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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 172 Abaddon robs the bank

When Abaddon returned to the Eye of Terror, he looked around and saw planet debris everywhere. Countless familiar stars were extinguished, leaving only turbulent purple waves.

The Eye of Terror, which was once vibrant and full of life, was now so desolate, and Abaddon couldn’t help but feel sad.

When he launched the ninth black expedition, Said was also conducting an abyss expedition. Under the positioning of the reconnaissance ship, the fleet moved at full speed according to the planned route, quickly wiping out each demon world.

In the end, the evil god retreated quickly before he could react. Even if the evil god responded in time and sent a massive demonic army, he could not leave an expedition fleet behind.

As the power of the evil god weakened, the Golden Sun’s influence on the Eye of Terror became stronger and stronger, able to send out curses to rescue loyal Imperial warriors.

In the end, the expedition fleet purified 1,900 demon worlds, wiped out the evil gods’ accumulation of thousands of years, and extinguished all the originally twinkling stars.

Abaddon looked at the damage report, his face was as dark as water, and he asked coldly: “Has the power of the Black Legion been lost?”

The subordinate replied: “No, before the Puppet Emperor’s expedition was launched, the legion fleet and the Mechanical Ark jumped into the real world and were not affected by the enemy’s offensive.”

Abaddon asked, “Where are they now?”

The subordinate replied: “In the Taiping Star Territory, outside the false emperor’s star torch, make sure that he will not be found.”

Abaddon nodded, proud of himself for taking precautions and allowing the Black Legion to transform into a fleet civilization.

He used the looted materials to build the Mechanical Ark, with a production capacity comparable to that of the Forge World. It not only produced various weapons, but also produced the Daemon Purple Palace of Chaos Space Marines.

With Mechanical Ark as its core, the Black Legion has escaped many abyss expeditions. With the help of subspace allies, it continues to appear in the real universe and plunder imperial supplies.

Most of the targets of plunder were merchant ships, and the Black Legion fleet blocked the road and collected tolls.

Compared with history, this kind of robbery was much more civilized and smaller in scale. The losses of personnel and materials in the empire were minor, and some were not even reported.

During the robbery, Abaddon was very careful and did not let the Black Legion show up in canned form. He let mortals carry out the entire process and only stepped in to suppress it when encountering resistance.

Therefore, Said did not think about Abaddon at all, but simply blamed the pirates between the sectors, and included the sector where the incident occurred as the focus of the next purification expedition.

Through the scrapping of nuggets, Abaddon accumulated a large amount of supplies, and his fleet continued to grow in strength, becoming the only self-sufficient Chaos warband.

Looking at the magnificent fleet, Abaddon became more confident again. Although the Black Legion army was completely wiped out, as long as the fleet is still there, the Mechanical Ark is still there, and the foundation is there, it will one day be able to recover.

While licking his wounds, he collected information about the Taiping Star Territory. Through the prayers of Chaos believers from all over the place, he quickly had a comprehensive understanding.

The ownerless Blackstone Fortress is located in the star sector where the Taiping Theater Command is located. It is stationed with a large number of fleets and auxiliary troops, and the Black Legion cannot compete.

Abaddon realized that he could not capture the Blackstone Fortress in one or two battles. He had to fight a protracted and step-by-step approach to achieve his goal.

So while regaining strength, a new round of expedition is brewing.

At the same time, in the palace of Terra, Said was confused.

“Brother Huang, I have purified 1,900 planets, but I haven’t found a forging world. Is this possible? Abaddon has plundered a huge amount of people and materials.”

The emperor said calmly: “The Eye of Terror is not my domain, and I don’t know, but there may be only a few types.”

Said scratched his head and said helplessly: “Either the forging world will be moved away, or the black army will become a fleet civilization and wander around plundering.”

The Milky Way is vast, no matter which way, Said has no choice. What’s worse is that history has changed, and he can’t guess Abaddon’s next move.

Historically, the goals of the first twelve Black Expeditions were to destroy Blackstone obelisks in various places, eliminate dissidents, and seize Blackstone Fortresses to increase their strength.

However, at this time, the Empire’s energy-produced Black Stone Obelisk was meaningless to destroy. Elimination of dissidents was already over, and the sneak attack on the Black Stone Fortress failed.

So Said could not predict the Black Legion’s next target.

After thinking hard and having no clue, Said simply put it behind him and set his sights on the Damocles expedition.

At this time, Juba Khan’s army has arrived at the Tau star cluster. The Tau control more than ten nearby galaxies and more than a hundred planets, which can be regarded as a larger pocket empire.

Compared with history, the territory of the Tau has not changed much, but the expedition fleet is larger and more powerful, with more than 2,000 warships, 200,000 Astartes and Titan soldiers, and tens of billions of auxiliaries military.

