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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 173 Damocles expedition, violently defeating Qingxi

In the original history, the empire did not have a unified currency, and the Black Legion only robbed materials, never currency.

This caused Said to fall into an inertia of thinking. In addition, the currency was equipped with the emperor’s divine power, and the Black Legion would be injured if it touched it. He did not think that the Black Legion would snatch the currency.

But if you think about it carefully, you will find that grabbing currency is much more cost-effective than grabbing supplies. In addition to being easy to carry, the supplies you grab may not be useful.

But if you directly grab the currency, there will be a lot of merchants rushing to deliver the goods to you. No matter how much profit there is, the merchants will not care who they sell to.

His Royal Highness has said that merchants will sell nooses for hanging them if there is three times the profit.

The vastness of the galaxy made it too easy to smuggle goods to the enemy, and Abaddon also learned that not only the Black Legion, but even the Eldar were using human currency.

The territory of the Eldar is shrinking day by day, and certain materials can only be obtained from humans. Apart from robbery, it is undoubtedly cheaper to buy them from merchants.

In addition to the Eldar, even the Blood Ax Orcs have also opened the mechanism of exchanging teeth for imperial coins. As long as you spend imperial coins, you can find the Blood Ax Orcs as mercenaries.

Before seeing through Abaddon’s true purpose, Said did not think of this level. When he learned that he was going to grab the worthless “paper”, he understood it all instantly.

It turns out that the imperial currency has become interstellar and has become a commodity sought after by all races. Even Abaddon risked his life to snatch it.

Ultimately, this is just parchment soaked in holy water and has no use on its own.

However, various races in the galaxy are using these papers in exchange for human products. Thinking of this, Said couldn’t help laughing:

“In this way, in addition to military hegemony, the human empire will also gain financial hegemony! If the interstellar currency is further deepened, wouldn’t it be possible to buy Eldar technology?”

“And the price is just pieces of parchment soaked in holy water!”

That scene couldn’t be more beautiful!

But Said shook his head, dispelling these thoughts for the time being. Now he must deal with Abaddon as quickly as possible.

When the Titan Soldiers arrived at the vault, they found that it had been looted. The Titan Soldiers immediately followed the trail and launched a pursuit.

At the same time, on the battlefield of the Temple World, the prayers of trillions of believers were answered, and massive cursed legions poured out from the subspace to fight against the demons.

The light of the golden sun enveloped the temple world again, and the demon realm began to dissipate. The demon army retreated steadily, gradually retreating towards the subspace cracks.

The Titan Soldier followed the trail to pursue Abaddon, and finally stopped in front of the subspace crack. Seeing the subspace crack slowly closing, the Titan Soldier clenched his fists, as if he was particularly unwilling to do so.

The Black Legion retreated, both the fleet and the Space Marines, and the Tenth Black Crusade was over.

Said reviewed the entire process and couldn’t help but admire Abaddon as a real talent.

After encountering the green skin, use the green skin as cannon fodder to attack the galaxy fortress, attract the firepower of the fortress, and get as close to the galaxy as possible.

During this period, he captured the crazy kid and asked the old Chinese medicine doctor Fabius Bayer to create a green-skinned and demon hybrid. He used the waaaagh force field to weaken the curtain of reality and subspace and summon the demon.

In the end, Abaddon teleported to the surface of the main planet, used the demon cover to raid the treasury, and looted the currency, killing almost no one in the whole process.

Although not many people in the empire died, and no supplies were robbed, and the only loss was a warehouse of banknotes, they could print as many as they wanted, but Abaddon was winning.

First, he successfully made the green-skinned waaaagh force field blur reality and subspace. In addition to desecrating rituals, he also found a new way to summon demons.

Secondly, after snatching a huge amount of currency, Said knew without thinking that a large number of merchants would definitely come and sell supplies to Abaddon.

Bolters, power armor, battleships, and even gene seeds. With the imperial merchants’ abilities, Abaddon was their prime customer.

In this regard, Said had no choice but to ask the Tribunal to strengthen the crackdown and the intelligence agencies from all over the country to monitor the situation. He knew that these measures were of little use and the businessmen still took risks.

It is impossible for Said to monitor the entire galaxy. There are always countless places that are beyond his reach, but despite this, it still monitors with all its strength.

In the days that followed, merchant families were slaughtered one by one, planetary governors were executed one by one, and a large number of tech-priests were arrested, all suspected of smuggling weapons to the Black Legion.

Said knew that this was just the tip of the iceberg and that there were many more violators who had successfully traded with Abaddon, but Said still insisted on purging.

The more dangerous the smuggling, the more expensive the smuggled goods will be, and the higher the cost for Abaddon to purchase supplies, which will accelerate the consumption of funds in his hands.

While Said was busy fixing the leaks, the Juba Khan Legion arrived in the first home world of the Tau star cluster far beyond the borders of the Pacific Star Territory.

