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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 180 The Burning Sabai Star Cluster

At this moment, the Imperial Army in the Ship Girl Fortress is advancing step by step. The Servants of the Abyss war gang relies on a large number of spindle drones to resist, and there is still a long way to go before the winner can be determined.

Before purifying the shipgirl fortress, the imperial fortress resolutely went on strike, even if foreign enemies were approaching, and ignored it.

In other words, the Dark Angels would not be able to get help from the Blackstone Fortress in a short period of time, but Ryan did not panic at all.

Because of the size of his fleet, he could defeat Abaddon even without the Blackstone Fortress.

Abaddon obviously understood this. After the attack of the Lane fleet, with a flash of psychic energy, he instantly entered the subspace and disappeared.

Just when Ryan was wondering, a deafening “waaaagh!!!” resounded across the battlefield.

Behind the black army, the vast mountains of green-skinned garbage left the subspace and headed towards the Blackstone Fortress.

Leon Jonson instantly remembered the Black Legion’s experiment on the green-skinned neurotic boy, and what he saw now was probably the result of the experiment.

When a green skin waaaagh is large enough, the waaaagh energy will form a psychic beacon in the subspace, attracting green skins from other places to join.

Abaddon knew that he was outmatched, so he used Nervous Boy to amplify waaaagh’s spiritual energy, forming a beacon to attract a large number of greenskins, who used them as cannon fodder to attack the Empire’s Blackstone Fortress.

In front of the big greenskin waaaagh, Leon Jonson has no advantage in the strength of his troops. Abaddon only needs to hide in the dark, wait for both the empire and the greenskins to suffer losses, and then rush out in an instant to achieve the final victory.

Ryan knew this very well, so he personally led the Dark Angels holding the incense burner and chanted to the Blackstone Fortress:

“More enemies are coming, they are interfering with the purification, and the Legion needs your help!”

However, there was no response from Blackstone Fortress. Ryan continued: “We will not leave. We don’t need to turn on the power system, just use weapons!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the energy of Blackstone Fortress was instantly switched on, and the Void Claw and Vortex Cannon were allowed to be used. Ryan was overjoyed and immediately ordered a counterattack.

Genetic radiation bombs swept through, instantly killing a large number of greenskins, and then black holes appeared one after another in the garbage mountain, and strong gravity swallowed everything.

Countless greenskins had not even swung their swords or fired a shot before they were compressed into balls along with the entire mountain of garbage.

The Dark Angels easily destroyed the greenskins. Before Ryan could take a breath, a battle report came from the Sabai Star Cluster. Greenskins appeared everywhere, with a density comparable to that of Beast Wars.

However, with the help of genetic radiation bombs, the galaxy forces barely blocked the greenskin offensive and persisted until the mixed legion reinforcements arrived.

Ryan keenly sensed an aura of conspiracy. He said to the puppet beside him: “Your Highness, the green skin is just the beginning. I suspect Abaddon has a back-up plan.”

Said asked, “What are you going to do?”

Ryan replied: “Abaddon’s move is nothing more than wanting the Mobile Legion to reinforce everywhere and not be able to defend the Blackstone Fortress. We cannot let him do what he wants and order the Mobile Legion to reinforce the Blackstone Fortress!”

Said did not agree immediately, but continued to ask: “What if other places in the Taiping Star Territory are in emergency?”

Ryan replied: “There are three mobile corps in the theater headquarters. We only reinforce one, and the remaining two are enough to cope with the situation in various places.”

Said nodded and agreed to the plan. However, when Ryan’s order was issued, a powerful subspace storm appeared in the Sabai cluster, and the subspace channels of each galaxy were cut off, making it impossible to sail large-scale fleets.

However, the light of the God Emperor is everywhere, and the cold sun of the subspace shines brightly in an instant, competing with the powers of the four gods and constantly calming the subspace storms in various places.

The struggle spread to the real world, and subspace storms came and went. Although the waterway was open, it was still full of crises.

At this moment, the four gods no longer held back and used trillions of years to resist, trying to crush the rising golden sun.

The Emperor gathered the loyal faith of trillions of humans in the galaxy. The faith condensed the hatred of the three evils, turned into a sword of destruction, and wrestled with the old gods in the Sabai Star Group.

Said immediately called on the entire empire to pray for divine warfare!

The God War Prayer is when a God War occurs in the subspace, collective prayers are performed across the galaxy, generating huge faith to strengthen the God Emperor, achieve victory in the God War, and protect humanity.

Whenever the Divine War Prayer begins, all citizens of the Empire must stop what they are doing and pray collectively under the organization of the state church priests.

With the blessing of the faith of trillions of humans, even though the God-Emperor is a new god, he can still compete with the four established gods that have existed for trillions of years.

