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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 174 The Tau drive away tigers and devour wolves, and Tyranids invade

In the original Battle of Istvaan in history, the Horus Traitors lured the loyalists to the surface and then concentrated them with virus bombs.

However, the loyalists on the surface relied on various bunkers to withstand virus bombings, saving more than 70% of their troops to engage in close combat with the rebels.

On several exterminated colonized planets, Qingxi’s way of observing the Empire’s extermination order was nothing more than orbital bombing, cyclone torpedoes and virus bombs.

The former two used planetary shields to resist, while the latter used various carefully arranged bunkers. During Juba Khan’s march into Daoyisi, Qingxi tried his best to build protective facilities.

His purpose is to drag the empire into a ground war of attrition and create opportunities for subsequent counterattacks.

In Qing Xi’s eyes, the invasion of the human empire is bound to go through three stages: advancement, stalemate, and defeat. It is a protracted war and a war of attrition.

And the Greater Good will prevail!

Juba Khan knew very well the plans of the Tau. He smiled at the puppet beside him and said:

“Your Highness, when I followed the Khan to conquer the world, I often encountered fortified cities that could not be conquered for a long time. At that time, we would ride around and go deep behind the enemy’s rear to launch attacks.”

Said asked: “Are you planning to bypass Daois and launch an attack on other Tau worlds?”

Juba Khan said with a cruel smile: “That’s right, Your Highness, we cannot act according to the enemy’s expectations. We must take them by surprise and attack them unprepared!”

Said thought for a moment and nodded: “Okay, our goal is not to occupy, but to destroy. There is no need to worry about the gains and losses of a city or a place!”

After receiving Said’s permission, Juba Khan said excitedly: “I promise to complete the mission, just so you can see how the horse-roping man fights!”

The prototype of the White Scar Legion is the Mongols, and their tactics also inherit the Mongolian cavalry that comes and goes like the wind, and is good at maneuvering and weaving in and out.

Shortly after the Tau fleet disappeared, the Imperial fleet also disappeared into subspace, gave up the attack on Daois, and headed straight for the nearest home world.

After half an hour of subspace navigation, the fleet jumped out and quickly headed towards the target.

Unlike Daoyisi, this family world is empty of troops and has a large population, and no civilians have been evacuated.

Juba Khan’s fleet immediately used the Extermination Order on the world, and all the billions of Tau people on it were annihilated.

It is not difficult to imagine that the Tau concentrated most of their troops on Daois, leaving the rear empty of troops.

After Zhuba Khan saw this clearly, he immediately divided the fleet into several groups and dispersed to attack other worlds of the Tau clan.

There are only a few dozen Tau family worlds. According to the current rate of destruction, it will only take two days at most for this civilization to perish.

At the same time, in the Tau Empire fleet, Yuan Yuan found Qing Xi and said anxiously:

“Teacher, it’s not good. The enemy did not land in Daoyisi, but went straight to other worlds. There is no gravity shield there…”

Qing Xi waved her hand, indicating not to rush yet, and said slowly: “The rest depends on the ether.”

Yuan Yuan was stunned and asked: “The Fire Clan is responsible for the war. What does it have to do with Etai?”

Qingxi replied: “This strategy was decided upon through discussion between Ether and I. He promised me that no more than three family worlds would be destroyed.”

At this moment, new news came, and Qingxi and Yuan Yuan were surprised. It was true as Ether said, after the destruction of three family worlds of mankind, the fleet stopped for unknown reasons.

At the same time, Terra Palace.

Said gritted his teeth: “Damn it, do the Tau really have divine blessing?”

Just now, the subspace of the Tau star field ahead was blocked, and the imperial ships were unable to jump. As a last resort, the Juba Khan Army could only return to the world of Daois.

The subspace is like the ocean, and the imperial ships are like land and sea vehicles. The ocean in front is suddenly drained, and the ships can travel slowly on land.

Zhuba Khan said helplessly: “Your Highness, the only target we can attack now is Daoyisi’s Tau troops.”

Said gritted his teeth and said coldly: “Since the Tau Empire wants to fight a protracted war and a ground war, we will agree to them and land on Daoyisi Prime!”

This kind of subspace shielding is not common, and Said has a vague feeling that the shielding will not last long, and that new changes will occur before the decisive battle of Daoyisi is over.

With an order from Juba Khan, motherships at all levels launched carrier-based aircraft and rushed into the atmosphere to seize air supremacy.

