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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 192 Defeat the Bonecrusher

The Bonebreaker’s offensive was thwarted and he was seriously injured. He was carried away by his loyal men and retreated. The human defenders paid a heavy price and successfully resolved the crisis.

Yarrick looked at the green skin leaving, his face softened slightly, and suddenly a sharp pain swept through his heart, and he realized that the broken arm was dripping with blood.

The pain was so severe that Yarick’s body immediately activated the protective mechanism. His consciousness became blurred and he entered a state of dizziness. In his last conscious moment, he ordered:

“Reattach Bonecrusher’s broken arm for me!”

With the superb technology of the Mechanicus, Yarrick successfully connected the Bonecrusher’s arm, a mechanical arm with huge pliers, which, together with the Cyclops, once became a legend among the orcs.

The crisis on the human side has been resolved, and the crisis of the Bonebreaker has just begun. Due to successive defeats, many green-skinned bosses have questioned the ability of the Bonebreaker.

They believe that Bonecrusher can no longer lead them to waaaagh, so they should kill it and then choose a new boss.

As a result, a large number of greenskins gathered outside the tent of the mad doctor Goznik. In the tent, Goznik was operating on the Bonecrusher, and a Grot broke in in a panic and reported anxiously:

“Sir…Sir, there are…there are many bosses outside, and they seem to be attacking here!”

In the past, Goznik offended many patients due to his “exquisite” medical skills. Many greenskins wanted to skin him and remove his bones. If it were not for the protection of the Bone Crusher, the doctor would have killed him long ago.

Goznik knocked the fart away with one punch. It felt that it was not worth panic. When operating on the patient, it had already secretly planted bombs in the limbs.

Just as more and more greenskins gathered outside the Mad Doctor’s Hospital, a few farts walked out of the hospital door, drew a line outside the door, and said:

“Our boss said you are not allowed to cross this line!”

The greenskin was angry, you dare to talk to the orcs like this, so they immediately rushed into the hospital, chopped the grumps into meat paste, and then stormed the hospital collectively.

After Goznik learned about it, he calmly pressed a few buttons. Outside the hospital, several bosses were laughing and discussing how to torture the crazy doctor.

The next moment, the laughing head exploded. Even if the head did not explode, other parts such as arms or legs also exploded.

The crazy doctor implanted bombs not only in the brain, but in almost all surgical sites.

When the attacking orcs saw the death of their boss, they immediately started fighting among themselves. The bosses whose hands and feet were blown off were also stabbed in the back by their subordinates, and then fought for the new boss.

Thanks to Goznik’s operation, the medical crisis was temporarily resolved and the operation could continue.

But not long after, human bombers arrived and conducted low-altitude bombings on the orc-occupied areas. At this time, because the Bonebreaker was injured, the greenskins were in a mess, unable to effectively resist, and could only be passively bombed.

Gorznik moved the operation underground, and among the entire Bonecrusher Legion, he is the most loyal greenskin to the Bonecrusher.

Because he knew very well that once he left the Bone Crusher, he would be torn into pieces by the angry medical patients. Only by reviving the Bone Crusher could he continue to explore the path of medicine.

In the end, the Bone Crusher operation was completed, and the original half of the iron head became a full iron head. Although there was not much brain matter left, it was enough to replace it with the brain matter of other dead boys.

A broken arm is easier to deal with. The green skin has no rejection reaction. He can cut one off from another kid and install it. When the wound heals, it becomes the Bonecrusher’s arm.

Goznik prayed to the portrait of Gomao: “Brother Gomao, please protect your prophet and let him survive this disaster!”

After praying countless times, Bonecrusher opened his eyes and roared: “Fuck Znik, my head hurts!”

Goznik cheered: “Boss, you finally woke up!”

Bonebreaker said angrily: “Stop talking nonsense, my head hurts so much, please help me fix it!”

At this moment, Zorznik suddenly remembered that he seemed to have forgotten a wrench inside. The goblin’s face turned even greener because he had lost a pet spider!

During the operation, there was even gnome vomited in it…

In short, most of the greenskins in the operating room, including Goznik, felt guilty for a while, but Goznik quickly adjusted his mentality:

“When the boss wakes up, it means that the operation was successful. I have cured the boss. The boss has a headache. It must be a new disease. Just cure him!”

At this time, Bonebreaker held his head, feeling extremely irritable, and roared:

“I feel like there’s a fart living in my head. It hurts so much. Please give me some treatment, Znik!”

“I’m coming!”

Goznik quickly stepped forward, used a big wrench to hit the bone crusher’s iron head, and whispered softly:

“I think the wrench is also part of the brain, and some gears just need the wrench to help connect.”

The guilty Fart Demon forced himself to calm down and hypnotized himself:

“Boss of the Bone Crusher is so powerful, the spider will definitely be crushed by the brain and become part of the brain.”

