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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 193 Kill Bishop Savan

Atop the yellow sand in the sky, Yarick and Bonebreaker looked at each other from afar. In front of Bonebreaker’s huge body, Yarick was particularly thin.

But under the old and thin face, there is a resolute and thin face, exuding a determined and fearless aura, which makes up for the difference in body shape.

The bone crusher said: “Xia Mi, my name is Unparalleled Bone Mag Uruk Salaka. Translated as Xiami, it means iron skull, super giant, very orc, and really boss. If you think the name is too long, , you can call me a bone crusher!”

Yarrick said coldly: “I am not interested in your name. You will be burned to ashes by the empire’s artillery fire like other orcs.”

Bonebreaker laughed and said: “You can’t kill me, I’m the Chosen God, but if you cut off my giant pincers and put them in your own hands, I must know your name!”

Yarrick wielded the giant pincers that originally belonged to the Bonecrusher, loaded the bolt gun, and coldly replied: “Sebastian Yarrick!”

Before he finished speaking, he disappeared from the spot and swung his giant pincers at Bonecrusher. Bonecrusher raised his new giant claws high to block the collision, and sparks suddenly flew out.

Bonebreaker laughed loudly: “Smelly Xiami, I have used your giant tongs for decades. I know better than you what is good and what is not!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the Bone Crusher’s iron claws hit a certain part of the iron pliers hard. The transmission of the giant pliers immediately failed. The Bone Crusher seized the opportunity and hit Yarrick with a heavy punch.

A cold glint flashed in Yarick’s eyes: “Do you think I can’t reform?”

A plasma ray was fired from the giant pincers, heading straight towards the Bonebreaker’s face.

The Bonebreaker was shocked and immediately raised his giant claw to block it. Yarick seized the opportunity, took out the bolt gun with his left hand, and fired at the Bonebreaker. The bombs exploded one after another in the mechanical body.

The Bonebreaker was not injured, but the equipment on his body was blown to pieces, many parts fell to the ground, and his body movements were restricted.

But the Bonebreaker laughed and said: “It’s so fun, Xiami, I haven’t had such a happy fight for a long time. I’m obsessed with you, so keep fighting!”

Alex frowned. These words made him feel particularly uncomfortable, as if he was having an affair with an alien.

While fighting, Bonebreaker said to himself: “All shrimps are scum that should be trampled to death. Apart from Yarrick, you are the only one who knows how to fight~!”

“I don’t like you, disgusting green plague!”

The giant claws collided with the giant pincers, explosive bombs and hand cannons fired at each other, each moved flexibly to dodge and exchange attacks.

Soldiers from both sides watched this scene and tacitly agreed to leave space to them until reinforcements from the Titan Soldiers arrived.

Taking advantage of Yarrick’s delay in delaying the Bonecrusher, Said parachuted five battle groups to the surrounding area. Five thousand Titan soldiers and Space Marines formed a dense encirclement and moved toward the greenskins.

At the end of a round, Yaric smiled ferociously: “Ugly alien, look around you, you won’t survive!”

Bonecrusher looked around, only to find that the boys had been separated and annihilated. Five thousand space warriors and Titan soldiers surrounded them. No matter how strong Bonecrusher was, he could not fly.

However, the Bonebreaker did not panic. It laughed and said, “I hate you even more, Yarrick. Not only are you good at fighting, you are also despicable. If you are an Ork kid, you will definitely become a good boss.”

Yarrick gritted his teeth and said angrily: “Humans hate greenskins, open fire!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the surrounding space warriors focused on the Bonecrusher, but they were blocked by a spiritual barrier, and then a subspace crack appeared. The Bonecrusher took the opportunity to get in and disappeared.


Far away in the Royal Palace of Terra, Said angrily cursed that whether it was Abaddon or the Bonecrusher, any being blessed by the gods could tear apart the subspace and escape.

This is so foul, and the empire has absolutely nothing to do!

In order to prevent it from happening again, Said decided to build a black stone obelisk on Armageddon and trap the Bonecrusher with the Forbidden Demon Realm.

Judging from how much the Bonecrusher hates Yarrick, it’s not hard to imagine that it will definitely make a comeback. The Forbidden Demon Realm can not only restrict escape, but also disable the waaaagh force field.

The greenskins will then be nothing more than a bunch of savages wielding large blades, capable of slaughtering with ease.

At this point, the Second Battle of Armageddon came to an end, and Yarrick became the planetary governor, cooperating with the Internal Affairs Committee to carry out reconstruction work.

Since the battlefields are all in the wilderness, the impact on the production capacity of the hive city is not great. Post-war reconstruction only requires scanning by scientific research ships and clearing out green-skin spores.

