleet among them, and under the cover of the puppet fleet’s “human shield”, it quickly approached the world engine, and finally passed through the void shield and rushed straight to the surface.

Instead of slowing down, the surviving fleet accelerated and crashed straight into the ground, firing torpedoes and light spears while releasing the landing module.

Finally, while the landing module landed on the ground, the remaining hundreds of warships hit the surface heavily, turned into powerful bombs, and exploded.

At this moment, 40,000 Astartes walked out of the airdrop warehouse, quickly gathered into a group, and fought with countless undead warriors and underworld structures.

Soon they received orders from the original body and rushed inside. Their mission was to find and destroy the void shield generator to prepare for the fleet to focus fire.

Under the leadership of the original body, the jumping gang troops killed gods and Buddhas, quickly killing the tide of underworld structures and undead warriors.

Guilliman and Leon swung their swords, taking away several undead with each blow; Vulkan held a heavy hammer and smashed the pigs all the way, exploding parts; Sanguinius’s spear was like a tiger, so Undead limbs flew everywhere.

Behind them, the loyal scion of the legion held a bolt gun in his left hand and plasma melt in his right hand, covering his own original body for the unparalleled slaughter.

Although the advancement speed was fast, it was still slow on the surface of such a huge planet. In a short period of time, the Imperial Army was unable to regain control of the universe, and the task of destroying the pyramid array fell to the ground forces.

At the same time, the war situation on the surface was tense.

After the second teleportation, a pile of pyramids were once again erected on the Kals Plain, from which undead warriors and various underworld structures continued to pour out.

The defenders have established an encirclement and mobilized troops from all over the place to gather here, preparing to launch a wave of offensive that will destroy the pyramid array in one fell swoop.

Under Rogal Dorn’s order, a large number of auxiliary troops gave up facing the enemy and resisted while heading to the Kals Industrial Plain to join the main force.

Soon, 500 million auxiliary troops and 3 billion Krieg puppets were gathered here, unified under the command of Marshal Vinal of the Death Corps.

The first wave of the Necron offensive was mainly carried out around the hive. Those troops stationed outside the hive were less affected, but despite this, most of them suffered heavy losses in the bombing on the first day.

The Death Legion was the only force with almost no losses. They were stationed in an abandoned industrial area, using superb civil engineering technology to turn the area into a fortress and successfully survived the bombing.

Therefore, under Rogal Dorn’s order, the troops outside the hive city were disorganized and put under the command of Marshal Vinar. Along with the human auxiliary army, there were three billion Krieg puppets.

Marshal Vinar looked at the Krieg puppets dressed the same as his own troops and was stunned for a few seconds. He had a very familiar feeling from the puppets.

It seemed that the Krieg puppets and the Death Corps were the same army. After hesitating for a moment, he asked: “Your Highness, your troops are all under my command, right?”

The puppet nodded and said: “Yes, Marshal Vinar, you can command them at will. Life is the currency of the Emperor. You can die humbly, but it must have its value!”

Marshal Vinar saluted with the Sky Eagle and said seriously: “I will cherish and use it, Your Highness!”

The puppet nodded: “The same is true for the Death Corps. No matter how humble human life is, it is always more precious than wood, so when you can reduce costs, you must make a good trade-off!”

Marshal Vinar understood what Sayid meant, that is, before all the puppets died, don’t let the Krieg people die, keep their lives, and create greater value.

However, Marshal Vinar firmly refused:

“Thank you for your kindness, Your Highness, you don’t understand the Krieg people. Death is our glory and a way to atone for our sins. Only death can make the Krieg people sublimate!”

“You refuse to let us die, which is to deprive us of our glory, let us live in the world with sins, and deprive us of the path to ascension!”

Sayyid was speechless and immediately said angrily: “Ridiculous, life is the currency of the Emperor, and any waste is disloyalty!”

“You can obviously use cheaper puppets to sacrifice, but you choose to use more expensive human lives, Marshal Vinar, you are disloyal!”

Vinar firmly Ding said: “Your Highness, rest assured, Krieg will never let the Lord of Humanity humiliate him, nor will he waste his currency, but the Krieg people will judge for themselves when to use it!”

Sayed nodded: “I hope so. My request is that as long as the puppet can replace the sacrifice, the Krieg people cannot go!”

After that, he firmly saluted the Sky Eagle to Vinar and said calmly: “Now, I am under your command, Marshal Vinar!”

At this moment, with the help of the puppet, Marshal Vinar reorganized the 500 million auxiliary troops, and then ordered to take the initiative to attack. The Death Corps followed closely behind, sweeping through the ruins of KaLS and collecting all usable items along the way.

There are constantly surviving soldiers joining and being incorporated into the Death Corps by Marshal Vinar, and those who deserted their posts and violated the loyalty of the Emperor will be directly executed.

Looking down from the sky, the encirclement is shrinking rapidly, and there are constantly Night Scythe fighters trying to bomb them, but they are bitten and entangled by Valkyrie and Lightning fighters.

At this moment, only ground forces can decide the outcome.

Soon, two regiments of the Imperial Fists and Iron Hands joined, and under Rogal Dorn’s order, they were unified under Krieg’s command.

It would be unthinkable for a mortal to command an Astartes elsewhere, but Krieg enjoyed this honor due to his loyalty to the Emperor and his worship of death.

However, this was already the greatest support Rogal Dorn provided to the Death Legion. More Astartes and auxiliary troops fought in the hives to contain the larger Necrons.

