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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 201 Huron’s Ambition (please order in full)

In any power struggle, there are two most critical powers that often become the focus of the struggle: one is financial power, and the other is personnel power.

The two often complement each other!

Huron gained the power to appoint and remove the planetary governor, and could control the resources of each galaxy to serve him.

In the past, no matter in ancient or modern times, at home and abroad, few generals dared to make such a request. If they did, it would be difficult not to suspect that the general had different intentions and was preparing to rebel.

So Said said quietly: “What’s the reason? Commander of the Huron Army, if you ask this question, you should know the risks involved.”

Said’s voice was calm, containing the slightest hint of murderous intent but without any pretense. Huron couldn’t help but swallowed and said:

“Your Highness, the situation in the ghoul constellation is complex and a more efficient system is needed to eliminate the three pests and deal with the crisis!”


Said wondered: “You have eliminated the Bone Dynasty, exterminated the Saifu demons, and eliminated the Laclo alien pirates. The situation in the ghoul constellation has been greatly improved. Where did the crisis come from?”

Huron explained: “Your Highness, if we were within the empire, such a victory would be considered the end of the war, but this is the border of the empire!”

“According to the report of the exploration expedition fleet, there are more worlds beyond the light of the Star Torch, and there are more three evils entrenched above, threatening the interior of the empire at all times!”

Said was noncommittal and asked: “What about?”

“For example, there are endless pirates, greenskins, Tyranids and various unknown aliens. The ghoul constellation will serve as a barrier to protect the interior of the empire!”

Huron’s expression was sincere: “So the Sector Legion needs to gather more resources to resist threats from unknown space.”

Said pointedly said: “Considering that the Ghoul Sector is a newly conquered area, it has been tax-free for five centuries, which means that all the resources in the sector will fall into your hands!”

Huron nodded: “Yes, Your Highness, I have always been very grateful for your trust!”

Said continued: “If you gain the right to appoint and remove the planetary governor, it means that all the ground forces of the system are at your disposal. Is this appropriate?”

The planetary governor has the authority to form and command pdf, but must be appointed by Terra and supervised by the galaxy fleet. He has no authority to form a fleet himself.

In this way, only Terra, who controls the galaxy fleet, can issue extermination orders on rebellious planets at any time, ensuring that centralization of power is achieved.

If the planetary governors are appointed and dismissed by Huron, it means that they will take orders from Huron instead of Terra, and the system fleet deterrence will lose its legitimacy!

Moreover, with the Huron Legion as the backing, the galaxy fleet will lose its military advantage, making Terra’s deterrence less powerful.

If Huron rebels, they will also become Huron’s supporters and provide help for the rebels.

Said could not take the risk, so he said:

“Commander of the Huron Army, you have made a mistake. The empire does not have inland and frontier areas. No matter where it is, it will be invaded by the three pests at any time.”

“The subspace can cross the chasm of the three-dimensional world and directly reach the so-called hinterland of the empire. At that time, what is the use of your so-called frontier?”

Huron was speechless. What Said said was the truth. Whether it was the Hive Fleet, the greenskins, or the warp demons, they all reached their targets directly. The vastness and depth of the empire were of no use at all.

It can be said that the empire has no frontiers or interiors, and war may break out anywhere.

Said continued: “So Commander of the Huron Legion, I must reject your request and tell you one more thing. Your term of office will be five years, and then you must take over other legions!”

Huron lowered his head and asked in frustration: “Will my successor be able to suppress this place?”

Said said calmly: “If you can do it, others can too. You are not the only one with talents in the empire, Your Excellency Huron!”

The conversation finally ended with Huron surrendering. In the palace of Terra, Said fell into deep thought: “Will Huron rebel?”

Historically, the Maelstrom was only as chaotic as the Eye of Terror, with countless three evils coming in and out, threatening the empire.

It wasn’t until Huron guarded the Maelstrom and countless three evils were eliminated that the situation improved. Then Huron further controlled the entire Maelstrom area and was known as the “Tyrant of Badab”.

In the Maelstrom area at that time, the planetary governor only knew about Huron’s kindness and power, but did not know about Terra. Huron formed a de facto separatist regime.

He longs to be like the father of genes, turning the maelstrom into a new five hundred worlds.

However, as long as the empire does not openly rebel and does not refuse to pay taxes, separatism is not a big deal. Moreover, the Maelstrom region is special, and delegating power to Huron can reduce the cost of suppression.

The Huron rebellion was not due to Terra’s distrust, but Terra’s draining of the Maelstrom’s military resources, leaving Huron unable to perform and suppressed by the three evils.

In the 3k era, even if you give administrative power but not financial power, resources are exploited layer by layer, and responsibilities are pushed down layer by layer, you can make all kinds of plans, but it is difficult to realize your ambition.

