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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 176 Destroy the Tyranid Fleet

The reconnaissance fleet is composed of puppets, and it doesn’t matter if they are all dead. Logically speaking, there is no need to escape, but Said has other ideas.

Without the Chicken Thief psychic beacon, the Hive Fleet would go dormant and would continue to move towards the Milky Way. Although it would not reach it in ten thousand years with conventional power, the direction would remain the same.

If there is a chicken thief beacon, it will immediately activate super-light speed and quickly travel to the destination.

Said wondered in his mind, when the Hive Fleet was dormant, was its course random or determined?

If it’s random, can they be lured away from the galaxy?

With this idea in mind, after the reconnaissance fleet annihilated the Tyranid advance team, he immediately fled out of the galaxy. If the Hive Fleet pursued him, his attempt would have been successful.

The reconnaissance fleet’s engine power was turned to maximum, reaching twice the speed of light. Then Said discovered that the Hive Fleet did not pursue the entire army, but sent a detachment.

There are a full five hundred insect nest motherships, ensuring a crushing of the reconnaissance fleet.

In terms of conventional power, the Hive Fleet is far inferior to the Imperial Fleet. It lacks agility in long-distance battles and only occasionally makes short-distance rapid assaults.

Therefore, Said continued to adopt kite-flying tactics, using Nova Cannon and Light Spear to continuously harass, and used higher mobility to maintain distance.

The hive mothership fired back with acid shells, but was blocked by the Imperial Navy’s void shield. However, its own energy shield was like paper in front of the nova cannon and light spear.

The Tyranid fleet was attacked head-on. In an instant, a hundred Hive Motherships were destroyed, and the remaining Hive Motherships changed tactics.

They released a large number of Kraken carrier-based aircraft and drone pickets, and the surrounding frigates and cruisers moved forward to attract firepower.

Not to be outdone, the Empire immediately dispatched a large number of Lightning fighters and Starhawk bombers to fight with the Tyranid Kraken and Xiongfeng.

The Kraken can fire acid cannons, the Drone can carry jump gang troops, and the cruiser has a strong bite force that can easily bite through the armor of a battleship.

Said quickly seized the focus of the attack and ignored the Tyranid cruisers. They were slow and couldn’t get close in a short time, so he focused on the Kraken and Drones.

The carrier-based aircraft group fell into a dogfight, and the Zerg and the carrier-based aircraft were constantly being shot and exploded. Taking advantage of the battle between the carrier-based aircraft group, the Imperial warship once again distanced itself and used its light spear to focus fire on the Tyranid warship.

Usually, two luminous spears can penetrate the Tyranid shield by focusing their fire, and three luminous spears can penetrate the shield and destroy the hive mothership by the way.

Relying on this hand, the Hive Fleet was unable to exert its numerical advantage, and the motherships were destroyed one by one until the Nova Cannons cooled down and were all taken away after a salvo.

Without the command of the mothership, the carrier-based aircraft group fell into internal fighting and devoured each other. The main force of the reconnaissance fleet continued to chase the main force of the fleet in an attempt to turn it into pursuit.

Immediately afterwards, the Hive Fleet once again sent a fleet of a thousand motherships to encircle and suppress the reconnaissance fleet, but was massacred by the same tactics.

During this battle, an Imperial cruiser was destroyed. It was approached by a Tyranid cruiser, which spit out tentacles like a meteor hammer and stuck to it, and then pulled it close.

Tyran’s powerful jaws kept gnawing, easily breaking the stainless steel armor. Massive swarms of insects jumped to join the battleship, killing them, and were eventually bitten off by the battleship.

But before being sacrificed, the golem detonated the power source and void shield generator on the cruiser, perishing together with the Tyranid cruiser.

During this battle, Tyranids devoured some of the puppets, and then Said discovered that the entire Hive Fleet began to turn and attack the puppet fleet.

Said couldn’t help but guess: “Did the puppet enter Tyron’s recipe?”

The raw material of the puppet is soldier wood, which can be regarded as a plant growing from the ground. It can be used as biomass, so it is not surprising that the Tyranids eat it.

The Tyranid army turned around, possibly intending to capture more puppets and study them clearly.

However, no matter what the reason, Said’s goal was achieved, and the main force of Tyranids chased the reconnaissance fleet and headed outside the galaxy.

The fleet was operating at full power and always kept a certain distance. The Hive Fleet behind it was like a bloated fat man, its movements were slow, but its inertia was extremely strong.

The two sides were chasing each other, and Said felt like walking a dog. The reconnaissance fleet had enough fuel to sail for several years. If the Hive Fleet could be lured away from the galaxy, it would be okay to send the fleet away.

However, the Hive Fleet was not a fool. After chasing for a few days, they discovered Said’s intention, so they decisively turned around and continued to advance towards the galaxy.

Then, no matter how harassed the reconnaissance fleet was, the Hive Fleet ignored it. A large number of heroic sentry ships and sea monsters surrounded the surrounding area for a large distance, even far beyond the strike range of the Nova Cannon.

