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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 185 Aeneid is resurrected and rescues the regent’s wife

Death God Inieid?

Sayid was stunned, and instantly remembered the Death God Army under the Regent Lady, among which Regent Lady Eveleene was the chosen one of the Death God.

She was called the Regent Lady because she saved Guilliman after the Great Rift and facilitated the cooperation between the Eldar and the Empire.

Although the two were not husband and wife in name, and most likely not husband and wife in reality, it was the ice-breaking contact between the Demonic Empire and the Alien, which touched countless Hammers.

As a projection of throbbing emotions, Guilliman and Eveleene’s CP started to fight, becoming one of the few bright colors in the dark galaxy.

At this moment, the Eldar summoned the Death God, which was the key for Eveleene to step onto the galactic stage in the future. If the summoning failed, the Eldar Death God would be strangled and Eveleene would no longer appear.

The Death God protected the souls of the Eldar from the hands of Slaanesh. In normal times, the souls of the dead Eldar were preserved in the eternal circuit of the Ark.

Once the Ark was destroyed, the soul would be instantly exposed to the clutches of the purple futa monster, and would never be reborn.

In order to ensure the success of the summoning, Adalard stole the crystal bodies of the Ark Prophets and then started the ceremony on an Imperial satellite made of psychic crystals.

In order to eliminate interference, he sent people to feint at the nearby Demesnus Naval Port and led away the Imperial Navy, but attracted the attention of the Star Region Inquisition, which sent Death Watch to investigate.

The Death Watch discovered the ceremony. As an anti-alien special forces, they would certainly not let the ceremony succeed, and immediately launched an attack, in which Sayid puppets participated.

Adalard tried to convince Death Watch that the ceremony would strike the “common real enemy” of both sides, but the loyal Death Watch responded to his explanation with artillery fire.

They said they would rather the galaxy burn than believe in an alien scum.

Adalard had no choice but to extract the energy that originally awakened Inieid to resist the attack of Death Watch.

Originally in history, due to lack of energy, only fragments of the god of death were summoned in the end. At this moment, Death Watch has stronger firepower, with tanks on the ground, thunder eagles in the sky, and strike cruisers in orbit, consuming more energy.

If nothing unexpected happens, even the fragments of the god of death cannot be summoned this time. At this time, the clown who also supports the plan immediately contacted Sayid and asked to stop the attack.

After Sayid figured out the general situation, he did not agree immediately, but asked in his heart: “Brother Huang, is this god of death reliable? Do you want to help?”

The emperor replied calmly: “It depends on your mood. My opinion is that you can’t count on it. The Eldar have never been reliable. You can lend a hand, but you can’t harm their interests.”

The Eldar have at least ten thousand rituals. The Death Watch has seen so many that they don’t care at all. Even the puppets in the Death Watch didn’t recognize Aidalad.

This name is used by too many Eldars, and they all wear masks and helmets. If Yoda hadn’t reminded him, he wouldn’t have known that Aidalad was summoning the god of death.

Said smiled and said, “I understand, brother. Let’s lend a hand and make trouble for Slaanesh.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the puppet who was defending said, “I am Prince Said of the Empire. I will take over the command now!”

The military regulations of the Empire stipulate that puppets usually obey the orders of officers. When an emergency occurs, puppets have the right to take over the command and become the top leader from a soldier.

This sudden rebellion will cause chaos in the command system. Said does not often use this power, and even many officers do not know this power. They only regard puppets as silent and useful cannon fodder and subordinates.

When Sayid said he would take over the command, the commander did not react for a while. After a moment, he saluted with the Sky Eagle and said, “Yes, Your Highness, please give the order!”

The puppet continued, “Cease fire and retreat immediately, and stand by in the satellite orbit!”

The commander of the Death Watch was stunned and asked, “Can you tell me the reason? Your Highness, they are dirty aliens!”

The puppet’s voice was cold: “Execute the order first, then explain!”

After the death watch retreated, Sayid described the harm of the death god to the four evil gods, and added that this was the will of the Emperor, and the commander could not refute it.

The Inquisition troops withdrew the fleet and silently guarded the Eldar, planning to wait for the ceremony to be completed, and then go all out to kill these bastards.

Aidalad’s pressure was greatly reduced, and he immediately invested the energy of defense in the ceremony and continued to summon the death god Inieid. Soon a strong subspace storm was set off around him.

The subspace storm took Demesnus as the origin, spread around the galaxy, and eventually became a subspace storm that spread across the galaxy.

Countless ships in the warp jumped out urgently, and some had no time to escape and were engulfed by the surging waves of the warp and torn into pieces.

Even Terra’s Astronomican began to flicker, like a light bulb that was about to burn out.

