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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 175 Annihilation of the Tyranid Vanguard

Thanks to Necron intelligence, Said evacuated Juba Khan’s Legion in time and returned to defend New Hope.

The Hive Fleet arrived early, and Said was not aware of it at all. He was in a serious lack of intelligence. He controlled the puppet and asked Trazin:

“Is this the only hive fleet in the galaxy currently?”

Trazin nodded and said: “Yes, that young race is playing with fire. In order to resist your invasion, they specially cultivated a bunch of gene stealers. It’s crazy.”

“Although it is only a small tentacle of the Great Devourer, it is still not an existence that a pocket empire can compete with.”

Said talked about the Tau’s method of using poison, and Trazin laughed and said: “These young races really dare to think about it. It’s not that it can’t be done, but it’s very difficult!”

“The core genes of each Tyranid fleet are different. First, we need to capture the fleet creatures, study the targeted viruses, and then poison the fleet core. The fleet will be finished.”

Said thought for a moment and said, “So, we have to expand our military and prepare for war.”

Trazin nodded: “Of course, what can those blue-skinned fishermen expect?”

However, Said knew that the Tau were surprisingly lucky, and they might actually be able to defeat the Hive Fleet.

At this time, Trazin said: “This is just the beginning. More hive fleets will arrive in the galaxy in the future. As the overlord of the galaxy, you humans will bear the brunt.”

The Eldar shrink into the Ark and the Webway, the green-skinned Starfire has no climate, the Necrons sleep in large swaths, the Tau pocket empire, Chaos is not a reality at all.

The Empire controls the entire galaxy, and any Tyranid invasion is an invasion of Imperial territory. Of all the races in the galaxy, humanity has suffered the greatest losses.

The Tyranid invasion was the primary threat to all races, but until most of humanity was eaten, the other races had little impact.

So this war is not so much a war between the Tyranids and all creatures in the galaxy, but actually a war between the Tyranids and humans.

Therefore, Said solemnly said: “On behalf of mankind, I would like to thank the Necrons for their help, which has made mankind’s hatred of you disappear a little bit.”

Trazin complained: “It’s just a little bit…what an honor…”

Said continued: “But there is a question. You undead are not on the Tyranids’ diet. Why does the Silent King participate in the Tyranids’ war?”

Trazin said: “Necrons are hungry for souls and bodies. They need a galaxy full of life to provide inspiration for our path.”

Said smiled hoarsely: “So you still envy human beings?”

Trazin nodded: “Of course I envy you. The living body, abundant soul, and limited life. The things you don’t care about are exactly what we desire.”

Said sighed: “Things that cannot be gained are always in turmoil. Although we have a common enemy, I don’t think there are many places where we can cooperate. What is the plan of the Silent King?”

Trazin said: “If you are willing to send troops to kill the branch of the Hydra Hive Fleet, we will help promote the research of the Void Claws!”

Said’s eyes narrowed and he said in a cold voice: “How do you know?”

The Claw of the Void is a high-energy physics experimental device from the Golden Age. It can create a black hole singularity anywhere within the specified range and destroy the target.

If it can be applied to battleships, it will undoubtedly have a powerful killing weapon.

This thing is hidden on the warning star, surrounded by reality and subspace storms all day long, and cannot be entered from either reality or subspace.

Through the research ship, Said discovered the Claw of the Void, found a land passage, took it out, and started research.

At present, the Void Claw is only a laboratory, not a weapon, which means that the Golden Age cannot yet weaponize it. Even if Said has all the knowledge of the Golden Age, he cannot use it immediately.

Therefore, when he heard that Trazin could help weaponize the Void Claw, Said was particularly excited. After questioning the source of the intelligence, he immediately asked:

“Do you mean what you say?”

Trazin patted her chest: “Of course, I guarantee it with my credibility!”

The puppet said nothing and looked at it quietly. Trazin couldn’t sit still and said angrily: “Hey, what’s your expression? Am I lying to you?”

“In front of the Hive Fleet is New Hope, and then there is the Pacific Star Territory, the empire’s territory. Even if I don’t help, you still have to carry it on your own!”

Said shook his head: “No, the Hive Fleet was attracted by the spiritual energy of the chicken thieves. The empire has just gone through the purification expedition. There are not many chicken thieves at this time, not enough to form a psychic beacon!”

“After the Hive Fleet eats the Tau, it will fall asleep because there is no beacon, let alone the vacuum of despair between the Tau and the Empire!”

Trazin spread his hands and said: “But the Milky Way is so big, who knows if it has been cleaned up? It would be good for mankind to eliminate it as soon as possible!”

Said nodded: “Indeed, but how fast is decided by humans. If your promise is true, it will naturally be very fast, otherwise it will be as fast as a few years.”

Trazin sighed and said displeasedly: “Okay, I’ll give you the technology, and then you go and destroy it, that’s enough!”

Said suppressed his excitement and nodded: “Deal!”

After getting the technical information, Said laughed loudly in the Terra Palace.

He knew that the Silent King used humans as guns, and he also knew that the Void Claws were worthless to the undead, but he didn’t care.

As long as they continue to dominate the galaxy and do not give up their current territory, they must fight against the Tyranids. What’s more, Said knows that the Tau will destroy the Hive Fleet.

By then, he would not have to send out a single soldier and would have gained a powerful technology in vain.

However, if nothing else, there will be surprises soon.

In the Daois system, the remaining Tau warriors successfully injected the virus into the core of the fleet, but failed to kill the Hive Fleet. Instead, the survivors were infected with the virus and spread throughout the Tau Empire.

