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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 199 Cleaning Alpha

The Empire could not completely solve the problem of Abaddon’s attracting monsters, so it could only retaliate with teeth, and also attract monsters to Chaos, using mutual harm to barely contain the predicament.

But Said knew clearly that the Black Legion was a fleet civilization and was not in the Eye of Terror, and attracting monsters and disgusting evil gods to the Eye of Terror might not necessarily disgust the Black Legion.

There is always a layer between Abaddon and the evil god. At most, it is a relationship of mutual use. In order to hurt Abaddon, Said must adopt more effective methods.

But he was helpless for a while, because Abaddon had turned from a nomadic grassland to a wandering horse bandit.

The Milky Way is vast, and there are too many places to hide people. Said cannot locate them, and even a trillion-dollar army cannot find them.

He could only ask the emperor for help: “Brother Emperor, can you locate Abaddon’s location?”

The emperor denied: “No, otherwise I would have told you, but there is no need to be depressed, your method is very effective.”

Said sighed: “Brother Huang, you don’t need to comfort me. I still can’t pose a direct threat to Abaddon. Their target is too small.”

The emperor said calmly: “I am not comforting you. What I am telling you is the truth. You have provoked a war between Gaomao and the Chaos Gods, which will inevitably lead to losses for both parties.”

Said was still frustrated: “But the Black Legion and the Four Gods of Chaos are not monolithic. The four gods have weakened, but the Black Legion has not.”

The Emperor corrected him: “You are wrong, Said. Their connection is much deeper than you think. The Black Legion is the source of pleasure for the Four Gods. Abaddon cannot escape the web of fate woven by the Four Gods.”

“Even if Abaddon himself denies it, he is just another Belak. The weakening of the four gods will definitely have a greater impact on Abaddon.”

Beelak was the first demon prince in the galaxy and the first chosen by the Four Gods. Later, he became more and more arrogant, thinking that he was stronger than the Four Gods and could get rid of control.

Little did he know that all his actions came from the arrangements of the Four Gods. He himself was just a pawn in the struggle of the Four Gods. Even the resistance against the Four Gods themselves was part of the Four Gods’ plan.

Said guessed: “You mean Abaddon will join the war with Mao?”

The Emperor affirmed: “I see countless possible futures in which Abaddon will fight against the Eye of Terror, and the vast number of Greenskins in the galaxy will be attracted by the war and gather in the Eye of Terror.”

Said’s eyes lit up and he said excitedly: “Okay! How wonderful!”

Abaddon was involved in the quagmire of the war with the greenskins, and he would have no time to harass the empire, and the strength he had just gained from robbing the treasury would be consumed.

For a period of time afterwards, Said paid close attention to the situation in the Eye of Terror, and continued to send reconnaissance ships there, dropping in hybrid psychotic boys.

He was pleasantly surprised to find that there were more and more Eye of Terror greenskins, many of whom were not grown locally, but were attracted by psychic beacons and came to participate in the waaaagh.

In order to help the green skins survive the period of weakness, Said threw away a large number of bolters, artillery and even abandoned spaceships and various scrap iron and garbage, allowing the green skins to quickly advance in technology.

With the support of Said and external reinforcements, the Greenskins quickly established a foothold in the Eye of Terror and expanded their sphere of influence to the surrounding areas.

At the same time, Abaddon had just concluded a deal with a smuggler and acquired a batch of Emperor’s Baneblades and cruisers, as well as several Warlord-class Titans.

The thing that made him happiest was a batch of smuggled gene seeds.

Based on the container pattern, Abaddon guessed that the gene-seed came from the Adeptus Mechanicus.

After Terra withdrew the gene-seed tax, many forge worlds secretly retained the gene-seed taxes they had paid in the past, without being recorded by Terra.

When the forging world was short of money, these unregistered gene seeds became an excellent commodity for exchange for money. Although as the trade fairs became fewer and fewer and the prices became more and more expensive, the Black Legion still flocked to them.

For Abaddon, money was stolen, and he didn’t feel bad about spending it at all. He simply turned it into combat power, and then grabbed more money to become stronger.

“The Imperial Prince is right, as long as there is a 300% profit, the merchant will sell the rope to hang them!”

Seeing the Black Legion getting stronger, Abaddon’s confidence gradually increased, and he began to plan a new round of plunder, waiting for the end to destroy the empire.

By this time, his fleet had swelled to a size large enough to challenge the galactic fleet, and the treasury was looted before reinforcements arrived.

So, he set his sights on a nearby temple world. The temple world had the largest treasury and collected tithe resources from all worlds.

If the looting can be successful, the power of the Black Legion will usher in a surge, and its strength will not be inferior to that of the mixed legion.

