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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 181 The intruding Tyranids

At this time, the Chaos Fleet panicked and fled towards the galaxy. If it pursued, it would inevitably weaken the forces stationed in the galaxy and be unable to fight against the Hive Fleet.

No imperial world can be abandoned unless it is absolutely necessary. Moreover, the Black Legion has been wiped out, and the threat is not even as good as the green-skinned orcs.

So Ryan immediately decided to let the remaining fleet of the Black Legion leave, and the entire army turned around to attack the Hive Fleet.

Said Puppet watched silently and did not express an opinion, because he did not know how to choose to kill this Abaddon and the second Abaddon.

Talents are always available, it just depends on which one the Four Gods favor.

If the four gods behind the Black Legion are not killed, the eternal war will not stop. Therefore, Said acquiesces to Ryan’s decision.

In order to support Ryan, he specially sent five hundred black hole battleships from New Hope to Ashk II, hoping to eliminate the Hive Fleet as soon as possible.

But that will take at least seven days, and due to the interference of subspace storms, it may take longer. Before that, Ryan must face the Hive Fleet alone.

However, Ryan was not afraid at all, because he had two legions and five thousand battleships in his hands.

The incoming Hive Fleet is just the vanguard of a tentacle, and its core Hive Mothership is no more than a thousand. The Imperial Fleet has a numerical advantage.

So he smiled confidently and said: “Your Highness, send reinforcements to where they are needed. I can handle them with the strength I have here.”

However, Said refused: “Don’t be careless, Ryan. After the purification expedition in the Taiping Star Territory, there will be no chicken thieves at all, but the Hive Fleet arrived earlier than expected.”

Ryan guessed: “So you suspect that Abaddon has another conspiracy? Chaos is colluding with the aliens?”

Said nodded and said: “Yes, you must increase the striking power in your hands as much as possible to meet any challenge.”

The black hole fleet cooperated with Tuchucha, allowing Ryan to ignore the subspace storm and conduct large-scale strategic maneuvers.

Ryan nodded and said: “I understand, Your Highness, I promise not to capture any planet.”

After saying that, he commanded the five thousand battleships in his hands to attack the incoming Hive Fleet.

With three hundred battleships as the core, the Imperial fleet was divided into three hundred battle groups. Under the leadership of the Invincible Truth, it pressed against the Hive Fleet like a wall.

The hive mothership quickly shuffled the biomass, mass-produced various biological warships, and formed a strike group of 10,000 warships, shrouding the imperial fleet like a dark cloud.

The battle between the two sides was about to break out, and the Hive Fleet was the first to enter the range of the Nova Cannon. With Ryan’s order, the fleet’s Nova Cannon fired a salvo, and the light-speed cannonballs flooded towards the Hive Fleet.

Through a larger number of capital ships, several of the empire’s nova cannons were aimed at one ship. Even if there was cannon fodder blocking the front, it was enough to clear the cannon fodder and attack the hive mothership behind it.

In an instant, five hundred of the seven hundred hive motherships were gone, which greatly exceeded the expectations of the node creatures.

The wreckage of the first batch of Hive Fleets was recovered by the Empire. The successors were unable to know the strength of mankind. They faced the Empire head-on and were blinded.

As a result, they mobilized more reserve biomass and produced more worms, allowing them to charge forward as cannon fodder, while the hive mothership continued to retreat.

Tyranid’s strength lies in close combat and carrier-based aircraft, but it is particularly weak at long range. Its tactics are either to get close to the dog fight, or to distance itself and release the worms.

Ryan knew this well, and also launched carrier-based aircraft to fight with the biological battleships, and then asked Tuchucha: “Can we perform subspace maneuvers now?”

Tuchucha replied: “As the insect swarm is killed, the subspace shielding weakens, and you can jump.”

At this time, the puppet on the side also said: “I just asked the God Emperor. The Hive Will only shallowly shields the subspace, but its internal subspace is not affected.”

Ryan suddenly realized: “No wonder they want to surround the entire galaxy. As long as they kill a way, they can restore the smooth flow of subspace!”

At this moment, battles were raging in other directions in the galaxy, including the restored planetary defense firepower of the Hive Fleet enemies, and the escaping Black Legion fleet.

During his escape, Abaddon encountered a large number of insect swarms, causing considerable losses. If the main force of the insect swarm had not been encircling and suppressing Ryan, Abaddon would not have been able to leave.

Therefore, Ryan immediately ordered Tuchucha to start teleporting. After the psychic flash, the Invincible Truth led three hundred battleships to appear beside the hive mothership.

Before the hive mothership could react, the light spears, macro cannons, and nova cannons fired instantly, and the powerful attack exploded the remaining hive motherships.

All the Hive Fleet node creatures were wiped out, and the remaining Zerg that besieged the system saw that the defenders were so powerful that the gain was not worth the loss, so they immediately gave up the siege and began to retreat.

The subspace shield was lifted, and Ryan immediately asked Tuchucha to teleport in pursuit. Through continuous flashes, he quickly killed the insect hive mothership and quickly killed them all.

