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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 195 Canned chaos intervenes

On weekdays, the Black Legion splits into countless warbands, fighting and plundering on their own. Only when Abaddon calls them, will they twist into one and launch an invasion.

The Chaos cultists of Vraks sent signals into the warp through blasphemous rituals, telling of Vraks’ situation:

A large number of weapons, Chaos rebellion, and a large number of mortals…everything is a target for Chaos to plunder, and rebellion creates conditions for invasion.

As a result, a large number of Chaos warbands boarded warships, came to reality through the unstable warp rift, and fought towards Vraks.

Although the Empire called for reinforcements in time, due to their greater affinity with the Warp, the Chaos warband arrived on Vraks before the Imperial reinforcements.

At this time, there were thirty chaos cruisers and two battlecruisers outside the Vraks system. Although they were not enough to fill the gap between the legion fleet, they were enough to compete with the galaxy fleet.

The star base immediately activated the system defense, and countless forts were ready. The fleet performing orbital bombing had to take off and leave as a mobile force to resist the Chaos fleet.

The control of the universe was once again in contention, and the loyalists lost orbital reinforcements.

But Said is not worried, because Vraks is a fortress world, and the galaxy fleet is not inferior to Armageddon. It is equipped with a battle cruiser formation, five cruiser formations, ten light cruiser formations, and nearly a hundred battleships.

Facing more than thirty Chaos warships, they were able to fight back and even fight back.

So, Said gave an order, and the galaxy fleet rushed out to kill the Chaos Fleet.

The two sides were separated by galaxies, and fired a salvo of Nova Cannons, destroying half of the Chaos fleet in an instant. Then the light spears hit the void shield hard, bringing the generator to the verge of overload.

The Chaos Fleet knew that it could not defeat the Imperial Fleet, so they made a risky move and allowed the entire warship to teleport into short-distance subspace.

Doing so is extremely dangerous, as the gravity within the galaxy is complex, and subspace teleportation leads to uncontrollable consequences. Often a warship leaves the subspace in several segments.

Finally, after losing a number of battleships, the Chaos Fleet arrived inside the galaxy, and then faced a swarm of carrier-based aircraft attacks.

While Chaos launched carrier-based aircraft to counteract it, it advanced towards Vraks at full speed, facing the orbital defense fire and causing the battleship to fall directly to the surface.

At this time, much of Vraks was still under loyalist control, commanding nearly all of the anti-aircraft firepower and most of the atmospheric air force.

When the battleship crashed, he immediately concentrated fire.

But everyone knows that this is just a cover-up trick of Chaos. The real landing units are a large number of much smaller Dreadclaw airdrop pods.

When the void shield is overloaded and the battleship becomes a wreck, the Terror Claws are like meteorites, constantly smashing into the planet’s surface, releasing canned chaos and killing.

This scene seemed familiar to Said, and after a brief recollection, he remembered that the greenskins of Ajmi Dodon had also used this trick.

When the space fleet cannot match the enemy, it will carry out risky teleportation to close the distance and use the fleet crash as a cost to cover the delivery of troops to the planet’s surface.

But doing so means giving up the fight for space control. The landing troops can only passively withstand attacks from above, but cannot fight back.

With a thought in Said’s mind, the galaxy fleet immediately returned to support and launched an orbital bombardment against the Chaos Space Marines, only to find that they were broken into pieces and entered the crowd to kill them.

If an orbital bombing is launched at this time, loyal soldiers and chaos cans will inevitably be included in the attack range.

The troops who can fight are all in the headquarters fortress, and the rear is full of second-line militiamen. There is no way to stop the ravages of the black army.

“Death by canned hands, or by orbital bombing, it’s all death anyway, you might as well die more valuable!”

Said became cruel and launched an orbital bombing directly on the Chaos Cans, without any regard for the safety of the loyal militiamen, letting them and the Chaos Cans kill a large area together.

Chaos Space Marines are extremely valuable, worth trading for a hundred mortal soldiers. With the Imperial fleet unable to distinguish between friend and foe, the Chaos Cans suffer heavy casualties.

Originally, the empire’s resources were limited, and each battleship was extremely precious. A sector could only support a hundred battleships, let alone equip a galaxy with a fleet.

But at this time, the imperial fleet often had hundreds or thousands of ships, and basically every galaxy had dozens or hundreds of warships, which was enough to make Chaos give up the fight for control of the universe.

In the space battle and teleportation, most of the Chaos cans were lost, and the landing battle caused another wave of bloodshed. Finally, after orbital bombing, nothing was left.

Many Chaos warbands were wiped out and disappeared into the material universe without even killing a single person.

