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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 19 Tribunal

“In the name of the Holy Emperor, His Holy Majesty, I declare that you have been excommunicated and rebelled due to improper behavior, organization and beliefs, and the sentence is… death!”

On the high platform, a judge finished speaking, raised his pistol and executed a man in public.

Then he glanced at a circle of people with complicated expressions, smiled coldly, and returned the place to the church pastor.

The priest pointed at the body of the heretic and said loudly: “People of the Emperor, whose food are you eating now? Whose clothes are you wearing? Whose school are you attending?”

Then, without waiting for the audience to reply, he spoke first:

“It’s the Emperor!”

“The Emperor gives you food!”

“The Emperor clothes you!”

“It was the Emperor who taught you knowledge!”

“But now there are people who are shamelessly blaspheming His Majesty, embracing dark heresies, and showing kindness to the abominable aliens… The Emperor is both kind and harsh!”

“If the sheltered lamb is corrupted by evil, the Emperor will wipe it from the galaxy! Long live the Emperor! All for the Emperor!”

After the priest’s instigation, the emotions of the people in the audience were ignited. The emperor allowed them to have food and clothing, learn the truth and knowledge, and was their reborn parent. But now they are being desecrated by bad people. It is simply unreasonable!

Following the rhythm of the priest, they pumped their fists and shouted: “For the Emperor! Long live the Emperor! Kill the alien! Kill the evil god! Kill the heretic! Sacrifice the blood to the God-Emperor, sacrifice the skull to the throne!”

Seeing that the people’s support could be used, the priest waved his hand, and another group of heretics came forward and were executed amidst the people’s contempt.

On the other side, the Inquisitor walked into the garrison headquarters in the scientific research area. This was not only the headquarters of the 30 million garrison, but also the temporary headquarters of the Inquisition.

Opening the door, the judge stood at attention, performed the Eagle Salute, and then reported:

“Your Holiness, according to your instructions, the public execution of heretics and the incitement of people’s hatred for the three major harms are going well!”

In front of him, a puppet was working at the desk. After hearing this, he raised his head and said:

“Well done, loyal servant of the Emperor, this kind of thing should be normalized from now on, continue to incite hatred, and let people always remember the threat of the three pests!”

The judge was greatly encouraged and said seriously: “Yes! All for the emperor!”

Then he looked troubled: “But most of the people are loyal to the emperor, and the three evils are hidden so deeply that it is difficult to find them. If it is to be normalized, there may not be enough execution targets for a while.”

The puppet asked: “Do you have any ideas?”

The judge stood at attention and said: “I plan to select criminals who are extremely evil and harm the common people and try them as heretics!”

“Civilians don’t care about evidence, they only care about shameful crimes committed against people!”

The puppet nodded: “Well, this is okay, go ahead and do it! The Battle Sisters will provide support.”

The judge solemnly said: “Yes, everything is for the emperor!”

The trial court is composed of two parts. One part is the judge. They are responsible for investigation work and go deep into the people to conduct overt and covert inspections, similar to the secret police.

The other part is the armed forces, which are divided into Battle Sisters, Death Watch and Gray Knights according to different enemies, responsible for providing military support to the Inquisitor.

Most of the judges are humans, and a small number of puppets manage and supervise; the armed forces are all big puppets, and they are given different equipment enhancements according to different enemies.

Among them, the Battle Sisters deal with heretics, the Death Watch deals with aliens, and the Gray Knights deal with warp demons.

Their names came from Said’s bad taste. Although he wanted to create real battle sisters and space warriors, he had no choice but to have limited conditions and could only play with the names.

Thanks to the strong mass base and the strong organizational power of the church, the work of the Tribunal was carried out smoothly. In just a few days, hundreds of heretics were arrested and a demonic ritual was destroyed.

Many of them are because they can’t control their mouths and excuse the three major harms. The demonic ritual is an ordinary impart. Whether it has anything to do with Israel is open to question.

