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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 186 Rescue Evelene

According to the coordinates provided by Everene, Said mobilized the Prince’s Legion of the Maelstrom, organized a fleet, and entered the webway in a mighty manner.

The fleet consists of a battle cruiser formation, three cruiser formations, and a strike cruiser formation. Based on intelligence calculations from all parties, the firepower is enough to destroy Comoros.

Meanwhile, Commorragh, the capital of the Dark Eldar.

This is a hive-like three-dimensional city made up of countless pipelines, ramps, space hulks and satellites. It looks like a disgusting virus lurking in the blood vessels.

Through the webway, its tentacles are spread across every corner, and the chasm of the real universe can be crossed here with just one step.

There are not only Dark Eldar in the city, but also a large number of mercenaries, bounty hunters, Imperial fugitives, Chaos cultists, green-skinned Orcs and even Death Watch from all over the galaxy.

Members of the Superman Council all set up intelligence agencies here, and Said even sent a communications team to convey intelligence from various factions in the empire.

Through the intelligence network he operated, Said quickly learned about Evelyn’s current situation.

Just like the original history, Everene was born in the Ark world of Beltan and embarked on the path of dancing. Then she found that she could not be said to be very violent, but could only be said to be extremely bloodthirsty, so she turned to the path of a warrior.

Later, he could not adapt to the boring life on the Ark and became an Eldar pirate. He was crippled by the heroic Imperial Navy and was forced to flee into the Webway.

“Emm…long live the empire!” Said thought in his heart.

Originally, in history, Efreni was forced to flee the Webway after her subordinates betrayed her. The rebellious men later changed their minds and helped Efreni escape from Commorragh.

However, due to the appearance of Said, the empire became extremely powerful, and Everene’s pirates, like other colleagues, became the dead souls of the macro cannon.

“So, originally the pirate group’s response mission was completed by the Empire. Is this the Harlequin’s plan?” Said fell into deep thought.

Half a day later, in the city of Comoros, there was the Witch Spirit Arena.

A grand gladiatorial battle is about to begin. The leader of the Witch Spirit Sect, Mrs. Malus, organized various monsters such as Tyranids, green-skinned orcs, and a large number of Witch Spirit sisters to engage in unlimited multiplayer fighting.

This is a grand event of unprecedented scale. Even the Lord of Comoros, Victor, came to watch the battle. If the godfather of the web can be attracted to place a bet, it will add luster to the duel event.

Efreni is also one of the gladiators. When she first arrived in Comoros, she lived in the slums. Her skills were appreciated by Madam Malus and she became a rising star in the duel arena.

After the duel started, Efreni went berserk, chopped down a group of monsters, and then followed the script to single out the queen of the duel, Lylis.

It is said that the battle was so amazing that even the clowns who were watching the battle were dumbfounded, but it was obvious that the queen of the arena was stronger and she was teasing Efreni.

In order to create more suspense for the game and attract the strongman Victor to place bets, Riley specially asked Efreni to cut her arm.

But then a heart-wrenching punch was unexpected, and Lailis was beaten to pieces. She was in an extremely embarrassed state and was not elegant at all.

As a result, Lylis fell into a rage, and Everene barely managed to parry. Finally, her foot slipped, she lost her balance and was stabbed through the chest with a sword. Lylis turned around to look for her next opponent.

But Efreni did not wait for death. Even with a sword stuck in her chest, she still fought with the guy who wanted to kill him. At the cost of losing a hand, she chopped down the priest of Cain and attracted all the targets in the audience.

The host even loudly said: “Yes, she is very strong, even if her chest is pierced, even if she loses a hand! She keeps fighting, and we all need to learn from her!”

In the end, Efreni fell. On the verge of death, the god of death, Aenead, looked through her resume. She was a black and white master, a master of magic and martial arts, and had rich work experience. She was very suitable to be chosen as a god, so he selected her. Resurrection in place.

But the gifts of the gods often come with a price. The reborn spiritual energy of Efreni opened the door of Cain to the subspace, and a large number of demons poured into Commorragh to kill them.

Although the demon was quickly expelled, it angered the leader of Commorragh, Victor, and immediately sent the True Child Cabal to hunt down Efreni.

Victor’s move offended Mrs. Mallus’s Witch Spirit sect, and the real son fought with the Witch Spirit sisters. However, Victor was the leader after all and quickly suppressed the Witch Spirit sisters.

Everene is in danger, and no pirates are coming to save her this time, but she is still full of confidence because she firmly believes that the God of Death will not let her die easily.

Soon, her expectations became reality. A large number of imperial warships arrived in the sky over Comoros and launched orbital bombing without saying a word.

