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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 188 Defeat the Khorne Invasion

Like the original time and space, the Armageddon Iron Legion is equipped with a large number of tanks and armored vehicles.

After the construction of the Internal Affairs Committee, local industrial production capacity continued to increase, and some precious and rare equipment in the past became extremely common.

There were countless Leman Russ, Emperor’s Baneblade, Rhino and Land armored vehicles, all fully mechanized, and not a single infantryman walking on the ground.

Therefore, on the vast plains, the Iron Legion had super mobility and had already completed the siege of the invaders during the fleet’s bombardment.

Planetary Governor Hermann von Speer directed the encirclement to close, and the staff beside him suggested:

“The army of Khorne is so powerful that it is not easy to deal with mortal flesh and blood. It is better to dig trenches and build fortifications and fight a protracted war!”

Governor Speer pointed at the map and said in a cold voice: “Do you think the devil will give us time to dig trenches?”

The staff officer looked puzzled and said: “We have orbital and atmospheric air force reinforcements. Wherever we bomb, there is no trace of the enemy. We have enough artillery shells for several years. Khorne should be unable to move even an inch, right?”

Speer shook his head: “Khorne is not a fool. They have thought of it a long time ago. Look at where they landed!”

The staff officer took a closer look: “Is it… Nahuel volcano?! Are they going to explode volcanic ash?”

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a loud noise in the distance, and a massive amount of magma erupted from the ground, sweeping in all directions, complementing the copper-colored Khorne demon.

Mount Nahuel is the largest active volcano on Armageddon. When it erupts every year, volcanic ash blocks the sky, blocking satellites and communications.

The huge hull of the Galactus plunged halfway into the Nahuel Volcano, and the subspace energy of the ship surged, instantly detonating the volcano with a loud roar.

After the magma, there was volcanic ash that blocked the sky and blocked the sun, cutting off reconnaissance and electromagnetic waves. Aerial bombing became no longer accurate, and the atmospheric air force had to lower its altitude before being jumped up and eliminated by the Khorne Vampire.

In an instant, the empire lost its air superiority, and the Chaos coalition’s advance accelerated. In a short while, they would come into contact with the surrounding troops.

At this point, Marshal Speer walked out of the command post, and while the electromagnetic waves were still normal, he connected to the entire army and said:

“Everyone, this group of demonic scum is invading our homeland, slaughtering our compatriots, and piling our heads into towers to please that blasphemous god!”

“This is a war with no choice. We can either win or die. Under the protection of the God Emperor, death does not belong to us!”

“Afterwards, communications will be cut off, but you don’t need to be confused. You only need to carry out my last order: including me, the entire army attacks, and you are not allowed to take a step back! For the sake of the Emperor!”

“For the emperor!!! (for the emperor)”

The Commander-in-Chief took the lead in the charge, which greatly boosted the morale of the legion. In order to protect the land under their feet, the families in the hive behind them, and for the faith in their hearts, they all tried their best to kill the demon of Khorne.

The Bloodletters fought with the Land Rhino armored vehicles, the Bloodcrushers charged at Leman Russ, and the Tyrannosaurus killed the Emperor’s Baneblade.

The artillery of the Imperial Armored Forces roared, and the barrages covered the enemy lines. Tanks and armored vehicles formed battle groups to support and cover each other, killing a large number of Khorne demons.

At the same time, the Air Force risked being shot down by forcibly lowering its flying altitude and pouring bombs on the devil’s head.

“Blood sacrifice to the blood god, skull sacrifice to the skull throne!!!”

Faced with heavy casualties, the demon army of Khorne did not flinch at all, and kept charging, trying to shorten the distance and drag humans into the close-quarters fighting they were best at.

Behind them, the Skull Cannon roared continuously, providing fire reinforcement for the charge, but was destroyed by the Iron Legion’s air force bombardment in an instant.

After taking heavy casualties, Khorne’s demon army and the Iron Legion came into bayonet distance. Chaos slashed and slashed with claws and axes, and the Iron Legion responded with shotguns and promethium flames.

The huge gun barrel of the tank kept roaring, blocking fire, and the machine gun kept firing, covering the infantry fighting with bayonets.

However, in front of the Khorne demons who are proficient in melee combat, mortals are as fragile as paper, and the brutal warriors are like chopping melons and vegetables, slaughtering them with ease and unrivaled.

But the ants killed the elephants, and the Khorne demons were also taking casualties quickly, but the firepower was no longer as heavy as the initial fire coverage. They quickly killed the infantry and fought with the armored assault groups.

Then, a horrifying scene happened. The Vampire easily tore off Leman Russ’s tracks, the Bronze Bull knocked over Leman Russ, the Bloodcrushing Knight cut off the gun barrel with an axe, and the Tyrannosaurus ripped open the armor with one claw. .

After being approached by Khorne, the Iron Legion was helpless and was slaughtered by the unparalleled ones. No matter whether it was tanks, armored vehicles, or overhead aircraft and cannons, they could not stop Khorne’s advancement.