Looking at the chaos cans scurrying around, Said sighed:

“National strength is the foundation of everything. In the original history, the empire owned the Milky Way but was unable to develop it. As the main manifestation of national strength, the size of the fleet has always been small, resulting in many battles being particularly tragic.”

During the Siege of Vraks, the Chaos Fleet easily defeated the Imperial Navy and launched an orbital bombardment against Krieg on the ground.

Krieg suffered heavy casualties, lost all previous gains, and was attacked from both sides by Chaos and the rebels. When reinforcements arrived, they were completely wiped out.

But now the situation is just the opposite. It is the Chaos warband who is completely tortured by the violent soldiers. Often a simple strategic target has to pay hundreds or thousands of times the casualties because of the imperial soldiers.

However, the canned chaos lacked the fearless spirit of sacrifice of the imperial soldiers. They stabbed each other in the back and were not united. Their morale was easily broken and they fled in all directions.

The direction of the retreat was clear, which was the commander’s fortress where the fiercest battle was fought.

There are demons all over the mountains and plains, as well as surging subspace energy. Chaos Can can choose to run away or continue fighting.

This is exactly what Said wants. Instead of letting the chaos cans disperse the guerrillas and deal with them one by one, it is better to let them gather and then take care of them in one pot.

Therefore, with Said’s deliberate indulgence, the Chaos Can was not blocked, so it rushed all the way and successfully merged with the rebels.

However, the lack of obstruction does not mean that the journey is smooth. The bombers in the sky are bombing indiscriminately all the time, and the Titan soldiers on the ground are making sneak attacks from time to time, all of which are constantly draining the blood from the can of Chaos.

In the end, less than two hundred Chaos Cans arrived at the Commander’s Fortress, and they immediately joined the rebel and Warp Daemon offensive, turning their wrath upon the Imperial forces.

A steady stream of demons poured out of the subspace and swept towards the human front. The loyalists lost their strength advantage and had to use Titan soldiers and Space Marines to participate in the defense.

The addition of canned chaos at this time will undoubtedly make the bad front worse and further increase the defensive pressure.

But despite this, the loyalist defense line is like a rock on the seaside. Despite the violent beating of the waves, it remains firm and motionless, mainly due to the massive air reinforcements.

The commander’s fortress has a void shield, so orbital strikes are ineffective. The empire can only release a large number of carrier-based aircraft, merge with the air force in the atmosphere, and bomb the enemy indiscriminately.

Your demons are surging like a tidal wave, and our aircraft fleet is blocking the sky. Under the bombardment of raindrops of bombs and missiles, combined with ground firepower, the demon offensive is constantly being thwarted.

Upon seeing this, the Chaos Space Marines immediately used their strengths and avoided weaknesses, relying on flexible techniques and tactics to launch infiltration attacks on the Loyalist front.

Said immediately took countermeasures, and the Titan Soldiers and Ultramarines carried out counter-infiltration. The two sides went back and forth, fighting each other, which was very lively.

The battle situation suddenly reached a stalemate, but Said was not in a hurry because the Sector Legion was coming. On the other hand, the Chaos Rebels had no reinforcements and had no way out except to escape through the cracks.

Said did not want the enemy to run too fast, because the reinforcements carried the Blackstone Fortress, which could use the Forbidden Demon Realm to close the subspace rift, making it difficult for demons and canned chaos to fly.

Time passed little by little, and more and more demons poured into reality. Many great demons of Khorne appeared in reality, rushed into the defenders’ defenses and killed them, and then were banished back to the subspace by the Macrocannon Light Spear.

Soon, the mortal auxiliary army was exhausted, and more and more puppets filled the front line to continue to resist the countless demons.

Four hundred million puppet auxiliary troops poured into the defense line, and the loyalist positions were once again impregnable. Destroying artillery fire covered the front positions, blasting out patches of white ground.

All the planetary rebels have died long ago, and not a single Chaos Space Marine remains. Now only puppets and demons are left on the battlefield, engaged in a grand and magnificent decisive battle.

Even though demons were killed in droves and the Imperial defenses were impregnable, the veil between reality and the warp continued to weaken as the number of demons increased.

The surrounding space became unstable, and whispers came from time to time. Any human soul in it was distorted and contaminated.

Fortunately, all the loyal mortal auxiliaries have been killed. They fully burned their meager lives and went to the embrace of the God Emperor with glory, avoiding the tragedy of the post-war purge.

Under the stubborn resistance of the puppets, the subspace pollution was limited to the area around the commander’s fortress and could not spread further until the reinforcement fleet arrived.

Five thousand Legion warships poured into Nova, with Blackstone Fortress taking the lead. The Forbidden Demon Realm spread, instantly cutting off Vraks’ connection with the subspace.