Without the node biological command, the remaining biological ships killed each other and devoured each other. The empire annihilated the hive vanguard.

At this time, Said reminded: “Ryan, according to the emperor’s prompts, there are chicken thieves psychic beacons everywhere in the Sabai star cluster, which have become beacons to attract the insect swarms.”

Ryan snorted coldly: “This must be Chaos’ fault. Since they couldn’t defeat the empire, they colluded with the aliens to distract themselves from the pressure!”

Said said: “Yes, Abaddon robbed transport ships before but did not kill anyone. They probably carried gene stealers and spread them across the world.”

But Ryan was confused: “But it’s only three years since the war started. Are the gene stealers breeding so fast?”

Said replied: “According to the special attack investigation, more than one family has appeared on many planets. Abaddon has planted multiple original clan leaders, and the multiple heads have developed, and the reproduction speed is naturally fast.”

Ryan asked: “Do you need me to cleanse these worlds?”

Said nodded: “If necessary, I will send you the coordinates immediately. You can use Tuchucha to maneuver quickly and cooperate with the scientific research ship to purify these places!”

Ryan solemnly said: “Yes, Your Highness, I promise to complete the mission!”

At the same time, 500 black hole-class battleships arrived, joined up with the Ryan fleet, and quickly teleported to various chicken thief planets through Tuchucha to initiate purification and cleansing.

Said believed in Ryan’s efficiency. In front of the original body and the legion, the chicken thief was vulnerable, but he had a bad feeling in his heart.

He couldn’t help but ask himself: “What does Abaddon want?”

Then he answered himself: “Capture the seventh black stone fortress!”

Then he asked himself: “How is Abaddon going?”

Then he answered himself: “The Servants of the Abyss war gang is retreating steadily, and it is only a matter of time before they are purified!”

“And what would Abaddon do?”

Staring at the star map, looking at the areas marked with greenskins and tyranids, a flash of lightning flashed through his mind, and he suddenly thought of terrible speculations.

“Damn, if it’s true, that’s going to be troublesome!”

At the same time, in the undead tomb world of Solemnas, the Figure King showed the puppet a star map, with a tentacle stretching from bottom to top across the entire Pacific Star Territory.

“Your Highness, this is the direction of the main tentacles of the Hive Fleet. In fact, their course is constantly changing, and they seem to be chasing something!”

Said smiled bitterly. This situation undoubtedly confirmed his previous guess. He saw through Abaddon’s plan, but it was to no avail.

Abaddon threw chicken thieves into various worlds to attract the main fleet of the Hive. However, as Ryan purged, the psychic beacons continued to disappear, and the insect swarms lost their way.

At this moment, they discovered a new beacon and it was constantly moving. They immediately went to chase it. This beacon was the Abaddon fleet!

Just like attracting green skins, Abaddon raised a large number of chicken thieves on the battleship to attract the insect nest tentacles to follow, and the target was obvious – the location of the seventh Blackstone Fortress!

As soon as this idea came up, violent subspace fluctuations appeared in the distance in the Blackstone Fortress space, and Said immediately ordered the carrier-based aircraft to investigate.

It found an unmanned warship, but the warship’s appearance was intact, its power source was still operating, and the fleet’s appearance showed various characteristics of a chaotic fleet.

This is a Chaos warship, but it is parked here for some reason without any crew on it.

However, Said had already guessed what was being held inside. When the Titan Soldiers boarded the battleship, they were immediately attacked by a large number of original blood chicken thieves.

Said made a prompt decision and destroyed the entire battleship.

But this was just the beginning. Hulks filled with chicken thieves continued to appear in the surrounding space. Some were successfully discovered, while others were hidden among the many hulks, making it difficult to locate them for a while.

The more chicken thieves and hulks there are, the more obvious the psychic beacons are. Coupled with Ryan’s continuous cleaning, the main fleet of the Hive has only one target – Blackstone Fortress.

Abaddon plans to continue the unfinished business of the green skins, by luring the aliens to fight against the Empire, so that both of them will lose. In the end, the Black Legion will become the fishermen and rob the Blackstone Fortress.

This is Hong Guoguo’s conspiracy, and Said is powerless to stop it. However, he is still confident enough to crush any offensive.

At this moment, he not only has four black stone fortresses, but also an entire mobile legion fleet. The fortresses are equipped with Void Claws and have powerful combat capabilities.

At this time, Ryan also understood Abaddon’s plan, and immediately contacted Said and asked: “Your Highness, do you need me to bring the main reinforcements of the legion?”

At this moment, the Lane Mobile Corps kept flashing and teleporting to various galaxies, leaving behind a fleet and army to clear out every place they arrived.

In front of the imperial army, the chicken thieves retreated steadily and were quickly suppressed. However, this also caused the mobile corps to be dispersed and unable to reinforce the Blackstone Fortress.

But Said shook his head and said: “No, the Blackstone Fortress is important, and the hundreds of worlds in the Sabai Star Cluster are equally important. Only when the chicken thieves in each world are cleaned up will the main force of the Insect Hive go to the Blackstone Fortress.”

