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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 190: Shooting the useless governor, Alex takes orders in danger

Ever since the Bonecrusher’s head was opened and the mad doctor Znik replaced it with a metal head, he often had hallucinations, which made him once think that he was the chosen one.

If he were a human, he would be nothing more than Don Quixote, but the greenskin can make me think about it. Bonecrusher believes that he is the chosen one. The stronger the belief, the greater the possibility of it coming true.

Then, Bonecrusher was noticed by Gomao, and he was blessed and became the prophet of Gomao. A large number of orcs joined his command and started a waaaagh.

At this moment, in the garbage mountain, Bonebreaker stared at the human galaxy in front of him and said loudly:

“Look, we have arrived at Xiami’s village. There are a lot of clicks, a lot of steel, a lot of cans, Brother Mao is on top, waaaagh!!!”


The greenskins cheered loudly, and their morale instantly exploded. However, the Bonecrusher was not as excited as he appeared. As a war boss, he had to think more.

It saw that Xiami’s villages had deployed a large number of large Dakkas, as well as a powerful fleet. A strong attack was bound to cause heavy losses, which would not be conducive to subsequent waaaagh.

Armageddon is the largest tank production base in the empire. After experiencing the invasion of Khorne, Said decided to strengthen the system’s defense and add more turrets and fleets.

Solid orbital defenses have been built on every planet in the galaxy. Massive forts and carrier-based aircraft are like sharks in the sea, constantly searching for prey.

Not to mention the massive mines and star fort defense points deployed between the planets, and even a regiment of Titan soldiers stationed in the star base.

Armageddon was armed to the teeth to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past.

If you want to waaaagh smoothly and happily, you must find a tactic to smash the big iron ship and big stinking shrimp.

At this time, one of its right-hand men, Beast Kimede, ran over excitedly and said: “Boss, after constant thinking, I repaired the iron knot found in the subspace.”

Bonecrusher’s thinking was interrupted, and he wanted to punch this guy to death, but he was reluctant to give up on Beast Chimede’s superior skills, so he just punched him to the ground and asked:

“What good can iron lumps be used for?”

While sailing in the subspace, in addition to fighting various demons, the greenskins also collected all kinds of scrap metal and strengthened it on the garbage mountain. Some equipment was also studied by the technical master boy.

Beast Chimead said excitedly: “It can transport a large number of boys to the target village like the legendary Battle Moon.”

Bonebreaker’s eyes lit up and he said loudly: “This is the blessing of Brother Goge Mao, allowing us to bypass the big shrimp and the big iron boat and happily waaaagh.”

Like the Zorznik, the Zohimede is an important advisor to the Bonecrusher, and its whims have created countless powerful war machines.

It is said that in the Age of Beasts, it was once the Gear Boy on the Battle Moon and knew some of the secrets of teleportation technology. After years of thinking and research, it has understood most of them.

Just as the Bonebreaker was teleporting in full swing, Armageddon entered into intense battle preparations. At this time, it was only about ten years since the end of the first war, and the defenders were still in turmoil.

Countless forts were activated, carrier-based aircraft left the hangar, and the galaxy fleet left the port, heading towards the green-skinned battleship.

After Said’s reinforcement, the galaxy fleet was centered on a battle cruiser formation, commanding four cruiser formations and sixteen light cruiser formations.

Such a strength almost catches up with the original fleet configuration of a sector in history.

At this time, Beast Chimede’s transmission device had not yet been debugged, and the two sides entered combat distance. The Nova Cannon opened fire first, and the light-speed shells tore through the battleship’s shield and shot through the garbage mountain.

The Bonecrusher had only one battleship, and under the concentrated fire of seventeen Nova Cannons, it shot thirty-four large holes.

However, most of the green-skinned garbage mountain was a useless structure. It looked extremely miserable, but in fact it did not damage any vital points. The battleship continued to move towards the galaxy at full speed.

Said did not expect to rely on conventional firepower to eliminate the greenskins, and the Nova Cannon could only cover the killing range of more efficient weapons.

Just as the greenskins were in a hurry, the torpedoes loaded with genetic radiation warheads moved forward rapidly, bringing the greenskins fleet into the killing range, and then exploded.

The genetic radiation is spreading, and if nothing goes wrong, 99% of the greenskins will be wiped out, and the rest can be eliminated by relying on gang members.

However, unexpectedly, the auspicious device detected a strange spiritual energy emitting from the garbage mountain, forming a barrier and surrounding the garbage mountain.

The next moment, genetic radiation washed away at the green-skinned battleship, but was blocked by the psychic shield, leaving the green-skinned unscathed.

Said looked solemn. The genetic radiation bomb that had been tried and tested in the past failed, and the Bonebreaker found a way to restrain it.

At this moment, he turned his attention to the greenskin battlefields all over the galaxy. He was relieved when he learned that the genetic radiation was still effective.