Compared with the previous life, Amara was particularly tenacious at this time. The Imperial Army took advantage of the weaknesses of the Necrons and used massive heavy artillery and tanks to crush the Necrons.

The Necrons also had similar equipment, which was more powerful and more advanced, and could achieve a higher exchange ratio with humans. However, once a war of attrition began, humans would often have the last laugh.

Even if a pumice tower was exchanged for a thousand Leman Russ, the Empire still made a profit, because there were hundreds of millions of Leman Russ, but there were only a handful of pumice towers.

According to Rogal Dorn’s idea, the Empire relied on its huge military and equipment to drag the Necrons into a war of attrition and eventually wear them out.

Rogal Dorn didn’t actually count on the Death Corps’ mission, because the main force of the ground defenders was delayed in the Hive battlefield, and the pyramid array was tightly defended.

It was likely that they would return in defeat with only 3.5 billion auxiliary troops and a small number of puppets.

However, at this time, the width of the Hive battle line had been exhausted, and further troops would be drawn to join, which would affect the command. It might be a surprise to simply put them outside the city.

Marshal Venar didn’t know Rogal Dorn’s considerations, but he knew that the pyramid array was a high-value target, worth the lives of 500 million soldiers.

When the Death Corps entered the battle zone and ran into the undead mechanical army of the Necrons, the Kriegs were proficient in positional warfare, turning every piece of ruins and every crater in the ruins into a position.

But despite this, the 3.5 billion auxiliary troops were still at a disadvantage, and the laser guns in their hands could not effectively stop the self-repairing enemies.

Only when the heavy artillery opened fire and blew the Necrons into pieces, the Kriegs quickly rushed out of their positions and used bayonets and sappers to kill the Necrons again. .

However, every time this happened, a large number of puppets shouted waaaagh and passed them, rushing towards the Necrons first, pulling the trigger on their bomb vests, and annihilating together with the Necrons.

Although the Krieg skull masks could not show their expressions, every time this happened, it was obvious that they were stunned for a moment, as if they were greatly shocked.

The puppets wore the same clothes as them, but they were more heroic and fearless than them. The puppets never fought with bayonets and sappers. Whenever there was a hand-to-hand fight, they would pounce on you and then pull the trigger on their bomb vests.

It seemed that in the eyes of the puppets, one life for another was a very cost-effective deal.

Life is the currency of the Emperor. If the lives of the Kriegs were worthless, then the Krieg puppets would be everywhere and waste them at will.

The chance of redemption was taken away, and some Kriegs were quite angry. They said that they should be in front of the next wave of offensive and let them die.

However, this self-destructive trend was curbed only under the strict prohibition of Marshal Vinal. He said: “Life is the currency of the Emperor, and the sacrifice of every Krieg must have its value!”

Now that there are Krieg puppets, the lives of Krieg people are more valuable, and they cannot die casually.

Faced with the tactics of clearing the ground with firepower and swarming with infantry, the Necron responded quickly, sending out a large number of Tomb Stalkers and Destruction Cheap aircraft to attack human heavy weapons positions from underground and in the air.

As soon as the Scythe of Doom appeared, it was entangled by ten times the number of Lightning fighters. The Tomb Stalkers were captured by seismic detectors and encountered self-destruction attacks by Krieg engineer puppets.

During this period, many Space Marines also joined the battle to defend heavy firepower positions, thwarting the Necrons’ plots time and time again.

Until the Titan Legion joined the battle, the seismic cannon shattered the Necron offensive, and the Krieg puppets charged amidst the sound of waaaagh.

The Death Legion followed behind with a silent face, and together with numerous armored vehicles, pressed towards the pyramid array.

Finally, they stopped one kilometer away from the pyramid array. As long as they crossed this kilometer, they could launch an attack on the pyramid itself.

However, this last distance is undoubtedly the death zone. This area has been cleared and bombed. There are no usable bunkers, and the defenders can tilt their firepower at will.

The Death Legion and the puppets were not afraid. Under the orders of Marshal Vinal, the puppets drove numerous Leman Russ tanks and Warlord Titans towards the pyramid array.

Behind the vehicle, the Krieg puppet jumped out of the trench, used the vehicle as a cover, and headed towards the pyramid array.

However, the moment they entered the killing zone, countless beams of destruction emerged from the pyramid front. Their power was not inferior to that of the Necron warships, harvesting lives at an alarming speed.

Like the Imperial battleship, the Titan’s void shield did not last for more than a few seconds. The Colossus’ body was easily exploded, and each arc flash could detonate a large number of Lemanus tanks.

After losing the cover of the vehicle, the Krieg puppet became a living target and was slaughtered in pieces. The dust decomposed by Gauss weapons filled the surroundings, but it still could not stop the puppet’s footsteps.

But they had completed their mission excellently. The Necromancer’s firepower point was reported to the rear artillery position by the observer. The next moment, thousands of artillery fires were fired, and explosions soared into the sky and enveloped the Necromancer firepower point.

The Krieg puppets were relieved of the pressure and continued to charge forward. As they approached the complex, Necron infantry and scarabs began to return fire.

There were so many of them that the Necromancers and Scarabs were like a tide, drowning the Krieg Golems.

However, at this moment, the Krieg puppets are at the end of their strength, their forces have been severely depleted by the arc array, and only one hundred thousand of the three billion puppets are still struggling to support themselves.

But their sacrifice gave them a smooth path to attack. At this moment, Marshal Vinard said: “That’s it, Your Highness, leave the rest to our Death Army!”


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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