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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 2 Exposing Horus

The Emperor used his own genes, fused with the essence of the warp, to create twenty superhuman offspring, who were called Primarchs.

In the future, half of the Primarchs would betray the Emperor in what would become known as the Horus Heresy.

This rebellion was so far-reaching that it not only greatly depleted the Empire’s military strength and failed the Great Crusade, it also reduced the Emperor to a vegetative state and stifled the possibility of human recovery.

After the rebellion, human beings are struggling in sustainable destruction. There are continuous rebellions inside and invasion of powerful enemies from outside. Chaos is waiting for opportunities to cause trouble, constantly draining human blood.

In the hearts of every loyalist Hammer, the Horus Heresy is a lingering feeling that cannot be overcome, and one cannot help but think countless times:

If we had to do it again and do this and that, would it be possible to prevent the rebellion from happening? The same goes for Said.

Although he knew there was little hope, he still planned to give it a try.

For example, alert the emperor earlier!

So he connected with the emperor and said: “Brother Huang, there is something I want to tell you…”

He then told the Emperor the full story of the Horus Heresy and the reasons for each Primarch’s rebellion.

The Emperor listened quietly and finally asked: “How did you know these prophecies?”

Said replied: “I had a dream in the freezer and it felt very real. I thought I should tell you!”

The emperor nodded after hearing this: “I understand, you have to pretend that you don’t know about this!”

“Huh? Don’t you do something?” Said was surprised.

The Emperor said calmly: “What to do? Kill them in advance? I don’t even know who Horus is?”

Many of the Primarchs currently have no names.

But Said refused to give up and said: “After you unify Terra, then kill…”

The Emperor objected: “I won’t do anything. Chaos corrosion is impossible to prevent. If the prophecy comes true, just let it happen and maintain the advantage of prediction.”

Said thought of a Warhammer joke from his previous life. Your father was fighting on the frontier, your mother was seriously ill, and the salary was not enough to support the family, so your sister had to go to the rescue.

At this time, the evil god Khorne gives you a blessing and makes you stronger, so you go to practice black boxing and win every battle. You kill all your opponents and provide food and clothing for your family.

At this moment, you feel that black boxing is boring…

The evil god gave birth to human nature. Even if boxing is prohibited to provide food and clothing and successfully resist Khorne, the desire after food and clothing will attract Israel; illness will attract Nurgle; curiosity will attract Tzeentch.

The evil god will amplify desires, causing desire to overwhelm reason, forming a channel for evil gods to interfere in the material world.

It can be said that as long as human nature does not change, chaos will never stop causing trouble. They can fail countless times, but as long as they succeed once, mankind will be beyond redemption.

Therefore, in the eyes of the Emperor, it is better to follow the predicted trajectory and only take action at critical moments to buy more time for mankind.

After thinking about this, Said said: “Brother Huang, you just have to be aware of it, but as long as I’m here, I won’t let you sit on the golden toilet!”

The Emperor said leisurely: “In addition, the Webway plan must be kept secret. After unifying Terra, I will be the first to come to you.”

After saying that, the two cut off communication.

Said immediately put the rebellion behind him. He believed that the Emperor could handle it well. With the power of the Emperor and Said’s violent troops, all conspiracies could be crushed!

He took off his mask. In the refining land, he no longer had to worry about poisonous gas, and he didn’t even need to eat. The land of soldiers and trees would continuously provide him with vitality.

At this time, he has refined land the size of a football field and is growing the first batch of soldier trees. Said estimates that he can make about five hundred puppets.

Said used the remaining materials from the freezer to build a temporary shelter, like an old farmer on the edge of the field, looking forward to the first batch of soldiers growing up.

A week later, the desert was covered with yellow sand, covering the green land. At this moment, on the soil of soldiers and trees, soldiers and trees rose from the ground, forming a forest of soldiers and trees.

The appearance of these soldiers is like bamboo, emerald green, with no branches and leaves. At first glance, you might think you are in a bamboo forest.

Today is the day of harvest, Said thought, and the soldiers began to collapse, falling on the emerald green land, and then melted and aggregated, becoming a puppet.

The puppets are yellowish-brown in color and look like walnut at first glance, and Said can manipulate them like a doppelgänger.

After testing, Said found that the initial puppet was no different from a mortal except that it did not need to eat or drink. Later, through combat, the puppet could be strengthened and become taller and stronger.

There is no upper limit to this kind of enhancement, as long as there are enough battles, the combat power will not be inferior to that of the original body or the Astartes.

Soon, the first batch of 500 puppets was produced. Said divided the puppets into three groups, with 200 puppets for personal guarding, 200 puppets for patrolling the territory, and 100 puppets divided into ten groups for reconnaissance in all directions.

There is no control distance limit for the puppet. Even across the Milky Way, Said can control it like an arm and realize the micro-control of “moving the machine gun five meters”.

Soon, another week passed, and Said once again harvested 500 puppets, which were divided into different tasks according to the previous proportion.

During this period, the reconnaissance troops searched the surrounding area for a hundred miles, but found no trace of human activity. This time, another hundred troops were invested, hoping to find something.

Finally on the third day, the reconnaissance team discovered a team with dozens of mutated humans driving beasts of burden, and the beasts of burden were pulling iron cages.

The mutated humans are stout, wearing simple power armor, and holding bolt guns. There are vague traces of the dark technological age.

In the cage behind the beast of burden were dozens of humans. The humans inside were shackled and looked numb.

This situation reminded Said of two words: technological barbarians and slave trade.

The technological barbarians are equipped with sci-fi weapons, but the social organization form remains in the Middle Ages, full of oppression, violence and ignorance, and slaves are a major manifestation.

It can be said that these people hindered the revival of mankind and were the Emperor’s main enemies when he unified Terra.

At this moment, Terra (Earth) is being divided by technological barbarians, and Terra is also a microcosm of thousands of human worlds. The world under Said’s feet is also experiencing the same thing.

Said was now unarmed and had only a thousand puppets. Facing dozens of thugs armed with bolters and wearing power armor, he had little chance of winning.

Golems are no different from mortals. No matter how simple the power armor is or how powerful the bolt gun is, they can easily bring down a large number of unarmed mortals.

Therefore, he left the puppet hanging far away and followed them to the nearest human gathering place.

But soon he discovered that this team was heading towards the land of soldiers and trees, and would meet Said in at most two days.

Said looked at the green land under his feet and the growing forest of soldiers, thinking that if they were discovered, they would definitely attract the attention of those in power.

He hasn’t finished growing yet, and he doesn’t want to be exposed to the eyes of the local natives.

Therefore, this group of slave traders must be eliminated. Even if they cannot be eliminated, it is better to delay it for some time until a new batch of puppets grow up.

As a result, Said laid out a killing plan. He deduced the slave caravan’s route and finally delineated several ambush locations.

Then with a thought, nine hundred puppets came out in full force, went to the ambush site to build a position, laid traps, and waited for the target to enter.

There are only thirty technological barbarians. Although a single soldier is powerful, if they operate well, they may not be incapable of fighting.

At this moment, the reconnaissance puppet reported: The convoy stopped and began to set up camp…

Popular science: Subspace is a sea of ​​spiritual energy. Spiritual energy comes from the emotions and desires of living creatures. Different emotions and desires bring together different evil gods.

Evil gods keep trying to interfere in the material world and causing trouble

Intelligent creatures will never disappear, evil gods will never die, and they can unleash unlimited numbers of enemies, which is quite disgusting.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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