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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 184 Eldar Death God Aenead

During the Beast Wars, the Greenskins had the technology to teleport to planets. After the Empire cracked the battle planet, they could do the same, but it was based on subspace.

Paigu technology isolated the subspace. Said couldn’t help but wonder how the undead were teleported, so he asked a question, and Trazin replied:

“It’s not difficult. Just install a zero-inertia engine on the planet. The world engine operates similarly.”

Said sighed with envy, and then said: “Well, it’s best to teleport all the tomb worlds away and don’t appear in the empire!”

Trazin said displeased: “You humans are all over the Milky Way. Where would we go if we didn’t go to the Milky Way?”

Said spread his hands: “You can go outside the empire’s territory like Menak did!”

Trazin’s green light flashed excitedly: “You want us to protect you from bugs? What a beautiful idea! Human beings can protect the Milky Way themselves!”

Said had no embarrassment when his thoughts were revealed. He shrugged and said:

“Don’t let the empire discover the tomb world, otherwise the torpedoes will be waiting for you immediately, and there will be no buffer left!”

Trazin said coldly: “Don’t worry, once the tomb world awakens, we will move them immediately!”

Said frowned and asked: “Can’t you move away in advance? Don’t you know the location of other tomb worlds?”

Trazin replied: “Of course I don’t know, but once I wake up, I will know in advance and install a planetary engine to teleport to a safe location!”

“The tomb world that I don’t care about means that they are not my friends. I will respect their fate by putting aside the plot of helping them!”

Said smiled and said: “Well, you are so loyal. For the sake of peace, it’s settled!”

Trazin mocked: “You are so funny, for peace!”

After reaching an agreement with Trazin, more and more Necron were awakened. Some of them were recovered in advance by Zandrik and merged into the Sotec dynasty. Some of them attacked the human world and clashed with the empire.

With Trazin’s endorsement, the Legion fleet launched a massive attack, overwhelming the Necrons with overwhelming numbers of troops.

Experience spread among the Imperial Army: To deal with the Necron fleet, you must use a hundred times the force to ensure victory. With ten times the force, the outcome is unpredictable, and with the same force, you will definitely lose.

For this reason, the empire always presses at the legion level when facing the undead, but not all dynasties are Menak and Sotec. There are only a few battleships, and they are simply unable to resist the imperial legion.

However, despite this, the empire’s losses are still considerable. No matter how weak the Necron Dynasty is, it can easily bypass the galaxy defenses, destroy the galaxy fleet, blow up the star base, and launch an airborne attack on the imperial world.

Then, under the concerted resistance of the planet’s tens of billions of people, the war situation reached a stalemate until the reinforcements of the Tribunal arrived and began to push back. Then the mixed army of the star sector arrived and defeated the undead.

Relying on this hand, the empire survived the wave of undead awakening. The undead world was either destroyed or teleported away by Trazin.

In a triumphant song, the Empire ended the Era of Holy War. During this era, the Empire violently attacked all kinds of aliens, withstood twelve Black Crusades, defeated heretics and alien conspiracies countless times, and maintained its hegemony in the galaxy.

Whether it is a new race, a declining god-level civilization, or gods from other dimensions, they have all failed in human expeditions and holy wars.

Billions of humans provide faith, and the Emperor becomes the fifth god alongside the Four Evil Gods, and the protagonist of bedtime horror stories for countless races.

With abundant martial virtue, the empire entered the era of deterrence. At the beginning of the era of deterrence, the Superman Council held a special meeting to discuss the future direction of the empire in response to the new situation in the galaxy.

Said said: “Everyone, in the past thousands of years, the empire has withstood challenges from all sides and implemented the will of the God Emperor throughout the galaxy!”

“But compared to before, the situation in the galaxy has changed. In addition to our old opponents Eldar and Orcs, the enemies have also added Zerg and Undead!”

“Either they cannot be destroyed, or they are hiding in various corners of the galaxy and growing silently. The empire cannot find them. They will become the empire’s main opponents in the next stage!”

Guilliman thought: “The green-skinned orcs are like weeds on the roadside and cannot be killed no matter what; the Eldar hide in the webway to avoid the empire’s encirclement and suppression; the main force of the Tyranid is located outside the galaxy, beyond the reach of the empire; the world of the Necron Tomb cannot be located. “

The Lion King added: “There is also the elusive Chaos. Without the Abyss Expedition, the empire would have been passively beaten!”

Malcador said: “Humanity in the golden age was not able to destroy these enemies. It is difficult for us to do it now!”

Said shook his head and said: “That’s wrong, Prime Minister Ma. Now we have a God Emperor. As long as the God Emperor protects us, the empire will be invincible!”

Makado smiled and said: “Then what do you think, Your Highness the Prince?”

