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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 177 Abaddon targets Blackstone Fortress

Abaddon is at it again.

Just after the Tyranid War ended, Abaddon attacked a colony ship in the Pacific Star Territory, massacring 999 passengers and sparing the others.

The victims were all members of the state religion, and Said couldn’t help but think of the eighth Black Crusade in history.

At that time, Abaddon massacred the pilgrim ship Holy Way and also massacred 999 crew members. After that, after a specific pattern of massacres, a terrifying mathematical formula was presented to please Tzeentch.

As for what the formula was, Said didn’t know, but he knew that Abaddon must not succeed.

With memories swirling in his mind, Said thought of the remaining ceremonies and couldn’t help but wonder: “Will Abaddon still kill like history at this time?”

Originally, in history, there were two worlds that were attacked. If it happened according to history, it could be deployed in advance to ambush Abaddon.

However, history is changing, and the formula of the Ever-Changing Demon King is also changing. Originally, the pilgrim ship was robbed, but now the colonial ship is robbed, which shows that the method of implementing the ritual is not static.

“But there must be something in common among them. For example, there are twenty crater cities in Tisca, and Abaddon destroyed eight of them by freezing them… This is very intriguing!”

In the palace, Said drank tea made by a nun and meditated hard. He used all the mathematical sages and a large number of thinker engines in the empire to carry out calculations with his own powerful computing power.

But at this time, the emperor warned: “Sayed, don’t forget it, you will fall into Tzeentch’s trap, and cracking it is also part of the formula.”

Said was suddenly startled, remembering that in history, the Empire organized thousands of Mechanicum math sages in an attempt to decipher Abaddon’s killing formula and predict killing actions.

However, all the mathematical sages went crazy and became corrupt, so they had to be executed.

Said was at a loss and asked in his mind: “Brother Huang, can you crack the Tzeentch formula?”

The emperor calmly denied: “No, even the formula itself is constantly changing. Although the subspace exists at any time, the future is also constantly changing.”

Said looked up at the sky and replied: “It seems that we can only deal with it passively, but brother Huang, do you know Abaddon’s location?”

The Emperor continued to give a negative answer: “Abaddon is the chosen one of the four gods. His destiny is concealed by the four gods. I cannot spy on it for a while.”

“If you want to ask for advice, I suggest you follow the original prophecy and strengthen defenses in all possible worlds.”

Said sighed: “That’s the only way, but I don’t plan to react passively, I plan to launch a large-scale abyss expedition!”

Attack is the best defense. With a thought in Said’s mind, thousands of warships gathered in front of the Eye of Fear and sailed into the Eye of Fear.

Said snorted in his heart: “Don’t you, Abaddon, please Tzeentch? Then I will specifically purify the planets of the other three gods!”

Abaddon has four gods as shareholders, so he should take care of the interests of all shareholders. When facing the abyss expedition, the four gods will either prosper or suffer.

The Demon Planet is an extension of the gods’ interests. Abaddon pleases Tzeentch, and the interests of the other three are harmed, which will definitely lead to dissatisfaction and then the investment will be withdrawn.

No matter how bad it is, the truth will be leaked in reality and the location will be determined by the imperial army for easy encirclement and suppression.

Meanwhile, in the Eye of Fear.

Said was surprised: “There are so many stars and the corruption of the galaxy has been contained. Where did the four gods come from in the demonic world?”

Emperor Youyou said: “The universe is not limited to the Milky Way. The Four Gods also have influence in extragalactic galaxies, but the Milky Way has the greatest influence.”

“Recently, the Four Gods have corrupted a large number of extragalactic systems in order to restore their health. Although the cost was high, their strength has finally been restored to a certain extent.”

“Galaxy beyond the Milky Way…” Said complained in his heart: “If this continues, the four gods will not be able to be eliminated…”

The Emperor calmly replied: “Of course, I never thought about killing gods. I only planned to isolate the subspace and allow humans to evolve into advanced psychic species.”

Said’s face turned grim: “Then we must weaken the four gods as much as possible!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the fleet arrived at the first Nurgle system and launched cyclone torpedoes at the main star, annihilating all life on it.

Immediately afterwards, the fleet continued to the world of Khorne, seeing the grotesque aliens dueling with each other above, and launched a second bipolar cyclone torpedo.

Then travel to a world of Slaanesh where instead of a big fat man, it’s a ball of flesh covered in disgustingly shaped tentacles.

It took a little effort to destroy the tentacle meat ball. Thousands of Nova Cannons fired a volley, beating it half to pieces before destroying it.

The number of human demon planets has decreased, and the number of alien demon planets has increased, indicating that the influence of the Four Gods on humans is weakening, and Abaddon will encounter more difficulties in replenishing his troops.