Less than an hour after the war began, five million Iron Legions were killed and only two million remained. However, under Governor Speer’s final order, they still persisted in fighting.

Even if you delay for a moment longer, you can gain time to wait for reinforcements to arrive.

At the same time, Governor Speer carried a chain sword and fought hard while asking the puppet beside him: “Your Highness, how long will the reinforcements be?”

Said controlled the puppet to fight and shouted back: “In two hours, the Tribunal’s reinforcements will arrive. Please hold on!”

Speer sighed: “Why does it take so long? Isn’t it usually only ten minutes?”

The puppet replied: “The subspace storm is surrounding the galaxy. The reinforcements have switched to conventional power within two light hours and are advancing at twice the speed of light!”

Historically, the empire had no puppets and communications were extremely unsmooth. Whether there were reinforcements and how long it would take for them to arrive became a thorn in the side of the defenders, constantly draining their morale.

Under the chain of suspicion, the defenders would worry about being abandoned, worried that reinforcements would not come at all, and worried that their sacrifices would be meaningless, just like a marathon with no end in sight, and no one knew how long they would have to persist.

Anxiety tortured every soldier. If most of the enemies did not want prisoners, the imperial defenders would have surrendered in droves.

But with the puppets, the defenders could know the progress of the reinforcements at any time. Although the end was still far away, at least they knew the end of persistence, and at least there was hope, which greatly stabilized the morale of the army.

For the next two hours, the Iron Legion did not retreat a step, fighting heavy casualties to delay the enemy’s pace. The Khorne Demon Army advanced slowly, and every step forward required more sacrifices.

In the center of the occupied area, a tower of human heads was built high, constantly emitting blasphemous energy, weakening the curtain of reality and the subspace, and maintaining the subspace storm.

Soon, a gap was torn out of thin air around the tower of human heads, and hundreds of millions of Khorne demons poured out and killed the Iron Legion. At this moment, they only had less than 300,000 left.

If nothing unexpected happens, they will be overwhelmed by demons.

At this moment, countless meteorites fell from the sky and smashed into the demon army, instantly crushing a large number of demons.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, humans and Khorne discovered that it was not a meteorite at all, but a steel short warehouse. A large number of Space Marines rushed out from it, using chain swords and bombs to attack the center of the demons.

The Grey Knights took up the glowing power swords and bombs, continuously outputting psychic ammunition for special attacks on demons, and quickly exiled the demons.

Then, one after another, the strike cruisers pierced through the thick volcanic ash, hovered in the sky of the war zone, and a spear of light pierced the enemy directly. The explosion spread like ripples on the water.

Orbital bombing resumed, and Space Marines reinforced. The balance of victory returned to the side that favored the Empire, but it was still far from victory.

As a quick reaction force, the Inquisition only had Space Marines and lacked a powerful and bloated auxiliary army. Facing such a large-scale demon invasion, they could only barely stop the defeat.

If they want to win in the end, they must mix the main force of the legion.

But the Grey Knights had other plans and were unwilling to passively wait for the main force of the Legion to reinforce. As more and more Space Marines landed, the Grey Knights assembled the entire regiment and launched a decapitation attack on Khorne’s leader, Kahn.

According to the Grey Knights’ coordinates, the strike cruisers focused their fire on Kahn and cleared out the nearby Khorne demons. Then the Grey Knights launched a surprise attack, relying on a short-term advantage in manpower, and cut through the melons and vegetables all the way to Kahn’s side.

When Kahn found himself surrounded by the Grey Knights, he was not afraid but roared with excitement: “Sacrifice blood to the Blood God, and offer skulls to the Skull Seat! Praise Khorne loudly, it is it that brings the wonderful war to the galaxy!”

“Let the slaughter sweep across the stars, strip the bones and flesh, and turn steel into powder!”

The leader of the Grey Knights replied coldly: “Soon you will die with your dirty false god, despicable traitor! Under the protection of the Emperor, the Empire will shine!”

Kahn laughed; “In the burning galaxy, my Lord will not die, but will only become stronger and stronger. War is the father of all things, and my Lord is the king of gods! Kill——!”

The Grey Knights attacked Kahn’s guards, and the two sides broke out in a fierce hand-to-hand fight. Thanks to the Grey Knights’ psychic power, Kahn was greatly suppressed.

However, he didn’t care at all, as if he was enjoying the process. While killing, he was intoxicated and said: “War is the most magnificent competition that humans enjoy. The most important thing in life is not victory, but war, not conquest, but fighting!” “Whether we win or lose today, thank you for bringing a hearty bloody battle!” The Grey Knights’ leader sneered: “You are nothing, Kahn, you are much uglier now than in the Great Expedition, like a brainless beast that only knows how to kill.” Kahn laughed: “Yes, I am a beast! A man-killer! Yes Blasphemer! Scourge of the Ten Thousand Emperors! For Khorne, blood sacrifices to the Blood God, skulls sacrificed to the Skull Seat! “

“Come on, throw away the ridiculous psychic power, like a real warrior, fight with real swords and guns!”

