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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 200 Loyal Alpha, Huron’s Changes

As Said expected, as the purge progressed, although the empire’s legions fell into turmoil, they were generally stable. Even within the Astartes, the restlessness was under control.

The Astartes advocated brotherhood, advocating hiding among relatives and helping compatriots. When brothers who fought side by side were taken away as spies, turmoil was inevitable.

At this time, the original body came forward in person to ensure that the trial was absolutely fair, and then the restless canned war group was calmed down.

Later facts proved that Said had not arrested the wrong person. After lifting the hypnosis, he broke down the psychological defense line under the terrifying methods of the Night Lord and confessed one after another.

The purge further expanded to cover all aspects of the empire, just like a tumor removal operation, removing the lesions and the surrounding corrupted muscles and bones together, causing powerful side effects.

The most immediate problem is the widespread paralysis of the sectoral legions. Due to the execution of a large number of officers and chapter leaders, the organization has collapsed and the legion’s combat effectiveness has plummeted.

Said was extremely lucky that Abaddon was being restrained by the greenskins. If the black army caused trouble at this time, the empire would have basically no power to resist.

But just because the Black Legion didn’t cause trouble, it didn’t mean that no one was going to cause trouble. When the purification expedition was more than halfway progressed, rebellions broke out in all the worlds of the empire.

Although the Legion is paralyzed, the PDF and the galaxy fleet are not. Although Alpha has spies all over the sky, it cannot replace the army, let alone resist the vast majority of loyal people.

After all, Vraks was just an exception. Many rebellions were digested by the security police and even pdf as soon as they started, without making any waves.

However, Alpha did not intend to let them achieve results. After all, the star field was blocked and the scanning fleet was approaching. No matter what they did, these agents would die.

Simply use the last remaining energy to contain the empire’s power.

Said looked at the star map in the distance with a calm expression. Although the Milky Way was burning again, no external force intervened and the war was quickly extinguished.

At this moment, the imperial world has been purified by more than 70%, and the legion’s purge is coming to an end. Said begins to rebuild the paralyzed legion organization.

The puppets acted as officers at all levels and took over the command. At first, because the officers were purged, the soldiers under their command were dissatisfied with the puppet’s discipline, but they were successfully deterred by the military police’s shooting.

Those members who were infiltrated into the Chapter returned to the Zhongsi Academy for re-education, and then they would be broken up and reorganized into each new Chapter.

At this time, within the Empire, the phenomenon of mixing the descendants of various Primarchs became more and more common, and one chapter included almost all the genetic descendants of the loyal Primarchs.

As a result, the cohesion based on bloodline weakened and was replaced by loyalty to the God-Emperor.

This phenomenon was further intensified after the Alpha Purge, when, under Said’s deliberate guidance, comradeship replaced battle-brothers, and loyalty to the God-Emperor and the Empire replaced loyalty to blood and clan.

Said referred to this move as the mixing of Chapters. The Primarchs initially had objections, but after seeing the actions of various Chapters during the Alpha Purge, they supported the mixing of Chapters and weakened the mountain doctrine.

With the unity of the Superman Council, the Imperial Legion slowly regained its combat effectiveness. In contrast, Alpha’s space for activity was compressed.

So Alpha couldn’t sit still. After the rebellion was suppressed, somewhere in the galaxy, the puppet was kidnapped. The hood was taken off and he saw an Alpha warrior with a Hydra tattoo.

He greeted calmly: “Hello, Your Royal Highness, you are well and safe!”

Said replied coldly: “Traitor, say your name and you will die immediately!”

The puppet has a positioning function, and Said can quickly summon nearby fleets to encircle and suppress it.

Alpha said calmly: “You can’t do it. This ship will enter subspace immediately, so we have enough time.”

“First of all, to answer your question, my name is Alpharius, and every Alpha is Alpharius. In addition, we are not traitors, we are loyal to the empire! Loyal to the God-Emperor!”

Said sneered: “Huang Miao! Instigating rebellion and colluding with chaotic aliens, is this called loyalty to the empire? Don’t laugh to death!”

Alpha said: “You are too narrow-minded, Your Highness, or too arrogant. There are many ways to be loyal, and there are thousands of ways to revive mankind.”

“We are just on different paths, there is no need to fight to the death!”

Said sneered: “You have said this not only to the Chaos cult, but also to the gene stealers, Nova Terra, and even the traitorous governor who surrendered to the Tau Empire…”

“All the three evils firmly believe that their path is correct, but who knows? Humanity only has one chance to revive. If you can’t stand the torment, just die and don’t resist!”

