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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 183 Zandrik, the Demented Necromancer

Originally, in history, the Sotec dynasty was as powerful as the Menak, and was one of the two strongest Necron dynasties.

After the fall of Orpheus, Menak became inactive for unknown reasons, and the Sotec dynasty replaced Menak as the Empire’s number one Necron enemy.

At its peak, the dynasty had more than eighty tomb worlds, dividing and threatening the eastern part of the empire, so much so that the empire long believed that Sotec was the Necron, and that the other dynasties were just branches.

Compared with other Necron dynasties, Sotec is extremely aggressive and hopes to restore the past glory of the Necrons. If it is allowed to awaken, another apocalyptic battle will begin in the Extreme Star Territory.

The Empire would never allow this to happen. On Mandegra, the crown world of the Sotec dynasty, scientists from the nine primarchs, the Ministry of Interior, the Mechanicum and the Prince faction gathered.

In order to crack the Necron technology, they united and shared their wisdom and scientific research results, but the results were not ideal.

Perhaps as Trazin said, only the technology studied by civilization itself can be truly mastered. The research process itself is an indispensable part of technology.

Even if humans obtain technology without research, it is still flawed technology, such as the range problem of the Void Claw, which the Empire has not solved until this time.

The technology of the Golden Age is still like this, let alone the alien technology of the undead.

But scientific research is only one of the purposes. These scientists also have another intention, which is to monitor the Sotec dynasty and prevent it from harming the empire.

In the late 38th millennium, at the end of the Jihad Era, a geological disaster broke out in Mandrake, with an unprecedented scale and intensity that had never occurred before.

Therefore, scientists judged that a major change had occurred in Manderagra, and urgently evacuated to a warship in low-Earth orbit, dispatching a scientific research ship to maintain observation.

The cyclone torpedoes of the garrison fleet are always on alert. Once the situation changes, they will immediately issue an extermination order against Mandela.

Immediately afterwards, under the observation of scientific research ships and micro-scanning satellites, ancient and magnificent pyramids rose from the ground, and countless underworld beetles and tomb guards poured out of the surface, searching for and killing all living creatures.

Mandera itself is a world of death, without any native life. In addition, the empire deliberately blocked it, and no external forces arrived.

After the scientific researchers evacuated in an emergency, the necromantic structures easily cleared the planet’s surface and destroyed the imperial scientific research equipment.

Immediately afterwards, more Necron armies emerged from the pyramids and attacked other pyramids. Under the watchful eyes of the Empire, the Necron Civil War broke out.

In an instant, the entire Mandela was in chaos, divided into hundreds of large and small separatist forces, attacking and killing each other.

Pyramids continue to be destroyed, undead nobles are captured, forced to accept control agreements, the victors strengthen their power, and continue their conquests until they are defeated by other warlords.

The undead nobles join forces with each other, and any rising overlord will be besieged by other forces. In a short period of time, the war will be indeterminate.

The news was transmitted back to Holy Terra, and Said quickly convened the Superman Council. The participants looked solemn, with the war with Menak still fresh in their minds, and they were all particularly afraid of the Necron.

At the beginning of the meeting, Said briefly introduced the situation and said calmly: “Everyone, the Necron are in the middle of a civil war. A French king will appear soon and start a war against the empire. We must unify our opinions as soon as possible!”

Rogdorn said loudly: “What is the consensus? Hasn’t there been a consensus a long time ago that once the undead awakens, an extermination order will be launched immediately?”

However, the Mechanicus has a different view: “The consensus premise is that the undead have signs of threatening the empire. At the moment, the undead are undergoing a civil war and do not pose a threat to the empire. The extermination order must be re-discussed.”

Leon Jonson supported Dorn’s point of view: “His Royal Highness the Prince said that technology makes the empire strong, but extinction allows the empire to survive. In order to protect the empire, it must be exterminated immediately!”

Vulcan supported Leon’s proposition: “The undead will definitely threaten people’s lives and must be eliminated as soon as possible!”

Guilliman believed that caution should be exercised, saying:

“According to the data, the Sotec Dynasty is the strongest undead dynasty and occupies eighty tomb worlds. We only occupy four of them. If the crown world of Mandera is destroyed, what will happen to the other tomb worlds?”

Makado smiled slightly and said: “Isn’t it good to change from a unified and powerful dynasty to a divided and separatist regime?”

Guilliman smiled bitterly and said: “Have you forgotten? Trazin once warned that once Manderagra is destroyed, other tomb worlds will wake up one after another!”

Rogroon retorted: “That would be easier to deal with than unifying the dynasty, wouldn’t it?”

Guilliman shook his head and said: “It will not be easy to deal with. The fragmented Necron dynasty will appear like a whack-a-mole, leading to a protracted security war.”