The family world is different from the colonies. It is the core world of the Tau Empire. The world’s resources are fully developed, and its population accounts for a very high proportion of the total population of the Tau tribe.

After the Juba Khan Legion defeated the Tau fleet, it swept through the colonies, continuously issued extermination orders, and slaughtered billions of Tau creatures without encountering any resistance.

Both Said and Juba Khan knew that the Tau were trading space for time, using the fall of the colony in exchange for time to prepare for the decisive battle.

The location of the decisive battle was the first family world encountered by the Juba Khan Army – Daoyisi.

In the Daoys Galaxy, a huge fleet is floating quietly. There are more than a thousand of them. Compared with the Hope Galaxy, these battleships are larger in size, equipped with side macro guns, and some have collision angles.

It is not difficult to guess that the Tau have learned from the shortcomings of macro-cannons in close combat and built a new fleet with the intention of competing with the Empire in this battle.

At this time, on the bridge of the flagship “Anva”, a wrinkled blue-skinned Tau man stared quietly into the void.

The electronic door behind him suddenly opened, and Yuan Yuan walked in and said, “Teacher Qingxi, are you looking for me?”

The slightly older Tau in front of him is none other than Qing Xi, the number one member of the Tau Empire’s military.

It was he who single-handedly built the current Tau army, and his combat ideas were learned by all Tau people.

Yuan Yuan is one of his three most outstanding disciples.

Qing Xi asked: “You have fought against the human empire, what do you think of them?”

Yuan Yuan replied respectfully: “Teacher, my opinions are written in the report. I may not be able to express them clearly in a few words.”

Qingxi waved her hand and said calmly: “I’m not asking about that. I want to know your first impression of what kind of civilization it is.”

“The greatest simplicity is the core essence of the higher good. The essence of things often exists in the intuition of living beings. It is simple and pure, and there is no need for complicated paperwork.”

Yuan Yuan thought for a moment and then said: “The Human Empire… is a clumsy interstellar beast, but it has powerful combat power and an obsession with revenge that transcends reason!”

“Clumsy?” Qing Xi was confused, Yuan Yuan explained:

“Yes, under normal circumstances, they do not react quickly, but the giant beast is controlled by the reins. Once the reins owner is serious, the efficiency will be doubled.”

Qingxi asked quietly: “By the reins, do you mean the wooden man?”

Yuan Yuan nodded and said: “Yes, according to the Water Caste intelligence investigation, puppets are everywhere in the empire and have penetrated into every aspect of human beings.”

“These puppets are controlled by Gestalt consciousness, and the main body of the consciousness is named Said, who is the younger brother of the god whom the empire believes in and the incarnation of the god in reality.”

Qing Xi smiled slightly and said calmly: “We are facing a powerful and ancient civilization. The stars are waving to us, which contains opportunities and challenges!”

Yuan Yuan stood solemnly and said: “Under the guidance of the Supreme Good Way, we are invincible, teacher!”

“I have fought against humans and had a brief cooperation with them. They are violent and cruel, and they are completely on the opposite side of the Greater Good. But there is one thing that I care about very much…”

Qingxi smiled and said, “Tell me about it, my child!”

Yuan Yuan fell into memories, his voice trembling and longing: “Compared to us, human beings’ fighting methods are more barbaric and rough, but also simpler and more efficient!”

“One of them, a warrior named Astartes wearing combat uniforms, impressed me deeply. Although his equipment is obviously inferior to ours, he can…achieve greater results.”

Qingxi asked: “I read your report. Those super soldiers are more than three meters tall and extremely strong. Gene enhancement can make up for the shortcomings of technical equipment.”

Vision nodded: “They have super close combat and long-range capabilities, but we… no matter the ships or soldiers, lack the courage to fight at close range.”

Qingxi waved her hand and said: “But we can’t learn from it. The body structure of the Tau determines that we can only specialize in long-range weapons. We should use our strengths and avoid weaknesses…”

At this time, Qing Xi’s face changed and she said seriously: “The enemy is coming, my child, prepare for war!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the void in the home world of Daoyisi was distorted, and two thousand warships of the Juba Khan Army jumped out, pressing towards the Daoyisi galaxy with a huge military force.

Hundreds of battleships weighed down like a mountain, and countless smaller battleships surrounded them to form a huge battle group.

In comparison, the Titanium Emperor battleship is much smaller, and the largest flagship is only the size of a Moon-class cruiser. In front of the battleship, it seems like a child.

Qingxi stared at the huge fleet and couldn’t help but sigh:

“It’s too exaggerated, with no elegance at all. The rugged marble shell is like a tomb, like a church dug out of the dusty seabed…”

Yuan Yuan reminded: “Teacher, don’t be careless, they will destroy our expedition fleet.”