Subsequently, the Imperial aircraft fleet encountered a powerful blockage from the Tau Air Force. The Tau Air Force was not inferior to the Empire in scale, and even some of its aircraft were superior.

There was a fierce battle for air supremacy in the theater, and Juba Khan immediately ordered: “Release the Astartes airdrop pods!”

The subordinates were puzzled: “But…Legion Commander, the air control is currently only 55%, and has not yet reached the 60% landing standard!”

Juba Khan insisted: “I believe in my troops and execute orders!”

As the order was issued, countless drop-shaped airdrop silos fell into the atmosphere like meteors, and in an instant, a total of 50,000 space warriors appeared on the surface.

Air supremacy is still being fought for, and the surface has been burned again by virus bombs. The airdrop went very smoothly and the losses were minimal.

A considerable number of these 50,000 Space Marines come from the White Scars Legion. They take out parts from the airdrop compartments, quickly assemble hoverbikes, and carry teams to various destinations.

Their targets were Tau airports and supply depots, all of which Juba Khan had located for destruction by the Space Marines during previous air battles.

The airport has the ability to supply and repair vehicles. Once destroyed, the combat efficiency of the Tau Air Force will be greatly reduced, and humans will gain more air superiority.

The Tau are strong at range and weak at melee, so every Astartes battle team has a Space Marine in Terminator armor.

If ordinary power armor is an armored vehicle, Terminator armor is a heavy tank equipped with thicker armor and more powerful firepower at the expense of certain flexibility.

However, this was enough for them to win the firefight with the Tau. Relying on the Terminator to open the way, the Astartes combat team easily broke through the Tau defense line and entered the hangar.

However, the Tau also learned in the war. Since the first decisive battle, the Tau have developed the xv46 battle suit against human Terminators.

The new battle suit has enhanced firepower and is equipped with rapid-fire cannons, flamethrowers and fusion runners. In close combat, there are also gravity generators, automatic shock systems and photon grenades waiting for you.

In terms of firepower output, the XV46 has far surpassed the Terminator. For a time, the advancement of the Space Marines was hindered.

However, the reason why Space Marines are so powerful is not because of their equipment, but because of their flexible tactics and adaptability.

In addition to the Terminator Armor, Said and Juba Khan prepared another great gift for the Tau – the Librarian Psyker!

The Tau are not psychic creatures, which means they have no psychics and can only be passively beaten when faced with psychic attacks.

After the attack was blocked, the Legion’s Think Tank began to wave the iron wand, summoning psychic lightning and fireballs, which exploded in the Tau military formation.

Psionic energy is an idealistic energy, and different think tanks use it with different effects. Some can summon wind, rain, thunder and lightning, some can predict, some can create emp, and some can teleport.

But without exception, these attacks are extremely weird and difficult to guard against.

The Tau often see a fusion bomb suddenly appear at their feet and then explode; a screw in the battle suit is loose, the pulse cannon suddenly overheats, or various malfunctions.

The Tau were helpless against psychic attacks, and the Space Marines easily broke through the lines and entered the hangar to start killing them.

Soon, the Space Marines accomplished most of their goals, the Tau air force in the sky began to decrease, and air supremacy gradually passed to the hands of humans.

“Report to the commander of the corps, 67% of the air control has been mastered! Full landing is possible!”

The Space Marines destroyed the Tau’s main airports, but there were many backup airports scattered around the planet, which still maintained part of the Tau air force’s combat capabilities.

Juba Khan had experienced the power of the Tau Air Force and did not expect to annihilate them through air combat, so he ordered: “Airborne Auxiliary Army!”

As the order was issued, the whale transport ship released the airborne warehouse. The huge warehouse slowly passed through the planet’s shield, descended into the atmosphere, and landed on the surface.

While landing, the airborne pod transformed into a bomber, constantly covering the landing site with firepower to ensure that there was no grass growing there and there would be no danger.

The Tau Atmospheric Air Force tried their best to intercept, but were blocked by more Imperial Air Force. A large number of Lightning fighters and Valkyrie bombers fought with the Tau Air Force to ensure the safety of the auxiliary forces.

In the original history, the Imperial Navy and the Astra Militarum (Army) belonged to different command systems, and aircraft were under the control of the Navy. As a result, the aircraft were always not available when the Army needed air support.

At this time, under Said’s intervention, both the army and navy were under the same corps command and no longer fought independently. There would be no constraints on air reinforcements and they would become timely and efficient.

