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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 202 Huron, you should listen to your father

Sayid sneered: “All the Eldars are going to war? Are you threatening me, Yoda!”

Yoda said coldly: “I am just telling you the consequences. The virgin world is the common treasure of the Eldars and cannot be allowed to fall into the hands of humans!”

Sayid shrugged and replied: “Is this the intention of the Harlequin, the intention of the Death Army, or your own intention?”

Yoda replied calmly: “On behalf of all the Eldars, I warn the Empire!”

Sayid spread his hands: “In that case, I am sorry, the Empire and the Eldar are at war, and any military action is legal!”

Sayid’s meaning is very clear. The Empire only has friendship with the Death Army, not with the Eldar, and will not recognize the Harlequin Ark Savage Eldar.

Sayid looked like a rogue who was playing Tai Chi, and he obviously didn’t want to talk properly. Yoda smashed the puppet with one punch and said angrily:

“Well, in that case, let me show you the strength of the Eldar!”

At the same time, in the virgin world Ridrel, a large number of auxiliary troops landed on the equator, and countless Titans, Leman Russ, Emperor Poison Blades, and Land Chimeras filled the surface.

In the sky, the naval fleet covered the sky and launched rounds of bombing on the Eldar hinterland to buy time for the formation of the front.

In satellite observation, a large number of wild Eldar were like Avatar, walking through the dense forest, constantly avoiding shells, and then a large number of them were killed, which was particularly embarrassing.

Huron sneered: “Such backward and primitive aliens, it is a waste to use a legion to clear them!”

At this time, the formation was formed, and the equatorial auxiliary army entered the battle position. With Huron’s order, the auxiliary army fired all the artillery, and the heavy artillery and rocket launchers were fired like raindrops, covering a large area in front.

The scene was earth-shattering, the forests were burned, the mountains were flattened, and the Savage Eldar hiding in them preparing for an ambush were killed in large numbers. Looking from the sky, a burning black line spread from the equator to the poles.

As the artillery fire extended, the troops began to advance, countless armored vehicles and Titans crushed all living things, and from time to time there were fish that slipped through the net and prepared to ambush, but they were discovered in advance by the bombers in the sky and destroyed by bombs.

Under the integrated attack of land and air, the auxiliary army was like entering an unmanned area, easily advancing a long distance forward, and countless Savage Eldar were killed by the devastating artillery fire without seeing the auxiliary army.

Then, Huron sent out Space Marines to find and destroy the World Tomb according to Sayid’s instructions.

Since the emergence of Slaanesh, the souls of the Eldar will be taken away by Slaanesh after death. After experiencing cruel torture, the Eldar of different factions have different solutions.

The Ark Eldar store their souls in the Ark circuit. Once the Ark is destroyed, the soul will be taken away by Slaanesh.

The Dark Eldar act as minions around the tiger, feeding Slaanesh by torturing other creatures to avoid being devoured by their souls.

The souls of the Harlequins and the Death Army are protected by the gods. The Savage Eldar, like the Ark Eldar, bury their bodies in the World Tomb and merge them into the World Spirit to avoid being devoured by Slaanesh.

In other words, once the World Tomb is destroyed, the World Spirit will disappear, and the Savage Eldar souls will lose their protection and become Slaanesh’s food.

The Space Marines broke up into small pieces and quickly searched every place that might be a tomb world. They soon found something and fought with the Savage Eldar guarding it.

In front of the powerful Space Marines, the Savage Eldar had no power to resist. Their agility was useless under the auxiliary aiming, and they were easily locked and killed.

After clearing the guards, the Space Marines immediately called for an orbital strike to destroy the tomb along with the entire mountain.

The Soul of the World was anxious, and the Savage Eldar were anxious. Many tribes lost their patience and launched a counterattack against the Imperial Army, but were delayed by tanks, smashed by Titans, and drowned by the sea of ​​people.

In normal times, the Savage Eldar were separated into tribes, never interacting with each other, and only gathered together when war broke out to obey the command of a stronger tribe.

This led to a lack of coordination between them, and they were prone to fighting on their own and not obeying orders.

When they learned that the tombs were destroyed, many Eldar tribes ignored the retreat order and launched a counterattack without hesitation, resulting in a large number of casualties.

The front line continued to advance, and the tombs continued to be destroyed, until Huron saw a large number of portals appearing on the surface of the planet from the satellite, and a large number of Nether Knights walked out of them.

The Ark Eldar reinforcements arrived, and behind the Nether Knights, tens of thousands of Predator motorcycles drove out. Although the number was small, it was enough to prove that the Ark Eldar had invested heavily.

This was just the strength of one Ark, and more Arks continued to increase their troops. As the largest Eldar faction, the strength of the reinforcements was enough to glimpse their attitude.

The Empire has discovered no less than dozens of virgin worlds. The next step is to invade and colonize. If it is not contained in time, the Eldar will lose more living space.