The enemies in the void are still watching with eager eyes, and the war spreading across the empire has never been extinguished. War breaks out in the empire all the time, but is quickly extinguished.

In military reforms, the Imperial military system was designed so that each level could respond autonomously to threats.

The planetary rebellion is suppressed by pdf. If pdf is defeated, the star base will dispatch the galaxy fleet to suppress it. If it still cannot be defeated, the Inquisition Legion will be dispatched; if the enemy is large in scale, the sector defense corps will be dispatched. If this fails, the war zone will be dispatched. Mobile Corps.

The mobile legion is usually led by the original body. If it still cannot be solved at this level, the reserve legion of the solar theater will be dispatched, and even the private army of the original body will be dispatched.

At this time, most of the empire’s wars are level one and level two, and can be resolved with PDFs and galaxy fleets alone.

The rebels may be able to defeat the pdf, but facing a galaxy fleet with air and space control, without the intervention of external forces, they will usually only be completely defeated.

Therefore, although the empire is constantly at war, it often does not require instructions from Said. The war is over and has little impact on production.

War like Armageddon in which the sectoral armies are dispatched is quite rare. Only then will Said personally step in and take command.

In the midst of the ongoing war, the construction of the empire planet is booming. With the efforts of the Internal Affairs Committee, the GDP has grown exponentially and deflation has intensified.

To this end, the Empire had to develop several worlds dedicated to paper production, specifically to provide parchment, to alleviate the growing demand for currency.

But this is the trouble of happiness. As the currency issuer, the currency shortage will always be local, not Central Terra.

Countless currencies flow into the market every day. Galactic merchants bring in various commodities and exchange them for Terra’s currency before leaving. Through pieces of paper, Terra harvests wealth from all over the galaxy.

According to incomplete statistics from the Ministry of the Interior, the wealth harvested from currency is hundreds of millions of times greater than the tithe. Currency, military power, and state religion have become the three reins that maintain Terra’s empire.

As the importance of currency has become more important, privately issuing currency has become a serious heretical crime, and many planetary governors have been punished with extermination orders as a result.

Huge military power maintains monetary hegemony, monetary hegemony feeds military hegemony, and the state religion provides a source of legitimacy.

Under the support of the Trinity, Holy Terra is at its peak.

Just when everything was prosperous, a request from the state religion caught Said’s attention.

In the Obscure Star Territory, an Ecclesiarch named Savan reported:

“The Hazy Star Territory is the second line of defense against heretics besides Cardia. It has been tortured by the Chaos Cult all year round, so it needs a strong ideological fortress!”

“In order to strengthen ideological construction, I hope to inspect the Scarus star sector, gain an in-depth understanding of the grassroots of the diocese, prescribe the right medicine, and establish loyalty to the God Emperor.”

Bishop Savan?

Isn’t he the mastermind of the Vraks rebellion?

Vraks is a fortress and arsenal world. Savan’s rebels took advantage of the geographical location and colluded with Chaos to keep the counter-rebellion war going for eighteen years.

The empire sacrificed countless things and damaged countless resources.

Said clearly remembered that before the rebellion, Bishop Safan also conducted a tour and found that believers in various places were extremely fanatical. As a result, his ambitions grew and he decided to separate and establish his own country.

Thinking of this, he opened Bishop Safan’s resume and found that, just like history, Safan had just become the bishop of the Scarus sector.

Bishop Safan, the third thorn in the new crown’s appointment, disdains the red tape of the office and hopes to go deep into the grassroots to understand the situation.

In this time and space, although the state religion leads everything, to be precise, it is the superman in the state religion who leads everything.

The top leaders of key departments such as the economy, administration, and military are either monopolized by the Astartes or concurrently held by puppets. Mortals basically have no say.

But there is one area except for propaganda, and the empire has set up priests, bishops, and cardinals on planets, sectors, and Terra to be responsible for propaganda work.

There is always a gap between Superman and mortals, so the empire allows mortals to hold propaganda positions and be responsible for propaganda work to shorten the distance between them and the people.

Said said to himself: “Safan has no army, no weapons, only a group of followers and disciples, and does not pose any threat.”

“As it stands, his march should be allowed and surveillance should be maintained.”

But another voice suddenly appeared in his mind: “Whether it’s a threat or not, it’s still a scourge. If we eradicate the root cause, it won’t save trouble. Why bother worrying about it!”

As soon as this idea came up, it immediately started to swirl in my mind. Savan was no more than a mortal. As long as he got rid of it, Vraks wouldn’t be able to fight.

As for the replacement of bishops, the empire lacks everything but talented officials.

Thinking of this, Said said to Safan in his heart: “You may not have any intention of rebellion, but who told you to give you such a name? So I’m sorry!”

