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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 171 The ninth bloody torture of Abbado

Seeing that the other party had no intention of fighting, Said breathed a sigh of relief.

After this war, Orps became a no-man’s land, and it would take at least several decades to return to pre-war levels, so Said was absolutely unwilling to expand the war.

But he didn’t want to show weakness, so he said:

“No need to flatter you, the Necrons are a powerful civilization. Compared with you, humans are full of disadvantages. We can only win by relying on fearless sacrifice.”

“Of course!” the Figure King said proudly: “If you are willing to let me visit the palace, maybe my dynasty will form an alliance with you and give you some technology!”

Said sneered: “No, technology makes the empire strong, extinction makes the empire survive, and humans choose the latter!”

The Figure King was stunned for a moment, with a bad feeling in his heart, and then asked: “What do you mean?”

Said calmly replied: “The Empire intends to destroy all known Necron worlds, especially the Sotec dynasty of Manderagra.”

Sotec was not the detested Menak. There were many friends of Trazin inside, so he became anxious and said hurriedly:

“Stop it, Said, my friend, don’t explode!”

Said didn’t intend to blow it up, so he blackmailed: “Then give me some technology and I’ll let them go.”

The figure king still refused: “No! The technology of the undead is not suitable for humans. The path of scientific research must be walked by oneself after all. It is not the law of one’s own exploration. Even if I tell you, you can’t catch it!”

“This is what we have learned from thousands of years of experience. Don’t always think about taking shortcuts. Self-reliance is the right way!”

Said pretended to be helpless and said: “In this case, I have no choice but to give Mandegra to Yang!”

The Figure King said: “That is useless. There are more than 80 tomb worlds in Sotec. In addition to the pharaoh, there is also the Council of Three Saints. They come to rule the worlds.”

“Destroying Mandegra can only behead the pharaoh, but it cannot destroy the Three Holy Councils, let alone the Sotec dynasty. The Three Holy Councils will soon elect a new pharaoh.”

Said asked: “Menak was wiped out from the Crown World. Wouldn’t it be the same collapse?”

Trazin replied: “That’s because the Council of the Three Saints is either in the Crown World or on the World Engine. You took care of them all, and the dynasty naturally collapsed!”

“I guarantee you that if you destroy Mandrake, the other Sautec worlds will immediately wake up! Unless you can destroy all Sautec worlds, I advise you not to do it!”

Trazin’s half-dissuasion and half-threat finally made Said give up his plan to strike preemptively. He currently only has two or three Sotec worlds under his control, and he cannot prevent the entire dynasty from awakening.

If what the figure king said is true, then there will be dozens more undead forces in the empire, and it will take a lot of effort to exterminate them.

Said nodded and said: “Okay, then be careful not to let them wake up. The skies above these worlds are always equipped with cyclone torpedoes. Once there are signs of awakening, they will be launched immediately!”

Trazin spread his hands and said nonchalantly: “It’s up to you, as long as the time comes, it depends on their luck.”

At this moment, the undead fleet was gradually moving away, and Trazin said:

“Goodbye, Your Highness, in return, I will tell you the news that the King of Silence will return soon, and I will report to him on the situation of mankind.”

“He should be very interested in you and the Human Empire!”

Said smiled and replied: “Goodbye, Trazin, don’t let me position your world, otherwise I will definitely promote you!”

“Just try it!”

After the two sides parted, Said recalled the news about the Silent King. It was said that this guy left the galaxy after the undead fell into sleep, until he encountered Tyranids, and then returned to the galaxy.

Therefore, the purpose of his return should be to call on the entire galaxy to fight against the Tyranids. Facing the current overlord of the galaxy, humans, a civilization capable of destroying powerful dynasties, he should have a lot of ideas.

“Is it an alliance of equals? Or is he beaten and accepted as a dog? What will the Silent King choose?” Said fell into deep thought.

But no matter which one it is, it means giving up the plan to destroy mankind. If it really fights with mankind, it will consume a lot of money and it will be impossible to fight against the Tyranids.

Therefore, in a short period of time, an Orps-level war should not happen again.

After making this speculation, Said handed over the reconstruction of Orps to the Internal Affairs Committee, disbanded some of the legions, returned the original private troops to their respective homes, and transferred most of the puppets to reinforce Cadia.

Abaddon has been dishonest again recently. Said decided to launch a large-scale abyss expedition. He prepared two thousand battleships including fifty battleships for this purpose, and decided to give Abaddon a hard blow.

At this time, he received news that Abaddon had joined forces with the Fallen Angels to seize the Blackstone Fortress through the Webway Gate.

