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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 198: Attracting monsters to the Eye of Terror

The Emperor’s reminder stunned Said and asked: “Does the Hive Fleet also want to have a hand in Armageddon?”

The Emperor said calmly: “It should be, when the Bonebreakers invaded, I saw two psychic beacons on Armageddon. One was green-skinned, and the other was unknown. It was probably a gene stealer.”

Said nodded seriously: “I understand, I will arrange a fleet search immediately!”

Then with a thought in his mind, the puppet explained the situation to Luft Huron, who smiled confidently:

“Your Highness, I have dispatched all mothership-level battleships and released carrier-based aircraft to search the space surrounding the planet. I believe the results will be available soon.”

Said was surprised. He had not warned that there was a chicken thief nearby, but Huron seemed to have anticipated the enemy and launched a search operation.

Huron explained: “I have studied recent battle cases and found that the Black Legion particularly likes to use aliens to contain and weaken the empire. During a legion-level war, they will definitely drop psychic beacons to complicate the battle situation!”

Through the puppets, the Empire is able to synchronize information throughout the galaxy. The Empire Daily reports on wars across the Empire every day, providing officers at all levels with massive case studies.

Luft Huron is a talented person who loves to learn. Although he originally rebelled against the empire in history, he had made great achievements as the leader of the Maelstrom Theater before the rebellion.

In Said’s eyes, this is a person like Wei Yan, who is capable, has ideas, desires power, and is a capable thorn.

Such people are resentful when far away and resentful when close. Either kill them directly or arrange a suitable position.

This position cannot be too important, and it cannot be idle.

Just as Said’s thoughts were racing, the search operation came to fruition. The carrier-based aircraft discovered a ruined ship full of chicken thieves. According to the style of the ship, it was obvious that it came from subspace.

It showed that this was Abaddon’s fault. Looking at the destroyed ship, Said said distressedly:

“This won’t work. It costs almost nothing to cultivate chicken thieves and hybrid greenskins. If the galaxy fleet is negligent, it will suffer disaster.”

“The beacon launch can fail countless times, but the empire cannot afford to lose once.”

After Huron, Said had one more problem. However, before he could think of the result, the Hive Fleet appeared overwhelmingly.

This time the scale of the Hive Fleet was larger than ever before, and its strength was several times that of the Huron Legion.

The Hive Mind must have known about the strength of the empire and had several fleets merge together in an attempt to form an overwhelming advantage in strength.

Huron looked solemn and said to the puppet: “Your Highness, I request reinforcements from the Mobile Corps!”

The puppet replied: “I have informed Rogal Dorn that within three days, the two mobile legions from the Sun Theater will arrive!”

“Three days…”

Huron thought for a moment, nodded and said: “I will do my best to defend Armageddon, shed my last drop of blood, burn the emperor’s will, and destroy the monsters!”

The puppet responded with the aquila salute: “The God-Emperor watches over your loyalty!”

Subsequently, Huron commanded the fleet to attack the swarm. Due to the raging orcs, the defenses of the Armageddon system completely collapsed, and Huron had to establish a front line outside the system.

Subsequently, Huron focused its attack on the Hive Mothership, using the Battle Moon to teleport over short distances, and using Void Claws to attack in a wide range.

In the face of the artificial black hole, the Hive Fleet was unable to resist and could only be slaughtered one-sidedly.

In response, the hive mothership released a sea of ​​quantum insects, covering the galaxy from all directions. Acid cannonballs and light spear macrocannons intertwined, constantly causing casualties.

The imperial front retreated step by step, but Huron didn’t care at all. He focused on the duel between the Battle Moon and the Hive Mothership, manipulating the Void Claw and teleporting gangs.

It’s quite a situation where you can throw hundreds of punches at me, and I’ll fire them all the way.

It must be said that Huron has a vicious vision. Although the hive mothership is huge, in front of the battle moon, ants are slaughtered in pieces like in front of an elephant.

As a node creature, the hive mothership has a command limit. Once too many are slaughtered, the worms will break away from the command sequence and enter a state of cannibalism.

The Hive Mothership cannot die too much, and the Hive Mind has only two options: to mobilize the beasts to come back for reinforcements, or to speed up and join the frontline beasts.

At this time, the nova cannon of the imperial warship is ready to fire, which can kill the hive mothership in an instant. If it advances rashly, it will be focused on the nova cannon and suffer heavy losses.

Therefore, the Hive Mothership could only mobilize its frontline beasts to back up and launch gang-hopping operations against the Battle Moon in an attempt to force the Battle Moon back.

This invisibly weakened the forces on the front line, causing the advance to slow down. Huron achieved his goal, but then faced a new challenge – protecting the Battle Moon.