Auxiliary troops quickly filled the entire equator, and countless Leman Russ, Rhino troop carriers, and Warlord Titans walked out of the warehouse, deployed, and stood ready.

The battle line gradually took shape, the process was slow and clumsy, but it carried unstoppable power, like a world-destroying beast slowly turning around and preparing to attack.

One hundred thousand cans, one million Titans, and tens of billions of troops filled the equator. This situation made the Tau commander feel despair.

This wave of troops is comparable in size to the entire Tau clan. Once deployed, the explosive attack power will be terrifying.

As a result, the Tau commander immediately dispatched a fleet of Manta transport aircraft, carrying several brigades of Fire Warriors, to land behind enemy lines in an attempt to delay the deployment.

The Manta fighter is the strongest unit in the Tau atmosphere. It has powerful firepower and carrying capacity, and can compete with the human Titan demigods.

However, the number of manta rays is not as good as that of Titans, and the harassing troops have never returned. Each manta ray is besieged by several Titans, burned by melt rays, bombarded by plasma cannons, and hacked by chain swords.

The surprise attack force failed, and the Tau could only watch as the humans were deployed and then pushed the battle lines to the two poles.

The Imperial Army’s primary goal is to destroy the gravity shield generator so that the cyclone torpedoes can successfully reach the surface. Qingxi also understands this and deliberately spreads the shield arrays across the planet.

The Empire would have to bulldoze the entire planet if it were to achieve its goals.

Juba Khan did not take any chances, but honestly opened the battle line and let the auxiliary troops advance to the two poles.

In the early stages of the battle, the Tau were retreating steadily. Regardless of their numbers or equipment, the Tau defenders were no match for the Empire. They could only trade space for time and launch infiltration operations against the rear of the auxiliary army.

With the help of the stealth combat suit, the infiltration operation started smoothly, and the auxiliary army with relatively backward technology could not resist it.

Commanders were constantly being assassinated, material strongholds were attacked from time to time, emp often interfered with radios, conflicting orders appeared, etc., which greatly slowed down the empire’s advance.

However, Juba Khan immediately launched a Space Marine counterattack, and the White Scars’ rapid support greatly curbed the Tau infiltration.

As the commander was assassinated, the puppet took over the command. Under the Gestalt network, the command efficiency was actually higher.

Subsequently, Juba Khan retaliated in kind, ordering the Space Marines who attacked the airport to fight behind enemy lines, bringing destruction to the Tau Empire’s rear.

“Your Highness, this place is too boring. I want to lead a battle group to join the infiltration, and the command will be left to you and the staff.”

Seeing his regiment riding suddenly and galloping, Juba Khan felt itchy. Most of the command work was done by his staff. He didn’t have much to do and hoped to join the battle.

Said thought for a while and agreed: “Okay, pay attention to safety, don’t die!”

Juba Khan agreed excitedly, and then took an airdrop pod to land behind enemy lines. He took out his motorcycle and howled around, burning, killing and looting.

The air force was restrained, the army was beaten violently, and the Tau were retreating steadily. The commander could not help but feel despair and asked himself:

“Is it true that the Tau are destined to be completely wiped out?”

When he received the blocking mission, he had long been determined to die, but he was not worried about personal comfort. Instead, almost all the Tau’s army gathered on this battlefield, using the most advanced equipment, but they still could not stop the human advance.

When the majestic army all over the equator opened fire, the scene seemed like the earth was shattering. Tens of billions of laser guns concentrated fire, volleys of artillery and missiles were fired, and the torrent of Titan legions and tanks and armor attacked, enough to crush any obstacle.

At this moment, the advanced technology that the Tau are proud of is useless, and the raw destructive power is enough to destroy all fancy technology.

Suspended tanks, artificial intelligence locks, and various advanced battle suits were all destroyed by extremely large attacks.

The humans who formed a front and advanced step by step were simply unstoppable. The powerful size of the Galactic Empire was fully demonstrated.

Even the air force, which the Tau are proud of, failed in front of the fleet of human aircraft that covered the sky. The human aircraft already had enough power to provide ground reinforcements.

At this moment, the Tau commander understood that it was not that humans did not have advanced technology, but that it was completely unnecessary. The tactical combination based on huge size could completely destroy all opponents on the frontal battlefield.

Thinking of this, the commander sighed and said: “Prepare a farewell message, and also send out my views on the battle. Humanity is a terrible opponent, so study it very carefully.”

