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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 191 Yarick’s first battle with the Bonecrusher

Sayid did not let the puppets take direct command. In the past hundreds of years, the puppets have been in charge of civil affairs and economic work together with the Internal Affairs Committee, and they do not know much about the military.

Rather than being an amateur and giving blind orders, it is better to hand it over to Yarick, an old hand.

Yarick’s hometown was invaded by greenskins in his childhood, leaving a psychological shadow. In order to overcome the shadow, he became an expert in dealing with greenskins.

But with the popularization of gene radiation bombs, the greenskins were completely defeated by the Empire, and Yarick’s knowledge had no place to use, which made him very distressed.

At this time, the gene radiation bomb failed, and Yarick’s knowledge was useful, which made him particularly excited.

So, when Sayid granted him all the supreme command power, he immediately put his ideas into practice one by one.

He ordered the generals: “Immediately clear the greenskin landing area, dig trenches and establish positions, and hold on and wait for reinforcements!”

The general under his command asked: “Commander-in-chief, will the greenskins give us time to clear the land and dig trenches?”

Yarrick nodded: “The galaxy fleet and the atmospheric air force will buy time for you and delay the greenskin offensive!”

“Referring to past battles, the first thing the greenskins do when they land is mostly to dismantle the spacecraft, build a garbage factory, and establish a stable logistics, otherwise the ammunition will soon run out and they will be slaughtered one-sidedly!”

The generals took the order and left. As Yarrick expected, the Bone Crusher army did not attack in all directions, but stayed in place and transformed the spacecraft.

Originally in history, the Bone Crusher also took such a defensive stance in the early days, completely destroying the planetary defense forces that attacked rashly.

But at this moment, Political Commissar Yarrick was in power and did not make the same mistake, but cleared the land, built fortifications, and looked like he was defending to the death.

After learning of this situation, the Bone Crusher immediately sent out the Speed ​​Freaks to sneak attack and harass, attempting to interfere with human engineering operations.

Yarick also dispatched the armored vehicles of the Iron Legion to deal with the speedsters, but due to the negligence of the former governor, the resistance was limited.

From time to time, the front line was broken, the construction work was interrupted, the engineers were slaughtered, and the speedsters left.

Just as Yarick was thinking about a solution, the galaxy fleet came back in time to launch an orbital bombing on the greenskins’ airborne landing site. A beam of light spears pierced the ground, and the energy wave spread like ripples.

The sky-covering Predator bombers covered the sky, constantly tilting bombs, and the Starhawk and Lightning fighters suppressed the Orcs’ Dumb Flying Squadron.

In addition, the artillery positions of the ground PDF were set up and fully output towards the Orcs’ landing point.

In an instant, the Orcs’ landing point was a sea of ​​fire, the garbage mountain and scrap iron were flying all over the sky, and large groups of greenskins were killed, and the construction of the garbage factory was once stopped.

The current situation is not favorable for the Bone Crusher, but he did not panic. He stared at the volcano in the distance and secretly calculated the distance of the digging vehicle.

After a while, a volcano erupted in the distance, and thick volcanic ash floated over the planet again, blocking aerial reconnaissance and precision strikes.

Under the cover of volcanic ash, the Empire’s orbital bombardment was no longer accurate and could not locate the Orcs’ garbage factory, and the Orcs’ casualties began to plummet.


At the same time, the main force of the Bone Crusher rushed towards the front of the planetary defense force, and the two sides were once in a fierce battle.

Even if the garbage factory was under construction, it would not prevent them from waaaagh first, which could not only cover the construction in the rear, but also kill the Orcs’ spirit.

But under the command of Commissar Yarrick, the defenders responded calmly, relying on artillery and armored vehicles to resist wave after wave of attacks from the Orcs.

The planetary defense forces dug trenches while fighting, gradually consolidating their positions, adapting to the rhythm of the Orcs’ attack, and leaving countless corpses in front of their positions.

At the same time, in the headquarters, the generals said happily: “Commander-in-chief, I feel that the orcs are not that powerful. They only have light firepower and cold weapons. We can take the initiative to attack and wipe them out!” Yarrick’s dry and skinny face had no expression, and he replied coldly: “Don’t be careless. When the garbage factory is built, you will have enough to bear!” He felt very sorry about this. The volcano erupted, and the volcanic ash covered the sky and the sun. It was impossible to provide air reinforcements and artillery calibration, and then it was impossible to locate the factory and destroy it. If the factory cannot be destroyed, the industrial capacity of the greenskins cannot be destroyed. The greenskin tech tyrants will create various war weapons to attack the human defense line. Soon, his worries became a reality. Greenskin stolen cars began to appear on the front line, then greenskin tanks, then greenskin artillery, killing cans, and even Gu Juji. Various greenskin vehicles gushed out in an instant, rushing towards the defenders’ positions like a tidal wave. The imperial army in the trenches watched from afar and felt a sense of despair. At this time, the military equipment of Armageddon was in disrepair, and the heavy weapons were exchanged by the governor for money to satisfy his personal enjoyment. Whether it was artillery, tanks or armored vehicles, the number was not comparable to that of the greenskins.

