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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 182: Victory in the Sabai War

The ownerless Blackstone Fortress has long been determined to die. Although the Imperial Army has tried its best to save it at the request of its compatriots, the increase in Chaos troops still caused its mentality to collapse.

Chaos is increasing its troops, pollution is spreading, and the empire’s gang-hopping troops are retreating steadily. However, the empire is unable to reinforce itself in order to resist the Zerg, and the balance of victory is tilted again.

In its eyes, the situation has collapsed. Even if the chaos pollution is removed, it is still tainted and its body is still filthy. It should simply be destroyed.

Thanks to the efforts of the imperial gangsters, the fortress regained a considerable amount of control. When Chaos counterattacked, it immediately activated the extradimensional space fragments and disintegrated the fortress.

Before disintegrating, it exhausted its last energy and teleported the fighting Imperial troops above the fortress outside the fortress, where it was picked up by the defending fleet and perished together with the Chaos troops.

When Said saw this, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief. In this way, Abaddon’s plan to capture the Blackstone Fortress came to nothing, and the empire won the Sabai War.

But it is too early to say victory at this time. The Hive Fleet is still fighting fiercely with the Empire, and there are still sporadic waaaaghs from green skins everywhere.

They all require the empire to invest significant efforts to solve.

As a result, Said left Abaddon behind and controlled the Imperial fleet to fight the Zerg decisively.

After the main fortress was disintegrated, the Empire’s Blackstone Fortress regained its ability to move. It seemed to turn grief into motivation, and dealt more violent blows to the enemy.

They did not resent the Empire, because they could feel that the Empire had tried its best, and they really should not make any more willful demands, so they had no choice but to throw their frustrations at the Hive Fleet.

They ran headlong into the insect swarm, and the weapon system they set up was outputting at full power. Countless light spears, macro cannons, and void claws were dotted around them, clearing the biological warships in pieces.

On the other hand, the attacks of the insect swarm had no effect. The acid cannonballs were blocked by the shield, and the bite attacks could not destroy the hard black stone.

Under the control of the empire, Blackstone Fortress is like an unparalleled general among the armies, causing large tracts of death among the insect swarms.

In the end, Blackstone Fortress broke through the biological battleship group, crashed into the hive mothership behind, and continuously launched its claws of the void, creating large black holes and swallowing countless motherships.

The Hive Mothership showed no sign of weakness. They quickly discovered the weakness of the Void Claw, which was that the attack aircraft had a limited range and could neither get close nor far away.

Once the black hole appears too close, it will hurt itself. If it is far away, it cannot exceed the range, so a safe zone is created.

The Hive Mothership took advantage of this and quickly approached the Blackstone Fortress at the cost of casualties. It launched its meteor hammer tentacles, the top of which stuck to the surface of the fortress, quickly shortening the distance.

At this time, the Imperial fleet at the rear was entangled by the swarm of insects and was unable to rescue them. They could only watch the Blackstone Fortress fall into the siege of the insect hive mothership.

However, Said did not panic at all. When the giant pincer-like front jaws of the hive mothership were clamped, the Blackstone Fortress remained motionless, showing no signs of damage.

Said secretly laughed in his heart. Historically, no weapon in the empire, whether it was a nova cannon or a cyclone torpedo, could damage the Blackstone Fortress in the slightest.

The same goes for the minions of the Hive Mothership.

Just when the hive mothership was about to increase its strength, a beam of light passed through the body of the mothership, instantly exploding countless flesh and blood, cutting off the life of the hive mothership.

Blackstone Fortress slaughtered the Hive Mothership without any damage. Although it killed all directions, the efficiency was still slow. After all, there were only six Hive Motherships, but there were over 10,000 Hive Motherships.

Even if they kill one ship after another, the vortex cannon will take a long time to kill, and the mobile legion fleet is entangled by the cannon fodder warships of the insect swarm.

The situation reached a stalemate until an imperial fleet appeared on the periphery of the battlefield. Said was surprised to find that it was five hundred black hole-class battleships.

Among them, the Invincible Truth took the lead, leading the battleships into the insect nest mothership group. Large black holes cleared out the various space domains, condensing countless motherships into wreckage balls.

According to Ryan, the Black Hole-class battleship is an Extinction Order weapon and cannot be used when cleaning up the chicken thieves. They simply reinforce Said and supply it to the Hive Fleet.

With the addition of Ryan, the killing efficiency has reached a higher level, more hive motherships have been destroyed, and the balance of victory has completely tilted towards the human side.

Seeing that there is no hope of victory, the Hive Fleet is thinking that even if it defeats the Imperial fleet, the biomass obtained cannot make up for the loss of the biological ship.

So the Hive Fleet made a prompt decision, turned around and fled. A large number of biological battleships dispersed with a roar and merged with the Hive Mothership.

After only a very small interruption, when they leave the control range of the node creatures, they lose control and attack each other.

But how could Said and Ryan let them go? In order to protect the empire’s territory, they immediately launched a pursuit.