The Blackstone Fortress is controlled by Leon’s private army. Humans don’t know much about the Blackstone Fortress, and they are worried that it will be used by the Necrons, so they did not take it to the expedition to Orps.

Blackstone Fortress was left on Caliban by the Lion, guarded by the trusted Dark Angels, when Abaddon saw his opportunity.

When Luther rebelled and captured the Blackstone Fortress, the Emperor sent the Cursed Legion through the Blackstone Fortress Webway to suppress the rebellion. A large number of Fallen Angels were killed, but a few were caught in the warp storm and escaped.

While drifting in the subspace, under the “instructions” of certain beings, they learned how to open the Blackstone Network.

So he approached Abaddon and proposed that they jointly seize the Blackstone Fortress through the Webway.

Abaddon was overjoyed and immediately realized that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The main force of the First Legion was fighting fiercely in Orps, and Caliban was empty of troops and could not stop the Black Legion’s attack.

Abaddon first allowed the Chaos followers on Caliban to rebel, attracting the Dark Angels to suppress them, weakening the forces near Blackstone Fortress, and then opened the Webway to launch an onslaught.

A total of 30,000 Black Legions poured into the Blackstone Fortress. According to the agreement with the Fallen Angels, the coalition forces mainly attacked two castles. The Fallen Angels provided intelligence and the Black Legions sent troops. After the war, each of them got one.

The attack went smoothly. The Dark Angels did not expect the enemy to attack from the Webway, and were unprepared to face the Black Legion.

After the Webway War, the Webway connecting Blackstone Fortress was damaged and filled with Chaos Demons, making it unusable.

But for Abaddon, this webway environment is tailor-made for him. Vast numbers of demons will become allies of the Black Legion and invade the Blackstone Fortress.

The Dark Angels were caught off guard and were at a serious disadvantage in both tactics and strength, and were unable to withstand the attack of the 30,000 Black Legion.

At this moment, the main force of the First Army is far away in Orps. If reinforcements from nearby war zones are mobilized, it will take at least two days, and the Prince of Cadia’s Army will take longer, at least three days.

If there is a subspace storm on the way, it will definitely take longer.

Abaddon was unparalleled in his journey, killing gods and Buddhas, and killing Dark Angels along the way. He quickly cleared the Blackstone Fortress. As long as these miscellaneous soldiers were cleared away, he could control the fortress.

By then, the Black Legion will have weapons to fight against the Forbidden Demon Realm. As long as it breaks through the Forbidden Demon Realm, the Black Legion will be able to confront Cardia.

Breaking through Cadia, he would follow the Crimson Path to Terra, where the entire galaxy would kneel before him.

Abaddon imagined a beautiful vision for the future and raided to the core of Blackstone Fortress, where dozens of giant god soldier puppets were waiting inside.

Abaddon did not start fighting immediately, but mocked:

“Your Highness, the Black Legion is about to occupy this fortress, and Cadia will inevitably be destroyed! Am I right?”

Said controlled the puppet and said calmly:

“To tell you the truth, Abaddon, the God-Emperor noticed this loophole long before the end of the Great Crusade, but still allowed it to exist. Do you know the reason?”

“What did you say?”

Abaddon’s face changed slightly, and he clenched his hands involuntarily. Said’s words easily shattered his pride.

After the previous failures, Said seemed to be Abaddon’s nemesis and became his lingering shadow.

But he immediately forced himself to calm down and roared:

“Sayed, stop bluffing, I have all the advantages now, and I will use this fortress as a starting point to destroy this ridiculous empire!”

The giant god soldier puppet shrugged and said nonchalantly: “Then you give it a try. The fallen angels probably didn’t tell you why their rebellion failed in the first place!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Abaddon seemed to remember something, and his body felt like he was falling into an ice cave, and he muttered: “Impossible, absolutely impossible!”

After saying that, he pounced on the previous output, tore the giant god soldier puppet into pieces, and then said loudly: “Retreat, retreat immediately!”

However, it was already too late. A large number of burning legions suddenly emerged from the webway behind the Black Legion. All the evil spirits dissipated along the way, quickly swamping the Black Legion.

The hunter instantly became the prey. A large number of black legions were surrounded and annihilated by several times the Cursed Legion. The primarch Lorgar and Mortarion even descended from the sky to kill the black legions quickly.

At the same time, in the webway, the fallen angel nodded lightly to Cursebound and left calmly. Cursebound did not pursue him, and the two sides seemed to have a tacit understanding.

Terra Palace, Said asked in his heart:

“Brother Huang, there are many loyalists among the fallen angels who are helping the empire in their own way. Why not let them reconcile with the First Legion?”

