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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 196 Beat Abaddon away, the Bonecrusher is here again

The Alpha who planned the rebellion of Vraks is named Azrael. According to the behavior of summoning Chaos, it shows that his stance is biased towards Chaos.

So it’s not surprising that Abaddon would save him. Alpha controls the spy network across the galaxy, which is a great help to the Black Legion.

First, Abaddon lied about the existence of chicken hulks around Vraks, luring the Imperial fleet to disperse the search, leaving the galaxy empty.

He took the opportunity to let the Spirit of Vengeance raid Vraks Prime and rescue Azrael.

Azmodai was unable to do anything for a while. At this time, the Forbidden Demon Realm entered the cooling period, and the main force of the fleet was scattered around the galaxy, unable to stop the spirit of revenge for a while.

He hurriedly recalled the dispersed fleet and said to the puppet: “Your Highness, I wonder if you can let the puppet warship hit the Spirit of Vengeance to slow down the escape!”

Said Puppet nodded: “Yes, but the Spirit of Vengeance is a battleship, and it has been strengthened by subspace. The strongest one in hand now is a cruiser, and the impact effect is not great.”

Azmodai gritted his teeth and said: “I know, so I plan to summon the Dark Angels to launch a gang-hopping attack to capture Azrael!”

The puppet nodded: “Okay, you go ahead, I will help you command the fleet.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Azmodai turned and headed to the Thunderhawk gunship to prepare for joining the gang.

Said was controlling the puppet battleship while carefully observing Abaddon’s operations.

The chicken thief hulk is Hong Guoguo’s conspiracy. Regardless of whether it exists or not, the imperial fleet must launch a search. As long as Abaddon waits patiently, he will eventually get a chance.

Well…provided that the scientific research ship does not arrive and Azrael is not arrested.

Unlike Azmodai, Said is not too concerned about Azrael. The spy network is certainly useful, but Azriel is not the only Alpha.

Every Alpha is Alpharius, and the Alpha Legion is like a Hydra. Losing a leader does not affect the operation of the spy network.

Only by eliminating all Alphas can the threat of Alphas be completely eliminated.

Two Moon-class cruisers slammed into the Spirit of Vengeance, and the energy and shield reactors emitted horrific explosions. When the fire dissipated, there were two large black holes in the Spirit of Vengeance.

The Dark Angel’s battle barge rushed in, and then encountered strong resistance from the Black Legion.

Azrael pressed two entire warbands, a number that rivaled that of the Black Legion cans, and laid waste to the Vengeful Spirits.

If it weren’t for the terrain restrictions imposed by the Spirit of Vengeance, Azmodai would have pressed forward with his entire army.

Abaddon’s face turned bitter. There were two battle groups in one gang, which was equivalent to the entire main force of the Black Legion. The Black Legion had to go all out to resist.

Just like a martial arts master, he can fight you 50-50 with just one finger. If there is a big fight, he will only be completely tortured.

While Abaddon controlled the Spirit of Vengeance to head towards Mandeville Point at full speed, he personally went into battle to resist the imperial warband who jumped to the gang.

He has the Claw of Horus in his left hand and Draconion in his right hand. The gods are blocking the gods, and the Buddhas are blocking the Buddhas. It is like a strong man entering a kindergarten and punching a child.

But he didn’t know that during the fierce frontal battle, a large company of Dark Crows quietly sneaked into the Vengeful Soul and arrived at Azrael’s detention point.

When Azrael’s auspicious warning came, Murkrow had already sneaked up to him, threw out the stasis bomb, stuffed him into the stasis field box, and packed him away.

After the mission was completed, the gang members retreated in an orderly manner and detonated the bombs casually installed on the Vengeful Spirit, destroying half of the hull.

Finally, severely wounded, the Vengeful Spirit arrived at Mandeville Point and entered the warp.

Abaddon’s rescue plan failed, and the Dark Angels succeeded in capturing Azrael.

Subsequently, the legion fleet continued to investigate the surrounding space domain, and after still finding nothing, it was determined that the chicken thief hulk was a bluff.

At this point, the Vraks rebellion came to an end. Said took a deep breath and said in his heart:

“Brother Huang, I plan to build black stone obelisks throughout the empire. Even though the empire is extremely powerful, it is still surrounded by dangers and wars are constantly raging.”

The emperor said calmly: “The Forbidden Demon Realm will erase human souls. It can only be opened for a short time, cannot be used frequently, and cannot form dependence.”

Said asked: “The human soul can repair damage on its own. Isn’t the cooling period of the obelisk not long enough?”

The Emperor denied: “Not enough. Every time it is turned on, the damage to the soul takes hundreds of years to repair. If you don’t believe me, you can check the fertility rate of Terra after the Horus Heresy.”

Said manipulated the census of the Ministry of the Interior and was surprised to find that the fertility rate dropped by 90% after the war, and Terra’s population experienced negative growth for a long period of time.

