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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 197 Defeat the Bone Crusher Again

Yarick stared at the sky, his thin face extremely serious. After a moment, he turned to ask the men beside him: “The enemy will land soon. How is the combat readiness?”

A general said: “Reporting to the Governor, the civilians have been evacuated, the wilderness outside the hive city has been cleared, and the planetary defense forces have entered the predetermined position!”

Yaric nodded: “For the emperor, we will go all out in this battle!”

At this moment, there are 200 million planetary defense troops on Armageddon. Thanks to the support of Holy Terra and Yaric’s talents, the planetary defense has been strengthened unprecedentedly.

Different from ordinary PDFs, the Iron Legion’s auxiliary army at this time is not only highly mechanized, but also reinforced by a group of Knight Titans and Titan Soldiers.

Yarrick knew that the Bonecrusher would come back, so he had been preparing for this day for a long time. When the war came, he felt relieved.

In addition to the regular army on the surface, the entire Armageddon was mobilized at this time. All workers and civilians armed with steel guns were organized into militia units to fight the invaders to the death.

Their number is at least 10 billion, plus 200 million regular troops, enough to support them for half a day.

So, he ordered: “All troops gather around the nest and get out of the wilderness!”

Air defense and air defense, nine out of ten air defenses. It is impossible for such a huge planet to become a hedgehog. It can only defend key areas.

The wilderness outside the hive has become a scorched earth, with only sand, poisonous gas and storms. The greenskins cannot get the vital scrap iron and simply give it to them.

While Yarrick was inspecting the layout, the Bonecrusher launched a landing operation.

The modified meteorites hit the planet’s surface like raindrops, raising large clouds of smoke and dust. The green-skinned warships in the sky fired at the hive city, but were blocked by the void shield.

The Bonebreakers continued their steady tactics, and a large number of greenskins gathered in the wilderness. Countless scrap metal was air-dropped and formed into a garbage factory by the skilled boys.

The ground battle was brewing, and the sky battle started first. The Greenskins sent out a large number of carrier-based aircraft to attack the hive city, fighting each other with the Imperial Air Force.

The air battle was carried out around the hive city. The number of fighter planes on both sides was equal. With the ground anti-aircraft firepower, the empire had the home field advantage, and the humans had an overall advantage in the air battle.

At this time, the green skins on the ground have been assembled. The Technomasters have created a large number of furry diamonds and killing cans. Under the command of Bonecrusher, they have gathered into a wave of offensive and attacked the Hades nest.

Outside the Hades nest, 40 million auxiliary troops and more than one billion militiamen were waiting.

Although the militiamen are weak, they will do their best to protect lives and property.

The green torrent hit the steel defense line, and the battle became fierce as soon as it began.

The defenders’ rockets blocked the sky and the sun, and the Mao King Kong advanced like a mountain, crushing the morale of the defenders, and was later knocked down by heavy artillery fire.


“For the Emperor!!!”

On the ground, the greenskins charged like a tide, laser guns and scrap metal bullets intertwined with each other. Between the two armies, the barrage sealed off all living space.

Casualties on both sides began to surge. Tens of thousands of lives were consumed in minutes like mowing grass, and the vacancies were filled by new troops.

In the headquarters, looking at the surge in casualties, Said said:

“It seems that I have to refine a block of weapons in Armageddon. Human life shouldn’t be so cheap.”

Alex took a deep look at the puppet and said stiffly:

“I am very pleased that His Royal Highness, the Prince, is at the top of the empire and can respect human life! But as a general, I will tell you that these casualties are insignificant!”

“The hive produces a massive population every day. From a macro perspective, even if the Hades hive dies, it can be replenished within a few years.”

Said nodded: “Yes, if they use their meager lives to delay the Bonebreakers for a long time until reinforcements arrive to launch the encirclement and suppression, their mission will be completed.”

At this moment, outside the Hades nest, the defenders and the green skins were engaged in hand-to-hand combat. The weak humans were no match for the green skins and were slaughtered on one side.

For this reason, the commander had to order a retreat, abandon the outer positions, and use the complex terrain of the hive to resist the greenskin offensive.

The battle once again reached a stalemate. Inside the narrow hive, the Mao King Kong had no place to use. The militiamen used the complex terrain to continuously ambush and annihilate the influx of greenskins.

In an instant, the greenskins suffered heavy losses. Even the boss who directed the attack died in the ambush of the giant god soldiers.

The boss was killed, the greenskins retreated, and the defenders retook the outer positions. The two sides fought for it. Half a day passed, and reinforcements from the sector army arrived.

On the periphery of the galaxy, five thousand battleships left the subspace and advanced towards the interior of the galaxy.

At this time, Bonecrusher was about to land on the surface to meet his old friend Yarrick and kill him. Suddenly, he learned that 5,000 shrimp warships were attacking, and immediately ordered the garbage mountain to attack.