“It’s the same with my vomitus. It’s the same color as brain plasma, so it should turn into brain plasma too.”

In this way, with the birth of the Spiritual Victory Method, I Xunsi, the Bone Crusher was cured, his arm was reattached, and his head ached no more.

He roared: “waaaagh!!!”

Huge psychic energy spread in all directions, and the greenskins stopped fighting because they had a boss again.

Bonecrusher walked out of the hospital and looked around at the messy occupied area and the wanton bombing of Imperial fighter planes. He suddenly became furious and killed several greenskins in a row, saying angrily:

“I am your boss, a Maoist prophet, and I am destined to lead you. Who among you is dissatisfied?”

As soon as he finished speaking, a large number of greenskins raised their weapons: “Bonebreaker, boss, bonebreaker, boss, bonebreaker, boss…”

The Imperial Predator fighter planes in the sky noticed this scene and immediately launched missiles to bombard them. However, the Bonecrusher waved his hand and shot out psychic energy to crush the missiles and aircraft.

Immediately afterwards, the Bonecrusher showed off his power and continuously shot out streams of psychic lightning, exploding a large number of Imperial aircraft.

But humans would not let them go easily. During the aircraft bombing, they successfully determined the position of the greenskins through the puppets on the fighter jets and sent an orbital fleet.

Spears of light fell from the sky and landed on the greenskin gathering points everywhere. The spreading shock wave slaughtered a large number of boys.

At this time, Bonecrusher gave an order, and by dismantling the artillery on the garbage mountain, the Greenskins organized an anti-air fire network, driving away HNA fighters, and even threatening Imperial warships in some cases.

In low-Earth orbit, the void shields of the imperial battleships are constantly flashing. The void shields of small battleships are easily overloaded and cannot withstand excessively powerful attacks.

Therefore, larger warships had to be replaced to maintain the orbital bombardment output.

But as a result, the intensity of the orbital bombing was reduced, the HNA fighters were driven away, and the greenskins got a chance to breathe after suffering heavy casualties.

The Bone Crusher was lost in thought. It knew that Xiami relied on flying iron lumps, that the boy had no chance of winning in a frontal attack, and that the garbage factory could not be completed.

In order to prevent the boy from being passively bombed, he had no choice but to get together with Xiami and get into a close-quarters fight.

But there is a one-eyed stinky shrimp named Yarik. His combat power is the best, and more of the boys die than live.

Therefore, the Bonebreaker decided to bypass the stinky shrimps and use the teleportation device to send the stinky shrimps to fight behind them, allowing them to get into trouble.

So, Bonecrusher summoned the Beast Chimede and asked, “Can your machine that emits green light still work?”

The Beast Medic said in his chest: “Don’t worry, boss, in order to avoid being destroyed, I moved it underground at the beginning of the battle.

Bonebreaker nodded and said: “Okay, teleport me now, I want to go behind Xiami’s position!”

Beast Chimead agreed excitedly, and a burst of green light flashed, and the Bone Crusher and a large number of boys crashed to the ground in the sky behind the position.


In order to avoid teleporting into the wall and reduce casualties, the teleportation location was specially chosen in mid-air.

It can fall to a height that kills a human being, but cannot hurt green skin with thick skin and thick flesh.

Bonebreaker looked around the empty space and laughed: “Sure enough, Xiami’s front line is only a thin layer, and the rear is empty!”

It stared at the nest in the distance and said excitedly: “Boys, if you see that iron village, take it down, make more big clicks and chops, and kill the shrimps in turn! waaaagh!!!”


Encouraged by the Bonecrusher, a large number of greenskins raised their weapons and headed towards Hive Chrysalis. At this time, the planetary defense forces were still in position and could not return for reinforcements in a short time.

But Yarick didn’t panic at all and asked:

“Your Highness, the outskirts of the hive city have been fortified and cleared, but the hive city is empty of troops and unable to withstand the orc offensive. Have you completed your arrangements?”

The puppet nodded: “It’s done. The orcs are no longer a threat. A team of giant soldiers can destroy them!”

Yarick nodded and said: “I mobilized a group of militiamen in the nest city. Although the combat strength is not strong, it is enough to maintain a front.”

At the same time, a large number of Titan soldiers boarded the Thunderhawk transport plane and quickly maneuvered to establish a front line in front of the orcs. At the same time, a large number of armed humans poured out of the nest city, riding in pickup trucks and other simple vehicles, and killed the greenskins.

At this time, the green skins that were happily moving forward did not notice that the land under their feet had turned green. Maybe they noticed it but didn’t take it seriously.

In the eyes of green skins, green is the color of green skins, the color of luck, and the color of victory. But they don’t know that they have been refined into the soil of soldiers and trees.