The main reason is mass infertility, which has gone unnoticed because of the large number of immigrants filling the infertile population.

The foreign population was not affected by the Forbidden Demon Realm. They became the main force of Terra’s new generation and quickly solved the population crisis.

Most of the three evils are related to the subspace. If obelisks are spread throughout the empire, dependence will inevitably be formed during the war, leading to a decrease in the fertility rate of the empire’s population.

Opening the Blackstone Obelisk can eliminate the enemy with zero casualties, but the cost is that the fertility rate has plummeted for a hundred years, and the reduced population is enough to fight hundreds of wars.

But between their own lives and the lives of their unborn children, most people would choose the former.

If anyone is not convinced, please look at the hundreds of millions of your descendants who died on the wall.

“The survival of civilization requires the sacrifice of individual happiness, but there is nothing wrong with individual pursuit of happiness.”

Said sighed helplessly and gave up the idea of ​​building obelisks across the country. Millions of planets and trillions of people were the foundation for the empire to stand in the galaxy.

If the empire’s birth rate plummeted even by one percentage point, the population would be reduced by as much as an apocalyptic battle.

As a result, Said re-formulated the obelisk construction plan and only built black stone obelisks at key strategic points, waterways and fortresses.

The only systems currently building obelisks are Terra and the Great Rift area, as well as Armageddon, which is targeted by the Bonecrusher.

Just as Said was making further plans, something unexpected happened at Armageddon.

The Bonecrusher is at it again.

On the outskirts of the galaxy, several huge mountains of garbage jumped out and advanced towards the galaxy fort, and fierce firefights broke out on both sides.

The Bonecrusher’s voice came from the communication channel:

“Yarrick Xiami, I’m here to smash up your farm again. Come out and fight with me. This time I’m bringing a lot of rubbish! I’m going to knock over your farm!”


A total of ten garbage mountains were ignited with artillery fire, and they fired back while moving closer to the interior of the galaxy.

The garbage mountain has rough skin and thick flesh. The macro cannon hit it and parts flew all over the sky, but it never hit its vital points. It headed straight for Armageddon’s main star with scars all over its body.

It’s not hard to imagine the Bonecrusher planning to do the same thing again, using a hulk to crash Armageddon, renovate the garbage factory, and start an invasion.

As it goes deeper into the galaxy, the garbage mountain is attacked by a large number of carrier-based aircraft, mines and macro-cannons. The most threatening weapon among them is dozens of cruisers.

Under the concentrated fire of the Nova Cannon, the garbage mountain was shot through, and half of it was hit in key areas such as the power furnace, and then exploded.

The remaining half, covered in scars and braving intensive blows, finally approached the orbit of the main star.

The Bonecrusher’s lifelong enemy, Commissar Yarrick, is down there.

Just as the garbage mountain was about to crash into the orbital defenses and fall to the planet’s surface, a mysterious energy swept across the garbage mountain. The engine of the garbage mountain suddenly stalled and then suddenly disintegrated.

Countless orcs floated in the void, becoming targets of the void’s firepower, and were slaughtered one side at a time.

At the main star headquarters, Yaric lit a cigarette, his thin face stared at the disintegrated battleship, his brows furrowed.

The victory came so easily that it felt unreal to him.

In his impression, the Bonecrusher was an extremely cunning orc. He could not become a war boss through cruelty alone. He also needed cunning to lead a waaaagh.

He concluded that the Bone Crusher must have a back-up plan, so he turned to the puppet and said:

“Your Highness, we cannot take it lightly. Bonecrusher may not be on these battleships, and his purpose is to lure us into activating the obelisk!”

After the obelisk is activated, it must enter a period of cooling down. At this time, the Bonecrusher can launch a general attack at will.

The puppet nodded and said: “I know, so I didn’t activate the obelisk, but used the research ship to defeat the waaaagh force field.”

Alex breathed a sigh of relief and praised: “His Royal Highness is wise.”

At the same time, in the distant void, mountains of garbage covered the sky and the sun.

In one of the largest mountains of rubbish, with faces painted on it, the Bonecrusher laughed:

“Brother Mao is here, I know what Xiami will do. Once this move is used, it will be unusable in a short period of time, so we can rest assured waaaagh!”

The beast Chimede on the side flattered him and said: “Boss of the Bone Crusher is wise. Once the Soul Exorcist Death Realm of Lao Shizi disperses, we will teleport and kill him!”

When the Bonecrusher launched the third waaaagh, Zoochimed suddenly had a hallucination and saw the black stone obelisk of Armageddon, activating the memory in his genes.

During the War in Heaven, the Greenskins and Necron were sworn enemies of each other, and the knowledge of the Blackstone Obelisk was engraved in their genes.

When he saw the vision of the Obelisk of Armageddon, Zoochimed immediately knew that humans had not yet fully understood this technology, and it needed to be cooled down after each activation.