While the Ark Eldar deployed reinforcements, the Imperial Auxiliary Army continued to encounter infiltration and slaughter by the Harlequins. Commanders were constantly assassinated, key material warehouses were bombed, and the front was in chaos.

The ground commander had to withdraw Space Marines to support in order to contain the infiltration of Harlequins.

But in this way, the action of destroying the tombs would inevitably be hindered, and the efficiency would drop rapidly.

Huron watched this scene through the satellite and immediately sent fighters to bomb the entrance of the webway. At the same time, he ordered the front to stop advancing and dig trenches on the spot, in a defensive posture.

The entrance of the webway was disguised as a mountain stone archway. These structures are everywhere in the virgin world and are difficult to find.

But now that a large area is exposed, it is just an opportunity to strike.

While his thoughts were flying, the Predator bomber group fired a salvo of petrified lizard missiles. The Hades Knights gathered in front of the webway looked up and looked around, and a large number of light spots shot out of their chests to meet the flying missiles.

In an instant, a large explosion appeared in the sky, and all the missiles were intercepted. Then the Nether Knight shot out streaks of light speed, exploding the Predator bombers in large numbers.

At this time, Huron smiled. The bomber group was nothing more than a smokescreen, and the battleship overhead was the real killer.

The next moment, a vertical light spear fell from the sky and pierced into the middle of the Nether Knight Titan. The shock wave spread and submerged the Nether Titan.

When the fire light dissipated, only the remains of the Nether Titan and the Webway behind it were left.

Huron said proudly: “No matter how many ground troops come, the empire will be invincible if it controls the universe!”

Not to mention anything else, if the ground troops were defeated, they could use the Extermination Order to destroy the planet. The Eldar could not even imagine a world that the Empire could not obtain.

At this time, in a forest in the virgin world, Efreni stared at the burning earth, turned around and said to her companions:

“If any of you wants to join the war, you can do so on your own, but in your own name, not the Death Army.”

The composition of the Death Army is complex, and its members come from all other Eldar factions. According to Everenee, if they decide to join the war, they must do so in the name of the original faction.

Visage asked in confusion: “Your Majesty the Prophet, won’t you lead the Death Army into the war?”

Evelene shook her head and said: “No, the Death Army has a non-aggression treaty with humans. It is the only communication channel between the Eldar and humans. Compared with dozens of combat forces, communication channels are more valuable.”

Yoda gritted his teeth and said: “But diplomatic efforts have failed. That lunatic Prince of the Empire insists on going to war with the Eldar!”

Visage agreed: “Yoda is right. I think humans have no sincerity for peace at all. They are just like the green-skinned bugs, they are fanatics who only know how to kill!”

Evelene shook her head: “Everyone, you are looking at it in a narrow-minded way. If the prince of the empire really wants to fight, why does he only attack one world?”

“They are fully capable of attacking all virgin worlds at the same time. Our troops will definitely not be able to stop them! But they did not do so. There must be a reason behind this.”

The Death Army fell into deep thought, and Yoda asked: “Master Chosen God, what are your plans? Do you want to continue diplomatic communication?”

Efreni said: “Tie a puppet here, and I will personally meet the Imperial Prince!”

Not long after, a puppet had its limbs removed and was placed in front of Everene. She asked: “Your Highness, what do you want to do before you are willing to withdraw?”

The puppet was not ambiguous and said straight to the point:

“The purpose of this operation is to eliminate the living soil of the Eldar pirates. The empire found that the wild world provides shelter for the Eldar pirates, and it must be purified!”

Before Efrenie could speak, Visage took the lead and couldn’t help but said angrily:

“Pirates? If Ada’s attack was pirates, then what does it matter if you destroyed Commorragh and destroyed the Eldar Ark? These colossi are the treasures of civilization, but they were burned to the ground by you barbarians!”

Since the fall of Commorragh, the Eldar’s hatred of the Empire has grown to a higher level, which is reflected in the more rampant pirate robberies and bloodier methods in various places.

The Imperial Navy stepped up its campaign and set its target on the Eldar Ark. The hatred between the two sides accumulated day by day, almost becoming a fire or a fire.

Evelyn interrupted angrily: “Stop arguing! I said that right and wrong no longer matter. We and humans should focus on the present and the future!”

“The current disagreement is that our people cannot let go of their past hatred and insist on carrying out pirate operations against humans. In order to retaliate, humans attack the virgin world!”

“Am I right? Your Highness!”

“That’s right!”

Said nodded readily: “If it is to exterminate you, the empire will organize dozens of legions and launch attacks on the wild world at the same time, instead of just fighting in small quantities like now!”

Everene asked: “If I promise to make the Ada pirates of the Ghoul Constellation disappear, can the war be stopped?”