So, with a thought, Said manipulated puppets all over the galaxy, launched spies, and collected information about Savan.

Then he found Malcador and said: “Prime Minister, ask the Assassin Court to help me kill someone, a mortal bishop.”

Malcador was stunned for a moment and said doubtfully: “Who His Highness wants to kill is not a matter of thought, so why do you need to ask for help from the Assassin’s Court?”

Said said: “This bishop has a very high reputation. I have no suitable reason to execute him. I hope to use the hands of the Assassin Court to eliminate him!”

Then he handed over the information of Bishop Savan. After reading it again, Macha seemed to be lost in memories and said:

“I know this man. He used to work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He had good abilities and was fairly loyal. But he wanted to make progress too much. Later, he took the initiative to be transferred to the propaganda department to be a bishop.”

“I wonder where this person offended His Highness the Prince?”

Said calmly said: “No comment, just tell me if you can do it. I can pay some price, but don’t think about asking for high prices. The target is just a mortal.”

Malcador shook his head: “I’m afraid not. It is Guilliman’s decision to appoint Savan as Bishop of the Scarus Sector. If you want to execute him, it is best to communicate with Guilliman first.”

Said frowned: “Guilliman? Propaganda is under the control of the Ministry of the Interior. You are the Minister of the Interior, and you are Safan’s immediate boss!”

Malcador smiled and said: “But the Ministry of Interior is under the control of the Internal Affairs Committee, and Guilliman, as the deputy chairman, has the right to appoint mortal bishops on his own!”

Said vaguely remembered that Guilliman had reported on the turmoil in the Obscure Star Territory, and the turbulence of various extreme freedom, democratic republic and other heretical ideological trends, and that blindly suppressing targets with force did not cure the root cause.

Therefore, Guilliman appointed a group of capable bishops to go to the local area to reduce spiritual resistance and create a stable environment for economic construction.

Therefore, Said must communicate clearly with Guilliman before killing Safan.

Said was not incapable of force and directly asked the puppet to kill Safan. No one dared to question the Imperial Prince for a mortal, even Guilliman would only murmur in his heart.

But in Said’s eyes, it was not worth offending the original body for a mortal, so he simply communicated clearly with Guilliman before executing it.

He was no more than a mortal man. Said believed that Guilliman would agree to him. However, unexpectedly, Guilliman looked embarrassed and said:

“To tell you the truth, Your Highness, Safan’s work is very effective. He is very loved in the Scarus sector. If he is executed rashly, the newly stabilized place will be in trouble again, which is not conducive to economic construction.”

Said said calmly: “So I plan to send an assassin to the court. He will conduct this parade, which gives me a bad feeling.”

Guilliman said calmly: “There are times when the Assassin’s Court fails. If it fails, with Savan’s current reputation, the Scarus sector will immediately rebel, and Chaos will take advantage of it.”

Said continued: “So after the processing is completed, a purification expedition will be carried out immediately to ensure the purity of the Scarus sector.”

Guilliman said solemnly: “But this will inevitably lead to war. Years of economic construction will be destroyed in one day, people’s lives will deteriorate, and chaos will more easily take advantage of the situation.”

Said fell into silence and said: “I saw a prophecy that Safan would start a great rebellion, so I planned to strike first.”

Guilliman thought for a moment and then said:

“But prophecies are not reliable. Your Highness, what do you think about this? We reject his tour plan, and then transfer him back to Terra’s Ministry of Internal Affairs to take up a false position, leaving him out. What do you think about this?”

Said sighed, nodded and said: “That’s all we can do…”

Scarus is in an important position and cannot rebel. Guilliman’s method is more reliable and can minimize the rebellion, and Safan does not have an army.

With just a few hundred disciples armed with light weapons, they couldn’t even defeat the hive gangs, let alone start a rebellion.

Although there are many believers at the bottom, because the Tribunal and various informants are there, they dare not make a big show of arming them.

It can be said that even if Safan plans a rebellion, he will definitely be harmless to humans and animals at this time.

Therefore, in accordance with Said’s wishes, the Internal Affairs Committee issued a transfer order to the Obscure Star Territory, rejecting Safan’s application for a tour, and transferred Safan back to Terra.

In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, Said dispatched a strike cruiser from the Cadian fleet to carry a Titan Legion battle group to implement the order.

The parade had not started, and there was no army in Safan, so it was expected to be a sure thing.

But at this moment, a worker riot broke out in the fortress world of Vraks, and Savan promised the Planetary Command that he could persuade the rebels to surrender without firing a shot.

Eight thousand words, an update on the king’s restored loyalty~

Also upload Yarick’s animation as an Easter egg chapter.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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