“The Battle of Orpheus proved that the Empire’s military power is enough to crush any enemy, even the Necron at the pinnacle of technology! We simply let Sotec wake up, and then dispatched the army to seek a decisive battle, and the victory was completed in one battle!”

At this time, Said asked: “You mean… another battle of Orps?”

Guilliman nodded: “Exactly, after comprehensive calculation, this price is even lighter!”

Said did not express his position immediately, looked around and continued to ask: “Any other suggestions?”

The rest of the Primarchs expressed their opinions one after another, and were generally divided into three types: summary execution faction, moderate faction, and probation faction.

Vulkan, Malcador, Lion King, Rogal Dorn, and Leman Russ supported immediate execution and advocated the immediate use of cyclone torpedoes to eliminate the Sotec dynasty immediately before it became a thing, nipping the danger in the bud.

General Forge and Fainus valued Necron technology more and believed that extermination should be done cautiously and wait until a threat arises before annihilating them.

The probationers believed that the denser the grass was, the easier it was to cut it. They allowed all the tomb worlds of the Soket Dynasty to be exposed, and the empire sent out a large army to uproot them in a decisive battle.

Guilliman and the remaining Primarchs firmly supported this assertion.

At this time, Machado asked: “Your Highness, what do you think?”

Said said calmly: “Everyone, have you noticed a phenomenon? At this time, the undead souls in the civil war are all low-level nobles. The real Council of the Three Saints, the Overlord of the Royal Court, and the Armory have not yet awakened.”

The participants couldn’t help but wonder, and then a guess emerged in their minds. Makado sneered:

“Does it mean that the lower-ranking nobles all want to be leaders, so they don’t let the real leaders wake up?”

Said nodded: “Ma Xiang is right. The real threat is not the undead in the civil war, but the senior leaders of the sleeping undead dynasty. Once they wake up, the civil war will end immediately.”

He also knew that among the sleeping undead high-level officials there was a undead crowned general named Imotek, who would become the king of the undead in the future and lead the Sokot dynasty to expand in an attempt to make the undead great again.

So Said said decisively: “I support the idea of ​​immediate elimination. The threat should be nipped in the bud. The empire cannot withstand any risks!”

Guilliman was about to argue when Said raised his hand to interrupt:

“If it were green-skinned orcs, I might agree to a suspended sentence, but the enemy is the Necrons, an ancient god-level civilization. I would rather have a whack-a-mole security battle than a decisive battle with Orps!”

“Guilliman, as the prince of the empire, I am not as optimistic as you. The imperial army is not sure of victory against the undead, so I support immediate elimination.”

Guilliman had nothing to say. After the Battle of Orpheus, it was a fact that the Empire’s technology was inferior to that of the Necrons. It could only rely on its huge size to win. The odds of victory were high, but definitely not much. There was still a possibility of failure.

Facing many divided and isolated undead worlds is easier than facing a unified dynasty. Although it requires more resources, the empire does not lack resources.

Therefore, although Guilliman insisted on his opinion, he did not refute Said’s decision, and quickly decided to exterminate Manderagra immediately through the majority submission.

However, the Superman Council did not know that somewhere in the galaxy at this time, Trazin contacted Said: “Your Highness, do you know the consequences of destroying Manderagra?”

Said nodded: “I know, you once told me that the Sotecs would rise together and cause trouble to the empire, but compared to the unified Sotecs, the threat is far inferior!”

Trazin continued to persuade: “If I tell you that Sotec’s Dharma King died in his sleep, can you let Mandegela go?”

The reason for the civil war in Manderagra was because the King of France died and the other undead nobles had not yet awakened, resulting in a power vacuum until Imotek appeared.

Said sneered in his heart: “The King of France is dead, so Imotek can take over, let alone Mandela!”

So he decisively refused: “You once said that once the world of the dead wakes up, the planet will be at my disposal!”

“If you persuade me to stop, you can leave now. The bipolar cyclone torpedo has left the launch chamber and rushed towards the surface of the planet!”

Trazin’s dissuasion failed and he had no choice but to leave. At this time, the cyclone torpedo rushed out of the battleship, penetrated into the surface of Mandera, reached the core of the earth, and exploded.

In an instant, cracks appeared on the surface of the planet, and massive amounts of magma spewed out, swallowing up the undead in the civil war. Then the entire planet fell apart and turned into a pile of meteorites.

At this point, the Sotec dynasty was wiped out, and the Storm King Imotek was stillborn.

The enemy’s hero is my enemy.

After traveling for so long, Said finally killed a hero early.

The Superman Council breathed a sigh of relief, and Leon Jonson asked: “Your Highness, there are still three undead worlds. Do you want to purify them together? Anyway, no results have been produced for many years.”