Alpha sighed: “I know it’s hard to win your trust, but Malcador and His Majesty knew that I would rebel, and they didn’t stop me. Do you know why?”

Said shrugged and said calmly: “Is this important? The empire does not care about deeds, and what you have done is enough to kill them all!”

Alpha said: “There is always corruption and ulceration in the body. Removing it rashly will cause severe pain, so most people don’t dare to do it, and the same goes for the Empire!”

“The bad nature of mankind is destined to harbor filth in the empire. Only war and reform can eliminate corruption and filth!”

“And my duty is to make the empire grow in eternal war and avoid destruction in eternal peace!”

The puppet calmly waved his hand: “You don’t have to worry about it now. The purification expedition will remove all filth, the Imperial Legion will cleanse the galaxy, the God-Emperor will find a way to isolate the subspace, and you, the traitor, will only add chaos!”

“Let me tell you one more thing. The God-Emperor knew that you would rebel but did not stop him because he knew that you would not be able to accomplish anything and would instead weaken Horus’ power.”

During the Primarch’s Rebellion, Alpha and the Night Lords participated in an infiltration of Terra, but the infiltration was quickly foiled and the Primarch was killed.

Alpha tightened his fists and shook his head after a moment:

“You have done a good job, Your Highness, and you are qualified enough to make fun of us. Both the Alpha on the Chaos side and the renegade war gang admit this!”

“It is precisely because trillions of puppets serve as reins that the giant beast of the empire can walk on the right path, continue to grow and dominate the galaxy, but have you heard of Sang Zeng’s Law?”

The puppet nodded: “Inside any closed system, the level of chaos will continue to increase, and it will eventually be destroyed in heat death and reborn from ashes!”

“Same goes for the Empire!”

Alpha said: “It will inevitably decay and decline, eventually leading mankind into the abyss. At this time, it needs external forces to reduce internal chaos and delay the moment of destruction!”

Said shook his head: “No, the empire is not a closed system. The State Church, Mechanicum, Primarch and Prince’s Legion are all independent systems. They are more like a close and open alliance!”

“Every time something goes wrong, someone corrects it. This is also one of the purposes of the purification expedition. Countless corrupt nobles and how many sins in the shadows have been cleansed!”

At this time Alpha asked: “What about you? The Prince of the Empire, the Pope of the State, the Prime Minister, the Chairman of the Superman Council, if you experience entropy increase, who will do the external work?”

Said replied: “We still have the God-Emperor. If I become corrupt, the God-Emperor will impose sanctions. If the top officials of the empire become corrupt, there will be tens of millions of warriors who are not afraid of sacrifice to eliminate corruption and correct mistakes!”

“Despicable traitor, the empire you said was destined to perish due to entropy has been standing in the galaxy for thousands of years. As long as there are loyal warriors like us, it will not perish!”

Said is not just making chicken soup. In the original history, high lords often had convulsions, and Wangrich, Fandral, and various misbehaving judges appeared successively.

At this time, fierce men will descend from the sky, or space warriors will come forward to fight against Terra and execute the crazy leader, forcing armed reforms and returning the empire to order.

Alpha sighed: “I can’t help you, Your Highness, the purification expedition is almost over, the Alpha spy network has disappeared, and the living space has been greatly compressed.”

“Without the spy network, we will be no different from rogue bandits and lose the capital to continue to operate.”

The puppet said coldly: “You are still self-aware, you despicable traitor!”

Alpha shook his head calmly and said: “I repeat, we are not traitors, we just have different ways of loyalty!”

Said was too lazy to talk nonsense at this time: “You have failed. Since you chose loyalty, die loyally and be buried for the wrong path!”


Said was stunned and asked: “What did you say?”

Alpha said firmly: “We will die for our loyalty! Alpha will disappear from this universe forever, and you will never see us again!”

Said asked rhetorically: “The spy network has been eliminated, and you want to commit suicide?”

Alpha nodded and said: “Hydra has its own pride and will not secretly cause trouble like rogue pirates. Without the spy network, Hydra will be paralyzed and lose the meaning of its existence.”

Although Said didn’t understand it very well, the fact that this group of lunatics could commit collective suicide was undoubtedly a great benefit to the empire, so he replied:

“I hope so. Have a good journey. If you can see the Emperor, I hope you can get a fair trial!”

Alpha said firmly: “Every loyal Alpha will enter the arms of the God Emperor!”

After saying that, he took out the melta pistol and pointed it at his head. A burst of blue light flashed, and half of the Alpha Warrior’s head fell to the ground and died.

The puppet came forward to check and found that it had lost its vital signs. It left the conversation room and found Alpha warriors lying on the ground everywhere.