The Chaos Space Marines hate the xenos and would never sympathize with them.

Countless thoughts flashed through Said’s mind, and he controlled the fleet to purify one planet after another. Soon, the four gods couldn’t sit still and set off a strong subspace storm in an attempt to force the expedition fleet back.

Countless demons surrounded the expedition fleet, waiting for the Geller force field to dissipate, and swarmed up to devour the creatures inside.

However, at this moment, the cold sun of the subspace suddenly shone brightly, and a ray of golden light pierced the purple curtain of the Eye of Terror and was projected on the expedition fleet.

In an instant, the subspace storm was calmed down, the demons melted under the golden light, and the expedition fleet was safe and sound.

The power of the Four Gods and the God-Emperor waxed and waned. When the Four Gods declined and their control over the Eye of Terror weakened, the God-Emperor was able to penetrate the realms of the Four Gods.

Said did not burn the demon world of Tzeentch, but specifically caught the other three demon worlds to burn. The four gods were unable to stop it, so they could only involve and manifest themselves in the Black Legion.

Subsequently, Said received a large number of reports of Chaos attacks, mainly concentrated in the Sabai star cluster in the Taiping Star Territory.

Said locked the Black Legion’s activities.

The sector garrison troops were fighting fires everywhere. Chagatai Khan had just returned to the court with his troops and immediately commanded the mobile army to attack them.

Said was not surprised but overjoyed. After the transformation of fleet civilization, the whereabouts of the Black Legion had always been a mystery. There had not been a large-scale attack for a long time.

Only when an attack occurs can the whereabouts be determined. The Abyss Expedition harmed the interests of the three gods, but the Black Legion only distributed dividends to Tzeentch. The three gods were unhappy and immediately mobilized their forces in the Black Legion to please themselves.

Abaddon discovered that a large number of Black Legions suddenly violated the prohibition and attacked other imperial worlds without permission. According to the War Overseer, they received an oracle.

Just as Abaddon was wondering, the blessings of the three gods suddenly weakened, and then he learned that the Eye of Terror encountered an expedition into the abyss.

Abaddon immediately figured out the joints and knew that this was an imperial conspiracy, taking advantage of the mutual backstabbing relationship between the four gods to interfere with the Tzeentch ritual.

However, Abaddon was not about to give up, and the more the Empire tried to stop something, the more he had to do it.

What’s more, attacks from various places confuse the Imperial Guard Corps, making it easier for him to attack the real target.

At this moment, he has arrived at a hive world. In order to stabilize the geological structure, the twenty hive cities above are arranged according to geometric patterns.

Abaddon set off a subspace storm and led the main force of the Black Legion to quickly defeat the galaxy fleet, and then launched a precise orbital strike on the hive world.

The target of the orbital attack was not the hive city, but the weak node of the geological plate. As if through precise calculation, when the attack was over, eight of the twenty hive cities fell into the abyss at the same time.

None of the tens of billions of people inside survived, and Abaddon completed the second step of the ritual.

Said watched this scene through the puppet and couldn’t help gritting his teeth. This was almost the most costly attack since the Dark Crusade.

When the attack began, he mobilized a fleet of reinforcements, but they were blocked by a warp storm.

Immediately afterwards, the planet killer destroyed the star base with one shot. When the light cruiser attacked, they encountered the battleship Vengeful Spirit.

Since the looting of Imperial currency, the strength of the Black Legion fleet has increased, enough to break through the defenses of the galaxy fleet before the arrival of Imperial reinforcements.

Although Said was informed of the attack immediately, it took time for reinforcements to arrive, and he could only watch as the Imperial world was ravaged by Chaos.

It wasn’t until the rays of the golden sun dispersed the storm that the reinforcement fleet was able to pass through the subspace storm and reach the star system under attack.

Sensing Said’s frustration, Chagatai Khan comforted:

“Don’t be depressed, Your Highness, they are not dead. As for existing next to the Golden Throne in another way.”

“Besides, we didn’t lose. After interrogation, we learned the size of the Black Legion’s fleet. After comparing the number of kills, we have destroyed 70% of the fleet and killed 80% of the Chaos Space Marines.”

“Even Mechanical Ark was destroyed by us. It can be said that Abaddon’s accumulation last time was wiped out.”

Said said helplessly: “We did win militarily, but Abaddon still achieved his goal. As long as he pleases the gods, these losses can be made up for.”

He stared at the star area and said solemnly: “His next target is likely to be the Empire’s forging world, and more troops must be deployed to focus on defense.”

White Scar said: “Your Highness, don’t worry, the legion’s ground troops have arrived and are assisting with the Mechanicum’s defense!”