Said can consume spiritual energy to turn the planet’s land into the soil of soldiers and trees, grow soldiers and trees, and create puppets. In addition, the soil of soldiers and trees has the function of perception and can record information about all objects on the land.

At this time, the soil of soldiers and trees continued to spread, surpassing the teleporting green-skin troops, and surrounding the green-skin landing point. When the land under their feet was completely refined, it was the time of the green-skin defeat.

The Bonecrusher and its large army became the first victims.

At this time, smoke and dust billowed in front of the green skins, and a large number of human vehicles came towards the green skins. Seeing that there was a fight to be fought, the green skins were particularly excited and launched a charge amidst the sound of waaaagh.

But soon they discovered that the clicker in their hands could not be fired, the mechanical arm malfunctioned, and the stolen car fell apart into parts. Only the boy with the machete was unaffected.

The Earth of Soldiers and Woods, like the puppet, is also part of the waaaagh force field. With the ability of perception, it is easy to discover the irrationality of green-skinned creations.

As a result, a series of technological units such as the heavy-armed boss, the dirty gun boss, the fire-breathing boy, etc. were all disabled. Only the seeing boy and the wild orcs who drove Scrooge were unaffected.

At this moment, the Titan Soldiers suddenly burst out, blasters and chain swords roaring in symphony, constantly harvesting the lives of the orcs who had lost their combat effectiveness.

Even though the number of orcs is dozens of times that of the Titan Soldiers, they lost their combat power under the stronger waaaagh force field and were unparalleled by the Titan Soldiers.

But the Bonecrusher would not give up easily. It roared and exuded majestic spiritual energy. It actually broke through the waaaagh force field of the Bingmu soil and restored the waaaagh force field of some of the orcs around it.

But no matter how powerful the Bonecrusher’s psychic powers are, he is nothing more than a greenskin. Behind Bingmu’s waaaagh force field is the puppet of the entire galaxy. I can easily suppress the greenskins with my power.

Therefore, the Bonecrusher can only maintain a small area of ​​​​the greenskin waaaagh force field, where the greenskin weapons can return to normal.

So the Bonebreaker ordered: “All the boys come closer to me and gather fire to destroy these shrimps!”

Then, Bonebreaker had a flash of inspiration and discovered the secret of the land beneath his feet, so he picked up a flamethrower and burned the surface, quickly turning the green land back into yellow sand.

Bing Mu’s waaaagh force field disappeared, and the green skin continued to burn the ground. A large area was quickly cleared, and the green skin creation returned to normal inside.

Then, under the command of Bonebreaker, the fire-breathing boy was in front and the green-skinned main force was behind, burning the ground while advancing.

But as a result, the greenskin troops became denser, attracting a large number of imperial air forces to bombard them indiscriminately, and the infiltration troops suffered heavy losses.

But at this moment, the garbage factory in the rear built the first batch of greenskin aircraft, reinforced the greenskin infiltration troops, and fought with the imperial air force, unable to threaten the ground forces in a short time.

Bonecrusher led the main force and approached the hive city step by step. Bonecrusher jumped deep into the giant god soldiers’ front line, slaughtering them unparalleled with giant claws and heavy artillery, and the boys behind him covered them up.

The morale of the militia troops began to collapse. They had neither positions nor bunkers, and could only rely on vehicles to establish their fronts. Their morale was extremely fragile.

When the greenskins broke through the waaaagh force field of Bingmu and continued to approach, the morale of the militiamen plummeted and began to retreat sporadicly. Even if the supervising team shot and suppressed them, it was of no avail.

Soon, the Bonecrusher troops finally annihilated all the Titan soldiers after suffering heavy casualties. Seeing this, the militiamen’s morale collapsed and began to flee.

The war team began mass executions, but the militia immediately counterattacked, wiping out the team and clearing the way for escape.

At this moment, there is no longer any obstacle between the Bone Crusher and the Hive City.

Meanwhile, Alexson leisurely lights up his cigarette as he receives news that Imperial reinforcements have arrived.

So he ordered: “Send out the entire army to hunt down the Bone Crusher!”

His subordinates wondered: “Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, are we not going to attack the garbage factory?”

Yaric waved his hand: “No, leave it to the reinforcements. I will personally cut off the Bonecrusher’s head!”

The remaining hundreds of thousands of PDFs gave up their defenses and pursued the Bonecrusher. At the same time, the volcanic ash dispersed, revealing a battleship that blocked the sky and launched a precise orbital bombing of the garbage factory.

Without the barrier of volcanic ash, the garbage factory was wiped out. Then countless airdrop pods landed, and countless Titans and Leman Russ poured out, slaughtering the remnants of the green-skinned army and quickly clearing the landing site.

At the same time, Yarrick caught up with Bonecrusher, and as fate would have it, the two began a second duel.

Resume 8,000 words double update today


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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