Therefore, as long as the lure is activated and enters the cooldown, you can avoid the forbidden magic area.

The Bonecrusher followed the good advice and took the advice of Beast Chimede, sending a team of boys to die, leaving the rest to wait for the Forbidden Demon Realm to disappear and fight out in one go.

As everyone knows, the empire not only has a forbidden magic field, but also a scientific research ship.

At this time, the mad doctor Goznik reminded: “Boss, when we landed on Waaaagh Xiami last time, our weapons also failed for a while. Xiami didn’t have sharp rocks at that time!”

Bonebreaker looked startled. Many of his boys had participated in other Waaaaghs and knew that Xiami had a weapon that could disintegrate the Waaaagh force field.

The effect is the same as Black Stone, but it is not Black Stone.

So, it suppressed the impulse of the whole army and ordered: “Climb two more garbage mountains. If they don’t disintegrate, it means that Zhenznik’s guess is correct!”

Subsequently, two garbage mountains rushed into the Armageddon galaxy, but did not disintegrate immediately. They did not collapse until a beam of unknown energy swept over them.

After learning about the side effects of the Black Stone Obelisk, Said stationed himself on a scientific research ship to deal with the green-skinned waaaagh.

Bonebreaker was so angry that he yelled: “Smelly shrimp is so cunning!”

Goznik asked: “Boss, what should we do now? Xiami can’t help but have black stones and light beams that can disintegrate the garbage mountain.”

Beast Chimede thought for a moment and then said: “Boss, by gathering intelligence from the boys, we learned that this weapon comes from a small boat and has a very short range!”

Bone Crusher’s eyes lit up, and he suddenly had a plan in mind, and sent out ten garbage mountains again.

Different from the first time, these garbage mountains have been modified. When they enter the galaxy, they immediately release numerous carrier-based aircraft to drive away scientific research ships.

If the scientific research ship cannot get close, it cannot launch microscopic scanning and cannot dismantle the garbage mountain.

The garbage mountain immediately repeated its old tricks and advanced towards Armageddon Prime, intending to fall to the surface.

Through this move, the Bonecrusher forced the Empire to activate the Blackstone Obelisk, and the army pressed on during the cooldown, breaking through the galaxy’s defenses in one fell swoop.

The empire must not let the garbage mountain fall to the surface. Unlike the first time, both Said and Yarrick knew that the greenskins hid a huge fleet.

If it succeeds once, through the psychic beacon, you will receive a steady stream of teleportation reinforcements in the future.

Yarick said to the puppet: “Your Highness, activate the black stone obelisk. The forbidden magic field will last long enough for the reinforcement fleet to arrive.”

Said nodded: “Okay!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the Forbidden Demon Realm spread, and ten garbage mountains suddenly disintegrated. The Bonebreakers cheered, and Yaric fell silent.

The Forbidden Demon Realm lasted for a week. When it ended, a thundering roar came from the communication channel:


“Arrick, little Xiami, I’m here to fight with you! waaaagh!!!”

Yarek asked Said: “Your Highness, why haven’t reinforcements arrived yet?”

The puppet replied: “Encountered subspace turbulence, one day later than expected!”

Alex pondered: “One day… you can hold on!”

At the same time, on the outskirts of the galaxy, mountains of garbage one after another jumped out of the subspace, like dumplings, as if there was no end.

In the end, a thousand garbage mountains came to the city, and with strong pressure, they pressed towards the galaxy fort.

“Stinky Xiami, I learned my lesson from last time and decided to have a fair fight with you, beat you to the ground, and then smash up your stronghold!”

“Boys, full attack! Fuck them!!! waaaagh!!!”

As soon as he finished speaking, a thousand garbage mountains rushed towards the galaxy fort like a giant mountain. Although they had fired hard, they were like a mantis using its arms as a cart, and were easily exploded.

The garbage mountain rushed into the galaxy, and mines and carrier-based aircraft swarmed in. However, they encountered more green-skinned carrier-based aircraft and countless close-range firepower.

Like the puppets, the greenskins behind the violent troops were almost unstoppable. The Bonecrushers learned the lesson from the last time and no longer directly attacked the main star, but took every step to attack.

Use powerful troops to fight steadily and destroy the villages bit by bit.

The micro-scan has been restrained, the Blackstone Forbidden Demon has been cooled down, and the Bonecrushers are immune to genetic radiation bombs. The Empire has almost no other option but to confront them head-on.

However, the galaxy fleet has less than a hundred ships, and even with various defenses, it cannot withstand the attack of thousands of garbage mountains.

In the end, the Garbage Mountain Fleet advanced all the way and blew up the star base in just half a day.

Losing the star base means losing the power to control the universe, and the orcs can land calmly!

“Yarrick, wait for me, come down waaaagh you!”

emmm…Thank you for your loyal reward. I will make more updates in the next two days.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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