In an instant, a serious plague broke out in the Tau Empire. Countless Tau people were covered with pustules, mutated and proliferated new organs, and sprouted multiple pairs of eyes.

The entire civilization seemed to be possessed by Nurgle and was so disgusting that even the Hive Fleet was too lazy to pay attention to these precious things.

As a result, the Hive Fleet crossed the Tau star cluster, entered the Abyss of Despair, and headed for the border of the Empire.

When Said heard the news, he was both gloating about the Tau’s misfortune and worried about the unknown enemy.

At this moment, the Juba Khan Army was resting in New Hope, and Said dispatched a cruiser formation to conduct reconnaissance based on the location provided by Trazin.

The fleet approached the subspace shielding area, jumped out of the real universe, released carrier-based aircraft, and searched forward.

Not long after, he saw a huge hive mothership and numerous worms surrounding it. The hive fleet was slowly advancing like an unbeatable king.

Said breathed a sigh of relief. As he expected, the Hive Fleet was sleeping, which meant that the prey target had not yet been found.

Thanks to the Purification Expedition, all the chicken thieves have been cleaned up. Even if they develop again, they will not be able to reproduce in sufficient numbers in a short period of time to produce psychic beacons.

The Despair Isolation Zone spans hundreds of light-years, and the Hive Fleet is slowly sleeping forward. It will not reach the Milky Way for ten thousand years.

Without the Chicken Thief Beacon, the Hive Fleet would go dormant, allowing Said to calmly deploy.

But a question came to Said’s mind, and he asked in his mind: “Brother Huang, will the light of the Star Moment attract Tyran? If the Faros Lighthouse does, the Star Moment should also be able to do it, right?”

The Emperor calmly replied: “No, the spread of Chaos Cult will also give birth to psychic beacons, but they will not attract the Hive Fleet because there is personal will in the beacons.”

“The Genestealer Beacon has the Hive Will, the Chaos Cult has the Evil God’s Will, the Star Moment also has my will, and as for the Pharos Lighthouse… it has no will.”

Said asked again: “Will a psychic beacon without will attract Tyranids?”

The Emperor shook his head: “I don’t know, I don’t know anything about the Hive Mind, but the subspace gods seem to be very uneasy. The imperial subspace storm has weakened a lot recently, right?”

Said nodded: “Yes, it seems that Chaos very much hopes that the Empire will resist Tyranids, and even Abaddon has not come out to cause trouble.”

The Emperor continued: “When the Gardenar Oligarchs teleported, the Pharos Lighthouse should have teleported with them. It is now located in the territory of the Tau aliens.”

“After the Hive Fleet passed through the Tau territory, it lost its target and fell into sleep. This is a good opportunity, Said.”

Said was in an excited mood: “I have prepared a puppet fleet to launch a test attack!”

At this moment, Said gave an order, and the puppets took over the five hundred warships of Juba Khan’s army and went straight towards the Hive Fleet.

Since it was a contact battle and the purpose was to understand combat data, Said did not attack with his entire army. He sent a fleet of only 40 battleships and 160 battlecruisers, and the rest were cruisers or light cruisers.

With such a configuration, actual combat data can be obtained without fear of being wiped out.

Soon, the fleet jumped out of the subspace, arrived near the insect fleet, and joined the cruiser formation.

Not far from the fleet, there is a huge biological fleet, thousands in number, with hundreds of hive motherships as the core, surrounded by countless sentinel insects.

It is not only a battleship, but also a huge factory that moves between the stars. It can create and design millions of Tyranids, splice their genomes together, and perfectly adapt to any environment for combat.

Combining the memories of his previous life, Said quickly formulated a preliminary strategy: use long-range and light spears to attack the mothership to avoid entering close combat.

The Hive Fleet is the same as the greenskins. The mothership is the brains of the fleet. As long as the mothership is destroyed, the remaining Tyranid warships will be paralyzed.

There are at least more than a hundred Hive Motherships in the fleet at this moment. As long as they are killed quickly, this fleet can be eliminated.

Imperial fleet cruisers and above are all equipped with nova cannons. At least 300 nova cannons can be used at this time, which is enough to complete the fire coverage.

Said carefully adjusted the position of the battleships to ensure that each Hive Mothership aimed its two nova cannons. Then with a thought, the cannonballs increased to the speed of light and roared out.

The Nova Cannon crossed the distance of the galaxy in an instant, carrying powerful kinetic energy, instantly tearing open the energy shield and crashing into the chitinous carapace of the Hive Mothership.

In an instant, the mothership was penetrated, green acid spurted out, and the Hive Fleet struggled painfully, with only a few surviving.

The drone pickets immediately searched for the enemy. They encountered the Imperial carrier-based aircraft, and a fierce fight broke out between the two sides. The Imperial battleship took the opportunity to cover up the enemy, advanced to the range of the light spear, and used the light spear to focus fire on the remaining hive motherships.

The shield of the hive mothership was burned through by the light spear, shattered, and died instantly. The worms around it scrambled into a mess, attacking the living creatures around it based on instinct.

When the node creatures are killed, the insect swarm will fall into chaos.

But soon, the insect swarm became orderly again and attacked the imperial fleet. Seeing that the situation was not good, Said immediately retreated.

Further away, he saw more hive motherships, numbering no less than ten thousand.

Just now he annihilated that… but the vanguard force.

The space battle simulates the Gothic fleet. The Empire uses the light spear nova cannon to fly kites remotely, combined with stasis bombs and the Mars battle cruiser, it can basically defeat the Tyranids.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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