But Said didn’t care. In order to completely eliminate the three evils, he would rather kill a thousand people by mistake.

In addition to the white terror under the auspices of the Inquisition, Said also played new tricks in the ideological class.

The pastor said from the podium:

“Everyone, there are currently many separatist forces on the planet. They are ruled by technological barbarians, alien empires and hateful intelligences. The people under their rule are in dire straits!”

“How bad was your situation before the Emperor’s grace came? How happy are you now? How should we view the Emperor? Now I would like to invite Kaya to speak!”

A dark-skinned, petite girl walked up to the podium, her eyes filled with tears, and she said excitedly:

“Before encountering the angel army, my tribe and I were wandering around, hiding from the slave-catching teams of the Holy Kingdom. We never had a full meal or wore a good piece of clothing.”

The audience in the audience looked excited and empathized. Kaya’s words brought them back to that tragic time.

“When I was discovered by the technological barbarians and they used me to vent their filthy animal desires, the Pope’s troops showed up. They killed the evil heretic and allowed me to be fed and clothed, and allowed to study in the classroom!”

“Everyone, those so-called warlords and emperors are all the lackeys of the three evils, helping the three evils to enslave the people. Therefore, long live the emperor! Long live Pope Said!”

Kaya is the slave girl that Said saved when he first arrived on the planet. According to her description, Said is as holy as a god, liberating hundreds of millions of suffering people with the wave of his hand.

Inspired by her, more and more humans came to the podium to talk about their experiences before liberation, denounced the tyranny of warlords, reflected the greatness of the emperor, and solidified their hatred for the three evils.

This kind of activity has a vivid name – the Complaint Movement!

The church is responsible for complaints, and the Inquisition is responsible for cleansing, which can isolate the subspace from the spiritual to the physical.

For this reason, he said proudly: “Brother Huang, how is my operation? Is it more useful than the Imperial Truth!”

The Emperor nodded and said: “Indeed, but this requires a lot of administrative costs and can only be used in Terra. Once the human territory is restored, it will not work.”

Said’s approach is almost a replica of the state religion and the Inquisition, but the empire has been half-dead, and the three evils are still emerging in an endless stream, constantly corroding the empire.

The reason is that the galaxy is too large, communication and transportation remain unchanged, the empire’s grassroots rule over the planet is weak, and the Inquisition and the state religion do not do much.

On the other hand, Sayid directly stationed 30 million puppets in the scientific research area, which is more than all humans combined, so he can easily suppress the three evils.

So Sayid said proudly: “Brother Huang, don’t worry. As long as I am here, the prophecy will definitely change, and mankind will eventually rise!”

The emperor did not comment, and smiled: “Then I will wait and see, my brother!”

While the system was established in the scientific research area, under the labor of 400 million puppets, Sayid completed the construction of the entire industrial chain and could produce all the products of the future empire.

In the industrial area, a nest city rose from the ground, and various factories were stacked up, like steel mountains, reaching the sky.

Four hundred million puppets worked tirelessly in it, producing weapons, food, scientific research equipment, consumer goods, etc., importing massive industrial raw materials and exporting massive industrial products every day.

Under Sayid’s planning, a nest can produce all imperial products, from interstellar battleships to napkins and toilet paper.

Sayid’s military power expanded rapidly, and Titans, Thunderhawk gunboats, various artillery tanks and armored vehicles were equipped in the troops, arming thousands of group armies to the teeth.

So Sayid ended his recuperation and began actual combat training to test his troops.

In the original Warhammer, the imperial power of the Empire did not extend beyond the planets, and the power was handed over to the local planetary governor. As long as the governor paid taxes on time and did not believe in heresy, chaos, or aliens, the Empire did not care who the planetary governor was.

This was because the warp navigation was unstable, which affected the central power complaints, and the astropaths responsible for galactic communications were also unreliable, resulting in loose rule

It is better to say that it is a federation than an empire. If there were no external threats from monsters and demons, the empire would fall apart in an instant.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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