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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 189: Loyal Purge, Greenskins Arrive at Armageddon

In the original history, the entire territory of Armageddon was poisoned by Khorne, so that after repelling Khorne, the Inquisition purged all surviving mortals, including the Imperial Guard, Mechanicum, Astropathic Hall, etc. who fought bravely.

Tens of billions of mortals who fought desperately to defend the empire did not die in the hands of demons, but died in the post-war purge.

Because mortals cannot bear the pollution of the subspace. As long as they have seen the appearance of the devil and heard the voice of the devil, their souls will be polluted.

Corruption is like a virus without a vaccine. Once it starts, it cannot be reversed. The only option is to kill and physically remove the source of infection.

However, this method of “murdering” Zhongliang aroused the extreme resentment of the Space Wolves, and a fierce conflict broke out with the Inquisition, causing the pollution to spread, and the scope of cleaning had to be expanded, and more planets were ordered to be exterminated.

In the end, hundreds of billions of people died as a result, and it became the core symbol of the Demonic Empire.

The same is true in this time and space. The imperial worlds that were invaded by demons before were all punished by the extermination order after the war.

The only difference from history is that with the empire’s stronger combat power and the advancement of purification expeditions, demonic invasions are very rare, and cults are often purged before they take hold.

Demons have no chance of reaching reality, and planets that need to be purified afterwards are very rare.

Even if the devil reaches reality, as long as the battlefield is limited to a certain area and the planet’s residents are not allowed to come into contact, the scope of the cleansing can be greatly reduced.

In this battle, it was with this idea in mind that the Governor fought the Khorne demon army in the wild, limiting the purge to the surviving 100,000 planetary defense troops.

At this moment, the Governor and the surviving PDFs were surrounded by Inquisition Stormtroopers and Gray Knights. The mortal PDFs could not resist and could only be killed.

But the Death Watch couldn’t stand it anymore. These loyal soldiers were fighting side by side a moment ago. They didn’t die in the hands of the devil, but died at the gunpoint of their own people.

So without saying a word, he immediately attacked the encirclement and got into a confrontation with the Gray Knights and Stormtroopers.

The lawsuit was brought directly to Said, and the leader of the Space Wolves was the first to say:

“Your Highness, they are all loyal warriors who shed their blood for the empire and sacrificed their lives for the God-Emperor. Why should they die in such a humiliating death!”

The Commander of the Tribunal and Grand Master of the Gray Knights said calmly:

“Their souls have been polluted. Death is a kind of salvation for them. Their souls will be purified in the arms of the God Emperor!”

The leader of the wolf regiment shook his head and roared: “No, this is wrong. Your Highness, you can let them explore and expedition, and they can be exiled to the edge of the galaxy. Why should they use killing?”

Said controlled the puppet and calmly replied: “The battlefield regulations are very clear. The pollution of the soul is irreversible. Sooner or later, it will become a minion of the evil god. It can only be cleaned first!”

“I don’t want this, the Gray Knights don’t want it, and the God Emperor doesn’t want it even more, but there is no way. In your eyes, purging these 100,000 people is a crime, but you don’t know, we have no power to keep them alive!”

“You should be lucky that thanks to the excellent command of the Planetary Governor, the battlefield is far away from the main hive, most of the planetary defense forces died in the battle, and only 100,000 people were needed to be purged in the end!”

The Grand Master of the Gray Knight nodded and said: “Yes, if the battlefield spreads to the entire planet, we will cleanse the entire planet’s population. If there are any fish that slip through the net, the surrounding world will also be ordered to be exterminated.”

The leader of the wolf regiment was silent, turned to look at the confused 100,000 planetary defense troops, gritted his teeth and said: “At least give them some dignity!”

Said nodded and assured: “Of course, they will become martyrs, their families will receive preferential treatment, and a monument to heroes will be built on the planet, and their names will be engraved on it.”

At the same time, gunshots were heard one after another in the distance. The leader of the Wolf Regiment hurriedly turned around to check, only to find that it was not the Inquisition that started the massacre, but the Planetary Defense Forces who committed suicide one after another.

From the planetary governor to the general, to the officers and soldiers, they all shot themselves to death one after another, just like dominoes, knocking down the first one will lead to the end.

In the end, 60,000 pdf committed suicide, and the remaining 40,000 were also killed without pain by the Inquisition, leaving only a suicide note. Said randomly took out one and saw that it read:

“Please tell the God Emperor that I have tried my best, and please tell my father that I still love him!”

“What loyalty!”

Said sighed and asked in his heart: “Brother Huang, can humans still isolate subspace?”

The emperor sighed: “I don’t know, but at least not now or even for a long time!”

