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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 179 Blackstone Fortress Ship Girl

Said stared at the star map based on Tau coordinates, which lay in a warship graveyard of more than a million cubic miles, with warp storms spreading nearby.

It’s like chaos in the enclosure, avoiding being invaded by the empire or other forces in advance.

Of course, in order to confuse the audience, the subspace storm does not stop here. Without the intersection of Tau clues, the empire would not be able to locate it at all.

This information attracted great attention from Ryan, and he immediately led four Blackstone Fortresses and a thousand battleships with fifty battleships as the core to go there.

Ryan is no stranger to this place, because it was once the home of countless pirates. Imperial warships have been dealing with pirates here all year round, and have even passed through the coordinates.

However, according to the ship’s recollection, there was nothing at the coordinates at that time. There were no traces of the Blackstone Fortress except for scraps or scraps.

But when Ryan arrived, he found that it had become a haven for pirates. A large number of fish that had slipped through the net under the siege of the empire hid in the nearby space area and began to explore the fortress.

Ryan immediately ordered an encirclement and suppression. A large number of green-skinned orcs, dark elves, and humans who had degenerated into pirates fled in all directions. They were surrounded by the well-prepared empire and were all annihilated.

Ryan then interrogated the group of captives and learned that almost all of them had entered the Blackstone Fortress and carried out a narrow escape exploration.

Through them, Ryan learned the general situation inside the fortress.

Different from the four existing black stone fortresses in the empire, the black stone fortress in front of you is not only a weapon, but also stores ancient alien technology and relics. If it can be discovered, it will be of great benefit.

As a result, a large number of explorers and pirates gathered in the dilapidated space station called Impasse and used it as a base to explore the fortress.

Lion then destroyed the station, executed all prisoners, and had the Imperial Navy blockade the area.

Then he asked: “Your Highness, should we destroy it directly, or should we explore it first and then make a decision?”

Said replied: “Destroy it directly. Technology can make the empire strong, but extinction can make the empire survive. Abaddon must have a backup plan. We can’t give him a chance!”

Ryan was a little reluctant: “But… Your Highness, even if Abaddon succeeds, he only has one ship, so he can’t affect the overall situation. We have six ships!”

However, Said insisted: “Execute orders Ryan, don’t forget my original instructions, what is the highest priority task!”

Ryan replied unwillingly: “Don’t let Blackstone Fortress fall into Abaddon’s hands!”

Said nodded and said: “That’s right, destroy it quickly!”

“Yes, Your Highness the Prince!” Ryan had no choice but to carry out the order.

At this moment, a Dark Angel reported: “Your Majesty Commander, Blackstone Fortress received a communication, it seems to be from the Unowned Blackstone Fortress!”

Ryan was stunned and said hurriedly: “Take it over!”


A hoarse female voice came from the communication broadcast, like a frail old woman. Ryan thought for a moment and asked: “Who are you?”

The weak female voice was a little more urgent: “I… am… Val… amulet… a… compatriot… in front of… you…… I… have… been… defiled… and killed… I… protect… …keep…pure!”

Speaking of this, Ryan and Said probably understood what she meant.

The speaker is the machine spirit of Blackstone Fortress, which has a more vivid name on earth – Ship Girl.

The Chaos warship teleports through the subspace, integrates with the Blackstone Fortress, and releases pollution and corruption, which is no less than entering that thing and hitting that thing again.

If the corruption is completed, and the accomplice who may fall into chaos will fall in love with the tormentor after being raped.

As a creation of the Eldar and a talisman of the craftsman god Vaal, the Blackstone Fortress has its own pride in its heart. It would rather die than be magnetically fallen by Chaos Kalami.

At this moment, the Chaos warband was exploring around the fortress, spreading the pollution. The machine soul of the fortress relied on the last bit of consciousness to die together with the evil thieves.

After thinking about this, Said immediately ordered: “Promise her, activate the vortex cannon, and attack the four black stone fortresses together to let her die pure!”

Lion King Ryan solemnly agreed, and then ordered the Dark Angel to control the Blackstone Fortress, spray out four energy streams, and converge into a larger energy ball at the Ship Girl Fortress.

As the concentrated energy increases, the energy ball expands more and more. Once it reaches the critical point, it will erupt and destroy the ship girl fortress.

However, at this moment, the concentrated energy suddenly disappeared and the attack was stopped. The Lion King said angrily: “What’s going on? Why did it stop!”

The Dark Angel who was operating was at a loss and panicked and replied: “I don’t know, Master Ryan, everything is operating normally!”

At this time, Dark Angel next to the communication equipment said in surprise: “Commander, there is something new here!”

Ryan hurriedly stepped forward to check, only to find that there were several more communications in the communication record table that did not belong to the empire:

“Compatriots… compatriots… do not kill compatriots… purify pollution… purify pollution… be loyal… be loyal…”

Ryan frowned and guessed: “This is… the machine spirit of our Blackstone Fortress?”