Qingxi nodded: “I’m not careless, child. You are right. This species is full of irrational hatred and targets all species in the universe.”

“I didn’t know much about them before, but when I saw their battleships, I suddenly understood them.”

“What’s wrong? Teacher?” Yuan Yuan was curious.

Qing Xi’s voice turned cold: “This hatred is like these warships. They were not formed overnight, but were exposed to wind, rain, and corrosion over many years to become what they are today!”

“Like the battleship, this is an ancient, decadent and violent civilization, but it has stood in the Milky Way for tens of thousands of years. This shows that the Milky Way is different from what we imagined.”

But Yuan Yuan shook his head: “Teacher, are you doubting the Greater Good? Human beings are just a special case. Currently, dozens of civilizations have converted to the Greater Good. This is proof of our superiority.”

Qing Xi shook her head: “It’s not about suspicion, it’s about investigating to prove that the Supreme Good Way benefits the galaxy!”

Yuan Yuan was stunned for a moment, as if he was greatly shocked, and nodded in agreement: “Yes, teacher, I understand.”

At the same time, the Juba Khan fleet entered the system defense circle, and countless ion cannons and rail guns focused fire on the battleships, while the imperial battleships fired back with light spears.

At this time, the Imperial Army was surprised to find that the Tau had developed a shield.

In the last battle, the human void shield taught the Tau a hard lesson. After the battle, the Tau went out to develop new warships and also made great efforts to develop shield technology.

According to tests, the shield can create a gravity field to resist attacks from energy and kinetic weapons, but it cannot intercept slow-moving objects such as torpedo missiles.

The performance is similar to the void shield, but the principle is different. However, this shield has a flaw, it cannot intercept teleport jump gangs.

So, Juba Khan gave an order, and the psychic energy flashed through the ship. A large number of Astartes and Titan soldiers teleported to the galaxy turret, and the bolt guns and chain swords killed a large number of Tau tribes.

The Tau were unprepared for this. Their battle suits were useless in front of the demigod giants. They were easily split by chainswords and exploded by bolters.

In an instant, all the forts stopped designing, and the imperial fleet swaggered into the galaxy, resisting the galaxy mines while advancing forward.

At this time, Commander Qingxi said calmly: “All fleets, attack!”

At this moment, the human fleet broke through the minefield, and the Tau fleet opened fire instantly. Countless ion cannons, rail guns, and carrier-based aircraft rushed towards the Imperial fleet.

Not to be outdone, humans used light spears to fight back, sending out carrier-based aircraft and Tau carrier-based aircraft to tremble. Juba Khan also used his trump card – the Nova Cannon!

Two thousand warships, at least half of which were equipped with Nova Cannons, aimed at their respective targets under the puppet’s calculations, and then fired a salvo.

The projectile was charged to the speed of light, rushed out of the barrel, and reached the Tau warship in an instant, easily tearing open the shield and piercing the hull.

In an instant, the Tau fleet was reduced by more than half. The slightly smaller warships could not survive the Nova Cannon, and the shields were instantly overloaded and collapsed.

Upon seeing this, Qingxi immediately ordered: “Let’s evacuate the galaxy!”

Yuan Yuan was puzzled and immediately asked: “Teacher, if this happens, won’t the power to control the universe be handed over to others!”

Qing Xi nodded: “Yes, we can’t win, and we will surrender to others sooner or later. It is better to conserve our strength and wait for the opportunity.”

Yuan Yuan was even more confused: “But what should we do in our home world, Daoyisi? Let the imperial warships bomb us?”

Qingxi said calmly: “If humans want to destroy this planet, they can only send ground troops!”

At the same time, Juba Khan was overjoyed and asked the fleet to occupy the Daoyis orbit, preparing to launch cyclone torpedoes according to Said’s orders to exterminate the world.

However, the cyclone torpedo was intercepted by the gravity shield and detonated prematurely, leaving the planet unscathed.

Zhuba Khan frowned: “This shield is quite powerful…”

If compared to the void shield, the greater the power, the lower the minimum speed at which objects can be intercepted. In Terra’s palace, it can even intercept objects at two meters per second.

However, the Extinction Order has more than one weapon. Juba Khan combined the previous teleportation gang to teleport the virus bomb to the surface.

In an instant, the life on the surface of Daoyisi withered, turning into a black mud, emitting flammable gas, and then detonated. In an instant, the entire planet was plunged into a sea of ​​fire.

Looking at this scene, Yuan Yuan clenched his fists and asked, “Teacher, will there be no problem?”

Qing Xi’s voice remained calm: “Don’t worry, the civilians have all evacuated. Only the troops are hiding in bunkers, which is enough to withstand the extermination bombing.”

“I have arrangements for every weapon of human extermination. If they want to destroy Daoyisi, they must land…”

PS: The Tau are abused every day~

Titanium is strong~

Found the Krieg audio cg, just after chapter 172


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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