Fighting Moon faced countless sub-beasts jumping gangs, and had to avoid them through teleportation, and at the same time dispatched countless puppets to fight with them.

Therefore, the first thing the Insect Hive does after jumping into the gang is to raid the teleportation reactor and destroy the mobility of the Battle Moon.

All of this was in Huron’s calculations. He assembled all the legions’ armies on the Battle Moon for a decisive battle with the Tyranid army.

The Hive Fleet’s advance was slow, and the battle situation became tense for a time. They planned to increase their assault force, but were hindered by the battle moon.

At this time, two days had passed since the war began. Huron achieved the campaign’s objectives and dragged the battle into a stalemate, waiting for reinforcements to arrive.

On the third day, on the outside of the battlefield, the subspace was distorted. The huge body of Rogal Dorn’s flagship, the Phalanx, jumped out. Huron immediately received the communication:

“I am Rog Dorn, commander of the Sun Theater, and I am here with my mobile army for reinforcements!”

Huron said excitedly: “I am Luft Huron, commander-in-chief of the Huron Army. Thank you for your reinforcement, sir!”

Dorn waved his hand and said: “This is our duty, no need to thank you, loyal warrior!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the Phalanx led ten thousand warships into the insect swarm, attacking front and back with the Huron Legion, massacring the Hive Fleet.

The human reinforcements were unexpected by the Hive Mind and were caught off guard in an instant. With the full output of the Imperial fleet, they suffered heavy losses.

Especially the Battle Moon and the Phalanx, they easily killed seven in and seven out, and wherever they went it was like entering an uninhabited land.

Under the combined attack of the Primarch and Huron, the Hive Fleet was rapidly reduced and surrounded on all sides. Its defeat was only a matter of time.

But at this moment, something happened again, and a battle broke out on Armageddon Prime.

The two sides of the battle are the Black Legion and the Samhan Ark Eldar, and the location is the vault where the banknotes are stored!

Obviously, both parties are here for the money in the treasury.

After the arrival of the Hive Fleet, Planetary Governor Yaric immediately extended the wartime system, strengthened air security and evacuated the people, thus weakening the defense of the underground vault.

This gives an opportunity for thieves who want to steal money.

After Abaddon used the chicken hulk to attract the Hive Fleet, he led his troops to sneak into Armageddon’s treasury, and then met the Eldar with the same purpose.

Since Said destroyed the Eldar Ark of Idahar, the Ark of Samkhan decided to plunder the treasury of Armageddon in retaliation.

Since Arak became the governor, Armageddon’s production capacity has increased dramatically, various land armored vehicles have been sold in the galaxy, and a huge amount of wealth has been accumulated. Naturally, its treasury is envied by all parties.

However, in Yaric’s eyes, human life is much more important than money. As a result, when the Zerg and Greenskins attacked, the vault’s defense was weak and easily broken through by the Black Legion and Eldar.

When Yarick learned the news, he was furious, not because his wealth had been robbed, but because he would still be kept in the dark if it weren’t for the gang fight.

Then he personally led an elite team to kill the treasury, but when he arrived, except for the corpses of the Eldar and the Black Legion, the warehouse was looted, and the plunderers walked away.

The ten-year tithe tax was gone. Even though Armageddon was rich, Alex still felt pain in his body.

At this time, the battle in the sky was decided, the Hive Fleet was completely annihilated, and the Empire once again defended Armageddon. Although the treasury was looted, the casualties were small and the flaws were not concealed.

The Third Battle of Armageddon ended, and the empire began intense post-war reconstruction. Although the battle was won, Said clearly felt a little bit tired.

The Orcs were able to restrain the genetic radiation bombs, Chaos used psychic hulks to attract monsters to the Empire, and the scattered hive fleets began to gather…

With this combination of punches, Armageddon would not be able to withstand it unless the reinforcements arrived in time. Coupled with the instability of the subspace, the reinforcements were often blocked.

As the empire grows, its enemies are also learning and progressing. If the empire wants to continue to maintain its hegemony, it cannot rest on its laurels and must seek a breakthrough.

“But a breakthrough is not easy, let alone Huron to solve…” In the palace, Said sighed, suddenly feeling a sense of urgency.

But he soon regained his composure and decided to solve the trouble one by one, starting with Huron.

In this battle, Huron’s abilities were fully demonstrated, and Said decided to let him go to the ghoul star area to suppress the demons and monsters there.

Spreading out the flat star map of the Milky Way, the Ghoul Star District is located in a large area of ​​space on the northeastern edge. It belongs to the light of the Star Torch and is a chaotic place without order.