Ryan is still worried: “But Your Highness the Prince…what if the main fleet of the Hive is powerful and is captured by Chaos?”

Said waved his hand: “There is no such thing as a chance. If Blackstone Fortress cannot be defeated, you will come back with reinforcements. Relying on Tuchucha, you can teleport quickly.”

Ryan nodded: “Okay, Your Highness, I will eliminate the chicken thieves as soon as possible and rush to you!”

Shortly after the communication ended, a subspace shield appeared in the space surrounding Blackstone Fortress, and astrological communication could not be transmitted at all. The navigator saw a large shadow shrouding it.

Said immediately put the entire army on alert and launched defense around seven black stone fortresses.

The Imperial Army must not only resist the Hive Fleet, but also retain its strength to withstand the sudden attack of the Black Legion.

Therefore, Said used the fortress-free fleet as a general reserve to resist the Black Legion who wanted to be fishermen at any time.

Soon, the main force of the Hive Fleet came from all directions. The Imperial Fleet showed no sign of weakness and immediately activated the Blackstone Fortress weapon system and fired four beams of energy at the speed of light.

The speed of light swept through the Hive Fleet, and wherever it went, cruisers and Hive Motherships were shot and exploded. Under Said’s control, the focus was on attacking the Hive Mothership.

However, compared with Tentacle Striker, this time the Empire encountered the main force of the Hive Fleet. They were larger in scale and had more Hive Motherships, nearly ten thousand in total.

The insect hive mothership continuously builds biological warships, forming a sea of ​​hundreds of millions of insects, swarming towards the imperial fleet.

On the other hand, the Empire only had 2,000 capital ships and was at a serious disadvantage in terms of military strength.

However, Said did not panic at all, because he had the Blackstone Fortress and the Void Claw, one was an Eldar artifact, and the other was a super weapon from the Golden Age.

The combat power of the artifact is enough to make up for the numerical gap.

Said gave an order, and black holes appeared in the middle of the insect sea one after another, sucking in a large number of biological battleships, from the insect hive mothership to the drone sentry ship, no one was spared.

But soon, the swarm figured out the strike range of the Claws of the Void, and the hive mothership retreated backwards, with billions of cannon fodder in front, avoiding the attack of the empire’s super weapon.

For the Hive Fleet, biological warships are just cannon fodder. As long as the mothership and node creatures are still there, there is no fear of casualties.

At this moment, the only weapon capable of killing the Hive Mothership is the vortex cannon of the Blackstone Fortress. The vortex cannon has a cooling time, and the two ships must be combined to reach the striking distance.

This meant that targets had to be carefully selected, and Said quickly locked onto an ancient hive mothership.

The vortexes of the two black stone fortresses converged, and the energy ball continued to expand, eventually turning into a thicker energy beam that rushed straight towards the target.

The ancient insect hive mothership immediately mobilized biological battleships to block it, but was instantly penetrated by the vortex beam, reaching the surface of the body, burning through the shield, and penetrating the body.

The attack on Blackstone Fortress was almost unstoppable, and the Hive Fleet suffered heavy losses before it even made contact with the Imperial warships.

So the Hive Fleet retreated further back, making it more difficult for the Imperial fleet to attack. At this moment, the Empire was not attacking the Hive Fleet, but began to block the Zerg cannon fodder.

Said released a large number of carrier-based aircraft, and the battleships opened up their firepower. Nova cannons, light spears, macro cannons and torpedoes filled the space ahead, while the bugs responded with large amounts of acid shells.

The war has entered a war of attrition, with carrier-based aircraft constantly being blown up, void shields constantly being overloaded, warships constantly being bitten, and bugs constantly jumping gangs.

In the close combat, the Hive Fleet showed strong combat power, and the Imperial fleet fell into a bitter battle. If it were not for the large-scale destruction by the Void Claws, the Imperial Fleet would not have been able to survive for a week.

At this moment, Abaddon made a move. He led the last Black Legion fleet and launched a teleportation gang towards the Masterless Blackstone Fortress to fight the Empire decisively.

Abaddon deployed large numbers of Destroyers to counter the Empire’s Terminator mechs.

In previous battles, the Empire Terminator transformed into a humanoid tank and easily slaughtered the Servants of the Abyss warband, but when the Obliterator appeared, the good days were over.

The Obliterator’s body is covered with guns, and its body can produce cannonballs on its own. It can be said to be a self-propelled turret with unlimited ammunition.

With their addition, I hope that the advancement speed of the Sennei Empire will slow down.

Up to now, the empire has invested seven waves of gang jumping troops into the fortress, and the remaining troops need to resist the Tyranid gang.

In addition to the Obliterators, Abaddon also sent a group of Death Guards in order to accelerate the corruption. Nurgle’s fatherly domain continued to spread, and the corruption that had been contained was intensified again.

At this moment, the Empire’s Blackstone Fortress suddenly received news:

“Has… reached… the… border… thanks… my… compatriots… for the… purity… of death!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the Blackstone Fortress instantly disintegrated!

Happy Dragon Boat Festival ~ Loyalty Festival ~


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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