Said’s guess failed, and he watched the Hive Fleet heading towards the galaxy. At this time, the Emperor said leisurely in his mind:

“They are just the tentacles of a more powerful entity. The entity is approaching the Milky Way, so the tentacles will naturally not turn.”

Said realized clearly that the Milky Way is the food court, and the chicken thief beacon represents food. There is no food in the food court, and the hand has lost its target, but it does not prevent the body from moving towards the food court.

At this moment, Said abandoned luck and began to prepare for war with all his strength.

At this moment, in the Pacific Star Territory, White Scar assembled two mobile legions and headed to New Hope to join the Juba Khan legion and face the Tyranids together.

At the same time, the transformation of the Void Claw was completed. With the help of Necron technology, the originally huge laboratory like the Himalayas was reduced to a size that could be stuffed into a battleship.

In this way, the Imperial battleships will have the ability to strike artificial black holes, but at the cost of eliminating weapon systems such as macro cannons, light lances, and carrier-based aircraft.

The Empire has since had one more battleship – the Black Hole – equipped with void shields and void claws as a weapon of destruction.

During the period when the reconnaissance fleet harassed Tyranids, the Bingmu World produced five hundred black hole-class battleships, which together with three combat planets and fifteen combat moons, reinforced the White Scars Legion.

At this moment, at the border of the Taiping Star Territory, the empire has assembled an unprecedentedly large fleet, with three thousand battleships as the core, and a total of twenty-five thousand battleships of various types.

This number is already equal to the current Tyranid fleet. Said wants to use this battle to let the Hive Mind see the power of the galaxy.

The expansion of Tyranid ships requires biomass. If the ship losses are greater than the biomass harvest, the Hive Mind will retreat, so Said decided to hurt it, scare it, and force it back from the galaxy.

The reinforcement puppet said to White Scar: “The Mobile Legion and the Juba Khan Legion are under your command. Their mission is to prevent the Hive Fleet from advancing and at the same time cover the Black Hole Detachment to launch an attack!”

Jaghatai Khan asked: “Your Highness, is your new weapon really effective?”

The puppet said confidently: “After passing many tests, only the final actual combat test is left. The success rate is 80%. As long as the fleet is covered by the light spear attack range, the void claw can be activated!”

Trazin used a trick. After the Void Claw was weaponized, its range was comparable to that of the Nova Cannon. However, Trazin’s technical range was only comparable to that of a light spear.

This is almost only a little more than the killing range of a black hole. If you don’t pay attention, the battleship will die together.

Trazin explained: “The remaining technology will be given to you after the Tyranids are eliminated, and your puppets are not afraid of death. There is nothing to worry about. It’s worth changing to the Hive Mothership!”

The Necrons had shown enough sincerity, and Said had neither the reason nor the strength to ask for more, so he agreed and used the incomplete Void Claw to attack Tyran.

At the order of Chagatai Khan, the army set off, and the first Tyran expedition officially began.

Looking around at the fleet that covered the sky, Bai Scar’s heart trembled, as if he had returned to the time before the Great Crusade when he commanded millions of cavalry.

At that time, the prairie cavalry was like now, extending from one end of the land to the other, covering the entire surface as far as the eye can see.

At this time, the empire’s strength far exceeded that of the Great Crusade, and it was able to mobilize far larger troops than at any time in history. As a general, White Scar was particularly satisfied with the status quo.

No general would be dissatisfied with having too few troops, especially a cavalry general like Chagatai Khan who likes large depths and roundabout insertions.

Combined with the battle data from the reconnaissance fleet, the overwhelming fleet gave him countless fantastic ideas.

Soon, the carrier-based reconnaissance aircraft discovered the Tyran advance fleet and was driven away by a large number of drone sentries.

After experiencing the attack by the reconnaissance fleet, Tyron increased its vigilance. Not only did it send more carrier-based aircraft to expand the scope of investigation, but when it was attacked, the hive mothership instantly woke up.

Like the puppets, the Hive Fleet is also controlled by the Gestalt Mind. When the node creatures learn that there is an attack, the entire fleet and even the Hive Mind will also know about it.

The hive mothership of the vanguard fleet suddenly woke up and sent more drones out for reconnaissance, but was soon blocked by the carrier-based aircraft of the imperial fleet.

Based on the number of carrier-based aircraft, the Hive Mind easily judged the size of the enemy fleet. In an instant, the entire Hive Fleet woke up from its slumber and put into battle formation.

Before the main fleet encountered each other, the carrier-based aircraft of both sides continued to fight, acid shells and missiles intertwined, biting and fighting each other, and explosions and wreckage occurred one after another.

On both sides of the carrier-based aircraft battlefield, two huge fleets slowly approached, like two huge waves, carrying huge kinetic energy and crashing into each other.

Under the command of Chagatai Khan, the Imperial fleet formed a vertical plane, like a fishing net, and enveloped the Hive Fleet.