Said nodded and added: “Prepare the cyclone torpedoes. Once the forge world cannot hold on, immediately activate the extermination order!”

Bai Scar responded: “Yes, your highness, don’t worry, arrangements have been made!”

Soon, a rebellion broke out in a forge world called Karibux, also in the Sabai cluster, and mutant workers gathered to besiege the Skitarii.

A tragic civil war broke out on the planet, and the Space Marines stationed at the star base quickly attacked to assist the Skitarii in suppressing the rebellion.

Thanks to Said’s reminder, the galaxy garrison fleet quickly went on alert and assembled a formation of battle cruisers and a hundred battleships including four formations of cruisers to attack Abaddon.

Soon, Abaddon’s fleet arrived and fought with the galaxy fleet. The planet killer was majestic and blew up a battle cruiser with one shot.

The Planet Killer contains so much subspace energy that a single shot can shatter a planet and destroy any Imperial warship.

The Imperial Fleet also retaliated. The Nova Cannon fired at the Planet Killer, and the light speed projectiles penetrated the Planet Killer and exploded.

Although the subspace storm was set off, it did not last long before dissipating under the radiance of the golden sun. The reinforcement fleet was about to arrive to surround and kill the Black Legion.

At the same time, the rebellion on the Forge World was quickly suppressed, with strike cruisers launching precise orbital bombardments, slaughtering the rebels in droves.

Just when the empire’s victory was in sight, Abaddon suddenly retreated, leaving behind a sentence:

“Your Highness, the goal of this expedition has been completed. Guess what I want to do?”

At this time, the Forge World rebellion was suppressed, and Said was surprised to find that the rebels sacrificed the tech-priests to the machine and merged with it.

Although the Imperial forces promptly destroyed the Corrupted Machine, it is unknown why Abaddon did so.

At this time, the emperor said calmly: “This formula is called ‘Skull Collection’. Complete it to please Tzeentch, and Abaddon can use this to obtain Tzeentch’s help.”

Said wondered: “What help?”

The emperor replied: “I don’t know the specifics, but from my observation, it may be to integrate something.”

Said frowned: “Fusion, fusion, fusion… Why are we still in the Taiping Star Territory, or in the Sabai Star Cluster…”

The emperor asked again: “Does your prophecy include this aspect?”

Said shook his head: “No, I only know that Abaddon pleased Tzeentch, but the specific benefits he gained are unknown.”

“But combined with the location of the incident, it reminds me of one thing. In the future, an ownerless black stone fortress will be discovered here!”

The emperor was silent for a while and then replied:

“If the target is Blackstone Fortress, then this Black Expedition is to prepare for seizing the fortress. The Tzeentch Ritual may be a key step in corrupting the fortress!”

Said carefully recalled the course of the war and discovered that in the final battle, a ship in the Black Legion fleet suddenly disappeared during the charge.

It was suddenly dragged into the subspace and never appeared again. At that time, a small subspace storm appeared around the missing spacecraft, and then quickly subsided.

After that, the other Black Legion ships quickly retreated, and Abaddon left those words of ridicule.

The missing Chaos ship attracted Said’s attention. It happened that many live prisoners were captured in this battle, and Said immediately ordered the Inquisition to step up the interrogation.

Under the most extreme torture of the Night Lords, the Chaos captives soon revealed everything they knew.

The missing ship is called the Impaler, and it is owned by the Servants of the Abyss warband. The leader of the warband is Ossidis Malex, one of Abaddon’s henchmen.

Malex is vicious, brave in battle, and extremely loyal to Abaddon. The Servants of the Abyss warband is not weak in combat power, and Abaddon cannot abandon him casually.

At this time, the Emperor said: “If the Impaler has jumped out of the warp, all parts that overlap with real matter will be integrated.”

Said asked: “Just like when a gang member failed and got stuck in a wall, the Impaler and the Blackstone Fortress merged together?”

“In this way, Abaddon’s target is probably Blackstone Fortress. Only Blackstone Fortress is worth sacrificing a loyal warband.”

Said didn’t know what the outcome of the fusion would be, but he knew that without intervention, the Blackstone Fortress would eventually be corrupted by the Black Legion and become Abaddon’s fighting force.

For the sake of the empire and for the sake of humanity, Said must never let this happen.

So he asked: “Brother Huang, can you track the location of the Impaler’s jump?”

The emperor shook his head: “I don’t know the specific location. I can only confirm that it is in the Sabai Star Cluster.”

Said called up the star map and said calmly: “I understand, leave the rest to me, to the empire, we will never let Abaddon succeed!”

After ending his communication with the emperor, Said had a thought and dispatched a large number of scientific research ships into the Sabai star cluster, organized a sector fleet, and launched a local purification expedition.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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