Whether they are demons or canned chaos, they all feel weak and lose the subspace energy. They are like water without roots and trees without roots, becoming extremely weak.


The puppet auxiliary army jumped out of the trenches and attacked the sluggish demons and chaos cans. Although they were large in number, they had long lost their combat effectiveness and were slaughtered like melons and vegetables.

A Krieg puppet, just like a mortal, can destroy a Khorne Daemon with only a laser gun and fusion grenades. Such situations happen all over the battlefield.

Not to mention that after the void shield disappears, the orbital bombardment continues, further increasing the killing efficiency.

In the Forbidden Demon Realm, the pollution was quickly purified. Only the Chaos Space Marines’ combat power was not affected. However, they were few in number and were being surrounded and suppressed by a hundred times the number of Titan Soldiers and Space Marines. They were dying quickly.

At this time, the empire has a sure chance of victory. After destroying the enemy in front of them, the main ground force of the legion will launch an airborne drop to completely purify the planet.

But at this moment, something happened again. A huge battleship sailed out of the galaxy, and the spikes on it revealed the identity of the Chaos camp.

When the battleship appeared, the Empire immediately recognized it as the Vengeful Spirit, Abaddon’s flagship.

Said was confused as to why Abaddon did not appear when the battle was at its fiercest. Instead, Abaddon only appeared after the Empire had won and had an absolute advantage in military strength.

Moreover, only the Spirit of Vengeance came, and no other battleships followed. In front of him was a huge legion fleet of five thousand battleships.

Said only needs to mobilize fifty of them and fire a salvo of Nova Cannons to completely destroy the Spirit of Vengeance.

Therefore, Abaddon’s move was tantamount to hitting an egg with a stone. Said was extremely surprised, so he mocked through the communication channel:

“Abaddon, are you here to die? Just like your comrades on Vraks!”

Abaddon calmly replied: “Sayed, don’t be too proud, you haven’t won yet.”

Said sneered: “Oh? Abaddon, what do you want to do? What can you do? Use a Spirit of Vengeance to attack five thousand of my warships?”

Abaddon’s tone remained calm: “You will know soon.”

Said sneered: “It doesn’t take long, I can kill you now!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Azmodai commanded 300 battleships with five battleships as the core to press forward, using overwhelming force to destroy the Spirit of Vengeance.

The Spirit of Vengeance immediately retreated outside the galaxy, but continued to circle around the galaxy, constantly avoiding the encirclement and suppression of the battle group, but never far away from the galaxy.

What does Abaddon want?

Said diverged his thoughts and kept making associations, and finally a terrible guess came to his mind.

He immediately ordered: “Azmodai, keep the fleet on alert, it is very likely to encounter Tyranids or Greenskins!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the subspace behind the Vengeful Spirit twisted, and a large number of garbage mountains jumped out, heading towards the Vengeful Spirit.


At this time, Abaddon sent a communication and said: “Your Highness, the green skins are just an appetizer. There is a hulk full of gene stealers near the galaxy.”

“If the war is prolonged, this place will become an alien battlefield, but it’s not bad now. Goodbye, Said. See you later.”

After saying that, the Spirit of Vengeance jumped into the subspace. The greenskins lost their target and set their sights on the Vraks system.

The legion fleet immediately launched genetic radiation bombs, and cooperated with the Black Stone Forbidden Demon to massacre the greenskins. The Garbage Mountain Fleet disintegrated, and the legion fleet pressed on and took them away in one wave.

But Said’s expression remained solemn, and he ordered: “Disperse the fleet, search around the galaxy, and be sure to find the gene stealer hulk!”

Azmodai nodded and said: “Understood, Your Highness, I have a request.”

Said replied: “You say it!”

Azmodai gritted his teeth and said: “The Alpha who planned this incident is still lurking on the planet. If he is successfully captured, I hope he can be handed over to the First Legion!”

Said was confused: “Isn’t your target a fallen angel? Why do you want to capture Alpha? If it’s your secret, you don’t have to tell it.”

Azmodai shook his head and said: “The First Legion has no secrets. This Alpha has cooperated with the Fallen Angels. If he can be interrogated, it will definitely help his arrest in the future.”

Said nodded and said: “No problem, I will dispatch a scientific research ship to help you find it, but in return, you have to help me find the chicken thief spacecraft.”

Five thousand warships were scattered in search, but after searching for a long time, they found nothing. At this time, the forbidden magic field entered the cooling period, and the accident happened again.

The Vengeful Spirit battleship jumped out again and risked appearing over Vraks. Before the galaxy fleet had time to react, a Terror Claw rose from the planet’s ground.

No need to guess, it must contain the culprit of the rebellion – the Alpha renegade warrior.

Another update of eight thousand~loyal Gugu!


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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