Said said calmly: “Now the Milky Way generally presents a pattern of one superpower and multiple powers. The empire cannot destroy other powers in a short time, but they will eventually be destroyed!”

“This is a protracted battle. By continuously accumulating small victories, we can achieve a great victory that will wipe out everything!

Have you ever thought about why the Empire still dominates the galaxy despite having neither technological nor institutional advantages compared to the Aliens? “

Malcador smiled and said: “Because the empire has a divine emperor!”

Guilliman thought: “Because the Empire has the entire galaxy!”

Ryan said calmly: “The empire has His Highness the Prince!”

Vulkan said: “The empire has trillions of people!”

Said nodded: “You are all right. The empire has huge resources and population. The God-Emperor and the puppets condense all these dangers and transform them into huge combat power!”

“Strong comprehensive national strength is the foundation of the Empire’s standing in the Galaxy. If we want to eliminate the galactic powers, we must play to our strengths and avoid our weaknesses, and give full play to the Empire’s advantages!” Guilliman’s eyes lit up, as if he had thought of something, and Sayid continued: “So I propose that the Empire stop territorial expansion in the next hundred years, focus on defense in military affairs, and shift the focus of work to economic construction.” The Internal Affairs Committee showed joy, while the war faction looked unhappy. The shift in national policy means a change in resource investment and honor direction. Lion Johnson asked: “Your Highness, I wonder what defensive national policy means…?”

Sayed replied calmly: “It means suspending the recovery of new worlds. According to the report of the Exploration Expedition, there are still many human worlds outside the Star Torch!”

“There have always been voices within the Empire advocating the launch of an expedition to recover these worlds. One of the fleet commanders named Makarian has the highest voice, but it’s not possible!”

“The Empire has not even digested half of the Great Expedition territory. In recent years, it has continued to expand and discover new planets, and the territorial development and utilization rate is less than 30%!”

Guilliman agreed: “If the development standard is the second industrial revolution, this data will be even lower, maybe less than 20%!”

Lion frowned and said : “Guilliman, your previous 100-year plan has clearly popularized the industrial revolution, why do you change your mind now?” Guilliman said: “Don’t you see how many worlds the Empire has added since the Holy War Era? More than double, especially the exploration expeditions, the territory has broken through the Star Torch!” “How many star regions need to be established? How many legions? How many fortifications are built? But because of inadequate development, these worlds don’t have much output!” “Your Highness is right to worry, the expansion of the Empire has reached its limit, and the existing territory must be fully digested before it can continue to expand!” In war, laymen look at tactics, and insiders look at logistics. The Primarchs are all experts in war, and it is impossible for them not to know the importance of farming. But not many of them are good at economy and internal affairs. Faced with Guilliman’s endless talk about economic construction, they can’t refute it. So, the meeting finally reached a consensus that the Empire’s national policy will shift from offense to defense, and no longer launch expeditions to the world outside the existing territory, and the focus of work will shift to economic construction. Although the war faction was reluctant, they had no choice but to accept this fact. Moreover, the defensive strategy was not to have no wars to fight. There were wars burning in the empire every day.

Whether it was the alien chaos or the rebellion, they were always pulling the empire’s military strength. For the lower-level soldiers, whether it was defense or offense, it was a war, there was no difference.

But for the top commanders, life suddenly became idle. The daily national war turned into a local security war, which could be digested by local defense, which made the original body who was eager for honor particularly unhappy.

So they found Sayid privately, hoping to lead a private army and launch a private expedition, but Sayid signaled to stay calm and comforted:

“Everyone, I promise you that the empire’s farming period will not be too long, at most a few hundred years, and then there will be a war that determines the fate of the galaxy, and you will all participate in it!”

“Instead of using your private army for the expedition, it is better to keep it for the war.”

After Sayid’s guarantee, the war factions left with satisfaction. As a result, as soon as the original body left, Malcador immediately contacted the puppet and said:

“Your Highness, someone found me and hopes to talk to you in person!”

Sayid smiled and said: “Puppets are all over the empire. Anyone can talk to me in person. Why do I need to go through Ma Xiangyou?”

Malcador helplessly spread his hands: “The empire is a superman politics, he is a Mortals are worried that they are not important enough, so they need me to endorse them!”

Sayed shrugged, guessed who it was, and said: “Let him in, he must be a talent if he can be recommended by Ma Xiang!”

Soon, a middle-aged man with a resolute and vigorous face wearing a fleet commander’s uniform walked in, bowed and saluted, and then said:

“Your Highness, I am Markarian, the commander of the Sun Fleet, currently under the command of Rogdorne, the commander of the Sun Theater!”

Sayed manipulated the puppet and said gently: “I know you, Markarian, since you took office as the commander of the Sun Fleet, the number of pirates in the Sun Star Domain has decreased by 70%, and Dorne has praised you many times!”