The mothership-class cruiser sent out a large number of carrier-based aircraft and engaged in fierce battles with the Raider motorcycles. There were many Raider motorcycles that tried to join the gang, but were shot up by powerful close-range firepower.

Even if he occasionally successfully jumped into a gang, he would be brutally beaten by the prepared giant soldiers.

Soon, Comoros fell into a sea of ​​fire. From a distance, it looked like a burning steel ball. Comoros once again recalled the fear of being dominated by the empire.

Before the Great Crusade, the Empire burned Commorragh, which became the first and only invasion and was deeply engraved in the memory of Commorragh.

As for Victor, a new man who rose up after the invasion of the Empire, he naturally knew how terrifying the Empire was, so he transformed into a bunker boy and did not dare to stand out.

Victor could not avoid the war. Comoros was divided among warlords and had many factions. Facing the huge imperial offensive, it was unable to organize a decent resistance and was ravaged by orbital bombing.

Unlike the last time, which was only burned once, Said decided to completely destroy Comoros this time. To this end, he carried a large number of bipolar cyclone torpedoes and virus bombs.

But before that, he had to rescue Everene, so he controlled the puppet and asked Yoda beside him: “Where is the rescue target?”

Yoda stared at the burning Commorragh, thoughtfully picked up the communicator, spoke a few words in Ada language, and then told Said a location.

With a thought in Said’s mind, a large number of airdrop pods landed at the target location and quickly cleared away the surrounding enemy forces. Then they were attacked by the Witch Spirit Sect and the two sides fought.

The puppet raised its shield high and fought back again and again while shouting: “We were invited by the Harlequin to rescue Everene, we are not enemies!”

Mallus said angrily: “You lie, you villains destroyed Commorragh, the home of our Eldar, and you still want to lie to us and dream!”

After saying that, despite Said’s advice, the Wuling Sect continued to fight back.

At this time, the puppet glanced at Yoda beside him. Yoda immediately said a few words in Ada language, and the Witch Spirit Sect ceased fire.

The giant god soldier stepped forward and said, “Which one of you is Efrenie?”

An Eldar with white braids that reached the sky stepped forward and said, “I am, may the God of Death bless you, a powerful human warrior!”

The Titan Soldier coldly replied: “Our souls surrender to the Emperor, not your bullshit Death!”

Everene said calmly: “The Eldar and humans do not have core conflicts of interest, but they have a common enemy. We should enhance mutual trust and understanding and deepen cooperation.”

The Titan Soldier remained cold: “Due to historical reasons, humans do not trust the Eldar. Any Eldar who offends the empire will be destroyed!”

While the two were talking, a Thunderhawk gunboat slowly landed, and Ephrene and her party, including Lylis, Mrs. Malus, the Witch Spirit Sisters, the old pirate group, and a group of clowns all boarded the ship.

Said couldn’t help but curiously asked: “Are they the members of the Death Army? They have integrated all the factions of the Eldar!”

Efreni said with a divine look: “A new melody appears in the great song of the Milky Way, and the hope contained in it has been looked forward to by my people for thousands of years. I am the first listener, but I will never be the last.”

With her firm words, the cyclone torpedo behind her fell into Comoros like a meteor and penetrated into the ground. The next moment, the surface of the steel ball was full of cracks, countless pipes and scrap ships disintegrated, causing countless explosions.

Then there was a thunderous roar, and the dark city suddenly disintegrated. Whether it was the Haemonculi underground or the nobles of the Cabal on the spiers, everyone died at this moment.

At this moment, this city that had stood for thousands of years was destroyed. All the Eldar present felt sad, and the hot-tempered Lailis directly attacked the giant god soldiers.

“You despicable monkeys! How dare you?!”

However, what greeted her was the dark muzzle of the bolter. If the fire was full, these Eldar would instantly be shattered into pieces.

Efrenie quickly stopped her and said seriously: “Calm down Lylis, now is not the time for a fight!”

After speaking, he looked at the Titan Soldier puppet and said: “You are not an Astartes, you are a puppet, so talking to you is talking to the prince of the empire, right?”

The giant god soldier nodded and said: “Yes, other spiritual tribes also contact me through puppets.”

Everene nodded and said: “In that case, I have something to tell you. Although the Dark Eldar of Commorragh have different paths, they are the Holy Land of the Eldar after all! You have hastily destroyed the feelings that have greatly hurt our civilization!”

The puppet sneered: “Huh? You scumbag alien pirates who rob the imperial ships, plunder the imperial people as slaves, and torture endlessly just to satisfy your perverted desires, right?”

Then he pointed at Mrs. Mallus, Lylis and others, gritted his teeth and told the story of the robbery, with unforgettable hatred suppressed in his words:

“You, you, and all of you, if according to the laws of the empire, all of you will be executed, tortured by the Night Lords and then sentenced to death!”

