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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 170 (Please order in full) The Destruction of Menak

Compared with history, the Menak Dynasty invested more combat power in Amara at this time. Not only did they take out the world engine, but even the pyramids were in an array.

Historically, it took 2 million Death Legions to capture a pyramid. Now they faced an entire array. Even though the number increased to nearly 100 million, they were still unable to cope.

The specific manifestation is that the 3 billion puppets whose equipment discipline is comparable to that of the Death Army were all eliminated before the peripheral obstacles were cleared and the pyramid array was invaded.

The tragic battle left Marshal Vinard silent. He suddenly felt that it was good for the puppets to charge first. His soldiers should not die in the outer wilderness.

At this time, the Death Legion had almost no losses, and all kinds of armored vehicles and personnel were well preserved. They stared at the back of the puppet, expressing their respect with silence.

When the puppets were almost exhausted, Vinard called for an attack and said respectfully:

“Your Highness, whether alive or not, please allow me to express my respect for the puppet warriors! Thanks to them, the value of the Death Army has been enhanced!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Marshal Vinard pulled out his power sword and said loudly:

“Dead undead, our friendly forces have set an example for us. Their sacrifices have increased the value of our lives! Your performance should also be worth the money!”

“I order: All-army assault, target: pyramid array!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the Death Legion silently jumped out of the trench, like a gray tide, sweeping toward the pyramid array.

In the ruins, they either sneaked or crawled forward, with Gaussian arcs flashing overhead from time to time, but their astonishing discipline kept them silent.

Although the puppets have cleared the way, the heavy firepower of the Necrons still remains on the pyramid. In order to reduce casualties and increase the strength of the assault force, it must be hidden as much as possible.

In order to achieve this goal, even if a Krieg warrior was hit by a stray bullet and twitched in pain, he insisted on keeping silent and quietly waiting for death.

When sneaking to the extreme distance, the Death Army stopped until a whistle blew, and they jumped out of the bunker in unison and launched a full-speed charge.

At this time, the puppets in the pyramid were at the end of their strength, retreating steadily under the attacks of the undead warriors and the underworld constructs.

At this moment, a gray torrent crossed them and rushed into the sea of ​​undead warriors and underworld constructs. They used grenades, laser rifles, and engineer shovels to engage in bloody melee combat with the enemies.

They take advantage of the Necromancer’s slow reaction time to gain the upper hand in melee combat, but the Underworld construct can make up for this shortcoming.

Seeing this, the remaining 100,000 puppets all let out a war cry of “waaaagh”, passed over the death army, and plunged into the ocean of the underworld structure.

In an instant, countless puppets were torn to pieces, but more puppets rushed into the enemy formation and pulled off their bomb vests. In an instant, a hundred thousand suns appeared in the narrow tomb passage.

With the self-destruction of one hundred thousand puppets, a large area of ​​the undead in front was instantly cleared. In the melee battlefield behind, both the undead and the death army were stunned for a moment.

In the face of millions of dead legions, the remaining 100,000 puppets were of little use. In order to exert more value, they chose to collectively self-destruct, causing a hundred times the damage.

This greatly shocked the undead and the death army. Even if one could be resurrected and the other was not afraid of death, he would not ignore his destiny like this.

This act of purely using life as a tool made the other two sides feel strongly violated, but the shock only lasted a few seconds, and they continued to fight bloody.

With the example of the puppet in front of them, both Krieger and the undead were greatly encouraged, and they fought harder and bloodier.

Thanks to the self-destruction of the puppets, the undead forces were quickly at a disadvantage and retreated steadily. Tens of millions of death legions pushed deeper into the building, exposing energy pipelines and installing bombs on key structures.

Each bomb has a thermonuclear level of power. When a sufficient number is installed, the Death Legion begins to fight and retreat, leaving a hundred thousand troops to contain the defenders and prevent them from dismantling the bombs.

Said felt that there was no need to keep these 100,000 people, but Marshal Vinard said:

“This is the Krieg’s way of showing respect. Those 100,000 self-destructing wooden men have won their respect, and the Death Legion will respond with an equal number of deaths!”

After Said heard this, his breath was blocked in his chest and he couldn’t spit it out. Wasn’t the puppet’s sacrifice just to save fewer lives?

It would be better for the Death Army to bury people with their lives just to show respect!

He wanted to call him “madman” or “crazy”, but facing the sacrificed soldiers, he couldn’t say it. Finally, he sighed:

“Not only puppets, these warriors also deserve respect!”