To this day, there are still countless greenskins, Adas, and various fish that slipped through the Great Crusade here, always plundering the borders of the empire.

As the exploration expedition unfolded, the empire gradually expanded the territory of the ghoul constellation and has occupied dozens of worlds, but it still faces alien intrusions.

Huron’s mission is to use the current territory as a bridgehead to eliminate the entire ghoul constellation. To this end, Said has given him a high degree of autonomy.

The Ghoul Constellation is far away from the core of the Empire, so even rebellion has little impact.

If the mission succeeds, the empire’s territory will expand. If it fails, he will be demoted and punished. Either way, Said will not lose.

In order to lower Huron’s wariness and show his trust, Said asked Huron to command two legions. One legion was directly under Huron, and the other was commanded by a puppet and obeyed Huron’s orders.

After hearing the appointment, Huron was overjoyed and thanked Said profusely.

Unlike the mature core area, Terra’s various factions are intertwined, and Huron can command only his own legion.

Although the Ghoul Constellation is chaotic, it is an undeveloped virgin land. As long as it is conquered, it will completely become the territory of the Huron Separation.

Chaos is a ladder, war is an opportunity! Huron knew this well.

After Huron left satisfied, Said began to solve the problem of the psychic beacon.

He thought of many methods and conducted countless experiments, but the results were all unsatisfactory. In the final analysis, the universe was too big and the empire’s national power was still limited.

After estimation, in order to solve this problem and ensure that everything is foolproof, at least one mixed army must be stationed in each galaxy to have enough energy to patrol the vast space.

But the empire has millions of galaxies, so this approach requires millions of legions. Even the empire is powerful and cannot afford it, so the legions can only be assigned to the star sector level.

So Said changed his mind and decided to switch from defense to offense. He summoned scientists and biological sages to study chicken thieves and hybrid greenskins, and soon cracked the technology.

The Black Machine Oil Man and the Machine Oil Man came from the same source and had similar technologies. The empire soon also had the ability to manufacture beacons.

So Said used the empire’s death row prisoners to create a large number of chicken thieves, loaded them on hulks, and entered the Eye of Terror with the Abyss Expedition Fleet.

While the expedition fleet was burning the planet, it began to drop a large number of chicken thieves into the Eye of Terror, forming a powerful psychic beacon.

Not long after, a tentacle of the Hive Fleet penetrated into the Eye of Terror and dueled with the demon inside. The two sides began a fierce war of attrition.

Demons are not biomass. Even if the Hive Fleet wins, it will not be able to obtain supplies. Although it can feed on the barren demon planet, it still cannot make up for its losses.

After experiencing several setbacks, the Hive Fleet no longer paid attention to the Eye of Terror. Instead, it took up the idea of ​​​​Cadia, and was then surrounded and destroyed by seven puppet legions until nothing was left.

At this point, the Hive Fleet never visits the Eye of Terror again, and Said’s attempt to attract monsters fails.

But he was not discouraged, and set his sights on the greenskins again, organizing a second expedition into the abyss and releasing the mutant Psycho Boy.

This time the effect was good, successfully attracting a wave of green-skinned waaaagh. They found that there were endless fights in the Eye of Fear, and they felt very happy.

In order to keep the greenskins waaaagh longer, the Legion fleet provided them with orbital reinforcements, blocking some of the demonic reinforcements, giving them time to develop violent troops.

Soon, several demonic planets turned into greenskin worlds, forming stronger psychic beacons, attracting more greenskins to join.

There is an endless supply of demons in the Eye of Terror, and they are engaged in a continuous war of attrition with the greenskins. In addition to the Abyss Expedition, the Empire has another way to threaten the Eye of Terror.

From this moment on, every once in a while, the Greenskins of the Eye of Terror will set off a wave of waaaagh to wipe out all life in the demon world.

Many of these demon worlds are the source of troops for the Black Legion, which invisibly weakens the Black Legion’s strength.

Said thought to himself: “Brother Huang, how is my performance in driving away tigers and devouring wolves?”

The emperor said calmly: “The four gods and demons have countless armies, which are enough to wipe out the greenskins, but the greenskins have finally gained a foothold, and Gaomao will not allow this to happen.”

Said was stunned: “What will Mao Mao do? Send out the demon army?”

The emperor denied: “No, the demon army of Gomao has been exhausted in the civil war. Rather than sending the demon army to fight, they are more willing to come to the door in person!”

Imagining the scene where Gomao came to beat the four gods, Said felt funny. At this time, the emperor said:

“No matter what the outcome is, subspace is the home of the evil gods after all. Those green-skinned worlds will eventually be wiped out, and the four gods will eventually win.”

Said chuckled: “Then I’ll just put it in regularly to attract monsters!”


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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