After the Emperor became a god, the subspace evolved from a cancer that humans could not remove into a symbiotic organ. Although the situation of mankind was greatly improved, the opportunity for further sublimation was lost.

After thinking about it, Said calmly said: “Brother Huang, if there is such a method, it will probably kill you. Are you willing to use it?”

If the human soul is isolated from the Warp, the Emperor, as the golden sun of the Warp, will lose the blessing of faith, continue to weaken, and eventually fall.

The emperor answered calmly but resolutely: “I am willing, Said. Sacrifice is the cornerstone of the empire. If such a method exists, please do not worry about my sacrifice!”

Said was silent, the emperor was not afraid of sacrifice, but would Said allow the emperor to sacrifice?

To him, if he lost the Emperor, what would he do with the Empire?

But he couldn’t say any words of rejection and could only vaguely say: “When the time comes, let’s make a decision!”

“But, my brother, no matter what the outcome is, I was born because of you, and I will naturally die with you!”

The breeze blew in the golden palace, as if an invisible hand was stroking Said’s hair. The emperor did not continue this topic, but said:

“By the way, please pay attention, there has been trouble recently!”

Said was stunned and asked doubtfully: “Is there any more information?”

The Emperor denied: “No, but it is not difficult to guess that they strengthen a divine choice and let the greenskins launch an expedition.”

A name suddenly came to Said’s mind – Bone Crusher!

He was the Greenskin Chosen since the Beast Wars, leading the largest Greenskin waaaagh in the galaxy, followed by two attacks on Armageddon.

It was not that Said had no intention of taking a pre-emptive strike and destroying the planet where Bonebreaker was born, but it had become an imperial world and there was not a single greenskin there.

Not only that, at this time, there is no greenskin world within the empire’s known range. Under the genetic radiation bomb, no greenskin is the empire’s opponent.

Therefore, Said did not know where the Bonebreaker was, but he knew that the Bonebreaker would definitely attack Armageddon just like Khorne.

In other words, now we have to prepare for Armageddon.

While his thoughts were racing, the God-Emperor continued: “In the future war with the greenskins, there will be figures of the Eldar.”


Said frowned and instantly remembered that in history, Eldarad lured the Bonebreaker to Armageddon in order to protect the craft world Idhar, which led to the outbreak of the second battle.

It couldn’t help but gnashed its teeth. According to the urinary nature of the Eldar, if there was garbage at the door of its own house, it would be fine if it was swept to the door of another house.

But he failed, and Idhar was eventually destroyed by the Imperial Chapter.

At this moment, history has changed. Eldarad has joined the Death Army, and the Death Army has formed an alliance with the Human Empire. Said wonders if Eldarad will make the same mistake again.

But he didn’t dare to bet. The safest way was to destroy Idhar’s Ark as soon as possible, so that Eldarad would not be able to attract monsters to the empire.

There is a safer way, which is to kill Eldarad, but he is an Eldar prophet, has a lot of life-saving cards, and is protected by the Death Army, so it is extremely difficult to eliminate him.

In contrast, it is safer to destroy Idhar’s Ark.

So Said found Malcador and asked: “Ma Xiang, I want to locate an Eldar Ark. Can your Assassin Court do it?”

Malcador shook his head helplessly and said: “For the Ark Spirit Clan, the location of the Ark is a secret, and it is constantly moving, and the Assassin’s Court spies cannot access it at all.”

Only the Assassin’s Court can disguise the Eldar at this moment and spy on intelligence. If even the Assassin’s Court cannot do anything, then Said will not be able to locate the Idhar Ark.

“Is it true that we can only passively wait for the orcs to attack?” Said was troubled.

At this moment, Malcador smiled and said: “Actually, in addition to the Assassin’s Court, there are other intelligence channels. The empire is not the only intelligence force in the galaxy.”

Said frowned and said, “You mean exchanging information with the enemies of the empire?”

Makado smiled and said: “Isn’t it possible? Isn’t it the initiative of His Highness to unite the secondary enemies and destroy the main enemies?”

Said was stunned and asked: “You know?”

Malcador shrugged and said: “Basically all the original bodies know about it. There is so much movement in Comoros. If you dig deeper, it will be difficult not to know!”

Said was silent, Commorragh was not only the home of the Dark Eldar, but also the center of conspiracy and information exchange in the galaxy. The Titan Soldiers’ rescue of the Death Army could not be hidden at all.

Malcador said calmly: “But don’t worry, as long as you don’t bring it to the table, everyone will treat it as nothing happened. After all, everyone knows that the empire has too many enemies.”

Said couldn’t help but think of a saying: Some things cannot be weighed even if they are weighed.