At the same time, Said looked at the slowly advancing battle lines, wondering about the Tau’s response. Just now, Qingxi raided the previously fallen colonial world and destroyed the imperial supply depot.

Therefore, the Imperial Army was cut off from supplies at this time, but the supply lines were only replenishing, and the whale transport ships carried supplies for several years of fighting.

Moreover, after taking back the colony, the Tau did not cross the Abyss of Despair and attack New Hope. Instead, they settled down and seemed to surround the Imperial Army.

This made Said extremely confused and curious about what they wanted to do?

At the same time, on the main star of Daois, the planetary shield generators were destroyed one after another, and a gap appeared in the shield, which was enough to launch a cyclone torpedo.

The strike cruiser parachuted into low-Earth orbit and launched carpet bombing to further widen the gap.

At the same time, somewhere in the galaxy, the puppet was kidnapped. Trazin contacted Said and said:

“Your Highness, we, the Silent King, have discovered that a disaster is about to sweep across the galaxy, and hope to fight it together with humanity?”

Said asked: “Disaster? Tyranids, right? I know they are far away! Let’s talk about it in a few thousand years!”

Historically, Terra did not reach the Milky Way until the 41st millennium, and now it is only the 38th millennium. Why worry?

However, Trazin was confused: “Who told you that there are still thousands of years? They have already arrived, and one of their tentacles has arrived in the Pacific Star Territory… No, that’s where you are fighting!”

“What did you say!”

Said’s face changed drastically. Trazin’s coordinates were exactly the Daoys Galaxy. A terrible guess came to his mind, and he couldn’t help but lost his voice:

“The Tau…you really dare to fight!”

At the same time, the commander of the Daoyisi Tau Command discovered the secrets under the planet that were protected by the Ether directly-affiliated troops:

Tens of thousands of gene stealers locked in special iron cages!

The commander was surprised and said: “Lord Yi Tai, for the sake of the Greater Good, what are these?”

The members of the Ether clan said calmly: “The Ether Council has realized that the Tau clan cannot resist the human attack, so it decided to introduce a new enemy, the Great Devourer!”

“For the sake of the Greater Good, we will sacrifice here, delay humanity here, and introduce the Great Devourer to destroy them.”

The commander worried: “A monster that can wipe out humans must be a terrifying existence. After wiping out humans, what should we do if it turns around and annihilates us?”

The Ether clan member said: “Don’t worry, Ether has already made arrangements! All you have to do is dedicate yourself to the greater good!”

However, the commander refused:

“Lord Yi Tai, considering that I am about to sacrifice, please tell me your arrangements and let me know that the Tau will not perish, civilization will always exist, and the Greater Good will surely win!”

Aether thought for a moment and then replied: “It doesn’t hurt to tell you that the scientific research department has studied these monsters and has produced a toxin that can destroy their fleet.”

“Humans don’t have this kind of toxin. After being eliminated by monsters, we can easily eliminate these monsters!”

The commander’s doubts disappeared immediately, and he said excitedly: “For the sake of the greater good, I will fight until the last moment!”

At the same time, combined with the memories of his previous life, Said roughly guessed the full set of Tau tactics, using the Tyranids to drive away tigers and wolf wolves, eliminate the human invading army, and then eliminate the Tyranids.

In the original history, the Tau developed toxins to eliminate the Zerg, achieving something that even Nurgle failed to do. In theory, it could indeed kill the Zerg swarm instantly.

Thinking of this, Said immediately ordered Juba Khan’s army to retreat, abandoning all heavy equipment. The tens of billions of troops hurriedly rushed back to the battleship.

Then without waiting for Juba Khan to ask, the fleet started the jump engine and prepared to run away.

However, he found that the surrounding subspace was shielded. Said immediately ordered the conventional engine to run at full speed and escape into the void.

During the voyage, Juba Khan asked anxiously: “Your Highness, what’s wrong?”

The puppet sighed: “See for yourself…”

Zhuba Khan looked back and was immediately stunned. A large number of narwhal insect ships led numerous space creatures and enveloped the Daoyisi galaxy.

If the battleship takes a step slower, it will be surrounded and killed inside the galaxy.

At this time, the fleet sailed at the speed of light, walked out of the subspace shielding range, and entered the subspace, Taozhiyaoyao.

The fact that the Tau studied the virus that poisoned the Tyranids is the content of the original work, not a fabrication. The Titanium is really strong! I want to crush these cheaters to death!


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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