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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 194 Alpha Infiltrate Vraks

Said was stunned. The planet commander’s report made him aware of the conspiracy. He immediately ordered: “Reject him! No ships are allowed to enter the galaxy!”

The commander looked confused: “But… Your Highness, the Savan ship has entered the galaxy and is parked in low-Earth orbit.”

Said was categorical: “Drive away immediately, give only one warning, and destroy immediately if you disobey!”

However, after a moment, there was silence in the headquarters. Said’s order was not carried out. He said in a cold voice:

“Are you going to disobey me? Commander!”

At the same time, the military police, the puppet army, the military political commissars and the Astartes all received a message: “Situation No. 4 has occurred, activate the highest alert plan!”

Situation No. 4 refers to the rebellion of the top commander. Non-commissioned officers and soldiers at all levels will reject the traitor’s orders and directly obey the puppet’s orders to implement the highest alert plan.

Situation Four and Maximum Alert Plan had never occurred since the military reforms, and this was the first time for Vraks.

In an instant, the command structure of all military divisions and brigades on Vraks was broken up. The puppets took over the command and immediately ordered the troops to stay put, otherwise they will be regarded as traitors! “

In the planet headquarters, the supreme commander argued: “Your Highness, you have misunderstood. Bishop Safan is a loyal man and will not rebel!”

Before he could finish his words, the puppet pointed a gun at his head, and the puppet roared:

“In the name of the Imperial Prince, Chairman of the War Council, and Commander-in-Chief of all armed forces of the Empire, I order the arrest of Commander Vraks. Anyone who disobeys will be treated as one of the three evils and will be mercilessly liquidated!”

As soon as he finished speaking, a large number of headquarters guards rushed into the fortress, but the guns were not aimed at the commander, but at Said’s puppet.

The surrounding staff looked stiff and expressionless, turning a blind eye to this. Said sneered:

“It seems that you have rebelled. I want to know where did you get the courage? The Chaos God? Or some kind of alien? Or maybe the traitor Alpha?”

“But no matter what, the only outcome for you is death. Not only you, but your family, friends, students… everyone related to you will be buried with you!”

“Are you ready for the wrath of the God-Emperor? Despicable bastard!”

“Safan is right. The empire is rotten and urgently needs a holy war to remove the rotten flesh from its body. This is what we are doing.”

The commander did not speak, and the answer came from behind the puppet. The puppet turned around, and the weak candlelight illuminated a huge figure. Most of the figure was hidden in the darkness, with only the folds of the Hydra logo shining brightly.

Said instantly knew who was behind Safan – the Alpha Legion.

In the original historical Vraks Rebellion, Savan was defeated by Krieg and then received reinforcements from Alpha.

Alpha colluded with the Chaos believers to perform a sacrilegious ritual and summoned the Black Legion to Vraks, causing the originally twelve-year battle to drag on for eighteen years.

The appearance of Alpha at this time made Said certain that Safan had been helped by Alpha from the beginning.

Alpha’s spies are spread throughout the empire. They have been like gutter rats for many years, constantly fomenting rebellions and uprisings, but they were quickly suppressed and never became a problem.

They fought and defended against each other with their old rival, the Inquisition, and were continuously defeated, but like a hydra, they could never be eliminated.

In this regard, Said disdainfully mocked: “No matter how you defend yourself, you cannot conceal your despicable traitorous nature. You have betrayed the God Emperor, betrayed humanity, and betrayed the empire!”

“Alpha Legion, the Imperial Army is coming, I guarantee you can’t win!”

The Alpha Legion stepped forward and smashed the puppet into pieces, and then said: “Whether you believe it or not, Your Highness, we are implementing our loyalty in our own way!”

Before his consciousness was disconnected, Said was still scornful and taunting: “Loyalty is not absolute, it is absolutely disloyal! Wait for death, traitor! The God Emperor is with us!”

Alpha calmly replied: “Really?”

He snapped his fingers, and high-frequency sound waves were broadcast throughout the planet and spread throughout Vraks. The sound waves were so weak that people felt like they were tasting.

Only a few mortals looked stunned, showing confusion, and then returned to normal after a while. When no one noticed, their eyes radiated dangerous light.

A rebellion first broke out in Vraks Starport. The rebels raided the loyalists and fierce fighting broke out. The loyalists were caught off guard and suffered heavy losses. It was only a matter of time before they were wiped out by the rebels.

However, under the command of the puppet, the loyalists still persisted in resisting, manipulating the orbital defense system to destroy the Savan ship, and then detonated the star port, dying together with the traitors.