Sayid angrily questioned Yoda: “What is going on! I feel that you have a conspiracy against the Empire!”

Yoda said innocently: “Compared with summoning the God of Death to resist our common enemy, what are these warp storms?”

Sayid knew the nature of the Eldar. Originally, the Death Watch did nothing wrong to them in history, because the side effect of summoning the God of Death was that the Astronomican went out for a while.

At that time, the Great Rift had been opened, and half of the Empire had no Astronomican navigation. If the Astronomican went out again, the other half of the Empire would not be able to navigate, and the ships would be lost in the warp.

At this time, if there was no puppet positioning, the Astronomican would be less important, and Sayid would not agree to the Death Watch to cease fire.

So he snorted coldly: “It’s better to stop here. If it threatens other interests of the Empire, the Death Watch will resume the attack!” Yoda shrugged and said: “Don’t worry, Your Highness, the Eldar come with friendship and peace, and have absolutely no intention of harming the Empire!”

At this moment, Terra was in chaos. The energy of the Star Torch came from the Emperor. When the Star Torch was lit, it meant that the God Emperor was established. When the Star Torch was extinguished, it meant that the God Emperor disappeared.

For the people of Terra, the Star Torch was not only a navigational device, but also a religious relic, the only object connected to the God-Emperor.

At this moment, the star torch flickers on and off, constantly impacting the hearts of believers. Even if the priests of the state religion go out to comfort them, it will not help.

Said thought to himself: “Brother Huang, are you okay over there?”

The emperor calmly replied: “Actually, it’s okay. The four evil gods, especially Slaanesh, are really suffering. It’s getting harder and harder for them to capture the souls of the Eldar.”

Said stretched and said easily: “In other words, when the ceremony is completed, Slaanesh will no longer be able to capture the souls of the Eldar.”

The Emperor replied: “I don’t know, but Slaanesh will never allow this to happen. Just wait, it will take action soon.”

At the same time, on the Imperial satellite where the ceremony was held, the warp storm intensified, gradually weakening the curtain with reality. In an instant, a large number of Slaanesh demons poured out to fight the Eldar defenders and Harlequins.

On the track, the Death Watch commander saw this scene and asked: “Your Highness, do we want to join in?”

The puppet asked: “Which side do you want to fight?”

The commander replied: “Of course it’s a demon. Wait until the ritual is completed before attacking the Eldar!”

The puppet nodded: “Okay, orbital bombing, at most send some carrier-based aircraft, there is no need for ground troops, it’s not worth dying for the Eldar!”

The strike cruiser lowered its altitude, piercing the surface with its luminous spears one after another, spreading out ripples in circles, expelling the demons of Slaanesh in swaths.

With the addition of the Empire, the defensive pressure on the Eldar was greatly reduced. Originally, they were severely damaged by the defensive force, and the fleet contained the Imperial Navy, resulting in the inability to deal with Slaanesh.

To this end, Eldalad even plans to extract part of the ritual energy, but the result will be the same as history, only summoning the fragments of Aenead.

Now with the empire’s auxiliary output, Eldarad was much more calm. He glanced at the imperial warship gratefully and continued his practice.

Finally, the violent energy of the subspace reached a critical point, and a low roar resounded through the subspace, echoing in the ears of all psychic creatures:

“I am the death and resurrection of new life!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the aura of the newly born gods disappeared, and the surrounding subspace storm became more intense. It is not difficult to guess that it is due to the struggle with Slaanesh.

Said asked in his heart: “Brother Huang, can Iniyad win?”

The emperor denied: “It’s difficult. Although Slaanesh was born not long ago, he is still considered a senior god. Aeneid has just been born and his foundation is still shallow. He cannot defeat Slaanesh!”

Said didn’t believe it: “But when you became a god, you were not the same as the Four Gods of Hard Steel, and you are not fine now.”

The Emperor replied: “That’s because I have gathered the faith of all mankind. The number of Eldar is already scarce, and the belief in Aenead is even less, so it cannot provide much faith.”

Then as expected, a scream resounded in all directions, and any creature with a little bit of inspiration could feel that the sound came from a new death.

Eldarad spit out a large mouthful of blood. The Eldar next to the altar looked sad as if they were mourning their heirs, and then looked happy again, with their eyes full of hope.

The Emperor explained: “Aeneid was defeated and seriously injured by Slaanesh, but he managed to escape. Before escaping, he found himself a Chosen One.”

Said was stunned and couldn’t help but marvel at the wonder. In the original history, Eldarad was attacked by the Death Watch and only summoned Death Fragments.