After the last heavy damage, the Tau fleet has not yet recovered. Juba Khan’s legion has more warships than the entire Tau civilization combined.

In front of two thousand warships, the Tau fleet, which numbered less than a hundred, was quickly annihilated. After the Juba Khan Legion asked Said for instructions, they immediately used the Extermination Order on the first Tau world.

Atmospheric incineration torpedoes killed all life and shattered the fragile and naive ideals of the Tau.

In Said’s words, let these naive little Baga see the truth of the cruel galaxy!

In the original history, the Tau were beaten violently by other galactic powers, but the powers retreated voluntarily due to various reasons. Said would never make such a mistake.

He will carry out the expedition to the end, give up landing on the planet, and use the Extermination Order on all Tau worlds to completely kill this new civilization.

The Zhuba Khan fleet quickly headed to the next galaxy. Different from the previous colonial world, this time the target was a family world that must be defended to the death.

After a series of previous wars, the Tau fully understood the tyranny and cruelty of humans, and began to abandon their illusions and fight to the death with humans.

Just as Juba Khan’s legions were heading to Home World, Abaddon made a new move.

The Black Legion fleet has no navigator, cannot see the light of the star torch, and has no puppet positioning. When it sees a crack, it will directly drill into it and go wherever it goes.

Due to the affinity attribute of the subspace, there is basically no danger in the middle, but the destination is difficult to say. Sometimes it may be the nest under the hive city, or it may be deep in the black hole, or next to the Imperial Navy fortress.

In order to capture the Blackstone Fortress, Abaddon had to solve the navigator problem, so he tied up a Tzeentch daemon in an attempt to guide the fleet through his connection with the Lord of Change.

However, the Tzeentch demon had already been driven crazy by a series of puzzles. When the navigation fleet jumped out of the subspace, it ran into a greenskin war.

The two sides immediately started fighting, and there was a nearby temple world of the State Church. Abaddon discovered that the greenskins’ original target was the nearby temple world.

Since the possession of genetic radiation bombs, the threat of green skins to humans has been greatly reduced. The radiation bombs can kill low-level green skins in large numbers, allowing high-level green skins to become commanders and be slaughtered by the empire.

In the end, this locust-like cosmic civilization became a street rat. Although it continued to live, it could never pose much of a threat.

On weekdays, the galaxy troops alone can easily deal with it, and the same goes for the temple world that was attacked, which did not attract Said’s attention.

However, when the Black Legion appeared, its nature changed. The cardinal immediately reported the situation to the puppet, and then asked:

“Your Holiness, in this current situation, do you have any instructions?”

Although there are puppets in the Planetary Force, Said is still aware of the situation even if there is no report. However, the Cardinal is well versed in the ways of officialdom and still seeks instructions from the puppets to report.

Whether the leader knows about it is one thing, and whether you report it is another matter. What’s more, this is an opportunity to show your face in front of the top leader.

As he expected, the puppet said calmly: “I already know the situation. The fleet will be responsible for the enemies in outer space. You only need to be responsible for surface defense!”

The cardinal asked: “Your Holiness, do we have reinforcements?”

The puppet replied: “A Tribunal fleet will arrive in two days, please be sure to hold on until then!”

The cardinal immediately patted his chest and agreed: “Don’t worry, Lord Pope, we promise to complete the mission!”

After the conversation, Said took over the command of the galaxy forces and observed the battle between the black army and the green skins.

Occasionally, a greenskin fleet came towards the galaxy and was wiped out by genetic radiation bombs. After repelling several waves of attacks, the greenskins all went to fight with the black army.

At least the anti-black army will not be killed instantly, and it can last longer and be more enjoyable.

However, Abaddon did not intend to let the empire sit back and watch, and immediately ordered the fleet to move towards the temple world. The galaxy defense platform was fully fired, and the mines were like bloodthirsty sharks, rushing towards the invaders.

The Black Legion encountered fierce firepower. When the Nova Battery fired a salvo, several cruisers were lost in an instant. However, the Greenskin Fleet carried out a large-scale cover-up, sharing the pressure of the Black Legion.

This is when the galaxy troop asked the puppet: “Sir Pope, would you like to use a genetic radiation bomb?”

Said thought for a moment and decided: “Let’s use it. After letting the galaxy fleet attack, we still have to fight the battle ourselves!”

In addition to being a religious holy place and building a large number of wonders and churches, the Temple World also has an important function, producing imperial currency.

Countless parchments are transported here every day, receive the divine blessing of the God Emperor, and become precious imperial currency.

The Empire is perpetually deflationary, its currency needs are never met, and as the Empire’s bank and mint, it is visited by a large number of pirates every year.

Pirates include humans, aliens, and rebels. They plunder Imperial currency and purchase Imperial goods from the merchant fleet.

