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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 187: The First Battle of Armageddon

The Empire and the Death Army have ceased war, but among the top human beings, this is still a secret agreement. Except for Guilliman and Said, basically no one knows about it.

Across the galaxy, the Imperial Army still kills the Eldar on sight. If the armistice agreement is to be implemented, Said must coordinate among them.

Therefore, the Death Army promised that whenever there is an action involving the empire, it must report to the puppet in advance, so that Said can coordinate the surrounding garrison.

This clause caused great dissatisfaction within the Death Army. The Milky Way is basically human territory, which means that any actions of the Death Army must be made known to the Empire first.

Unless you are confident that you are not afraid of the empire’s encirclement and suppression, once discovered, you will be treated as an ordinary Eldar and killed.

But Efreni agreed to this agreement despite all objections. She explained to her subordinates:

“For civilizations that are still at an inferior level, changing concepts is a process, and we should be patient. The armistice agreement itself is a great breakthrough.”

After saying that, she bowed to the puppet and Guilliman: “Thank you for your wisdom, Prince of the Empire and Your Excellency the Prince. As a sign of sincerity, I tell you the information about the Black Legion…”

After Evrené left, Guilliman looked serious and asked: “Your Highness, if the Eldar intelligence is true, what should we do?”

Said did not answer directly, because he did not know how to respond for a moment, so he asked: “What do you think, Guilliman?”

Guilliman worried: “We are uniting, and the enemy is also uniting. Although it is just a very rudimentary alliance like us, it is enough to attract attention.”

Ephrenee learned from Death and Xigoqi that Chaos Advance’s research on green-skinned psycho boys and chicken thieves could form psychic beacons.

This means that the Black Legion can artificially create psychic beacons in the Empire’s territory to attract Greenskins and Hive Fleets.

The Black Legion hated the aliens extremely, but under the pressure of the Empire, they became cannon fodder to drive away tigers and devour wolves, using barbarians to control barbarians.

The aliens are annoying, and so is the Empire, and it’s a good thing to have two annoying monsters hurting each other, either hurting both or eliminating one of them.

To say the least, the Black Legion does not believe that the aliens can defeat the Empire. It is a clever plan to use the Empire’s hands to eliminate the aliens.

In a natural state, it is not easy for green skins and tyranids to form psychic beacons. The former requires a large-scale and intense enough waaaagh; the latter requires enough chicken thieves.

At this moment, the Black Legion transformed the psychic boy, forged a powerful enough waaaagh beacon, and used human slaves to breed enough chicken thieves to attract the hive fleet to the imperial world.

Guilliman said worriedly: “Your Highness, our power is based on galaxies, but in the vast space between galaxies, the empire’s rule is blank.”

“Even around the galaxy, the patrol fleet cannot cover everything. As long as you find a place to hide, you can easily create a psychic beacon.”

“I am not in charge of the military, so I don’t know much about it, but economic development will definitely be affected.”

Said asked: “What is the progress of developing the empire’s territory at this time?”

Guilliman proudly said: “It has reached 60%. With the efforts of the Internal Affairs Committee, the entire empire has basically entered the electric age. The next step will be to build a complete industrial system and realize the industrialization of the entire empire!”

If full industrialization is achieved, the Empire’s production capacity bonus will reach a terrifying level. The Empire’s vast territory will form a unified market under the transportation of the merchant fleet.

As a result, no matter what the galaxies produce, they have no worries about selling it. Once industrialization is established, there is basically no possibility of interruption except war.

Said said in a solemn voice: “We cannot let the enemy’s conspiracy succeed, and we must resist the black army from driving tigers and devouring wolves!”

Guilliman asked: “What does His Highness plan to do? Do you need help from the Home Affairs Council?”

Said waved his hand: “No, the prince’s army is about to launch a large-scale abyss expedition to force Abaddon’s main force to fight decisively!”

“Abaddon’s plan to drive away tigers and devour wolves means that the Black Legion is not strong enough to compete with the Empire, even if there is an evil god standing behind it. Therefore, he firmly believes that the Empire can exterminate the aliens.”

“So, what the empire has to do is to continue to build, continue to widen the gap, and enhance the overall national strength. When the gap is large enough, it can crush any enemy in the stars!”

Guilliman said excitedly: “Yes, Your Highness, I will immediately urge the Internal Affairs Committee to speed up the progress when I get back.”

At the same time, the Eye of Terror, the Cadia Galaxy.

Said integrated the fleets of the two legions, with a total of five thousand warships, and entered the Eye of Terror without hesitation and began the purification operation.

This is the empire’s largest abyss expedition in the past hundred years. Previously, it was a sporadic force that purified two worlds today and one world tomorrow.