Just as Abaddon was gearing up, he suddenly received a message from the Four Gods, ordering the Black Legion to return to the Eye of Terror to curb the expansion of the green skins.


Abaddon was stunned. He knew that in the past when the Four Gods ordered to return reinforcements from the Abyss Expedition, he had deliberately delayed them. By the time he arrived at the battlefield, the Imperial fleet had already withdrawn.

The subspace is fickle, and delays are normal. The Four Gods can’t blame anyone, so the Abyss Expedition hurts the Four Gods but not Abaddon.

But the green skins are different. Before the boss is killed, those green things will continue to kill until the Eye of Terror is completely greened.

In other words, Abaddon cannot avoid this battle, and his newly expanded strength will inevitably be consumed in the greenskin war.

Thinking of this, Abaddon felt bitter in his heart!

He wanted to refuse, but the Four Gods were his shareholders. Without the blessings of the Four Gods, he would be no more than a stronger Space Marine and unable to lead the Black Legion.

What made him even more uncomfortable was that behind the incident, he saw the shadow of the prince of the empire. He sent chicken thieves and green skins to attract monsters to the empire, and the empire responded in kind.

In a bad mood, Abaddon ordered the fleet to jump across the warp and return to the Eye of Terror.

Soon, Said learned that the Black Legion and a large number of Chaos warbands had appeared in the Eye of Terror and fought a decisive battle with the Greenskins. He breathed a sigh of relief with satisfaction and thought to himself:

“Child Chaos, you have today too!”

It’s easy to imagine that the Empire would be safe from the threat of Abaddon and the Greenskins for a long time, freeing Said to deal with another difficult enemy.

Alpha Legion!

Some Alphas voted for Chaos and some didn’t, but to the Empire, it made no difference.

Regardless of whether it is connected to the subspace or not, Alpha only does one thing against the Empire – to infiltrate agents and start a rebellion!

It can be said that since the rebellion of the original body, half of the rebellions in the empire came from Alpha spies. Although most of them were suppressed immediately, the accumulation of small things still caused massive losses.

Among them, Vraks is the largest one, which is enough to prove that Hydra has penetrated all aspects of the empire, but the empire has no good screening method.

Because Alpha masters hypnosis, the hypnotized agents do not know that they are loyal to Alpha before they are awakened, and behave like loyal citizens.

In the microscopic scan, no abnormalities were found in either the body structure or the genetic sequence. Relying on this hand, these agents escaped one purification expedition after another.

But with Azrael’s capture and torture interrogation by the Dark Angels, the Empire gained an initial understanding of Alpha Hypnosis.

Deep in the stone fortress, in a dungeon, bursts of crazy screams came out.

Azrael was stripped of his power armor, leaving only half of his body. His flesh was pierced by iron hooks. The hooks continuously emitted nerve currents and transmitted painful signals to the brain.

Dark Angel asked calmly: “Traitor, answer the question, how do you hypnotize people…”

Azrael collapsed and said: “I have said what needs to be said, kill me! I am a traitor! I confess my guilt! Let me die!”

The pain now was nothing more than an appetizer, a half-time break. Before this, Azrael had experienced more horrific punishments and his mentality had collapsed.

It is said that many fallen angels confessed their sins here and then faced death in pain.

The Dark Angel glanced at the puppet beside him, indicating that the information had been drained. The puppet nodded and left the interrogation room.

Said then organized the Inquisition and arranged a manhunt across the galaxy to arrest the spies Azrael had revealed. They included mortals, space warriors, the Ecclesiarchy, the Ministry of the Interior… and spread across all factions and classes of the empire.

However, Said knew that this was just the tip of the iceberg, and there were countless rats lurking everywhere, bringing crisis to the empire at any time.

Later, Said summoned the biological sages of the Mechanicum and biological experts from various factions to conduct anatomy and research on the agent’s brain, and then compared Azrael’s intelligence.

Finally, it was concluded that hypnosis comes from the unique spiritual power of the Alpha Legion, similar to the Dark Crow’s blindness, and is the unique skill of the Legion itself.

In other words, the Empire cannot use this technology for its own use.

But Said was not depressed, because through anatomical comparison, he discovered the same points in the brains of the hypnotized people. In the same synapse, there were traces of psychic modification.

Subsequently, the empire sent a scientific research ship to scan a hive world, arresting all humans with the same characteristics, and activated them with alpha psychic energy to determine that they were all agents.

Said was excited, so that the Empire could effectively detect Alpha’s spies.

Therefore, Said couldn’t wait to deploy a new round of purification expedition. He convened the Superman Parliament and announced the news, but was opposed by the Internal Affairs Committee.

Guilliman said: “Your Highness, the purification expedition will inevitably lead to turmoil. Now that economic construction has just entered the right track, turmoil will inevitably hinder economic construction!”