The main force of the fleet was deployed at the four corners of the fishing net, with only a thin layer in the middle, making it particularly weak.

While the Imperial fleet was adjusting its formation, the Hive Fleet was not idle either. It learned from the lessons learned last time. They deployed a large number of cruisers forward, together with carrier-based aircraft, to meet the Empire’s long-range strikes.

Soon, the Hive Fleet entered the range of the Nova Cannon. The fleet in the middle of the fishing net fired a salvo, and thousands of light-speed projectiles reached the enemy ships in an instant.

In an instant, countless insect swarm carrier aircraft and cruisers were shot through, and the acid in their bodies spilled into the universe.

At this time, the hive mothership behind released worms to recover the wreckage, and soon more cruisers and carrier-based aircraft were built.

At this moment, the cooling of the Nova Cannon has not yet ended, and the swarm has already made up for the losses of cruisers and carrier-based aircraft. On the other hand, one less Imperial carrier-based aircraft was destroyed.

By using cannon fodder to block the guns, the hive mothership can close the distance and drag the Imperial fleet into the close combat they are best at.

Then Chagatai Khan called out that he was a former cavalryman who was good at riding, shooting and flying kites. How could he easily engage in close combat with you?

When the distance continued to shorten, the Tyranid fleet entered the range of the light spear. Under the speed of the light spear, the losses of the Tyranid cruiser further increased, but considering the shortened distance, the Tyranid still had the upper hand.

As the distance further shortened, Tyron was able to fight back with acid shells. At this moment, Chagatai Khan gave an order, and the center of the “fishing net” suddenly stopped moving.

At the four corners of the “fishing net”, the empire’s main fleet suddenly accelerated. In the previous battle, they had remained motionless without any attacks. They were now at their peak.

The four-cornered fleet rushed forward wildly, detouring to the sides and sides of Tyranid, successfully bypassing the obstruction of cruisers and carrier-based aircraft, and went straight to the hive mothership in the rear.

In an instant, nova cannons and light spears fired a salvo, instantly covering the hive mothership. In an instant, 1/3 of the tens of thousands of hive motherships were lost.

Under the Gestalt consciousness, the Hive Fleet responded quickly, and a large number of cruisers and drones withdrew from the front line to block the return fleet.

At the same time, due to the shortened distance, the Hive Fleet began to charge. Under the influence of unknown gravity, the Hive Mothership suddenly accelerated, like a short sprint, closing a considerable distance.

One after another, meteor hammer-like tentacles spurted out and stuck tightly to the Imperial battleship. Pulled by the tentacles, the Hive Mothership arrived at the Imperial battleship in an instant. Its giant pincer-like front jaws closed instantly, crushing the Imperial battleship.

The cruisers next to the hive mothership swarmed up, imitating the hive mothership to bite with its powerful front jaws, the Kraken fired acid, and the drones hit the jump gang.

The imperial fleet began to suffer casualties, but Chagatai Khan did not panic at all. He turned to the puppet beside him and said:

“Your Highness, what is the distance?”

Said controlled the puppet and replied: “It’s too close. Move further away, otherwise there is a high risk of accidental injury!”

Chagatai Khan said calmly: “This is a bit difficult to handle. The enemy will not let us distance ourselves. If we forcefully get rid of it, it is likely to delay the fighter opportunity.”

“The fleets that attack in a roundabout way are all dead soldiers. Your Highness the Prince does not need to care too much about sacrifice. Death is inevitable in war. A loyal warrior will be reborn by his father’s side!”

Since the legion commander said so, Said stopped being pretentious and immediately launched the black hole battleship hidden in the fleet group.

The next moment, black spots appeared one after another in the Hive Fleet. These black spots slowly expanded, creating a strong gravitational force and attracting a large number of the surrounding Hive Fleet.

As the black spot expands, the gravitational range gradually expands, and more biological battleships are affected, and even some imperial carrier aircraft.

Among them, the worm nest mothership was given special attention. Under the ultra-large range of gravitational strikes, the worm nest mothership was sucked into the black hole like an ordinary fleet.

Large areas of the battlefield were cleared, and countless biological warships converged towards the black hole. When all the worm hive motherships were sucked in, everything settled.

The black hole dispersed, and extremely compressed meat balls appeared on the battlefield. Under the strong gravity of the black hole, the Hive Fleet had no means of dealing with it and was easily slaughtered.

White Scar looked surprised and asked: “Your Highness, will this weapon be included in the imperial army?”

Said nodded: “Yes, we are about to crack the technology and protect the galaxy that belongs to mankind!”

At this point, mankind and at a small cost, won the first Tyran expedition. Before Said had time to be happy, he immediately received the news:

In Segmentum Pacifica, Abaddon attacked a colony ship, killing nine hundred and ninety-nine of its passengers.

Woo hoo hoo… The loyal puppy is sick. There is probably only one update today (╥╯﹏╰╥)


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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