Not to mention the huge ancient giant garbage that was like a Titan, the defenders did not have a single one.

Even the grassroots soldiers knew that the enemy was strong and we were weak, and it was impossible to resist the enemy’s offensive. The political commissar of the supervision team shot a large number of deserters one after another, and barely stabilized the morale.

But Yarrick was not panicked at all, and said to the puppet beside him: “Please, Your Highness!”

The puppet nodded gently, and the next moment, a series of light spears fell from the sky and bombarded the center of the greenskin offensive, representing the spread of the shock wave of death.

Each bombing reached the thermonuclear level, and wherever it went, whether it was a greenskin tank, a killing can or an ancient giant garbage, it was overturned and crushed.

In addition to orbital bombardment, naval aviation, once suppressed by volcanic ash, became active again, appearing in groups over the battlefield and slanting ammunition against the attacking greenskins.

The position is different from the rear of the occupied area. Each position is clearly marked, enabling precise orbital bombing.

Strong orbital and aerial reinforcements are where Yarick’s confidence lies.

Even though the planetary defense force was weakened due to the idiotic governor’s nonsense, the planetary governor could not control the galaxy fleet.

The fleet still has peak combat power, which is enough to launch a powerful output on the ground, unlike in history when it collapsed at the first touch.

Under the devastating bombing, the Bonecrusher offensive was hit head-on. After the war boss was killed, they began to retreat.

In the following days, the Bonebreakers launched offensives in all directions, but met the same fate. The garrison positions had been constructed, and the secret numb trenches and cement fortifications had become iron walls, which evened the gap in army equipment.

The encirclement has been formed and the pockets have been tightened. Yarick’s next step is to consume the green skin’s steel resources. Without steel, they have no weapons.

Until they are empty-handed or the Empire’s reinforcements arrive, the Empire will launch a general attack and take away the greenskins in one wave.

In the war room, Yarick’s tense face relaxed slightly. Although he was still stern, judging from the leisurely way he lit up his cigarette, he was in a good mood.

At the same time, Bonebreaker listened to the report from his subordinates, with the same ferocious smile on his face, and said excitedly:

“The teleportation device is built! Great! The cowardly Xiami only dares to hide in the village and use clicks. He doesn’t dare to fight with us in close combat with chops! A bunch of sissies!”

“Since Xiami doesn’t allow melee combat, let’s go find their boss and see what a scumbag the strongest Xiami is. Who wants to waaaagh with me!!!”


A large number of boys signed up enthusiastically, but the number of places was limited, and chaos broke out among the greenskins. In the end, only tens of thousands of strong boys were qualified for the first batch of teleportation.

They walked onto the teleportation platform together with the Bone Crusher. After a flash of green light, they appeared in pieces above the position, and then fell like raindrops.


The garrison position instantly fell into chaos, with imperial soldiers and orcs fighting each other in complex trenches.

Compared with PDFs that are poorly trained, orcs are stronger, have better physical fitness, and have more advantages in close combat.

Orc boys can often be eliminated with multiple lasers. If you encounter a heavy boss or other special boy, you often need more output.

On the other hand, in the mortal army, whether officers or soldiers, they often only need one shot to kill them. A large number of orc bosses can easily attack unparalleled, and almost no one can stop them.

While the battle was fierce in the position, a waaaagh resounded across the sky from the front. Taking advantage of the melee in the position, the Greenskins took the opportunity to launch a second wave of general attack.

At this time, all firepower points were paralyzed, and the defenders were unable to resist this green tsunami. At this critical moment, Yarick asked:

“Did the Bonebreaker show up?”

His subordinates immediately provided a stack of photos, showing the appearance of various green-skinned bosses. Said controlled the puppet to identify them, and based on his past life memories, he quickly found the Bonebreaker.

“that’s it!”

Yarick pointed to a section of the defense line on the map and said, “Your Highness, please airborne here!”

The puppet nodded and replied: “Understood!”

As soon as he finished speaking, a large number of airdrop pods fell like meteors, killing a large number of greenskins in an instant. Then more than a thousand giant soldiers rushed into the position, killing them with bolters and chainswords.

The Titan Soldiers quickly gathered and advanced towards the Bonecrusher. As long as the Bonecrusher was killed, the greenskins would be scattered, and their plot to engage in furry would be ruined.

At the same time, the Bonecrushers also advanced unparalleled towards Yarrick’s headquarters. After Yarrick learned the news, he rejected the suggestion of retreat and said:

“The headquarters is a flag. The reason why the soldiers persist until now is because the headquarters is here and I am here! If the flag falls or disappears, morale will collapse!”