Through Ryan’s Tuchucha, the Imperial fleet teleports quickly. No matter how fast the Hive Fleet runs, it will be overtaken in an instant and massacred.

As a result, the remaining two thousand hive motherships dispersed and broke out to save the fleet’s fire as much as possible. The imperial warships immediately separated out the same number of fleets and launched pursuit.

Ryan personally led four black stone fortresses and five hundred black hole battleships to keep the legion fleet tracking, while he teleported through Tuchucha.

Under the Blackstone Fortress and the Black Hole-class battleships, the hive fleets that dispersed and fled were helpless and were killed one after another.

After months of being on the run, the Imperial fleet finally wiped out the hive fleet.

At this moment, Ryan returned to the location of Wu Main Fortress, preparing to recover the wreckage for research.

At this moment, Ryan received the news that the troops defending the wreckage were attacked by the Eldar. He said angrily:

“These hateful aliens only use humans as gunmen and hide behind the scenes to play tricks! Tuchucha, teleport quickly, I will kill them!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the subspace around him was distorted. Ryan’s main force returned to the ruins of the fortress, just in time to see the Eldar and the remaining fleet engage in a fierce exchange of fire.

Upon seeing this, Ryan activated the Void Claw without saying a word, and the black hole swallowed up a large number of Eldar warships. In the face of the strong gravity, the maneuverability of the Eldar ships was useless.

The Spirit Tribe was hit hard and immediately sent a message, anxiously saying:

“Humans, we have no ill intentions. The remains of Blackstone Fortress must be recovered by us, otherwise they will fall into the hands of Chaos and lead to terrible consequences!”

Ryan looked at the puppet beside him. The puppet shook his head. Ryan quickly understood and said angrily:

“Go to hell, aliens! Chaos, bugs, greenskins, undead, the empire has beaten them all one by one, now it’s your turn!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the fleet opened fire and continued to slaughter the Eldar warships in large numbers. The Eldar warships were furious and said angrily:

“You idiots, do you know what you are doing? You will allow the warp to swallow the entire galaxy!”

However, Lion turned a deaf ear and insisted on attacking, quickly driving away the Eldar, and then arranged for the Mechanicus and puppets to recover the wreckage.

At this moment, somewhere in the galaxy, Said’s puppet was suddenly tied up, and Yoda said anxiously:

“Hurry and hand over the wreckage of Blackstone Fortress to us. The prophecy shows that Chaos will use the wreckage to launch another invasion of reality!”

Said wondered: “It’s just a pile of debris, what use can it be?”

Yoda gritted his teeth and said: “There is no time to explain, give them to the Eldar for safekeeping immediately, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!”

“Haha!” Said sneered: “Human beings are resisting bugs, greenskins, and chaos, and protecting the peace of the galaxy. What are you doing? Have you made any contributions?”

“If this was said by the undead, I might not believe it. They provided information about the insect swarm, but the Eldar…are like a shameless person who steals the fruits of victory!”

Yoda was furious: “In the words of your Gutera, you are judging the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain!”

“If Blackstone Fortress falls into the hands of Chaos, the Eldar will send troops to help. However, the prophecy has already informed you of victory, so we did not send troops!”

“The prophecy tells that the remains of the Vaal Talisman will become the key to the victory of Chaos and will severely damage the real universe in the next catastrophe!”

Said fell into deep thought and couldn’t help but think of the Thirteenth Black Crusade. Blackstone Fortress became the key to Abaddon’s victory.

At the same time, he was wondering: “What can Abaddon do if he gets the remains of Blackstone Fortress?”

If the prophecy is true, it is not a bad idea to leave it to the Eldar. Compared with that little bit of technology, killing Abaddon is more important.

Between survival and strength, Said always chooses survival!

However, the Eldar are fickle and who knows what they are planning. Said said coldly: “Why do humans believe in you?”

Yoda sighed, as if he had made up his mind, and replied: “I will be your hostage. If there is any mistake, I will do whatever you want!”

Behind Yoda is the clown Xigoqi. Xigoqi will not make fun of the lives of his dependents casually. Even if the Eldar really have a conspiracy, at least Yoda does not know about it.

Yoda doesn’t know, which means Harlequin doesn’t know either, and Harlequin doesn’t know, which means the Eldar are falling into divisions and conspiracies.

Said thinks this is impossible. Xigoqi is one of the few living gods of the Harlequins, and there are not many things that can be hidden from it within the Eldar.

He already believed in Yoda in his heart, but before making a decision, he still thought to himself: “Brother Huang, is the Spirit Tribe worth trusting?”

The emperor said: “I don’t know. There are countless possibilities in front of me. I don’t know which one will come true. Make a decision based on your judgment.”

Said nodded and said: “I understand, the empire accepts the Eldar’s proposal, Yoda!”

After saying that, he ordered to Ryan: “The situation has changed, give the wreckage to the Eldar!”

Ryan was puzzled: “Your Highness, why is this so? The ruins of the fortress are the trophies of the empire and the trophies of mankind!”