Through a piecemeal approach, the empire purified thousands of demon worlds and greatly weakened the realm of chaos here.

Under the supervision of the Four Gods shareholders, the Black Legion sent a fleet to drive them away, but they were particularly powerless in the face of the guerrilla warfare of the imperial fleet.

The puppet fleet is not afraid of sacrifice. A cruiser can carry multiple cyclone torpedoes. As long as a demon planet is replaced, the empire will make a profit.

At this time, five thousand warships entered the Eye of Terror. The Black Legion fleet was unable to resist it, and Abaddon was unable to avoid the battle.

The Eye of Terror is barren, and plundering activities are frequently blocked. Their fleet is less than a fraction of the Imperial fleet. Resistance is suicide, and they can only watch the Empire sweep across thousands of stars.

In an instant, five thousand warships were rushing through the Eye of Terror, no one could stop them, purifying world after world.

At the urging of the Chaos shareholders, Abaddon accelerated his research plans and launched a counterattack against the Empire.

The Black Legion’s combat policy is eight words: Each of the Empire’s Black Legions will attack each other.

Shortly after the Abyss Expedition was launched, small-scale subspace storms appeared in the Eye of Terror war zone. They came and went, but quickly subsided, without attracting Said’s attention.

But in fact, the Black Legion used the turbulence of the subspace storm to throw a large number of spaceships containing chicken thieves and modified neurotic boys into the space between the galaxies in the war zone.

These creations form psychic beacons in the warp, attracting aliens to gather at the beacon location.

In an instant, a large number of greenskins appeared in the Eye of Terror battle zone, and the garbage mountain kept jumping out of Mandeville Point, fighting fiercely with the garrison fleet.

Through the genetic radiation bomb, the green skins were quickly suppressed. However, this was not over yet. Trazin sent a warning that a main fleet of the Hive was accelerating towards the Eye of Terror.

There are greenskins inside and insect swarms outside. The Eye of Terror battle zone is surrounded by enemies from both sides. Combined with the discovered wrecks one after another, Said understands Abaddon’s purpose:

Force the empire to withdraw its troops and stop the Abyss Expedition.

Will Said agree? of course not!

There is not a single human being in the Eye of Terror war zone. Even if they are all beaten to pieces, Said will not feel any distress at all!

Not to mention seven fully-staffed legions stationed all year round. If all the puppets and stored equipment are mobilized to the extreme, seven legions can be created.

The scale of this military force is even larger than that of the Battle of Orps.

When the Hive Fleet arrived, they were encircled and suppressed by 70,000 Imperial warships. The battle planets equipped with Void Claws launched an unparalleled massacre, killing the Hive Fleet to pieces.

Abaddon’s calculation failed, but he was not depressed, but was very happy, because it meant that the research was successful.

Not all areas of the Empire have Cadia’s troop density, so Abaddon creates more alien beacon hulks and projects them throughout the Empire through the turbulence of the warp.

In an instant, greenskins from all over the empire began to gather and launched wave after wave of waaaagh. The Inquisition quickly suppressed them and barely managed to avoid causing huge losses.

The Inquisition Legion is a rapid reaction force, mainly composed of elite strike groups. With the help of genetic radiation bombs, it can eliminate the greenskin’s scale advantage and kill elite greenskins.

However, when facing the huge Tyranid Zerg, a large-scale battle of the group army was necessary. The elite strike group of the Inquisition failed to catch up and continued to reinforce the mixed army.

Most of the star regions only have one mixed army. Facing the hive fleets that are blooming everywhere, they have to divide their forces to resist and try to maintain control of the universe.

Trazin showed the star map, and the Hive Fleet stretched out into the galaxy like an octopus’s tentacles. Said looked solemn and said, “Can the Necrons send troops to assist?”

At this time, the empire’s military strength was severely dispersed, and the mobile legions in each theater were split up to supplement the legions in various regions to resist the Hive Fleet.

However, even so, the empire still does not have the advantage in strength, the war situation has reached a stalemate, and a large number of legions are restrained. If Chaos launches an attack, the empire will be unable to resist.

If the Necrons can help, it will greatly alleviate the empire’s current predicament.

But as expected, Trazin decisively refused: “No, you humans must defend your own territory, and the Necrons will not send any troops.”

Said had no choice but to use the Inuit strategic reserves. In addition to the capital Inuit, the Inuit sector also included a hundred star systems including the original Tau star cluster.

Hundreds of soldiers and wood worlds produce massive amounts of puppets and materials at all times, so Said sealed off one legion after another.

But now, Abaddon is driving tigers and devouring wolves on all sides of the empire. The imperial army is dispersed and has reached a stalemate. Said decided to use the reserve army.