The foundry general who originally advocated prudence and gentleness immediately retorted: “They are the wealth of the empire and the wealth of mankind. Necron technology is the last hope for human sublimation and cannot be destroyed like this!”

Guilliman supported the moderate point of view: “Ryan, as long as the undead have not awakened, research can continue. If the research yields results, the benefits of maintaining the status quo outweigh the disadvantages!”

Ryan did not refute, but asked Said: “Your Highness, are there any changes in the remaining two undead worlds?”

Said shook his head: “Not yet, but it’s hard to say in the future. If there is any change, will we continue the meeting, or will we directly deal with it with the extermination order like Mandela?”

Ryan said: “I advocate a direct extermination order. In the future, the awakening of the Necron will become the norm. It is impossible to hold meetings again and again. The efficiency is too low!”

The other council members nodded, and even the Mechanicus could not find anything to say to refute. No one wanted to experience the Orpsian War again.

After the meeting, Said was authorized to use the extermination order against any abnormal undead world. He used this power two months after the destruction of Mandera.

Two tomb worlds are located next to Mandrake and belong to the Sotec dynasty.

When the overlord’s destruction signal reached the vassals, they were immediately awakened, and then encountered the Extermination Order. The planet was turned into fragments, and the threat was once again nipped in the bud. However, Said did not relax in his heart at all.

They are only worlds under the control of the empire. Said knows nothing about the worlds outside the empire’s jurisdiction. He can only order the nearby space regions to strengthen their alert and deploy more sectoral legions.

Half a month later, on the border of the Extreme Star Territory, the imperial world named Ilias was attacked by the undead. Like Menak, the zero-inertia engine crossed the outer defense line and easily penetrated into the galaxy.

When the galaxy fleet launched a counterattack, the light cruiser fleet was instantly blasted by Gaussian arcs. The void shield was as weak as a piece of paper, and then destroyed the star base.

Immediately afterwards, the Necromancer Fleet came over Ilias and loudly announced on the planet radio:

“Necrontyr traitors, I am Zandrik, King of the Sotec Dynasty. According to the “Noble War Agreement”, I allow you to surrender and receive treatment that matches your noble status!”

“You have three days to think about it. If you are stubborn, you will be hit with lethal force!”

In every imperial world, there are puppets stationed by Said. The planetary governor immediately found the puppet and asked: “Your Highness, how long until the imperial reinforcements arrive?”

The puppet reassured: “Don’t worry, the Tribunal Legion will arrive in two days, and the legion’s main fleet will arrive in four days. Stay loyal, and you will be protected by the empire.”

After appeasing the planetary governor, Said felt relieved. Zandric was a strange flower among the Necrons. He believed that he was still in the Necrontyr period and that other life forms in the galaxy were traitors who were dividing the country.

In his eyes, humans, Eldar, Orcs, and Tau are all Necrontyrs, and Tyranids are the war beasts of Necrontyrs. Since they are all compatriots, there is no need to fight to the death, and the “Noble War Agreement” should be followed.

On the battlefield, he disdains the use of assassination units such as death marks and ghosts. As long as conditions permit, he will try to capture local commanders and treat them with courtesy.

In original history, he had dinner with Astra Militarum prisoners more than once, and introduced the Necrontyr culture and technological wonders…

Until the subordinates secretly executed the prisoners and claimed that they had escaped from prison or choked to death from eating too much.

Although he is like an senile Don Quixote who cannot distinguish between reality and fantasy, Zandric is the Sotec Necromancer with the strongest military ability. Apart from Imotek, he is the most qualified to become the King of France.

While his thoughts were racing, Said couldn’t help but laugh. Compared to the powerful hero Imotek, Zandrik was more suitable to lead the Sautec dynasty.

If it can Sautek, the eastern part of the empire will be able to calm down a lot.

At this time, Trazin sent a message: “Sayed, what do you think of Zandrik? I want to support him to become the king of the Sotec Dynasty. If you agree, the invasion of the human empire will stop!”

Said asked: “Do you have a way to stop the war?”

Trazin nodded: “Of course, Zandrick and I are friends. I believe that he is a very suitable undead leader for humans!”

Said calmly said: “What do we need from the Empire? Let me explain first, it is impossible for humans to cooperate with aliens!”

Trazin shook his head: “You don’t have to do anything, just stand still. I’ll persuade Zandric, and don’t attack Giderim!”

Giderim is located next to Ilias. After the Imperial reinforcements repel the undead, they are bound to expedition to Giderim.

Said frowned: “Isn’t this good? How can we allow others to snore next to the bed? The world of the dead is not allowed on the territory of the empire!”

Trazin was helpless: “Then I’ll teleport the planet to another place. That’ll be alright!”

Second update at night


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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