The puppet shook his head: “I don’t believe your guarantee. If you can do it, you might as well make the Ada pirates disappear throughout the empire. I believe this will greatly enhance mutual trust between the two races!”

Evelene shook her head and said: “I’m afraid this is difficult. In the words of you humans, one bite cannot make you a fat man. We might as well start with the Ghoul Constellation!”

The puppet shook his head: “It’s useless. The empire now has the location of dozens of virgin worlds and can launch a war at any time if it wants!”

“Even if an armistice agreement is reached today and the pirate problem in the Ghoul Constellation is solved, tomorrow we will retaliate against you because of the pirates elsewhere!”

As expected, the target of revenge is the virgin world.

Efreni frowned. She had also been a pirate and knew that the problem of piracy was extremely complicated. One or two star regions would be fine, but at worst the pirates would not go there.

But if pirates are banned throughout the empire, the Eldar pirates will have nowhere to go. At this time, there is only one solution: that is for the Eldar to deal with the pirates themselves!

However, after thinking about it, Efreni thought to herself: “Maybe…this is an opportunity!”

Commorragh has been destroyed and the Dark Eldar pirates have disappeared. At this time, most of the Eldar pirates in the galaxy are from the Ark. Efreni knows the reason why they turned into bandits.

There are many reasons, but most of them are tired of the tedious life on the road, escaping from a society full of regulations, and living a freer life.

There are also many who were expelled for committing crimes, or who despaired of the future of the Eldar and planned to indulge before the end.

Anyway, not much is because of poverty!

Since it’s not because of poverty, there should be a solution. Thinking of this, Efreni said:

“I can negotiate with the elders of Ark, but as a sign of sincerity, can I stop the attack first and maintain the current front?”

But Said thought for a moment, shook his head and refused: “No, the current war situation is at a stalemate, just waste it, you can also apply pressure, right?”

The real reason is that the contact between the Empire and the Eldar is top secret. If the Hurons are ordered to cease fire but cannot give a reason, they may be suspected of collusion between the high-level officials and the Eldar.

In the official ideology, the empire will not encounter alien negotiations. If the secret talks are exposed, it will greatly affect the morale of the frontline troops.

Damn it, I’m fighting life and death with aliens on the front lines, but the bureaucrats at the rear are colluding with aliens. Is this still the empire of mankind? Can it still protect humans?

Do you want to rebel? !

Efreni left with a solemn expression and went to negotiate with the Ark Eldar, but Said was not optimistic because the Ark Eldar were not monolithic and had many internal differences.

Many of them hate the Death Army’s Ark, and will not accept the Death Army’s proposal.

The Eldar pirates have caused the Death Army to lose its moral edge. Without solving the problem of piracy, the truce cannot be achieved. The responsibility for the war lies with the Eldar, not the Empire.

In this way, the empire can control the intensity and rhythm of the war, thereby appeasing the domestic war factions.

Next, Said transferred the noisy main war officers to the Huron Legion to satisfy their desire to make achievements until Guilliman completed the development of the territory.

Said was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but what happened next was beyond his expectation. After Efreni failed to negotiate with the Ark Eldar, she went directly to Guilliman.

During this period, he hid the news from Said’s puppet, and when he learned the news, Guilliman had already arrived at Huron’s headquarters.

Said suddenly remembered that Guilliman was Huron’s genetic father. If Guilliman asked Huron to withdraw his troops and give up the expedition, what choice would Huron make?

Said didn’t know, but he knew that things were out of control. With a thought in his mind, the puppet came to the command department, but he heard a fierce quarrel inside.

Huron said angrily: “Father, you reached an agreement with the alien without authorization. This is treason!”

Guilliman’s voice was cold: “Child, saving humanity is not about formality, but about results! Now the empire needs cultivation, not war!”

Huron was not satisfied with this explanation and said, “What about the Eldar pirates? They raided my defenses. Shouldn’t I retaliate?”

Guilliman said calmly: “You have already taken revenge. The virgin world has fallen into war. The Eldar have felt fear. They promised me that they will not appear in the Extreme Star Territory!”

“The territory of the Extreme Star Territory accounts for 60% of the empire. If the plundering is stopped, the development cost will be reduced and the development speed will be accelerated. Isn’t that good?”

“No!” Huron shook his head: “My honor does not allow me to continue withdrawing my troops!”

Guilliman said sternly: “You have no choice, Huron, you must withdraw!”

Huron said angrily: “Father, you are not a military commander, you have no right to order me! My position as commander of the legion came from the prince of the empire, and I only obey his orders!”

Guilliman looked calm: “Really? Then let His Highness make the decision!”

Said sighed, manipulated the puppet to push open the door, and said: “Huron, you should listen to your father…”

The Huron gene-seed did not specify which original body it came from, but judging from the original Maelstrom farming talent, it should be Guilliman~

I will upload the CG of the Nether Knight later~


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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