In an instant, one hundred and three legions left Inuit and attacked each hive fleet.

At the same time, Said collaborated with the Emperor of the Warp to locate the psychic beacon and initiate targeted elimination.

Psychic beacons are often located near the Imperial World. After the Hive Fleet arrives at the beacon, it will go to the nearby Imperial World for dinner.

As long as the star beacon is destroyed, the hive fleet will become disoriented and fall back into sleep until a new beacon appears.

The reserve legions cleared out one galaxy after another, constantly liberating more legions to reinforce more imperial worlds under attack.

The system defense forces alone cannot resist the Hive Fleet. Space control is often lost within a few days, and the fleet and defense offensive are destroyed by factors.

However, this bought time for the ground defense. When the Hive Fleet gained control of the universe, the planetary defense forces were already ready.

Their mission is to delay the planet’s fall until reinforcements arrive.

With the reinforcements of the reserve legions, beacons everywhere were destroyed, and the Empire turned to counterattack, constantly clearing out the invading Hive Fleet.

During the battle, Said clearly felt that the Hive Fleet was strengthening. For example, the shield was more durable, the range of the long-range acid cannon was increased, and a simple gravity shield appeared to resist the claws of the void.

As the empire grew stronger, the swarm also learned from the war and constantly designed new biological warships.

But despite this, the Empire still had a numerical and qualitative advantage, defeating one Hive Fleet after another. With the last beacon destroyed, the battle came to an end.

At the same time, the Abyss Expedition is still continuing. The expedition fleet has burned more than 3,000 planets, and the millennium accumulation of the Four Gods has been destroyed in one fell swoop.

When Abaddon saw that the empire was still refusing to withdraw its troops, and the Four Gods shareholders were about to withdraw their blessings, he immediately made his final move.

The Black Legion teamed up with the demon prince of Khorne, Karn, and boarded the hulk Galactus to travel to an imperial world at will through the turbulence of subspace.

The requirements of the four gods are very simple. The Empire’s Unparalleled Eye of Terror and the Black Legion must also retaliate with the same amount of damage. Let’s see who can’t hold on first in the end.

Said soon learned that a rebellion broke out on a world called Armageddon. Due to the purification expedition, the cult’s power was not strong and the planetary defense forces were enough to suppress it.

In original history, Armageddon was formerly known as Ullanor, but was transported to another part of the galaxy by the Mechanicus and renamed Armageddon.

But at this time Ullanor had been destroyed. Apart from the same name, Armageddon had nothing to do with Ullanor. It was just one of the planets recovered by the Rogue Traders.

This world produces tanks and armored forces, and also has a huge production capacity of armored vehicles. In addition, the terrain and climate are similar to those of the previous world Armageddon, so Said gave it the same name.

Also appearing were the Armageddon Iron Legion.

So when he learned about the rebellion, Said instantly thought of the First Battle of Armageddon, and then thought to himself: “It can’t be such a coincidence!”

At this moment, a subspace storm appeared around Armageddon, and then the Galactus hulk jumped out of the void and charged towards the system defense fort.

The Galactus hulk was composed of multiple damaged hulks. Transformed by the power of the subspace, it became the Daemon Engine of Khorne, with powerful structural defenses.

Countless macro-cannons hit the hull, only knocking away a bunch of parts and not damaging the core of the hulk at all. It was able to withstand the gunfire and crash directly into the galaxy defense fort.

Following the impact, a large number of Khorne space warriors boarded the galaxy turret and fought fiercely with the Titan soldiers. Kahn, the chosen god of Khorne, personally led the Khorne archdemon Fury Hongru.

The system defense forts were paralyzed, and the Galactus crashed straight into the system, ignoring the light cruiser bombardment and insisting on a sudden advance.

At this time, the Galactus was riddled with holes and crashed into the surface of Armageddon together with the Dreadclaw drop pod.

“Blood sacrifice to the blood god, head sacrifice to the skull throne! Kill——!”

Armageddon has three continents, only one of which is inhabited. The inhabited continent is divided into the main continent and the subcontinent, separated by tropical rain forests.

The Chaos army landed on the main continent and attacked the three nearby hive cities. However, the planetary defense forces reacted quickly and dispatched the air force to bombard them indiscriminately, delaying their advance.

The hulk fell into the atmosphere. The enemy did not consider space and air supremacy at all, and relied solely on the army. The defender commander immediately used his strengths to avoid weaknesses.

The Daemons of Khorne and part of the Black Legion were hit head-on and their advance slowed down. The Armageddon Iron Legion relied on armored forces to quickly outflank and surround the invaders.

Subsequently, these mortal armored troops were engaged in a bloody battle with the Daemons of Khorne.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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