All the Eldar including the Harlequin were silent, and the expressions of Lylis and Mrs. Malus changed from angry to gloomy.

Although the puppet has no emotions, its tone is exactly the same as when the imperial army slaughtered the Eldar like crazy in the past. It was filled with almost irresolvable hatred.

In the end, Evelyn took the lead to break the silence:

“Your Highness, the hatred between humans and the spirit race has lasted for thousands of years. The rights and wrongs have long been difficult to discuss, so I hope that I can put aside my prejudices and look forward to everything!”

The Titan Soldier’s voice was cold: “The Empire can believe your words, but you cannot represent the Spirit Race. The Empire can have a truce with the Death Army, but it will never cease war with the Spirit Race!”

Everene sighed, knowing that this was the greatest concession for mankind, so she agreed: “Okay, now please give us a ship and let us leave!”

The puppet said: “We’ll be there soon. Someone will pick you up when the time comes.”

As soon as the words fell, the fleet returned to the real universe. An Eldar warship had been waiting for a long time, and a familiar voice came from the communicator:

“Your Highness, please give us Efrenie and her followers as agreed!”

Said replied: “No problem, open the cargo hatch and dock with the Thunderhawk gunship!”

On the Eldar warship, Said saw Eldarad. Compared with before, the prophet looked a little embarrassed at this moment. His originally gorgeous clothes were in tatters, as if he had gone through a battle.

Said mocked: “Hey, what’s wrong with you? You haven’t recovered from the last defeat?”

Eldalad said: “My compatriots did not understand my path and considered the act of seizing the corpse as an act of blasphemy. They banished me to the Craftworld. Now I am also a believer of Aenead.”

Then he said: “Sayed, I don’t hate you for backstabbing the Eldar, but your pattern should be enlarged and don’t be obsessed with small favors and grudges.”

Said calmly replied: “Humans and the Eldar have a deep blood feud. Allowing a truce with the Death Army is already the biggest concession.”

Both sides ended the conversation when Adarad sighed. Said did not pursue him because he knew that Adarad was a staunch pro-imperialist.

In his prophecy, the fate of the Eldar in the future is bound to that of humanity, and both parties must form a closer alliance to fight against the erosion of the real universe by Chaos.

However, in Said’s eyes, the Death Army is currently too weak and cannot represent all the Eldar, so he is wary and refuses to have a comprehensive ceasefire with the Eldar.

After the Death Army is safe, board the Eldarad single battleship and prepare to complete the main mission given by the Death: to retrieve the five old woman’s swords.

They first returned to Beltane’s Ark, and like pulling out the sword from the stone, they pulled out the old woman’s sword from the ark’s keel, giving birth to Inkani, the incarnation of the god of death, and shattering Beltane’s Ark.

Have no fear for the Eldar residents, who have the approval of Death despite the destruction of their home.

However, there are still a few die-hards who are obsessed with the destruction of their homes and launch a pursuit of the Death Army. The Death Army has to flee in confusion, being involved in the turbulence of subspace and appearing in the imperial world.

At this time, Guilliman was leading the Internal Affairs Committee to inspect here. As a result, a Death Army ship fell from the sky and landed in front of the big blue boy.

The puppet next to the big blue boy watched this scene and couldn’t help but sigh at the wonder of fate.

At this moment, Guilliman was facing a formidable enemy and immediately commanded the Ultramarines to surround them. When the Death Army saw the original body, they immediately raised their hands and said:

“I have reached an armistice agreement with the Imperial Prince, please stop attacking!”

Guilliman was stunned and looked at the Said puppet beside him. After the puppet nodded in affirmation, he told Guilliman the whole story.

After hearing this, Guilliman fell into deep thought and asked:

“In other words, Your Highness, you destroyed Commorragh at the expense of rescuing them? No wonder the Eldar raids have dropped significantly!”

Said nodded: “The Eldar Death God and the Chaos Gods have the same power, which can reduce the pressure of the God Emperor in the subspace, so we might as well cease the war with this group and observe the situation.”

Guilliman said with a solemn expression: “Your Highness, this matter must be kept secret. Do not let the Purity Faction know, otherwise it will undermine the legitimacy of our power.”

The puppet patted Guilliman on the shoulder and said: “Don’t worry, there are just these few people, fewer than pirates, so the empire is too lazy to fight them.”

Guilliman nodded, waved his hand and said: “You go, be careful next time, if it falls into the hands of other imperial troops, it will not be so easy to talk about.”

In this way, the big blue boy ended his first meeting with Everene.

Make a meme~


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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