At this point, the Four Gods can no longer form subspace storms that isolate the entire star region as usual, and can only cause sporadic turbulence to rise and fall.

Although sporadic storms are equally dangerous, shipping between Sabai star clusters has never been interrupted, maintaining the connection between various worlds.

As a result, Abaddon changed his strategy and ordered the Black Legion to attack Imperial transport ships everywhere and launch pirate operations.

The size of the Black Legion fleet far exceeded that of the escort fleet, so they succeeded one after another and stole a large amount of supplies, including several banknote transport ships filled with banknotes.

In an instant, a large number of smugglers contacted Abaddon and sold their weapons, supplies and even warships. Abaddon’s strength quickly recovered.

However, this is just an added bonus for Abaddon. The pirate battle is actually paving the way for the subsequent killing move.

In Blackstone Fortress, Ryan checked the reports of pirate attacks from various places. Abaddon only looted supplies and did not massacre the surrenderers, but let them leave.

He thought there was a hidden secret and said: “Your Highness, I suspect that Abaddon is brewing a conspiracy. I wonder if there are any abnormalities in the worlds?”

The puppet shook his head: “No, everything is normal everywhere, and the intelligence network has not found anything. As for the returning transport ships, only sporadic chaos corruption was found.”

The Lion King frowned and said: “This is wrong. The Black Legion cannot be so friendly. There must be a conspiracy. We must destroy them quickly!”

The puppet asked: “What are you going to do? Ryan!”

Ryan said resolutely: “I don’t plan to wait here. I plan to return to the theater headquarters and lead the mobile army to destroy Abaddon. As for the Blackstone Fortress, I will leave it to the command of His Highness the Prince!”

The puppet thought for a moment, then nodded and said: “No problem, I’ll help you keep an eye on it here. Be careful of subspace storms. There is no Blackstone Fortress around you!”

Ryan smiled disdainfully: “Don’t worry, Your Highness, the subspace storm can trap others, but it can’t trap me. Without the Blackstone Fortress, I have other things!”

In the Superman Council, every oligarch has a secret warehouse filled with all kinds of killer weapons, which come from ancient ruins, extermination of alien civilizations, independent research and development by scientific research institutions, etc.

As the Emperor to fight against the forces of the Mechanicus, Ryan has a lot of powerful weapons, almost as much as Said. Since he is confident and has no problem, he may have something to rely on.

At the same time, Abaddon received new reinforcements – the Plague Legion.

They are composed of Death Guard rebels, led by former First Captain Typhus, and are one of the few legions to retain their intact organization.

With the addition of the Plague Fleet, the strength of Abaddon’s fleet surged, reaching more than 500 warships at one time.

Although it is not a fraction of the Imperial Legion, it is already a combat force that cannot be underestimated. To put it bluntly, Abaddon can cut through most of the galaxy’s defense lines in one day.

Abaddon immediately led a fleet to raid the Ashk II hive world, which was located on the edge of the Sabai star cluster and the farthest away from the sector headquarters.

Even though Lane has led two mobile legions to reinforce the Sabai Sector, plus the garrison legion and the Juba Khan Legion defending the Tau Empire, the Sabai Sector has assembled four legions of the Empire.

However, the space is vast and the legion cannot be stationed everywhere. In the early stages of the attack on the empire world, it relies more on the galaxy to resist on its own and wait for reinforcements.

If the Black Legion fleet is strong enough, it can capture the world before reinforcements arrive, and plunder it to increase the Black Legion’s strength.

When the Chaos Fleet arrived at Ashk II, the hive system immediately went on alert. The system defenses were in full swing. Carrier-based aircraft and system fleets were cruising around, looking like they were determined to resist.

At this moment, in the Black Legion fleet, Abaddon ordered: “Tell the star base to allow them to surrender and donate currency and supplies. We will not enter the galaxy!”

The order was issued but before his men could execute it, Typhus said displeasedly: “Master Warmaster, if the fleet does not enter the galaxy, how can we spread the blessings of our loving father?”

Abaddon said coldly: “That’s something you have to consider. I am only responsible for one thing, and that is victory!”

“Before you go out, your loving father should have told you to obey my orders, right?”

“You…” Typhus was angry, but speechless.

However, the dispute was quickly dismissed as Ashk II refused to surrender and surrender to Chaos.

The Purification Expedition is still fresh in my mind. At the beginning of this war, no matter the merchant fleet, the space station, or all the worlds in the empire, they resisted until the last moment.

If Abaddon hadn’t let them go on purpose, none of these people would have survived.

However, Ashk II was stubborn at this time, so Abaddon decided to attack by force, and started killing in order to appease the restless Black Legion and Plague Legion.

So he gave an order, and the five hundred warships opened fire, and the macro cannons bombarded the system defenses. Every cannonball of the plague fleet contained plague, causing secondary damage to the defenders.