At this time, the main force of the Death Army withdrew, and the remaining troops detonated bombs. In an instant, a sun rose on the surface of the Amara planet. Just like last time, a huge deep pit appeared on the spot.

At this time, Rogal Dorn said in surprise: “Your Highness, thanks to Krieg, the Necron reinforcements are slowing down and the front is gradually compressing. We have won!”

Beside him, the Said puppet said calmly: “Yes, the ground is almost victorious, and the same is true for other places.”

Meanwhile, in low Earth orbit, in the World Engine.

The four primarchs and their legions were overwhelming, destroying material warehouses, command nodes, and key fortresses, all the way to the void shield generator.

There, Kurahlo and the thirteen undead overlords stood ready and said:

“Your bravery is astonishing. This spirit has allowed you to achieve unprecedented results. Our invasion is likely to fail, but we are not discouraged.”

“For the soulless people who have forgotten the Mistress, survival means the torture of the Curse of the Skinner. Only death can achieve eternal peace.”

Guilliman sneered: “We can give you peace now, just stand still!”

Kurahlo shook his head and said: “No, no, as your leader said, killing everyone is the highest respect. We should be proud of dying together!”

After speaking, he drew out his sword of decomposition and said boldly: “Let’s fight, warriors of human civilization, and see whether we will kill them all or die together!”

Ryan roared: “Kill them all! For the God Emperor! For the Empire! For humanity!”

“Long live the God-Emperor!”

“The cold sun is suspended in the sky, we gather here!”

“Become a sharp blade and kill the aliens! Shout the battle cry representing death!”

“The double-headed eagle emblem spreads across the galaxy, burning the Emperor’s will and destroying the monsters!”

The primarchs shouted oaths of loyalty and led the legions behind them to launch a desperate assault. In front of them was the void shield generator. As long as it was successfully destroyed, the shield could be broken and the fleet could focus on the world engine.

At the same time, the Infiltration Legion arrived at Menak’s Crown World. As Corax expected, they encountered the obstruction of the Blackstone Forbidden Demon Realm, and the fleet was unable to leap out of the subspace.

Therefore, they could only jump out several light-months away, sail with conventional power, and finally arrived at the Crown World before the decisive battle in Amara ended.

At this moment, the main force of the Menak Legion is fighting in Amara. The Crown World is empty of troops and has no power to fight back against the infiltration fleet.

The three primarchs White Scar, Dark Crow, and Space Wolf were overjoyed and immediately began to prepare the Extermination Order to impose the God-Emperor’s excommunication on the Crown World.

Under the speed of light engine, the huge fleet arrived at the edge of the galaxy in an instant. The Nova Cannon flashed and destroyed the galaxy’s defenses in an instant.

The Menak dynasty had only a short time to wake up, and the star system’s defense system was not yet complete. A huge fleet attacked the star system with fire, found the main star, and released the extermination order.

The bipolar cyclone torpedo was launched and roared towards the surface of the planet, but was intercepted by the Tesla arc on the surface. The infiltration army immediately changed its strategy and launched a carpet orbital bombing on the surface of the main star.

The Necron fleet has long been exhausted, and the world engine, the only aerospace power, is contained in Amara, and all control of the Crown World is in the hands of the Empire.

In the face of the imperial orbital bombardment, the world of Menak Crown was powerless to fight back. Various magnificent science fiction pyramids were destroyed, and countless undead warriors were turned into fragments.

Menak Prime is burning under the wrath of mankind.

At this moment, the infiltration fleet received the communication, and an old female voice came out, saying:

“Young race, I am the Forgotten Mistress Xunbarak. You have won the war. On behalf of the Menak Dynasty, I admit defeat and beg you for surrender!”

Several of the original bodies looked at the puppet. Only the prince of the empire could decide whether to fight or make peace. The puppet replied coldly:

“Refuse to surrender. Your marshal said that killing everyone is the highest respect. As a token of respect, please die!”

“Cyclone torpedo, launch!”

The Forgotten Mistress was anxious and said quickly: “Irritated warriors, you might as well listen to our compensation. As long as we undead have anything, you can take it as you like!”

“If you are worried about our retaliation, you can also sign a control agreement and we will become human vassals!”

As soon as these words were said, the expressions of the original bodies changed. They had already seen the power of Necron technology. If they could obtain it, it would undoubtedly be a great help to the empire.

The Mechanicus on the ship immediately persuaded: “Your Highness, if you sign the control agreement, the undead will not be able to threaten us, and we can also obtain powerful technology!”

“It’s a hundred benefits without any harm!”