The two armies moved towards each other. Luft Huron, commander of the legion fleet, looked at the enemy calmly and said after a moment:

“We have entered the range. All nova cannons are aimed at the largest battleship in the center and focus the attack!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the light-speed cannonballs left the barrel and rushed towards the green-skinned flagship. Some of the cannonballs were blocked by other mountains of garbage, but more of them tore through the flagship’s shield and penetrated the hull.

The flagship exploded and plummeted towards the surface of Armageddon.

Huron thought to himself: “If the green boss is on the flagship, the war will be over.”

However, the greenskin fleet’s formation was not in chaos, and the communication channel came from the Bonecrusher’s curse:

“You stinky little shrimp is so bad! I was about to go down and fight with Alec, but you came to disturb me! I’m so angry that I’m going to chop you into pieces!”

Huron was also a veteran at dealing with greenskins. He immediately responded after hearing this:

“I’m just here to waaaagh you, why, you won’t let me waaaagh?”

Bonebreaker snorted: “Humph! Xiami are all weak chickens, waaaagh not enough, except for Yarrick, he is the only one who knows how to fight!”

Huron chuckled: “Well, if you see a little shrimp, I’m good at fighting. Which ship are you on? I’ll join you waaaagh!”

The formation of the greenskin fleet is not in chaos, which means that the Bonecrusher is not on the flagship. If he can self-destruct his position, the Nova Cannon can focus its fire again and kill him.

But Huron was just trying his luck. Of course the Bonecrusher would not self-destruct. It laughed and said:

“Xia Mi, I’m on the surface. Come down and find me if you can. I promise to tear you into pieces!”

Huron stopped talking nonsense to it and replied with a sneer: “In order to waaaagh pierce you, I have specially prepared a gift, fighting the moon, activating the claws of the void!”

As soon as he finished speaking, several battle moons jumped out of the void ahead. Before the greenskins could react, dozens of black dots appeared in the garbage mountain formation.

The black spots expand and form black holes, which emit strong gravity and suck in mountains of garbage.

In front of the Void Claw, the green-skinned fleet was unable to fight back, and was slaughtered and wiped out by the Battle Moon Wushuang.

With the control of the universe back in the hands of the Empire, Bonebreaker led an airborne landing on the surface of the main star at the last moment to join the ground forces.

Although the fleet was completely destroyed, Bonecrusher was not depressed at all. The meaning of the green skin’s life was to fight. As long as he had a good fight before death, he would die without regrets.

For Bonecrusher, he just wants to have a good fight with Yarrick and enjoy the process, not the win or loss.

At this time, the greenskins on the ground were still unaware of the battle situation in the sky. When they saw the Bonecrusher landing, their morale was greatly boosted. They let out a thundering war cry and, led by the Bonecrusher, they attacked the Hades nest.

The decisive battle on the ground begins again, with planes roaring in the sky, cannons roaring on the ground, and the Bonecrushers overwhelming all their troops.

The fleet was wiped out, and the Bonecrushers knew that the orbital bombardment would soon come, and that they would face the same predicament as last time.

At this time, the fleet was clearing out the remaining fleet, and there was not much time left for the Bonecrusher, so while it was fighting, it asked Beast Chimede:

“Have you made what I want you to make?”

Beasthimed replied: “Alright soon, boss!”

Bone Crusher said: “Once it’s done, launch it and smash the iron village in front of you!”


Not long after, the legion fleet cleared the garbage mountain. The interior of the galaxy was full of debris and debris. The imperial fleet broke through the dense space garbage like a shark breaking through a school of fish and entered low-Earth orbit.

At this moment, the ground garbage factory suddenly produced a strong gravitational force, pulling the battleship in the sky to the ground. However, the battleship relied on its strong power to offset the gravitational force, but the space garbage did not receive this treatment.

The debris of the garbage mountain floating in the void quickly fell towards the planet’s surface under the influence of the ground’s gravity. When it was close to the ground, the Bonecrusher ordered the machine to be turned off.

As a result, space junk advances with inertia and bombards the earth’s surface aimlessly.

Compared with the scattered orcs, the Hades Hive has a larger target and is more deeply affected by the impact of space debris. Due to the slow impact speed of space debris, the void shield cannot be activated and can only be intercepted by missiles and anti-aircraft fire.

However, space debris is endless. Under the enhanced kinetic energy of gravity acceleration, even bullet-sized fragments have the power of a grenade.

In an instant, the hive city was riddled with holes and countless casualties, but the greenskins were not much better. Orbital bombing began, and the garbage factory bore the brunt and was turned into ruins during the bombing.

Countless greenskins died, countless vehicles were destroyed, and even the arrogant King Kong was as fragile as paper before the devastating bombing.