But the Ghoul Sector is not a maelstrom. With the strength density of the two legions, no matter who is the commander of the sector, they can easily suppress it.

In addition, Said exempted the local tithe tax, carried out colonial construction, and supported local development, Huron had more resources to use.

All the known minefields have been cleared. It stands to reason that Huron should be content and not rebellious. However, just like history, Huron still demands more autonomy.

Could it be that this person is really crazy?

Said was extremely vigilant. He immediately contacted the Assassin Court of Malcador and at the same time mobilized his own spies to investigate Huron’s purpose.

Meanwhile, Huron was depressed and resentful at Terra’s distrust.

He was not willing to be just a commander of the city defense army. He longed to lead an expedition to regain more worlds for the empire and make his name go down in history.

But at the beginning of the Deterrence Era, the Superman Council decided to stop the expansion of the empire, and resources were mainly used to develop existing territories. As the commander of the army, Huron must obey the spirit of the central instructions.

He holds two legions and seems to be strong, but if he announces an expedition, the whole army will immediately resist.

One of the legions is in the hands of the Imperial Prince and will certainly not support the expedition, but even the legion controlled by Huron has a large number of puppets within it.

If you forcibly order your legion to go on an expedition, it will be stopped before it even starts.

Therefore, he must master more resources, build a private army, and at the same time recruit like-minded warriors in the legion to launch an expedition beyond the border.

But the plan was aborted before it even started.

Said used well-founded words to reject the proposal to seize power, and even emphasized that he would have to be transferred when the time comes.

Huron’s heart was full of anguish that his ambitions were unfulfilled, and he was dissatisfied with the Terran authorities. He thought to himself: “I want to do something for humanity and the Empire, why is it so difficult?”

But at this moment, the situation took a turn for the better. A soldier from the Claws in the Sky reported:

“Your Excellency, Legion Commander, the exploration expedition team reported that a large number of Eldar virgin worlds were discovered outside the star area!”

Huron’s eyes lit up and he said excitedly: “How much is a large amount?”

The Space Marine replied: “At least ten, and more may not be ruled out!”

Huron said excitedly: “Okay! Great! With the virgin world, we will definitely be able to get the support of Terra, and then launch an expedition!”

After speaking, Huron immediately summoned the leader of the exploration expedition to learn the details, and then wrote a report to demonstrate the necessity of the expedition.

At the same time, through spy investigation, Said knew Huron’s purpose and thought: “Another Macarius!”

But Macarius is a mortal, Said can send him to be a rogue trader, Huron is a space warrior, where can he be sent?

Let him explore the expedition?

In the Empire, exploration expeditions are tantamount to exile and a stain on the Chapter. Space Marines who value honor are not willing to accept it.

Therefore, the only way for Huron to realize his ambition was to launch an expedition.

If Huron had conquered more than a thousand worlds on an expedition like Macarius did, it would have consumed huge construction and maintenance costs.

Moreover, for a long period of time, these places produced no output and simply consumed the empire’s resources.

The empire needs to invest resources in developing existing territories and cannot invest in building new territories, so the defensive national policy cannot be changed.

At this moment, Huron sent a report to Said, saying that dozens of virgin worlds had been discovered, and proposing to authorize him to launch an expedition to capture them.

Said had a headache and explained to him the current difficulties of the empire:

“Huron, I also long to expand our territory and spread the glory of the God Emperor across the galaxy. However, the empire’s current focus is on economic construction. If we start a war rashly, it is likely to become a bottomless pit of resource consumption.”

“In the final analysis, it comes down to one question: Can you guarantee the benefits of this war?”

Huron nodded confidently and said: “Your Highness, the virgin world of the Spirit Clan is comparable to the garden world. It contains rich resources. Whether it is colonization or development, it will generate massive economic benefits!”

“In other words, as long as we conquer it and colonize it, we don’t need to invest in construction, and we can generate profits immediately!”

Said knew that what Huron said was true. The virgin world was comparable to Avatar’s Pandora. It was rich and full of vitality. With a little modification, it could become a livable planet.

Once it is defeated, the benefits will indeed be huge, but only if it can be defeated.

So Said asked: “Do you plan to use the two legions in your hand to conquer dozens of virgin worlds?”

Huron patted his chest confidently: “That’s right, the Virgin World only has a group of wild spirit tribes, not even a fleet. The two legions are simply overkill!”

Said complained in his heart: “It can’t be that easy! Every Virgin World is connected to the Webway, and the Webway is connected to the Ark Eldar. They will never sit back and watch the Virgin World fall!”