But Safan did not die. He took the Thunderhawk gunship and airborne to the surface with the believers, joined the earliest rebel army, and served as the leader.

He led the rebel army to accept the recruitment of the Planet Command, and then declared the loyalist army as rebels and called on them to turn against each other.

Afterwards, the rebels joined forces with the Planet Command and opened their void shields, appearing to be waiting for reinforcements.

In the original history, the loyalists were quickly eliminated, but at this time, the loyalists had an absolute military advantage. Through the highest alert plan, all the elites of the empire on the planet were under the command of puppets.

Said gave an order, and the main force of the loyalists surrounded the commander’s fortress. A large number of auxiliary troops stationed in various positions to build a solid encirclement.

They were sharpening their swords, waiting to launch a general attack on the weak rebels and crush the rebellion.

But an ominous premonition enveloped Said’s heart. Through the puppet, he looked around at the busy auxiliary army, and felt an unreal feeling in his heart.

Unlike Armageddon, Vraks is a planet directly under the jurisdiction of the War Council and has a large number of puppets stationed there. There are even two blocks of Bingmu Land that produce 400 million puppets every week.

Although the puppets are often mobilized to reinforce various parts of the Empire, only a few remain to strengthen their control over Vraks.

Therefore, after the rebellion broke out, the military supervisory puppets were immediately dispatched to platoon-level units throughout the army to monitor and respond to emergencies at any time.

In addition, there are several auxiliary legions and giant god warrior groups composed entirely of puppets, as the final insurance for the loyalists.

So Said really couldn’t figure out why Alpha wanted to die when there were so many imperial worlds, but chose to incite rebellion on the most heavily guarded Vraks.

But soon, Said knew the answer. The officers who had sworn loyalty suddenly attacked the puppets of the supervisory army. They were caught off guard and a large number of puppets died.

Immediately afterwards, the traitor shouted to the bewildered soldiers: “Kill the false king of Terra and welcome the return of the God-Emperor!”

This scene takes place one after another on the Loyalist front. The officers sneak attack the puppets, and then use their personal prestige to unite the soldiers and expose the Terran conspiracy.

In an instant, nearly 70% of the officers rebelled. In the end, 30% of the officers successfully rebelled, 20% of the officers were killed by puppets, and 10% of the officers were killed by loyal soldiers.

In the propaganda of the military officers, the Terran dignitaries headed by Said planned to kill the gods, and then Said would become the new God-Emperor and rule the empire.

Said couldn’t help but wonder. Flakes had undergone more than one microscopic scan, and there was nothing wrong with the officers’ words and deeds. How could they suddenly rebel?

There are no blind spots in microscopic scanning, and any observation results are subject to strict psychological evaluation, making it almost impossible to make mistakes, so a guess emerged in Said’s mind.

The renegade officers were all spies of Alpha. They were hypnotized by Alpha, wiped their memories, and continued to infiltrate Vraks as loyalists.

Relying on this hand, these traitorous legions evaded microscopic scans again and again. It was not until Vraks rebelled that these buried secrets were activated.

Said sighed. Hypnosis was too illegal. Even if he was vigilant, there was no solution for the time being.

Before being activated, Said could not identify who was an undercover agent. He could only record brain data and gather Mechanicus biological sages and scientists to decipher it.

At this moment, 30% of the officers on the front line rebelled and led their rebels in a fierce battle with the loyalists. Compared with the loyalists, they had fewer troops and were quickly suppressed.

However, with the reinforcements from the commander’s fortress, the situation took a turn for the worse, and the loyalist auxiliaries were no longer able to suppress the rebellion and requested reinforcements from the rear.

Said immediately asked the Puppet Auxiliary Army to join the battle, and invested in the Ultramarines sub-regiment and the Titan Soldier, successfully reversing the situation.

The puppet auxiliary army assists the resistance line, the ultramarines parachute behind enemy lines and attack the rebel hubs and material warehouses, and the Titan soldiers raid the rear to prevent the Alpha Legion from infiltrating.

In order to prevent accidents, Stellar Base dispatched a galaxy fleet to hover in low-Earth orbit and launch orbital strikes against the rebels.

Although the headquarters fortress has a void shield, its range is limited and cannot protect the outer rebels.

Under the precision orbital attack, the rebels suffered heavy losses and had to retreat inward, and then were attacked from the front and rear by the Ultramarines.

Although the officers’ rebellion increased the strength of the rebels, it still failed to change the balance of power. Bishop Safan continued to expose the “Terra Conspiracy” on the radio, but no one turned against him.

The soldiers at the bottom are not fools. Regardless of whether Terra’s conspiracy is true or false, at least the comparison of strength and weakness can be seen at a glance.