“So we can’t leave. Let the guard battalion build a position and wait for reinforcements. The Titan Soldiers have been airborne. As long as we hold on for half an hour, the defeat of the Bone Crusher will be determined!”

Not long after the order was issued, Bonebreaker arrived at the headquarters with blood all over his body, looking at Yarrick from a distance.

This was the first time they had met. For some reason, Bonebreaker felt that this old man was very friendly and that his withered and determined face made him a good target for a fight.

Bonebreaker’s body was wrapped in steel. He waved his giant claws and roared excitedly: “Stinky shrimp, waaaagh!!!”


As he shouted angrily, the big guys’ personal guards behind him attacked bravely. There were not even a hundred of them, but they showed the momentum of thousands of troops.

However, the Yarrick Guards had experienced battles for a long time, and they also picked up long guns and short cannons to fight against the big guy of Bone Crusher.

Commissar Yarrick himself, armed with a chainsword and a bolter, fought side by side with the Guards, delivering firepower to the greenskins.

Explosive bombs and plasma formed a barrage, shrouding the Big Brother Guards. The heavy-armed boss held up his giant shield and giant pincers to resist, the dirty gun boss output firepower to suppress it, and the Storm Boy launched his rocket pack and rushed towards the headquarters.

The defenders raised their 30mm machine cannons and fired bullets. Stormboys were shot and exploded one after another, but more of them rushed into the defenders’ positions, killing them.

From this moment on, the long-range shooting ended and the battle entered the melee stage. The guard battalion raised their chain swords high and fought against the big guy.

Although humans have physical disadvantages, they are more numerous and cooperate with each other tacitly. One person attracts attention, one sneaks up on vital points, one performs remote output, and one is a substitute.

The defenders were smashed to pieces, with blood and flesh splattering, stimulating the greenskin’s fighting spirit and howling with excitement. At this time, his comrade-in-arms swung the chain sword and slashed into the calf, howling and screaming.

This scene happened all over the battlefield, and Bonecrusher felt a sense of excitement. He strolled through the fighting group, waving his steel claws from time to time to swat away the blind shrimps.

At this time, Yaric had just chopped down an greenskin and saw the tallest and largest greenskin walking towards him. He had the same appearance as the Bonecrusher identified by Said, and he immediately made a fighting stance.

Bonebreaker stopped a few meters away from him and said in a rough voice: “Boss Xiami, your opponent is me! I want to fight with you!”

Yarick said coldly: “Stinky alien, today is the day you die!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the chain sword and the steel claw collided fiercely, the harsh impact and the roar of the chain saw intertwined, and the bolt gun and flamethrower competed with each other.

Yarick’s mortal body was no match for the God’s Choice with half a mechanized body. He was instantly knocked away. The Bonecrusher quickly stepped forward, swiping his claws, and blood flashed.

An arm flew into the sky, and Yarrick fell to his knees, letting out a silent scream. Seeing that the commander was injured, the guards’ morale plummeted.

Bonebreaker sneered: “A shrimp is a shrimp. No matter how powerful Da Ka is, he is no match for us boys. This village will be occupied by Orks as the starting point for Orks to become great again!”

As he spoke, he raised his giant claw, preparing to give Alec the final blow. At this moment, Alec’s left eye flashed, and a laser beam shot straight into the Bonebreaker’s head.

At the last moment, Bonebreaker relied on instinct to dodge, and half of his intact head was instantly cut off. Yarrick caught Bonebreaker and was distracted for a moment. He grabbed the chain sword with one hand and swung it hard at Bonebreaker’s head.

The Bone Crusher instinctively raised his giant claw to block it, and the flesh and blood part of his shoulder was chopped by Yerrick. In an instant, the Bone Crusher’s giant claw arm was severed.

The Bonecrusher let out a roar of pain, preparing to tear Yarik into pieces, when a burst of bolts struck, and it was the Space Marines who surrounded and killed the reinforcements.

The Bonecrusher’s attack was interrupted, and he roared towards the Space Marines, shouting at the same time: “Retreat immediately!”

Then fight the Space Marines.

At this moment, the Bonecrusher and his large bodyguards numbered less than fifty, but they were attacked by hundreds of Space Marines and had no chance of escaping.

The large force in the general attack in front of the position encountered head-on attacks from orbital bombing and air force fighter jets, and only a small number rushed into the battle line.

If nothing unexpected happens, Bone Crusher will die here!

But at this moment, a burst of green light flashed, and Beast Chimead initiated a second round of teleportation. According to the location of the Bone Crusher, this teleportation was more accurate, and a large number of orcs appeared around the headquarters.

Although they were still no match for the Titan Soldiers, they gave the Bone Crusher a chance to escape.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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