If the war breaks out, the Ark Eldar from all over the galaxy, and even the Harlequins and fellow pirates will come for reinforcements, so the Huron enemy is not the wild Eldar, but the entire Eldar civilization.

At this time, two legions will definitely not be enough, and the war will be protracted and continue to consume the empire’s resources.

Said told Huron his concerns, but Huron said nonchalantly:

“Your Highness, the Spirit Race is already rare and has been hiding from the empire’s encirclement and suppression for many years. If we can use this to force them out and annihilate them in a decisive battle, we can eliminate a major hidden danger for mankind!”

Said was stunned. If he could defeat the Eldar in one fell swoop, even if it consumed more resources, it would not be unacceptable.

But humanity needs the Eldar to fight against the Warp, and needs their knowledge and technology. The Eldar can be weakened, but not destroyed.

Moreover, Said could not clearly explain his alliance with the Death Army, so he could only think for a moment and then said:

“I agree to launch an expedition, but the steps cannot be too big. We must be mentally prepared. This is a protracted war that may last throughout the entire era of deterrence!”

Huron’s eyes lit up. Although he didn’t quite understand the second half of the sentence, it was already a great victory to get Said to let go.

Said continued: “So you must not rush for success. Don’t try to swallow dozens of worlds in one go. You can start with a low-intensity war!”

Huron was confused: “Low-intensity war? I wonder what you mean…”

Said said: “Pirates are rampant in the Ghoul Sector, including many Eldar pirates. These wild worlds must provide support to Eldar pirates and must be punished!”

Huron’s eyes lit up: “His Royal Highness is wise, anti-piracy operations are not considered expeditions! The Internal Affairs Committee has nothing to say!”

Said continued: “Then I only allow you to attack a virgin world. You are not allowed to expand the scope of your attack without authorization. Do you understand?”

Huron’s face collapsed and he said: “Only one? It’s not enough for two legions to fill the gaps between teeth!”

Said calmly said: “Don’t be arrogant, Huron, you will face the entire Eldar coalition and the entire Eldar civilization. We will talk about the rest after defeating them!”

“Yes, Your Highness, we will definitely clarify the world and spread the glory of the God Emperor to the universe!”

Huron ended the conversation with satisfaction and happily prepared for the expedition. Said sighed helplessly. He had already felt the pressure from the main war faction.

The defensive national policy dissatisfied the warring factions. In their eyes, the empire must launch expeditions and holy wars all the time in order to be worthy of the loyalty of the God-Emperor.

The empire has countless resources. Even if they are not developed, they are enough for use. There is no need to engage in economic construction at all and just let the local development develop naturally.

Huron is one of the representatives. They obtain military exploits and honors through various means in order to be further promoted and gain more military exploits and honors.

The defensive national defense policy hinders the advancement of demigod supermen, causing a lot of dissatisfaction and trying their best to provoke various wars.

Said had no good solution for the moment. Mortals could be satisfied with money and material things, but things that could satisfy demigods and supermen could only be spiritual and illusory concepts.

Like power or honor!

Authority is a carrot and a pit, honor is like currency, it depreciates when it is made too much. Said can only be given through war.

Said stared at the star map and said to himself: “Soon, Guilliman will be developed soon, and then we can change the national policy and launch a new round of expansion!”

“But before that, I must suppress the conflict and appease it in time to avoid further intensification!”

The war started as scheduled. Huron took a virgin world called Lidrel as the target of the war, directly pressed a legion into the galaxy, and carried out an orbital airborne landing.

The Savage Eldar cultivated land through slash and burn farming without any space fleet. They gave up the control of the universe and left the legion fleet suspended over the world.

Huron looked down at the beautiful mountains and lush forests, and sighed sincerely:

“It’s such a beautiful planet, but it’s a pity it’s polluted by aliens! Start orbital bombing to purify the pollution!”

As soon as he finished speaking, spears of light fell from the sky. The equator of the planet turned into a sea of ​​fire. Countless lives disappeared and turned into a white land.

Huron then said: “The landing site has been cleared, the auxiliary marines have airborne, formed a battle line, pushed to the two poles, and strive to occupy this planet within two days!”

“His Royal Highness is still too conservative. We need to use blitzkrieg to prove to him that the Imperial Legion is capable of crushing all enemies!”

At the same time, somewhere in the galaxy, the puppet was kidnapped, and Yoda said with a gloomy face:

“Your Highness, please withdraw Ridel’s army immediately, otherwise we will start a war with all the Eldar!”

The Huron Rebellion was filled with many accidents. Revisiting the Badab War, I felt that Terra was right to allocate resources. In wars across the galaxy, troops must be weighed;

There is nothing wrong with Huron also intercepting resources, because he is responsible for the Badab war zone, so… who is wrong?


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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