The rebels were beaten back steadily, the loyalists had the upper hand on the ground, and there were fleet reinforcements in the sky, not to mention the personal command of the Imperial Prince, so they were basically guaranteed to win.

Even if you don’t know whether the conspiracy is true or not, you should at least be on the winning side to avoid post-war reckoning.

If you defect to the rebels at this time, you will be suspected of being both the leader and the mouse, and will be used as cannon fodder by the rebels to prove your position.

Therefore, no matter how much the Bishop of Safan talks, the rebels and the loyalists are already clearly divided and it has no effect.

At the same time, in the headquarters fortress, Safan angrily asked his cronies:

“Mamun, when you suggested that I come to Vraks, you wouldn’t have colluded with the traitors of the empire early on! I am loyal to the God-Emperor, how can I associate with traitors!”

From the beginning, Safan was only against the Empire, not the God-Emperor. Alpha was an enemy of the God-Emperor and had no intention of getting involved with them.

With Mamun’s help, he successfully stirred up religious fervor, before everything went completely off the rails.

Not only did the Empire sense something was wrong, halt the tour and recall Savan to Terra, it also caused the Alpha Legion to intervene in advance and turn Savan into a puppet.

In the original history, Bishop Safan started a religious fanaticism, and Alpha intervened after Vraks successfully rebelled and was beaten by Krieger.

At this time, due to Said’s early intervention, Safan had no effect, forcing Alpha to jump out early.

Ma Meng’s face no longer looked as respectful as before, and he said calmly:

“Your Excellency, this war is no longer under your control. The best choice is to obey Hydra’s instructions and play its due role.”

Safan asked with a gloomy face: “Mamun, when did you surrender to the traitors?”

Mamon stopped pretending and spread his hands and said, “Do you mean Alpha? I have been working for them before I met you. We are all pawns in this rebellion.”

“The corruption of the empire, the corruption of the church, and the tyranny of the army are all caused by us to let you see, let you reflect, and let you launch a holy war!”

Safan looked ashen, feeling that his great ideal was just a plaything in the hands of a traitor, like a carrot hanging in front of a donkey, which was extremely ridiculous.

At this moment, Safan’s faith collapsed and he let out a wail of guilt and despair. The same fate as him included a large number of his disciples and followers.

Outside the fortress, Chaos believers are performing various blasphemous rituals. They capture prisoners and civilians, and weaken the curtain between reality and subspace amidst the deafening screams.

The Alpha Legion knew that it could not compete with the Empire with its current strength alone, so before the rebellion began, it had already connected with the Chaos Religion to prepare various sacrilegious rituals.

Vast numbers of demons poured out from the fortress and charged towards the loyalists’ front. With the reinforcements of fresh troops, the rebels stabilized their position and faced a stalemate with the loyalists.

But the blows from the sky kept coming, and the orbital bombardment killed demons in batches. The rebels were still at a disadvantage.

Said sighed helplessly. The loyalist auxiliary army came into contact with the devil and their souls were contaminated. No matter they win or lose in this battle, they must be purified.

Rather than being purified after the battle, it is better to die heroically and proudly go to the Golden Throne.

So Said ordered the entire army not to take a step back, and the puppet auxiliary army formed a supervising team to shoot any deserters who retreated.

Said tried his best to cover up the truth about the post-war executions, but Alpha would not let Said get his wish. Spies lurking among the Loyalists quietly spread rumors that the Mortal Auxiliary Army would be purged after the war.

After Said learned about it, he immediately ordered the political commissar and military police supervisory team to search everywhere, and shot a large number of officers and soldiers who spread the message on the charge of disrupting military morale.

With the exception of Armageddon, few survivors of the Empire’s purge of demonic invasions were seen, so the soldiers were dubious and remained loyal and stable for the time being.

But Said already had a vague premonition in his heart. As a plan to pass through Alpha, there must be a back-up plan, but he couldn’t guess it at the moment.

He decided to use force to overcome skill and immediately ordered reinforcements from the Sector Guard Corps. However, a strong subspace storm appeared in the Vraks system, and the reinforcements could not get close.

The sector commander was Azmodai, the leader of the Dark Angels Chapter. He immediately applied for a blackstone fortress to cover the legion fleet through the subspace storm and reinforce Vraks.

At this point, Said was convinced that as long as the Legion arrived, no matter what monsters appeared in Vraks, they would be wiped out in one fell swoop.

But before reinforcements arrived, Abaddon led the Black Legion fleet to the outskirts of the system based on the signals from the Chaos Cultists.

At this point, the loyalists lost control of the universe.

Long live Hydra~


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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