The other original bodies also looked tangled and complicated. They hated the aliens, but they were greedy for technology and were unwilling to destroy them like this.

At this time, the puppet silently took a bolt gun and fired several shots at the Lord’s Mechanicus priests, shattering the metal body into pieces and crushing the remaining brain tissue.

The puppet said coldly: “The lesson that humans have learned from history is that humans will not learn from history and have been repeating reincarnation for hundreds of millions of years!”

After speaking, he looked around and said angrily: “Have you forgotten the lessons of the golden age? Human beings established diplomatic relations with aliens and subdued them as vassals. What is the result!?”

“How did they treat us in the Age of Strife? As the original body, you hesitated when facing the aliens seeking peace! How stupid is this! How disloyal!”

“We should abandon our illusions and kill all the aliens. Technology makes us stronger, but extinction makes us survive! Detonate the cyclone torpedo!”

At this moment, the cyclone torpedo has penetrated deep into the core of the earth, and upon receiving the detonation command, it easily blew the core to pieces.

Immediately afterwards, cracks appeared in the world of Menak Crown, and magma poured out from the ground and flowed to the surface, destroying the exquisite and majestic pyramid.

At this time, Matron Menak said tiredly through the communication channel:

“Thank you, young civilization. Death is also a good ending. At least we can get rid of the Curse of the Skinner and let us gain eternal peace.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the Crown World was blown to pieces, and the Menak Dynasty perished.

Said sighed slightly and said: “Everyone, the war is over. We have saved the Orps sector, the territory of the God Emperor has been defended once again, and mankind continues to dominate the galaxy!”

At the same time, in Amara’s low-Earth orbit, the battle on the World Engine was coming to an end. The Necron Army was overly depleted on the surface, resulting in insufficient defense forces in the World Engine and unable to resist the gang-hopping legions.

In the end, under the primarch’s lordship, the Necron Commander led the last overlord to make a final stand at the Void Shield Generator.

Before the powerful offensive of one hundred thousand Astartes and four primarchs, Kurahlo and the Overlord were completely destroyed, the Voidton generator was destroyed, and the world engine was set on fire and exploded.

The remnants of the undead were executing the final orders in every corner and were annihilated by the huge human army.

Just as Said breathed a sigh of relief, something happened in the Crown World. The infiltration legion discovered a huge undead fleet, including two hundred battleships including four tomb ships.

In up to an hour, they will arrive at the Crown World and encounter the infiltration army.

This scale is larger than the fleet of Meinak in its heyday. When the empire dispatched tens of thousands of warships, almost all of them perished before being eliminated. At this time, there are less than a thousand infiltration legion warships.

Said gritted his teeth and immediately ordered Amara’s tens of thousands of warships to reinforce him, deciding that he would rather destroy all the warships than destroy all the undead troops.

After sailing through subspace, thousands of warships arrived at the Crown World in just half an hour, ready to face the invading enemy.

Said thought to himself: “Are we going to have a second Amara decisive battle?”

At this time, the outcome of the Damocles Expedition is unknown, and the Eye of Terror subspace becomes active, heralding a new round of Black Crusade.

If the Battle of Orpheus does not end as soon as possible, the empire will face three major wars, not to mention the sporadic outbreaks of the three pests in various places.

After thinking for a moment, Said’s eyes became firm and he thought:

“The empire at this moment is far stronger than at the same time in history, and it is enough to face three expeditions at the same time! With the protection of the God Emperor, the empire will eventually win! Candle up the emperor’s will and destroy the monsters!”

“Imperial fleet, attack with all forces!”

As the order was issued, tens of thousands of warships sailed out of the galaxy, killing the two hundred undead warships that were attacking them. Just when they were murderous, a familiar voice came:

“Don’t be impulsive, Said, I am Trazin, we are not enemies!”

Said was stunned for a moment, then asked: “What are you here for?”

Trazin replied: “Like you, we took the back route of Menak and took some souvenirs back with us, but the current situation looks like there will be nothing left here.”

Said sneered: “Haha, you really know how to choose the time. Human beings are bleeding on the front line, but you are enjoying the benefits and getting the biggest spoils!”

Trazin shook his head: “Please believe me, Said, this was never my original intention! In the original estimate, Orps was bound to fall.”

“However, you withstood the offensive and killed the strongest Necron Dynasty, which really surprises me!

Believe me, the entire galaxy, other Necron and Eldar alike, will be shocked by your achievements and reassess the value of humanity…”

See if you can upload a kriging cg


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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