It’s not that they recognize the value of Imperial Coins, but that only Imperial Coins are the equivalent of traveling across the galaxy, and you can get anything no matter where you are.

The imperial currency is so strong that the temple world is particularly important. In order to fight against all kinds of robbers, the system is equipped with powerful fleets and planetary forces.

In the world in front of Abaddon, there is a galaxy fleet with hundreds of battleships from battleships to cruisers. There are ten regiments of Titan soldiers stationed on the main star and star base.

Such a defensive force is enough to compete with the entire Black Legion, not to mention that the Black Legion cannot withstand the loss of a major battle shortly after it suffered a setback.

As the genetic radiation bombs detonated, a large number of Greenskin fleets lost their crews and were unable to move forward. They were set on fire by the Imperial forts and turned into scrap metal.

At this time, the Black Legion still failed to invade the system, but faced a concentrated fire from the fort. At this moment, Abaddon implemented an idea.

On the rear aboard the Vengeful Spirit, the Black Legionnaires moved an iron cage filled with green-skinned psychic boys.

Abaddon turned around and said to Fabius Bayer beside him: “The rest is up to you!”

Bayer was confident and said: “Watch it for me, Lord Warmaster!”

Abaddon nodded and said: “I’m going to join the gang. After making the demon hybrid, I can use it directly. Do you understand?”

After saying that, he went to the teleportation array. After a flash of psychic energy, three thousand Chaos Interstellar Demonstrations appeared on the surface of the temple world and began to kill.

The fighting strength of three thousand Chaos Cans was so strong that in an instant the entire building was in ruins. People fled in all directions, with the Chaos Cans chasing after them, killing them all the way.

The Planetary Defense Force reacted quickly and established a line around the landing zone. The Titans and Astartes quickly assaulted and fought against the canned Chaos to prevent further casualties.

At this moment, Abaddon stopped the carnival of the cans and ordered: “Everyone, follow me. It is forbidden to massacre civilians. Violators will be killed without mercy!”

The Black Legion were confused by the Warmaster’s orders, but under the threat of force from Abaddon, they all chose to obey, follow Abadon, and fight while retreating.

At the same time, the Black Legion fleet approached the galaxy and began to exchange fire with the galaxy’s forts. Black Legion warships were continuously destroyed. On the other hand, the Black Legion’s counterattack was blocked by the void shield.

Behind the fort, there are still a large number of galaxy fleets waiting. When the forts are consumed, the black army will be at a disadvantage in terms of strength and will be taken away by the galaxy fleet.

However, at this time, Fabius Bair’s experiment was successful. They successfully produced a batch of green-skinned and demon hybrids. The demon’s waaaagh energy converged on the psychic boy, weakening the reality and the warp curtain.

In an instant, a strong subspace storm set off around the galaxy. On the main star world, demons tore open subspace rifts and surged into the temple world.

The situation reversed in an instant. With the help of the wave of demons, the originally suppressed Black Legion were gearing up to counterattack the loyalists, but were still stopped by Abaddon.

“Everyone, no unauthorized attacks, follow me!”

The Black Legion had no choice but to suppress the killing intent in their bodies, and followed Abaddon to launch an assault. Under the cover of the demon army, they soon arrived at the local surface buildings.

It was a majestic church, with a giant stone statue of the emperor standing with a sword, his head lowered looking down at the burning world, as if feeling sympathy for the death of his people.

Abaddon was full of hatred for the statue. If he had not been in a hurry, he would have smashed it to pieces. After spitting, he led the army to continue the assault on the church.

The church is not only a religious place, but also a treasury, which stores a large amount of currency and has strong purchasing power.

These currencies are the real target of the Black Legion!

Through the plague of Nurgle, Abaddon easily broke through the treasury door, and boxes of currency were at his fingertips, but the Black Legion did not dare to touch it.

Because the currency is blessed by the Holy Light of the Emperor, it has a restraining effect on the Black Legion, but this is not a problem for Abaddon. The Black Legion has already prepared a group of mortals as helpers.

At the same time, the cardinal reported to the puppet:

“Your Holiness, the people in the war zone have been evacuated, and the auxiliary troops have formed a battle line to block the demons. We are currently organizing prayers to pray to the God Emperor for salvation!”

Said asked: “Is there any trace of the Black Legion?”

The bishop recalled: “Someone saw them in the icon area, but it was already empty and there was no way to hold a sacrilegious ceremony, except to steal money!”

“Then what are they going to do?” Said wondered. The currency has the divine power of the God Emperor, which will cause harm to the Chaos Can, unless…

He instantly thought of a possibility and immediately ordered a team of giant soldiers to attack the sacred elephant area!

“Damn it, Abaddon won’t really steal the money!”


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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