Makarian was excited: “Thank you for your praise, Your Highness. I came here this time to lead an expedition fleet to expand the territory for the empire!”

Sure enough!

Originally in history, this man went on an expedition to the Taiping Star Domain and recovered 1,000 worlds in seven years, becoming an unprecedented military miracle in the empire.

Sayid sighed in his heart. If it was during the Great Crusade, Markarian would be a very handy talent, but now, it is a bit untimely.

Combining the information of the previous life and the experience of this life, Sayid believes that the biggest problem of the empire is over-expansion. The cost of expanding and defending the territory far exceeds the output of the territory.

If you want to reverse the profit and loss, you must strengthen economic construction and obtain a window period for farming, but there is only war in the burning galaxy, which consumes a lot of resources at all times.

Even with Sayid’s travel, Guilliman and others took advantage of every opportunity to farm, and the degree of territorial development was at most 30%.

Apart from the war, the available resources were originally limited, and they should be invested in farming to develop the territory instead of continuing to expand. Markarian’s expedition is really inappropriate.

Therefore, Sayid refused:

“I guess you have read the spirit of the instructions of the Superman Council, which discusses the current situation inside and outside the empire. Your expedition violates the spirit of the instructions, so the empire will not invest resources in it.”

Markarian said anxiously: “Your Highness, the strength of the empire lies in its territory. Only through its vast territory can the empire have sufficient strategic depth and sufficient size.”

“In the face of powerful galactic enemies, planets are extremely fragile and easily destroyed. We must be prepared to lose planets and accumulate more worlds for the empire!”

Said said solemnly: “It is your duty as soldiers to protect the imperial world. Instead of thinking about repelling powerful enemies and defending the country, you instead plan to make up for the losses. Are you loyal?”

Markarian knew he had said the wrong thing and bowed quickly: “I’m sorry, Your Highness, I overstepped my bounds.”

At this time Said said: “It is impossible to organize an expeditionary force for you. I will give you two choices: continue to be the commander of the Sun Fleet, or resign and become a rogue trader!”

“If you choose the latter, because of your talent, I will personally sponsor you a cruiser formation so that you can have a higher starting point among the Rogue Traders.”

Said knew that Markarian had always dreamed of exploring the boundaries of the galaxy, even going beyond the reach of the Star Torch, and coincided with the Rogue Trader known as the Columbus of the Empire.

Wouldn’t it be better if the Commander of the Sun Fleet would only confine his ideals and simply be a rogue trader, going wherever he wants?

Markarian thought for a while and realized that the expedition fleet was useless, but the Rogue Traders were not bad either. In the empire, Rogue Traders required a charter and could not be easily formed.

But for the Imperial Prince, it was just a matter of words.

Therefore, Markarian agreed: “Thank you, Your Highness, I choose to become a Rogue Trader!”


The puppet patted his shoulder and said, “I wish your ideals will come true!”

In addition to the Rogue Traders, there are many exploratory expeditionary groups also operating on the border. If Markarian can summon them, it is possible to launch an expedition.

But since it doesn’t affect the empire, Said doesn’t bother to care.

The days flew by quickly. Under the operation of the Internal Affairs Committee, various construction projects were carried out rapidly in the empire, and the empire entered a period of rapid development.

The greenskins were constantly being maimed; the Tyranids were purged because of the chicken thieves and could not find their targets and fell into dormancy again; the Necron tomb world was transferred, and a few Necrons were digested by the star sector; Chaos and the Tau Empire were licking their wounds, secretly Accumulate strength.

Foreign aggression temporarily subsided, and the empire entered a window period for development, rapidly digesting territorial resources. In less than fifty years, the territorial digestion rate reached 40%.

The specific manifestation is that due to the expansion of production capacity, the money supply is more scarce, deflation is more serious, and purchasing power is further enhanced. Even if money printing is at full capacity, it still cannot fill the hole.

The production capacity of the trans-galactic empire is particularly terrifying. If farming begins, the expansion of production capacity will be even more terrifying.

Thanks to the efforts of Guilliman and other internal affairs committees, mankind throughout the galaxy has solved the problem of food and clothing, established a sound medical system, and eliminated all natural diseases.

Nurgle suffered another blow, but with the desire to stay warm and silver in mind, Slaanesh began to rise.

Just as the empire was flourishing, Eldar Yoda contacted Said again and said:

“We are summoning Aenead, the god of death. If successful, it will effectively combat Chaos! However, your army is sabotaging this great operation. Stop them!”

Personal opinion: The biggest shortcoming of the Warhammer Empire is excessive expansion. The huge territory is not only strategic depth, but also a bottomless pit for consuming resources. In order to defend them and being consumed by continuous wars, finances have been tight and there has been no chance to breathe.

Therefore, the Markarian expedition did more harm than good. After the world was recovered, they all rebelled and became another bottomless pit of resources.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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