This means that only the Bone Crusher can resist genetic radiation. When coupled with the identity of the prophet Gao Mao, I immediately thought that this must be the work of Gao Mao.

“In other words, as long as the Bonebreakers are eliminated, the empire can return to a one-sided slaughter of the greenskins.”

Said whispered in his heart, and then with a thought, the scientific research ship rushed out, launched a microscopic scan of the green-skinned garbage mountain, and used the puppet “I’m thinking” to offset the green-skinned “I’m thinking”.

Said is confident because the puppets are spread all over the galaxy, with the same number as humans, and generate massive amounts of psychic energy at all times, which is more than the psychic energy of a battleship green skin.

However, an accident happened again, and the Bonecrusher exuded a more powerful spiritual energy, which greatly strengthened Waaaagh’s position and successfully ineffectively inactivated the puppet’s spiritual energy.

Said frowned and asked in his heart: “Brother Huang, what’s going on? How can the Bone Crusher’s spiritual power be so strong?”

The emperor said calmly: “You have already made a guess in your mind. Those psychic powers do not belong to the Bone Crusher, but to the God of Hair-making behind them!”

“The greenskins have been suppressed for many years. I guess they can’t stand it anymore, so they specially gave the Bonebreaker a halo.”

Said smiled: “Even so, the empire can still win. They only have a garbage mountain, and the empire has an entire battle cruiser fleet!”

At the same time, the enemy ship entered the range of the light spear. The imperial light spear burned the shell of the garbage mountain and penetrated deeper. The garbage mountain responded with a massive torpedo, which was intercepted by the carrier-based aircraft.

At this moment, the garbage mountain is riddled with holes, but the imperial fleet is unscathed. If nothing happens, the garbage mountain will soon be shot and disintegrated.

However, at this moment, a subspace crack suddenly appeared next to the garbage mountain, sucking the garbage mountain in, and reappeared in the orbit of Armageddon in an instant.

Caught off guard, the orbital defense platform was smashed into pieces without firing a single shot. The huge fragments, together with the orbital platform, fell into the planet’s atmosphere like meteors.

There was an accident when Beast Mead teleported. Instead of teleporting the green boy, he teleported the entire mountain of garbage.

This is a tragedy for humans, but for the greenskins, it is a huge surprise.

Garbage mountains and orbital turret fragments can cause huge damage, and can also produce a large amount of scrap metal, allowing the tech master to modify the garbage factory to make gun steel.

Before Said had time to react, the Bonecrusher crossed the galaxy’s defense line and landed directly on Armageddon. A lot of space debris fell and hit the hive, causing a large number of casualties.

The main force of the galaxy fleet rushed back immediately, and the Titan Soldiers battle group at the star base prepared to airborne. However, in the following battle, the main force was changed from the fleet to the planetary defense force.

However, when the puppets checked their war readiness, they found that the main hive city was bustling with activity, and the streets were decorated with lights and colors to celebrate the Emperor’s ascension to heaven.

Today is the Day of the Emperor’s Ascension, and all planets in the Empire are celebrating it, and Armageddon is no exception.

However, news of the orc invasion had been conveyed to the Governor’s Mansion an hour ago. However, instead of mobilizing troops, the Governor’s Mansion continued to celebrate.

Said was angry and immediately asked the stationed puppet to go to the Governor’s Mansion while recalling the situation of the Second Battle of Armageddon.

He vaguely remembered that there was an idiot governor in history who not only suppressed the political commissar Yarrick, the hero of the empire, but also gave away five million Iron Legions.

Later, this guy even formed an alliance with the orcs and rebelled against the empire, which was a heinous crime.

At this time, the planetary governor of Armageddon was, as in history, a slut named Hermann von Steber. Thanks to his father’s heroic deeds and with the support of the empire, he successfully took over as planetary governor.

Under the new system, the empire granted varying degrees of autonomy based on world importance. The higher the importance, the less autonomy.

As an important industrial planet, Armageddon produces a large number of armored vehicles and is highly valued by the Internal Affairs Committee. Special commissioners are stationed in all aspects of the planet to supervise the internal affairs of the planet.

It can be said that at this time, the Governor of Armageddon is unable to control internal affairs and production, and the hive factory directly takes orders from the Terran commissioners, not the planetary governor.

Under the supervision of the Internal Affairs Committee, Armageddon’s production capacity has increased dramatically, and the share of the tithe tax has increased year after year. The planetary governor has always been critical of the mobilization of such huge wealth.

However, under the suppression of the galaxy defense fleet, Governor Stable did not dare to do anything, and his power was not completely emptied.

The internal power is gone, but the Governor still holds the Planetary Defense Force (pdf). Without the galaxy fleet, the pdf will be Armageddon’s strongest combat force.

If nothing else happens, the future war against the Bone Crusher will also be led by this useless governor.

One general is incompetent and the three armies are exhausted. Said will not allow this to happen!