The primarchs tacitly agreed not to pursue Said’s alliance with the Death Army, which made him slightly relieved, and then asked:

“Xiang Ma, can you step forward to help me find out the location of Idhar’s Ark? If I step forward to confront the intelligence dealer, I might make the lion open his mouth!”

Malcador smiled and said: “His Royal Highness, you don’t know. At this time, all transactions in the galaxy are in imperial currency. However, we are the ones who print money, so the prices are meaningless!”

But Said was still worried and ordered: “The price cannot exceed a light cruiser. Who knows whether the intelligence dealer is the enemy!”

Malcador replied: “His Royal Highness is right to worry, they are the Alpha Legion, enemies of the empire!”

In the end, through Malcador’s intervention, Said obtained the location of Idhar’s Ark for the price of a light cruiser.

Then he gave the order, and the Death Watch of both Chapters made a beeline for the Ark, ready with their Cyclone Torpedoes to bring down upon them the wrath of the Emperor.

At the same time, on an unknown asteroid, Eldarad started a practice, and psychic energy surged around and entered the subspace rift.

Beside him, Yoda asked curiously: “Can you really save the Idhar Ark by doing this?”

Eldarad looked confident: “Yes, according to the prophecy, the Ark of Idhar will be destroyed by the green-skinned God’s Chosen. I only need to interfere with the course of the green-skinned hulk to avoid the disaster.”

Yoda finished eating a piece of fruit and teased: “But a certain human world will suffer, and tens of billions of humans will sacrifice, just to protect the ten thousand Ark Eldar.”

Eldarad emphasized: “The Eldar population is sparse and almost extinct. Ten thousand Eldar are more valuable than tens of billions of humans. For the continuation of civilization, we can only sacrifice others.”

Yoda said calmly: “But the God Envoy Lady Evelene has told you that you are not allowed to conspire against the empire.”

Eldalad stirred the spiritual energy, fine-tuned the waves of the Sea of ​​Souls, shook his head and said:

“No, no, Yoda, this is an irresponsible accusation. I have no conspiracy against the Empire. The greenskins are drifting aimlessly in the warp.

Who knows where it will eventually drift to, it may be the kingdom of the undead, or it may be some alien world, or the world of demons. “

Yoda bit another fruit and said, “But the green-skinned gods will guide the direction of the fight, and the course is not aimless!”

Eldarad smiled and said: “Then let’s see who will be the lucky one, I don’t want it to be a human being!”

As soon as he finished speaking, news came that the Death Watch used cyclone torpedoes to destroy the Ark of Idhar, and no one of the ten thousand Ark Eldar survived.

Eldarad’s expression froze, and the empire’s move made all his efforts in vain.

He couldn’t help but said with a ferocious look on his face: “I hope humans will be the lucky green-skinned ones!”

At the same time, somewhere in the subspace, a rough and unpleasant song resounded in a garbage ship.

“Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go everywhere,

Let’s go, let’s go, all over the universe.

Let’s go, let’s go, there’s no end this time,

Where is that? I don’t know, I’ll tell you when the time comes. “

Driven by the waves, the garbage mountain continued to move forward. The idle orcs and grunts sang songs, and gunshots echoed everywhere else. They were fighting against the demons who boarded the ship.

Fighting can make green skins happy. The vast demons in the subspace provide endless targets for fighting, so green skins are particularly happy in the subspace.

After the singing stopped, a green-skinned boss chewed a scooter and said to the boys beside him:

“I’m telling you, space travel is boring, unless you have gay thieves on the ship, or a group of thorny chaos old men, or else there are already brats on the ship. Or there are shrimps coming over to pick on them. It’s a good time to stretch your muscles, otherwise something strange will happen.

Warp space has always been this bad. Last time, a bloody, ugly guy came on our boat and killed half of our boys. It was quite interesting. I’m thinking of four good places in space before I find a new village to smash and loot! “

The kid next to me shouted: “Waaaagh, the boss is right, I can fight in the subspace. As long as we stop here, people will come up to fight, so why bother walking around!”

The boss punched him on the head: “Idiot, go and fight the Bonebreaker boss’s order elsewhere. It is the chosen god of Gao Mao. Its will is Gao Mao’s will. Do you want to disobey it?”

“And Gomao promised that he would start a huge waaaagh in the real universe, not just a small fight in the subspace!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the hulk shook for a while, and the boss said in surprise: “We should have tied it, shrimps, bean sprouts, ribs, I don’t know which village it is tied to!”

At the same time, outside the Armageddon galaxy, a huge mountain of garbage jumped out of the real universe.

The greenskins cheered in surprise: “It’s Xiami! It’s Xiami Village! Cut them down! waaaagh!!!”


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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