Nurgle’s corruption began to spread, and the defenders continued to fall into negative states such as fatigue and weakness. The Death Guard took the opportunity to join forces and soon occupied all the surrounding forts.

The Black Legion and the Plague Fleet entered the galaxy, and swarms of Nurgle flies flew around like clouds, spreading the disease to every world in the galaxy.

Before the carrier-based aircraft fleet encountered the Chaos fleet, the machine soul was corrupted by the electronic demon, betrayed and killed the pilot first.

In the end, the Planet Killer fired six cannons, exploding the entire star base, and the galaxy portal opened, becoming a paradise for the Chaos fleet to gallop.

The Plague Fleet demonstrated powerful attack power and quickly disintegrated the galaxy’s defenses. Then they dispersed and went to various worlds to spread their father’s blessings.

Upon seeing this, Abaddon also waved the Black Legion to start a carnival, while he himself had a small gift for the empire.

The flames of war spread to the surface of the planet, and the Chaos Dread Claws’ empty warehouses fell like raindrops, not caring about the anti-aircraft fire all over the sky.

After landing on the surface, the Chaos Space Marines swooped out and fought with the planetary defense forces. In front of the powerful Space Marines, it was only a matter of time before the mortal forces were defeated.

It was less than a day before the war started. It was impossible for the reinforcement fleet to arrive quickly, not to mention the subspace storms that were coming one after another. The black army had enough time to eat the galaxy.

However, if nothing else happens, the accident will happen at this time.

At the same time, on the Lane flagship, the Invincible Truth, Leon Jonson stood in front of a spherical instrument. There were many light spots on the instrument, with protrusions at the two poles, connected to a machine in the shape of a little boy.

The little boy snapped and said, “You need my help, Ryan?”

Ryan nodded and said: “Yes, Tuchucha, I need you to bring my fleet to this coordinate!”

The little boy said: “No problem, but your fleet is really huge. After the transmission is completed, I need to rest for a while. Are you sure you want to transmit?” If Sayid was present, he would immediately recognize that this was Tuchucha, one of the three artifacts of the subspace, which could ignore the subspace storm and perform subspace transmission. Originally in history, in the late period of the Horus Heresy, the Lion Legion quickly maneuvered through Tuchucha, burned the rebel home planet, and helped the three giants of the Second Empire to return to Terra quickly. Through Tuchucha, the Lion Legion will have super high mobility and kill the Black Legion. At this moment, Lion nodded: “Transport!” As soon as the voice fell, the fleets of the two legions entered the subspace, and in less than ten minutes, they appeared outside the Ashk II galaxy on the edge of the Sabai star zone. At this time, the Chaos Legion was fighting fiercely, and suddenly learned that 5,000 warships appeared outside the galaxy, and they were stunned instantly, especially Abaddon. According to Alpha’s intelligence, the main force of the Lion should be far away at this time, how could it appear here instantly! However, the situation did not allow him to think. He immediately ordered the Black Legion to retreat, but it was too late. The Lion Fleet quickly entered the galaxy, and the Nova Cannon and Light Lance concentrated their fire, easily shooting and blowing up the Chaos Fleet.

The Chaos Legion lost control of the universe, and the Chaos Space Marines were trapped on the surface of the planet. The morale of the planetary defense forces was greatly boosted, and they launched a counterattack against the enemy.

Immediately afterwards, the Lion Fleet launched an orbital bombardment on the Chaos-occupied area. After the warships bombed the planes, the army began to airborne in orbit when the Chaos Legion was almost wiped out.

Abaddon immediately ordered the Spirit of Vengeance to enter the subspace. This was a risky decision. Entering the subspace in a gravitational field often leads to uncontrollable consequences.

However, he was surprised to find that the surrounding subspace was shielded and the jump could not be carried out. Abaddon was instantly in despair.

Is he going to die here today?

At the same time, on the Invincible Truth, Ryan wondered: “Tuchucha, does the subspace shielding have anything to do with you?”

Tuchucha shook his head: “It has nothing to do with me, Ryan, now I can’t sense the subspace either, a huge shadow is covering the subspace.”

In the museum of Trazyn, Sayid’s puppet was suddenly released from the stasis field, and Trazyn said:

“Your Highness, unfortunately, I have a piece of news to tell you. Another Zerg fleet is approaching the Taiping star field, and its vanguard tentacles have arrived here!”

Sayid saw that it was the place where Ryan and Abaddon fought – Ashk II.

On Ashk II, Ryan looked at the Zerg fleet that was coming in a mighty way, and weighed in his heart:

Should we continue to hunt down the Chaos Legion? Or concentrate our forces to defeat the alien fleet?

Sorry, I have something to do, and it’s even later. The puppy at home is recovering~ God Emperor bless the loyal puppy~


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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