The Grey Knights still sneered: “Ridiculous, war is based on means, psychic power is also a part of strength, why not use it?”

Kahn said angrily: “No, that is not your strength, warriors should rely on their own strength, not external forces to win!”

However, the Chapter Master ignored him, and a powerful psychic power was fired, shattering Kahn’s black blade, and another knife beheaded Kahn and exiled him.

After losing its leader, the Khorne army was instantly defeated and quickly fled to the warp cracks. The Imperial army attacked in large numbers, slaughtering all the way.

Although the number of the Iron Legion was only one tenth, they still launched a fearless pursuit, chasing the enemy all the way to the north, and exiling the demons.

The Grey Knights’ adventure was successful. Before the arrival of the Legion reinforcements, they successfully repelled the Khorne demons. However, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he learned that a new batch of demon fleets were coming.

At this time, the Abyss Expedition was still going on, and demon planets were destroyed one after another. In the home exchange competition, the Empire was already far ahead. Chaos had to invest more troops to force the Empire to end the Abyss Expedition.

So, the remaining three gods organized a fleet to reinforce Armageddon while the warp storm was still there.

Slaanesh’s pink giant skull fleet, Nurgle’s plague fleet, and Tzeentch’s blue sci-fi fleet successively used the warp and headed for Armageddon Prime.

The Chaos Fleet came from the rebellious Primarchs of the Horus era. They did not belong to the Black Legion, but the private army of the rebellious Primarchs, and directly obeyed the evil gods.

It can be said that in order to stop the Empire’s Abyss Expedition, the four gods took out all their assets.

They first encountered strike cruisers in low-Earth orbit. The main function of strike cruisers was ground attack, not a battleship duel. They were at a disadvantage in terms of numbers and combat power.

But they still fearlessly attacked the Chaos Fleet, using their few macro-cannons and carrier-based aircraft to resist, and even directly collided with them, dying together with the enemy.

They successfully delayed the Chaos Fleet’s attack and bought time for the main force of the Legion to arrive.

At this moment, thousands of Imperial warships were approaching outside the galaxy. Both the Inquisition and the Chaos Fleet looked like ants in front of the huge military force.

The Legion is coming!

Seeing that the situation was not going well, the Chaos fleet immediately retreated and returned to the subspace through the surging psychic energy. At this point, the First Battle of Armageddon ended.

Not long after the war ended, the Abyss Expedition also ended. The expedition fleet purified all the demon worlds within the detection range, destroying thousands of years of accumulation of the Four Gods.

Except for the invasion of Armageddon and the green-skinned Tyranids invading large areas of the star field, no world in the empire has fallen.

Since the Black Legion was crippled, this was the first large-scale head-on confrontation between the Empire and the Chaos Demons, and it ended with Chaos being forced back.

This also shows from the side that the empire is extremely powerful in the real universe, and even the four gods of chaos can only temporarily avoid the edge.

In the Eye of Terror, the Imperial fleet was even more rampant. The Black Legion did not dare to fight head-on, and the Chaos Demon lacked a fleet.

It can be said that the Imperial Navy, like the Army, is capable of crushing any enemy in the galaxy with its size and numbers.

When the legion’s fleet roamed the void, no force dared to challenge it. Whether it was the orcs or the necrons, they had only the fate of being crushed.

Just when Said was secretly proud, he suddenly received a warning from the God Emperor: “Sayed, be careful lately. Because the number of green skins has dropped sharply, there is another move!”

Said was stunned and asked: “Do you know what it will do?”

The emperor said calmly: “I don’t know, but it’s not hard to guess. It’s nothing more than getting a divine choice to unite the greenskins and tap the potential of the race!”

A name flashed in Said’s mind: Saraka the Bonecrusher, the green-skinned eldest brother after the beast, leading the biggest waaaagh since the beast.

The green-skinned genes contain the full set of ancient sage technologies. If they can all be activated, there will be no rivals in the galaxy.

However, under the genetic radiation bomb, the green skin is no longer the main threat, but the green skin has unlimited possibilities. Who knows when this trick will be cracked.

Said planned to kill the Bone Crusher in advance, but history has changed. The planet where the Bone Crusher was originally born has become the Imperial World, and God knows where it is now.

Shaking his head to put away his thoughts, another thing caught his attention.

On Armageddon, the Demon Tribunal believed that the surviving Iron Legion had been contaminated and was about to execute them all. The Space Wolves stopped them, and a conflict broke out between the two sides.

Said suddenly remembered: Isn’t this the month of shame?

From then on, the Space Wolves Chapter and the Inquisition were at odds with each other.

Said is in a dilemma, which side should he be on?

The Bonecrusher appears ~ waaaagh! ! !

Post a beautiful picture of the regent’s wife


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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