Said Puppet nodded: “It seems that they don’t want to kill the Ship Girl Fortress. What a piece of shit!”

Ryan asked: “Your Highness, what should we do now?”

Said thought for a moment and ordered: “Try to activate the fortress, enter the subspace, and get out of here!”

Ryan immediately followed the instructions, but found that the fortress was motionless. No matter how he activated the Dark Hand and Dark Eye, the fortress showed no response.

At this time, the communicator records continued to increase: “Purify pollution…loyalty…purify pollution…loyalty…”

Ryan sighed: “It seems that the meaning is that only by helping the target fortress purify the pollution, our fortress will continue to be loyal!”

In the palace, Said was speechless for a while. At this moment, he hated the world of idealism. Under animism, the performance of a machine depends entirely on its mood!

Finally, he sighed helplessly and said: “Let the large troops join forces and clear the target fortress!”

Ryan looked excited and immediately saluted the Sky Eagle: “Yes, Your Highness, I promise to complete the mission!”

Unlike the four black stone fortresses in his hand that are empty, there are a large number of technological artifacts in the main fortress. If he gets one or two, his combat power will be greatly improved.

With longing in mind, Ryan immediately ordered the Space Marines from two chapters, the Titan Soldiers from three chapters, the 100,000 puppet auxiliary army and the Mechanicus troops to join the target fortress.

Soon, the first batch of landing troops boarded the strike cruiser, successfully boarded the bridge, and entered the interior of the fortress.

Inside, they saw a scene that was completely different from the Imperial Fortress. Through the Tzeentch ritual, the Chaos Warship and the Shipmaiden Fortress were integrated.

The hull of the warship was entangled with the interior of the giant host. The twisted weirdness of chaos and the natural beauty of the Eldar merged to present an extremely absurd picture.

The cabins embedded in the fortress have been rearranged and are changing all the time. The road in front of the team is constantly changing, like the maze of the Lord of Change.

Lion King Ryan judged: “It seems that the Machine Soul wants to divide the Servants of the Abyss war gang and scatter them in different cabins. Although the Machine Soul is on our side, we cannot be careless.”

Therefore, Ryan organized the gang members into combat groups, and each group included Titan Soldiers and Dark Angels. Puppet Auxiliaries and Adeptus Mechanicus troops.

Fighting groups entered one after another and were transported everywhere by unpredictable roads. They first encountered the attack of Urgurs.

Urgurs has four limbs, takes on a humanoid shape, crawls on the ground, has no eyes on its face, but has many smelling holes, somewhat similar to the Resident Evil Lickers.

The Empire is no stranger to Gurth. They can be seen everywhere in Commorragh. The Dark Eldar use them as pets and war beasts, bringing them to gatherings and tearing out the hearts of prisoners of war.

This creature has no vision at all. In absolute darkness, they use rows of smell holes to locate prey and tear it apart with powerful claws.

In front of mortals, these ferocious predators are like gods, but in front of the demigod superhuman space warriors, they are like children who have been crushed.

Under night vision and auxiliary aiming devices, these predators in the darkness were unable to hide. As soon as they appeared, they were shot one by one by the Space Marines and killed quickly with extremely high efficiency.

The imperial forces advanced rapidly. According to Ryan’s instructions, their goal was to eliminate the Chaos Warband, the servant of the abyss, and purify the Blackstone Fortress of pollution.

However, the strange thing is that the Jump Gang troops were attacked by spindle drones. Insect-like sentinels were everywhere, walking in groups through the corridors, constantly rummaging through piles of debris.

When they find a foreign object that does not belong to the fortress, they will emit energy pulses to cut the foreign object into smaller pieces. If they encounter an intruder, they will immediately swarm them.

These structures engaged in fierce exchanges of fire with the gang members, causing sporadic casualties among the auxiliary army and Mechanicus troops. Lion King Ryan immediately contacted the Ship Girl Fortress:

“We are helping you clean up the pollution, why are you attacking us? Stop your structure immediately!”

Forget about Urguls, he is a brainless animal after all, but the Spindle Drones are under the control of the Ship Girl Fortress, so it is unjustifiable to attack the gang members.

The ship girl replied weakly: “The attacker…the corruption…the enemy…the attacker…the corruption…the enemy…”

Ryan frowned and asked: “Are you saying that all structures have been corrupted?”

The ship girl kept repeating: “Enemy! Enemy! Enemy!”

At this time, the puppet next to Ryan said:

“When destroyed by Spindle Drones, the corpses were re-integrated with the fortress. Their composition was the same as the Blackstone Fortress, and the fortress itself was fused with the Chaos Battleship…”

The Spindle Bee itself must be corrupted!