At the same time, in the main nest capital, a grand military parade was underway, and columns of steel legions walked past the podium to pay tribute to the governor.

The governor returned the salute to the soldiers with a stiff smile. Half of his body was blocked by the protective wall, blocking the view of the people in the audience.

But the generals behind him could see clearly that a man dressed in a coquettish manner was doing something cowardly.

The generals looked like they had eaten shit, compared him with the old governor who died in the battle, and couldn’t help but sigh sadly.

At this time, an old and skinny general walked through the crowd and came to the governor’s side. He tried his best to hide his disgust and said anxiously:

“Your Majesty the Governor, the orcs have landed on the surface of the planet. Why is the military parade still going on and the people have not been mobilized? Do you want us to be massacred by the orcs?”

This was an accusation of heresy. Steber was furious and said angrily: “Commissar Yarick, are you questioning my decision? I am the commander-in-chief of the Planetary Defense Force!”

Alex was speechless. The empire was very hierarchical, and those who were subordinate would be severely suppressed. Seeing the old man surrendering, Staber shook his body, took a breath and asked:

“Didn’t they still have a decisive battle with the galaxy fleet an hour ago? Could it be that the galaxy fleet was defeated?”

In the eyes of the planetary governor, the greenskins cannot break through the galaxy fleet. Instead of going to war and mobilizing and then nothing happens, it is better to keep playing and dancing.

This is also the view of many pdf officers. Over the years, through genetic radiation bombs, the greenskins have been basically wiped out and slaughtered.

If it weren’t for its strong reproductive ability, it would have been eliminated from the ranks of high-level dangers by the empire.

Yarick said with a firm expression: “According to the battle report, the greenskins passed the galaxy fleet through teleportation, appeared directly in the planet’s orbit, and launched an airborne landing.”

“Now the Galaxy Command orders us to encircle and suppress the airborne greenskins!”

Staiber was not interested, Lazy Yangyang said: “I know, let the troops attack immediately!”

Yarrick was anxious: “Mr. Governor, you don’t want to rely on the planetary defense force to attack, do you?”

Stable asked: “No? You look down on my army?”

“There is a genetic radiation bomb. I dare not say anything else, but the mere green skin is not enough to fill my teeth! I want to regain the glory of my father’s generation and fight to the death with the enemies of the empire!”

After that, he gave the order: “The celebration is almost over, political commissar Yarick, hurry up and get ready!”

The Iron Legion suffered all casualties in the First Battle of Armageddon. Terra was rebuilt with a small amount of money after the war, but Governor Steber did not invest in military construction, but spent it on personal enjoyment.

In his eyes, the galaxy fleet is enough to withstand any threat, so he does not pay attention to planetary defense. The army in his hands is more used to suppress opposition elements and protect the power in his hands.

For example, Yarick’s prickly head always makes him feel uncomfortable, and he looks like he has a bone in his head.

Under this line of thinking, the originally mighty and majestic torrent of steel no longer existed, and all armored vehicles were sold to businessmen by the governor in exchange for everything needed for enjoyment.

At this time, the Iron Legion was no longer the five million strong army it had been in the past, but only had one million infantry equipped with light weapons and a small amount of heavy equipment.

When these people went to fight against the greenskins who were armed to the teeth, they were completely fighting with an egg against a stone.

However, Steber pinned his hopes on genetic radiation bombs to eliminate all the green cannon fodder. Millions of troops swarmed forward and relied on numbers to defeat the remaining bosses.

He didn’t know that the genetic radiation bomb had failed.

If nothing happens, the entire pdf army will be annihilated, and Armageddon will repeat the mistakes of history.

Just as the officers were preparing to execute the suicide order, a group of puppets walked into the crowd, came to Staiber, and asked: “Are you Hermann von Staiber?”

The puppet represents the prince, and the puppet’s questions are the prince’s questions. Therefore, many planetary governors keep a distance from the puppet and basically do not interact with him.

The same goes for Steber. At this moment, he said anxiously: “I am Steber. What are your orders?”

The puppet said calmly: “You were demoted as a heretic because of your inappropriate organization, behavior, beliefs, and lifestyle, and were excommunicated. The execution method is… the death penalty!”

As soon as he finished speaking, he drew his gun and shot the governor in the head. The generals’ expressions froze, and the immediate leaders were shot by the top leaders.

Without waiting for their reaction, Said continued: “Now, on behalf of the Superman Council, I appoint Yarrick as the commander of the Planetary Defense Force and act as the governor!”

“Commissar Yarrick, Terra’s order is to resist the greenskin invasion until reinforcements arrive. Do you have confidence?”

Yarick puffed up his chest excitedly and said decisively: “I promise to complete the mission and swear in the name of the God Emperor!”

It has been quite turbulent recently, so I will reply as soon as possible. Thank you for your loyal support! ! !


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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