But now, although he was successfully summoned, he was seriously injured by Slaanesh, and things were back to the original track. Said couldn’t help but wonder if the Chosen One was the familiar one.

At this time, the Death Watch asked: “Your Highness, should we attack the Eldar!”

Said nodded: “Let’s start fighting. A group of alien bastards will never accomplish anything.”

Orbital bombing came again, the altar was blown to pieces, ship-based bombers kept tilting and raining bullets, and Space Marine airdrop pods rained down, killing the Eldar on the surface.

In an instant, the Eldar suffered heavy casualties and were almost on the verge of total annihilation. Eldarad asked angrily:

“The Eldar are not enemies of the Imperium. Your anger and hatred should be directed at the Warp, not us!”

Said replied via planetary radio: “The one who is useful is the God of Death, Ineyed, not you. Now that the God of Death has completed his summons, you can go die! Don’t be like flies, harassing the empire all the time!”

Eldarad was furious: “Narrow and cruel low-level creatures! Sooner or later, the galaxy will be destroyed in your hands!”

As soon as he finished speaking, a large number of Eldar warships appeared and attacked the strike cruiser. Death Watch instantly lost its air reinforcements and its advance began to slow down.

Instead of fighting, Eldarad cast a psychic spell, teleported to the Eldar warship instantly, and flew away.

At the same time, in another part of the galaxy, Yoda received the news of the resumption of war and asked coldly: “Are you humans confident that you can deal with subspace on your own?”

The puppet shrugged and said calmly:

“Human beings never count on any allies. They are fed up with conspiracy and betrayal, and believe that blood must be shed. Only bloodshed can suppress those capricious civilizations and races!”

The violent answer made Yoda clench his fists and argue: “We Eldar are not…”

Said interrupted: “That’s you!”

“Because of your bullshit ritual, you cut off the light of the Star Torch, causing riots in Terra. If there were no puppets positioned, the situation would be even worse!”

By then, countless ships will be lost in the subspace. No matter the naval fleet or civilian merchant ships will be spared, the empire will face heavy losses.

Yoda argued: “This is a necessary sacrifice in order to destroy the common enemy!”

Said sneered: “Humanity will be sacrificed, and the Eldar will benefit!”

“Destroying the common enemy is a benefit in itself, why bother with it!”

“Human beings are determined to retaliate against any conspiracy!”

Yoda took a deep breath, stopped arguing about this issue, and said:

“Let’s not argue about this anymore. Let’s look forward. Does the Empire plan to expedition to Comoros?”

Said said calmly: “The empire has always had this plan, but after the Terra Webway was abandoned, there was no way to find the road to Comoros!”

Commorragh is the base camp of the Dark Eldar. Countless black bean sprouts set out from here every day to plunder slaves and supplies throughout the empire, causing great disturbance to the empire.

If the city can be destroyed, countless human and material losses will be reduced, and the construction speed of the Internal Affairs Committee will be greatly increased.

At this time, Yoda said: “We will open a webway that will allow your entire fleet to reach Comoros.”

Said’s eyes lit up. The Dark Eldar were barren, and most of their warships were raiders. The empire would be invincible if they sent a few cruiser formations there.

It is not that no Imperial forces have arrived on Comoros in the past, the Death Watch has passed through the narrow webway to carry out missions on Comoros.

But unfortunately, those passages cannot be used by warships. The empire has been passively enduring the plunder of black bean sprouts, but has been unable to launch decisive retaliation.

Now that the Eldar have an opportunity in front of them, the empire should seize it no matter what, so Said decisively agreed:

“Of course we accept it, but what does the Empire have to pay?”

Yoda said calmly: “Send your Titan Soldiers or Astartes to help us save one person. There are no other requirements.”

Said agreed: “Is that it? The empire can send a regiment of giant god soldiers, but the empire needs to destroy Commorragh without any hindrance from you!”

Yoda gently touched the puppet’s face, smiled slightly and said, “Of course, it’s up to you to do whatever you want, Ada will never interfere!”

The two ended the call, and Said went into deep thought. Through the memory of his past life, he probably knew who the rescue target was. At the moment, she was sweating blood in the duel field in Comoros.

According to the information from the Assassin’s Court, she had a duel recently, and her opponent was the Queen of the Arena, Lylis.

In the original history, Efrenie was stabbed through the heart by Lylis, and then she was selected by the god of death, Aenead, and became the chosen one to be resurrected.

The resurrection exploded the webway, causing warp demons to invade Commorragh, and Efreni was hunted down by Commorragh’s leader, Victor.

Because the timing was too coincidental, Said guessed that the rescue target was Evelyn, the regent’s wife.

“Well, no matter what, the Empire just needs to destroy Comoros!”


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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