After figuring this out, the Lion King stopped embarrassing the ship girl, and instead ordered to increase the intensity of the attack. With the can as the core, the auxiliary army continued to use melt and plasma to eliminate the spindle drones.

The Mechanicum’s Electro-Monk unleashed a lightning range attack, knocking down the drones in swarms.

Under the powerful combat power of the Space Marines, the Jump Gang troops continued to advance and soon arrived at a crack. Here, they discovered something was different.

Under the control of the Machine Soul Ship Girl, the interior of the battleship was constantly changing. Not only did the forward passage change every second, but even the cabins on both sides were constantly twisting and changing, and the gang members did not dare to enter.

One second it was a square, the next it was a circle, and then it became a solid wall with everything inside squashed.

However, there was no change in the crack-like cabin, and the internal structure remained stable. Therefore, the jumping gang troops used the stable crack as a stronghold to explore around.

Due to the constant changes in location, the Jump Gang team could explore all parts of the fortress without going too far. Later, they discovered a luminous object wrapped in an unknown material in the stable cabin.

By asking the machine soul, Ryan learned that these were extra-dimensional material fragments. As long as a certain number were destroyed, the fortress would disintegrate on its own.

Likewise for Chaos, only when it is corrupted to a certain amount can the entire fortress be turned into a demonic engine.

Therefore, Ryan immediately ordered the occupation of more stable cabins. As the exploration deepened, the second batch of gang jumpers landed.

They are the same size as the first group, and their mission is to replenish the first group and take over the first group’s strongholds so that the forerunners can continue to explore forward.

Soon, the Jump Gang troops encountered a group of Chaos Beastmen. They were full of rage, as strong as beasts, with horns, hooves and fur, and roared towards the Imperial troops.

They were severely persecuted throughout the empire. Under Terra’s strict orders, they were classified as undesirable in many imperial worlds and were exterminated.

Before the Purification Crusade, many Imperial worlds turned a blind eye and used the Beastmen as labor slaves, but after the Purification Crusade, the Imperial worlds completely distanced themselves from them.

Therefore, when chaos came, they quickly succumbed and happily accepted their own mutations and blessings from evil gods, becoming stronger and more violent.

But in front of the Space Marines, the Beastmen were still brutally beaten by one-sided blood, massacred by bolters and plasma beams. In front of the half-cans, their strengthening and rage were useless.

When the gunfire stopped and a pile of corpses were left in front of them, all the imperial troops were on serious alert and did not relax their vigilance because they knew that this was just the beginning.

Following closely behind the Beastmen were a large number of Chaos Space Marines and Traitor Auxiliaries. Under the transformation space, they were divided into small teams and encountered the gang members, and a fierce exchange of fire broke out in an instant.

The Machine Spirit helps the Imperial forces gain a foothold, gain a foothold and familiarize themselves with the environment, and then influence the transformation space, allowing them to encounter the Chaos army and cleanse the contamination.

For Blackstone Fortress, Imperial troops are like targeted agents, precisely removing Chaos contamination.

As the firefight spread, not only the jumping gang troops who went out to explore, but also the fissure strongholds in the rear fell into fierce competition.

Chaos hopes to seize the extradimensional space fragments and complete the corruption of the entire fortress.

Therefore, Ryan sent out the third batch of gang-hopping troops to quickly reinforce various battlefields and suppress the Chaos troops with huge numbers.

According to the intelligence, the Chaos Warband only has three thousand cans and less than one hundred thousand auxiliary troops, which is not even a fraction of the imperial fleet.

With the numerical advantage and the help of machine souls, the Imperial Army advanced steadily, continuously occupying stable cabins and seizing extra-dimensional space fragments. Ryan was confident of victory and felt that this game was stable.

However, if nothing else, accidents will happen at this time.

Outside the forbidden realm of Blackstone Fortress, the subspace storm became more violent, and sporadic Chaos pirates sacrificed green-skinned psychic boys, weakening the curtain between reality and the subspace.

In an instant, a Chaos fleet tore through the curtain and jumped out. The battleship Vengeful Spirit was majestic, and planet killers surrounded it with murderous intent.

There are not many of them, only more than two hundred, but they are already Abaddon’s last main force.

The Twelfth Black Crusade begins.

Lion Lion was not surprised but overjoyed. With his current combat power, Blackstone Fortress alone could defeat Abaddon without dispatching warships.

So he immediately ordered the fortress to attack, but found that the fortress was motionless, only the communicator kept displaying:

“Purify! Be loyal! Purify! Be loyal!”

Only by purifying the Citadel will the Imperial Citadel remain loyal to the Empire.

Until then, the fortress will obey no orders.

Originally, in history, the Blackstone Fortress fell into the hands of Chaos and indeed asked the empire to disintegrate it. It would rather be broken into pieces than completely destroyed.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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