It is not difficult to imagine that after the negotiation failed, they all firmly chose death.

Except for the puppets, there were no survivors in the entire spaceship. The red light flashed, and the dull voice of the machine soul came:

“Self-destruct, self-destruct, self-destruct in three minutes…”

The puppet checked the corpses again and confirmed that they were all Alpha warriors. He couldn’t help but think:

“Are the Alphas in other places like this? Hydra promised that the Empire would never encounter Alpha again, and they should all commit suicide just like this spaceship.”

At this time, flames swept through the entire spacecraft, engulfing the puppet, and Said was disconnected from the puppet.

In the Royal Palace of Terra, Said stared at the star map. At this time, the purification expedition was 95% complete. In a few hours, the empire will be completely purified.

Said thought to himself: “Brother Huang, Alpha said that you support his rebellion, is it true?”

He vaguely recalled the Emperor’s words when he learned of the Alpha rebellion: “Why does this child oppose our ways?”

Therefore, Said believes that the Emperor was well prepared for Alpha’s rebellion. Alpha later showed his hips and occupied a Primarch spot in vain, which smacked of loyalty.

But the emperor denied: “You are wrong. Alpha rebellion is only one of the possibilities. In fact, it is not surprising for anyone to rebel. I only know the reason for their rebellion.”

Said said: “Is it because you know the reason that you don’t worry about them?”

The Emperor said: “Yes, Hydra has nine heads. Although it is difficult to kill, each head has its own thoughts. Once the original body dies, the legion will immediately disperse into atoms.”

“After killing Alpharius, the Alpha Legion no longer poses a threat.”

But Said had a different view: “The harm caused by Keflax and the continuous rebellion is not small.”

The emperor said calmly: “But on a sufficiently macroscopic and huge scale, they are all insignificant, aren’t they?”

“The crisis of the empire is not in the real universe, but in the subspace and the Four Gods of Chaos. Neither the green Tyranids nor Alpha nor various rebellions can destroy the empire.”

“Only subspace is a cancer parasitic on humans!”

At this time, the Purification Expedition was completed, and the War Council cheered. Due to the short duration, neither Abaddon nor the various aliens were able to respond in time.

With the graduation of officers from the Zhongsi Academy, the various legions were enriched, and the organization was restored, the empire was once again as stable as a mountain and proud of the galaxy.

But there was one legion that Said did not move, and that was the Huron Legion of the Ghoul Constellation. Because of the tense war, Huron specifically requested to delay the purge, and Said agreed.

War was also going on in other sectors. Said only agreed to Huron’s request because in the Ghoul Constellation, the Empire ran into an awakened Necron dynasty – the Drazak Bone Dynasty.

This dynasty is composed of skinners. The undead desire to be clothed in flesh and blood to gain a moment of inner peace, but flesh and blood will corrupt and need to be plundered regularly.

Therefore, Drazak levied a blood tax on the surrounding world, that is, regularly turning over a specified number of creatures, otherwise they would all be slaughtered.

After eliminating a large number of aliens, Huron mainly attacked the Bone Kingdom of Drazak.

During this period, Said received intelligence support from Trazin, which was then passed on to Huron. With the intelligence, Huron successfully defeated the Kingdom of Bones and used the Order of Extermination on the Tomb World.

At this point, the empire has eliminated the ghoul constellation, and the remaining pirates and bandits have nothing to worry about, and they have begun to colonize the new world.

The purification expedition against the Huron Legion is also slowly beginning.

But to Said’s surprise, Huron continued to refuse purification on the grounds that the war was tense and the remnants of the Necron Dynasty were acting rampant, which aroused Said’s vigilance.

Do the Huron Legions have hidden secrets?

Subsequently, under Said’s operation, Terra vetoed the list of planetary governors of the Ghoul Stars recommended by Huron, and transferred the generals and nobles to other planets in the empire.

Procedurally, there were no problems with Terra’s appointment, and many distinguished military veterans of the Auxiliary Army happily boarded Imperial ships to travel to other systems to become nobles.

Compared with the Ghoul Sector, they prefer to go to the safe interior.

But Huron was dissatisfied, because these people were all his old subordinates. Although they were auxiliary troops, they were an indispensable backbone.

With the mortal auxiliary army gone, who will fly the spaceship, do the chores, carry the artillery shells, and resist the line.

It can be said that Terra disintegrated Huron’s entire auxiliary army with one order.

Huron was anxious and immediately found the puppet, and said openly:

“Your Highness, I hope to gain the power to appoint and remove the planetary governor of the sector!”

There will be another one coming soon, I plan to write an extra chapter, which is the promised extra update…


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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