After the orbital bombing, an overwhelming swarm of aircraft passed over like a swarm of locusts, destroying the surviving greenskins. When everything subsided, the land seemed to be turned over and turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The Bonecrusher emerged from the sand like the other greenskins, its mechanical gripper blown out and its other cannon arm malfunctioning.

It spit out a mouthful of sand and looked at the impregnable human position in the distance, thinking that the situation was over, so it would be better to retreat temporarily and attack at another time.

While thinking about it, a large number of surviving greenskins emerged from the sand, including the Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Hatchlings Kimid and Goznik.

The crazy doctor asked: “Boss, do we still want to continue waaaagh?”

Beast Kimede said: “The garbage factory is gone, the Daka Bang Bang and the stolen cars are gone. Do we still want to build them?”

At this time, a group of greenskins gathered around Bonebreaker, all waiting for an answer from Bonebreaker.

At this time, smoke and dust suddenly billowed in the distance. When he took a closer look, he saw that it was a large number of human tanks and armored vehicles. One of them, the Emperor’s Baneblade, was leading the way. The top cover was opened. Yarrick got out of the turret and stepped on the barrel of the gun with his foot, acting arrogantly.

Bonecrusher spotted him at a glance, his eyes immediately turned red, and he roared loudly: “Boys, overturn them, waaaagh!!!”

The greenskin next to him was inspired and let out the same war cry, then followed the Bonecrusher and charged towards Yarrick.

However, before the two sides came into contact, the Marauder bombers bombarded them indiscriminately. Only the Bonecrusher relied on flexible movement to avoid the shells.

Next to Yarrick, the puppet tsked and said: “The greenskins are really not afraid of death. For them, as long as they are waaaagh happy before they die, they will die without regrets!”

Yarick’s thin face said seriously: “The more the enemy expects something, the less likely it is to be realized. Doesn’t the Bonebreaker want to challenge me in a duel? I don’t want to!”

After saying that, he waved his hand, and the tanks around him fired all their guns. Countless fireballs enveloped the Bonecrusher. If nothing unexpected happened, the Bonecrusher would die the moment the fireballs fell.

But an accident happened. A subspace storm suddenly erupted, accurately covering the location of the Bonecrusher. Immediately afterwards, a subspace crack appeared, sucking in the Bonecrusher and a large number of greenskins.

Yarick said regretfully: “Damn it, this must be the fault of the green-skinned evil gods. They are protecting the Bonecrusher!”

The puppet comforted him at the side: “Don’t be depressed general, the black stone obelisk is still cooling down, and we have no way to stop this!”

Yarrick said in frustration: “But I am already old, and I may not be able to see the death of Bonecrusher in my lifetime.”

Said continued: “Don’t worry, countless people will inherit your legacy. As long as the light of the God Emperor still shines on this world, this ambition will not end!”

Yarick sighed and performed a devout Sky Eagle salute: “Your Majesty, the Immortal God Emperor, please be sure to bring death to the enemies of mankind, so that the empire can last for thousands of years!”

At the same time, in the Terra Palace, Said asked in his heart:

“Brother Huang, is Gomao capable of releasing a subspace storm and rescuing the Bonebreaker?”

The Emperor calmly replied: “Of course, as long as a god can do it, Abaddon also relied on this skill to escape many times.”

Said wondered: “Why hasn’t it been used on beasts before?”

The emperor replied: “I don’t know, but I know that the conditions will be very harsh for Mao.”

Said asked the reason, and the emperor continued to explain: “Gamao is a divided godhead. They are always fighting with each other, and it is difficult to unify their opinions.”

“To stir up subspace storms and save believers requires the unification of the divine personality and the mobilization of spiritual energy. Therefore, the rescue opportunity is usually missed, resulting in rescue failure.”

Said understood: “But the Bonebreaker pleased Brother Go and Brother Mao at the same time. When he was in trouble, Brother Mao quickly reached an agreement.”

The Emperor affirmed: “It can be understood that way, but I guess it’s not that the Bonecrusher is trying to please him, but that if he doesn’t, the greenskins will be finished!”

“Under the genetic radiation bomb, there is almost no place for green skins in the galaxy. If the green skins become extinct or become extremely scarce in number, Gomao will probably die out.”

“Only by relying on the Bonecrushers to unite the greenskins can we keep the last fire of the greenskins and avoid the demise of the furry. Therefore, it is not the bonecrusher who pleases the furry, but the furry needs the bonecrusher!”

The Emperor continued: “In this regard, the same is true for the Hive Mind. Armageddon should be careful. It is not only the greenskins who are making plans, but the Hive Mind is also ready to move.”

Once Brother Gomao joins forces, their power should be enough to overwhelm any other god. But due to the green-skinned nature of fighting among themselves, they always fight when they are having trouble.

But there is another reason for the split: to have a fight at any time. The meaning of the green-skinned life is to fight, so even if they are so similar, they cannot be combined into one. If they were to merge with each other, who would he usually fight with?


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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