Said told the prophecy and explained: “They will become weapons of Chaos, and we humans have no means to preserve the remains, so we can only hand them over to the Eldar for sealing!”

Ryan was still unwilling to give in and said: “This is just a prophecy. Who knows if it is true? What did His Majesty the God Emperor say?”

Said said calmly: “Your Majesty sees countless futures and lets us decide on our own.”

As soon as he finished speaking, there were violent subspace fluctuations around the wreckage. Said hurriedly said: “Retreat quickly and give things to the Eldar!”

Although Ryan was full of doubts, he upheld his trust in Said and ordered the fleet to withdraw.

The Eldar warships guarding the periphery quickly moved in and cast psychic spells around the wreckage. They could vaguely see that they were contending with the fluctuating subspace.

Said asked: “The Spirit Race, do you need the Blackstone Fortress to open the forbidden demon realm?”

However, his concern was only met with arrogant ridicule: “Ignorant low-level creatures, how can the sealing technique be so rough! Just wait and watch, don’t do anything unnecessary to disturb us!”

Said curled his lips, cursing in his mind that dogs look down on people, and then watched the Eldar’s actions.

At this time, the Eldar spacecraft was moving according to a specific formation, with mysterious and complicated rules, which made Ryan and Said confused.

As the psychic spells are cast, the subspace fluctuates more violently, as if encountering a provocative beast, contending with the Eldar mage.

Ryan’s face was solemn. At this moment, he believed Said’s words. If he continued to stay here for archaeological research, he would inevitably be invaded by subspace fluctuations, leading to unpredictable consequences.

A moment later, mysterious runes climbed onto the remains of the fortress, and wisps of black smoke slowly rose. According to the observations of the auspicious instrument and the scientific research ship, the impurities turned out to come from the materials of the Chaos battleship Impaler.

In other words, the Eldar are purifying the debris and isolating the chaos pollution. The subspace seems to be aware of the Eldar’s intentions, and the fluctuations become more intense, reaching the level of a storm.

At this moment, the Eldar wizards seemed to be under tremendous pressure. The battleships’ psychic output was intermittent. The battleships’ structures were damaged, and some even exploded.

However, the impurities are constantly being stripped away, and the corruption is constantly being removed. The Eldar and the subspace seem to be engaged in a marathon, competing to see who can persist to the end.

At this moment, a loud “waaaagh” suddenly appeared in the distance, and a group of green-skinned garbage mountains came towards the wreckage. The Eldar were about to resist when Lion King Ryan said:

“You concentrate on casting spells, leave the green skin to the empire!”

After saying that, he drove the black hole-class battleship to create a black hole in the green garbage mountain and swallowed up a large number of garbage mountains.

Said calculated in his mind that the Sabai War was on the surface a conflict between the Empire and the Black Legion, but in fact it involved all the galactic powers.

Humans, Necrons, and Eldar versus Chaos, Tyranid, and Greenskins.

Among them, the Tau showed their face and promoted the war. The Eldar and the Necrons used humans as guns to fight Chaos and bugs, while Chaos used greenskins and bugs as guns to contain the Empire.

After this battle, the division of the Galaxy Chicken Contest’s camps became increasingly clear. Although they were still hostile to each other, they were able to achieve temporary cooperation under the common enemy.

While his thoughts were racing, changes occurred on the battlefield. Eldar spaceships began to explode one after another. The subspace storm became more and more fierce, gradually blurring the curtain with reality.

The Eldar seal failed!

Upon seeing this, Ryan and Said immediately launched an attack on the wreckage, and at the same time activated the Forbidden Demon Realm in an attempt to isolate the subspace from reality.

When the Forbidden Demon Realm unfolded, it was discovered that a realm with the opposite effect emerged from the wreckage, fighting against the Forbidden Demon Realm. Although it was weak, it bought enough time.

A crack in subspace has begun to take shape.

Finally, Said said: “The four vortex cannons attacked the wreckage together, blasting the wreckage into pieces, leaving a pile of debris to Chaos!”

Ryan immediately obeyed, and the vortex cannon began to accumulate energy. The energy ball continued to expand in front of the wreckage. However, before launching, a subspace crack formed, sucking in the wreckage instantly.

The vortex cannon hit nothing!

Ryan looked solemn, and Said sighed heavily. They were not sure how much the wreckage would help Chaos, but the victory in the Sabai War would no longer be perfect.

At this time, with the efforts of the defenders from all over the country, the empire cleared the Sabai cluster and won the war. Although the empire suffered heavy losses, no world fell.

Humanity once again defeated the Three Evils and once again proved its strength in the dark galaxy.

With this imperfect victory, mankind ended the era of holy war and entered a new historical period.

However, at the end of the transition between the old and the new, at the other end of the galaxy, on the edge of the Extreme Star Field, in the Necronomicon Crown World of Manderagra, continuous geological fluctuations occurred.

The Sotec dynasty of the Necrons appears to be about to awaken.

During the Gothic War, the Eldar briefly united with the Empire to prevent Blackstone Fortress from falling to Abaddon.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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