The Emperor replied: “This is an internal matter of the First Legion, and rash intervention will have a bad impact on Ryan, so let them resolve it themselves.”

Said asked again: “Then the trap in Blackstone Fortress was jointly planned by you and the fallen angel?”

The emperor denied: “Of course not. If I want to plan something, I should look to you. Why would I look to them? It should be an internal action of the Fallen Angels.”

After the Fallen Angels Rebellion, the Emperor’s Curse Rescue showed that the Blackstone Webway was connected to Terra. As the Terran Webway collapsed, the Blackstone Fortress Webway was bound to be affected.

At that time Said planned to seal the Blackstone Network, but the Emperor had other ideas:

“The Blackstone Webway can transport the Cursed Legion. When there is no subspace crack around, the Webway will provide a stable passage into the real universe.”

By then, wherever the Blackstone Fortress arrives, the Cursed Legion can be summoned, and the empire will gain another powerful weapon.

If Abaddon enters Blackstone Fortress from the Webway, he will be attacked from both sides as he is now. Thinking of this, Said asked again:

“Brother Huang, are you sure you can keep Abaddon?”

The emperor shook his head: “It’s most likely not possible. Abaddon is the chosen one of the Four Gods. He has the blessings of the Four Gods. The Four Gods will not sit back and watch him be killed.”

At the same time, Abaddon was caught in a bitter battle, surrounded by tens of billions of cursed legions. No matter how hard he used his unparalleled weapons, he still could not break through.

With the addition of the Primarch’s curse, Abaddon’s condition worsened, and he was hit by a psychic spell from Lorgar, which broke through the power armor blessed by the demon.

Then Mortarion swung the scythe, Abaddon quickly raised the Claw of Horus to block, and Draconion thrust out with his sword.

Mortarion refused to dodge and resisted the sword. At this time, Lorgar struck down with his hammer, breaking off one of Abaddon’s arms, which was still covered with the Claw of Horus.

Abaddon was knocked away, and he saw Mortarion’s wounds repairing quickly, but his injuries were gradually getting worse.

In the realm of the false emperor, the blessings of the four gods are fading away, and Abaddon is weakening rapidly. If nothing happens, he will die here today.

Abaddon looked tired, and suddenly felt that it would be good to die like this. He had lived a very unhappy life for thousands of years after the Great Crusade.

Inspiring with the evil gods, leading the legions of various weirdos, beware of their backstabbing plots, and the most frustrating of all, multiple military defeats.

When Mortarion’s scythe fell, he thought to himself: “The most practical and happiest time in my life was during the Great Crusade!”

After saying that, he closed his eyes and waited for the imminent death. However, after a moment, the scythe did not fall. Abaddon opened his eyes and saw the Khorne demon Skarbrand fighting with Mortarion.

He realized that his subspace allies were helping him, and the will to survive surged into his heart again. He rolled to his feet, picked up his severed arm, and quickly headed towards the Webway.

At this time, Said’s voice came from the Blackstone Fortress broadcast:

“Abaddon, you will die like your weak father. Your soul will be scattered. You will be ashamed, holding your head and sobbing, with sweat on your face.”

“Look at how embarrassed you are now. You are like a funny clown. You are infinitely worse than your father. It is simply ridiculous that you still want to overthrow the empire like this.”

Abadon held a broken arm in his hands, gritted his teeth, and his mentality almost exploded. He wanted to go back and fight and die like a warrior.

However, he held back because he had a greater mission. Killing him back now would play into the hands of the puppet emperor and Said, so he must not let them succeed.

Under the cover of Khorne’s demonic army, Abaddon escaped into the Webway and entered the warp. After a storm, he disappeared.

In this way, the ninth Black Crusade failed, and the Black Legion was once again wiped out. Abaddon drifted in the subspace, suffering from heart failure and death.

Presumably in order to save this divine choice, he once again had a turning point and was teleported to an Eldar craft world.

Beside him, followed by a group of remnants of the Black Legion, Abaddon immediately ordered to plunder the Eldar city.

Then he discovered that the Fangzhou World was at war with Black Bean Sprout, and its defense force was extremely weak, so the Black Army took the opportunity to backstab, killing and sacrificing a large number of Eldar.

The sacrilegious ritual weakened the curtain between reality and the warp, and massive amounts of Slaanesh daemons poured out, wiping out both warring parties in one fell swoop.

During this battle, Abaddon learned a piece of valuable news. There was a seventh Blackstone Fortress in the Taiping Star Territory, and Abaddon got the coordinates.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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