Ryan said with a cold voice: “You mean that the purification expedition should not be carried out?”

Since the expansion of the empire stopped, the main war factions have been idle, White Scar entered the webway to race, Ryan hunted down the fallen angels everywhere, Dorne built fortresses everywhere, and Iron Hands indulged in mechanical transformation.

The Wolf King disappeared with his private army and asked him to attend the Superman meeting. He only replied: “I agree with all the opinions of His Highness the Prince!”

The purpose of creating the original body is war. When there is no war to fight and domestic affairs are looked down upon, the war party will fall into a nihilistic spiritual crisis.

So when Said deployed the purification expedition, the war factions finally had something to do. They firmly opposed Guilliman’s statement and even made serious accusations.

Guilliman shook his head quickly: “I just hope to delay it for a while and wait until part of the construction is completed before advancing the expedition.”

But Said denied: “Alfa has already learned that Azrael has been arrested. If it drags on for a long time, it may affect the cleaning effect!”

“So I propose that economic construction be suspended for now and fully cooperate with the War Council to eliminate the Alpha Legion!”

Ironhand Ferus agreed: “I agree with His Highness the Prince’s proposal. The Battle of Vraks proved the dangers of Alpha. Now there is an opportunity to eliminate it, and we cannot let it go.”

In the face of the hard facts, the Internal Affairs Committee had nothing to say, and finally unanimously approved the proposal of the purification expedition.

Subsequently, the galaxy fleet blocked the space lanes, cut off all communications, and patrolled the sector guards in all directions. The entire empire instantly entered a state of silence.

In an instant, the storm was coming, and undercurrents were surging throughout the empire. It had only been a few decades since the last purification expedition, but the tragedy was still vivid in our minds.

Some dignitaries with ulterior motives began to clear up the evidence, and many of them rebelled against the planetary governors, but they were immediately suppressed by the galaxy fleet.

On the second day after the blockade began, scientific research ships arrived at each world to conduct microscopic scans, quickly marking targets for elimination and handing them over to Inquisition troops for cleaning.

In order to catch the enemy off guard, Said consumed all the accumulated psychic energy to build tens of thousands of scientific research ships, and planned to complete the elimination within a month.

After a month, the psychic energy will be exhausted, and the research ship cannot be maintained, so the purification can only be terminated.

But under the light of the God Emperor, everything was going smoothly. The various galaxies were anticipating the purification expedition, but they were unable to make any preparations. Moreover, because of the cutoff in communication, they were unable to communicate in series.

All kinds of crimes are exposed to the world, and heretics, aliens, and even criminal crimes have no escape, and they are handed over to the Inquisition, the Planetary Defense Force of the Ministry of Justice and other armed agencies for execution.

But compared with the other three evils, the situation of Alpha spies shocked Said. He discovered that hundreds of planetary governors and hundreds of thousands of nobles were Alpha spies.

This was enough to start a rebellion that spread across the galaxy, and then a situation that caused Said’s blood pressure to continue to rise, Alpha actually infiltrated the Space Marines’ home planet.

This means that there is probably an Alpha spy within the Chapter!

As a result, the purification expedition spread to various legions. Under the scans of scientific research ships, more Alpha spies were uncovered. Whether they were the mortal auxiliaries or the Astartes Chapter, they were almost infiltrated into a sieve.

A large-scale purge movement was immediately launched in the army. Countless officers, soldiers and Astartes were arrested and shot. Many loyal officers continued to shout loyalty and refused to admit death after being released from hypnosis.

The Primarchs watched the interrogation video, and Guilliman was the first to express concern: “Your Highness, if this continues, the army will be paralyzed and riot!”

Ryan also rarely expressed agreement. He said: “Maybe they are Alpha spies, but his colleagues don’t think so, which will inevitably lead to everyone being in danger and starting a rebellion!”

But Said disagreed and waved his hand: “I have authorized the use of truth serum, they can’t deny it to death!”

Ryan was still not optimistic. He said: “Veritaserum is only effective on mortals, not Space Marines.”

Said said calmly: “The confession of the mortal spy itself proves the necessity of purging. If we make the interrogation video public, we can make a solid case and it will not affect the empire’s credibility!”

But the Primarchs were still worried, Said continued:

“As long as our credibility remains, the mortal auxiliary army will support us. Together with the puppet auxiliary army and the Titan soldiers, it will be enough to suppress the Astartes Chapter!”

“This is just conventional force. If the worst happens, plus the prince’s army and private armies, the empire will eventually win!”

I feel that Afa is an important tool used by GW to leave blank space and round out the plot. The same function also includes Bean Sprout’s prophecies, secret sects, Cypher, Tzeentch’s various plans, etc. But if we want to revive mankind, these pitfalls must be solved. Fill in…


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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