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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 204 Defeat Huron

Although Guilliman was certain, Said did not fully count on Guilliman. Before the arrival of the Okrama Legion, the loyalists in the Ghoul Sector took the lead.

The legions controlled by the puppets entered a fighting state and marched towards the Huron legions. At this time, Huron ordered them to go to the border to encircle and suppress the pirates, and immediately decided to ignore them.

At the same time, in the Huron Legion, the political commissar of the Giant God Soldier found Huron and said seriously:

“Commander of the Huron Legion, the Piercing Sword Chapter that succeeded you was ambushed by pirates and the entire army was wiped out. Terra suspects that it has something to do with you!”

“From now on, you are suspended from all duties and will cooperate with Holy Terra’s investigation!”

Huron stood up, confronted the puppet, and said: “Your Highness, there is no need to be so pretentious. If Terra wants to be persecuted and purged, you can just say it!”

The puppet said calmly: “Huron, when the second ambush was defeated, you should have thought that today would happen!”

Huron said angrily: “What a second ambush, I didn’t know about it!”

The puppet said calmly: “The second batch of battle groups that went to duty were ambushed by pirates and defeated by the imperial fleet. Among the pirates killed, there were members of Star Claws!”

The Claws of the Starry Sky is the war group led by Huron, which is equivalent to the role of the personal guard in the legion. If it appears at the scene of the attack, Huron’s crime will basically be confirmed.

Huron was stunned and gritted his teeth before replying: “I did not give the order to attack! A month ago, a squadron of Star Claw soldiers disappeared.”

But who believes it!

The puppet said calmly: “Just tell the investigation team these words. By the way, there are two exploration expedition groups participating in the attack. It is said that they received your instructions!”

Huron knew that he had nothing to say, and he knew that once he fell into the hands of the investigation team, he would have no chance of getting out alive.

Huron was still full of ambitions, and he didn’t want to die yet, so he said coldly: “I refuse to hand over command, and I will not be captured without mercy!”

The puppet said coldly: “This is not up to you. The puppet has already informed the fleet, the auxiliary army and the Astartes that they will be separated from your command order!”

Huron sneered: “No, you can’t do it, Your Highness, the legion is not just a puppet, it is composed of independent thinking humans!”

Said added: “He is a loyal human being who can think independently. When he knows that the commander of the army is a traitor, he will take it down without hesitation!”

Huron shook his head and smiled bitterly: “No, you are wrong. Haven’t you noticed that there are fewer and fewer soldiers coming to you to warn you recently?”

Said recalled for a moment, and it seemed that that was really the case. At this time, Huron continued: “You think I am the only one who longs for an expedition. If that were the case, I would not be able to hold my position long ago!”

Said’s face changed slightly and he frowned: “What did you do?”

Huron turned his head, looked into the void, and said calmly:

“I didn’t do anything. I just informed the whole army of the fact that you colluded with the Three Evils, so that they would know the true face of their allegiance to the empire!”

“After all, when the expedition was going well, the troops were suddenly ordered to withdraw. The soldiers of World War II need an explanation, right?”

Said sighed and asked: “So Huron, you rebelled, right?”

Huron shook his head: “I did not rebel, I just no longer loyal to the empire, but to humanity, to the God-Emperor, and to eliminate the three evils in the way that the God-Emperor truly expected!”

“So please rest assured, I will not surrender to Chaos, let alone collude with aliens. If possible, I hope the empire will hand over the Ghoul Constellation to me!”

The puppet shook his head: “Dream, the legion and territory are the property of the empire, the property of the God-Emperor. There is no excess, how can they be handed over to the hands of traitors!”

Huron sighed: “I have been preparing for today for nearly a year. Since you want to fight, let’s fight!”

As soon as he finished speaking, countless plasma light groups were shot out from the cracks in the surrounding walls, sieving the giant soldiers. At the same time, a civil war broke out within the legion.

The Legion’s headquarters is located in the Atargatis system. Planet Prime is a habitable planet that was colonized by humans in the Golden Age.

In the original history, this place was the base of the Ash Claws, but in this time and space, the Ash Claws did not appear. Instead, it became a paradise for alien pirates.

After Huron cleared this place, he used it as the headquarters of the legion. The main star stationed the mortal auxiliary army, the star base stationed the fleet and the giant soldiers, and the other planets stationed the puppets.

At this moment, at Huron’s order, the mortal auxiliaries, legion fleets and rebels in the Astartes immediately rose up and massacred the loyalists.

Said later learned that Huron followed the example of the rebel ancestor Luojia, established a warrior association in the legion, exposed Terra’s crimes of disloyalty, and deviated from the path of the God-Emperor.

A large number of soldiers were filled with righteous indignation. The previous sudden retreat was explained. The top management of the empire had been corrupted by traitors, and they had failed to live up to the passion of the frontline soldiers.

Subsequently, the warrior associations spontaneously formed an organization to squeeze out the isolated loyalists, avoid puppet supervision, and sharpen their knives in preparation for the purge of the loyalists.

On Agatatis Prime, a civil war broke out among the mortal auxiliaries. The loyalists were caught off guard and killed in large numbers.

There are not many puppets on the main star, not even one percent of mortals. They can only act as officers, leading the surviving loyalists to resist hard and wait for reinforcements.

At the same time, the numerically superior rebels in the Legion fleet purged loyalists, slaughtered the puppets, seized battleships, and opened fire on puppet-controlled battleships.

The human fleet had an absolute numerical advantage, and the puppet fleet could not resist it. They were all destroyed in a short time, and the puppet auxiliary armies and Titan soldiers stationed on other planets were isolated.

The mortal auxiliary army was suppressed, the legion fleet was purged, and the puppet legion was isolated. The only loyalists who persisted in resistance were individual Astartes regiments.

With the enemy strong and us weak, a total of four regiments escaped and jumped into the warp to join the Prince’s Legion.

The rebel fleet was no longer constrained, and the loyalists began to launch orbital bombardment and issued extermination orders on the planets where the puppets were stationed.

As one resistance base after another was destroyed, one planet after another was destroyed, and the rebels purged the loyalists of Agatatis.

But before Huron could breathe a sigh of relief, the legion controlled by the prince immediately arrived and a fierce battle broke out with the rebel fleet.

Huron frowned, the prince’s fleet arrived earlier than he expected.

As early as several months ago, he sent the prince’s legion to the edge of the galaxy, and it would definitely not be able to return to help in a short time.

Even if they returned to help immediately, they would be ambushed at Mandeville Point and suffer heavy losses.

However, not long after the rebellion broke out, the prince’s legion appeared, and did not go to Mandeville Point, but used conventional power to kill from a neighboring galaxy.

This further shows that Sayid had been prepared, and the order to go to the border was not executed at all.

This cast a shadow on Huron’s heart, and then he ordered the fleet to form a formation to fight against the Prince’s Legion.

However, the rebels lacked puppets at this time, and there were problems with communication and coordination between each other. They had to restart the backward radio and manually operate the macro cannon torpedoes…

Ships need to work together, and the crews need to run in with each other. In the past, a considerable part of the work was replaced by puppets. When the puppets disappeared, the problem broke out immediately.

In Huron’s calculations, the Empire’s anti-rebellion army would not arrive quickly, and he still had time to run in the army, but it turned out that he was wrong.

At this moment, Huron had the idea of ​​retreating in his heart, but it was too late, and the two sides began to fight.

The first weapon used was not the light spear and the nova cannon, but the large-scale emp, which is rarely used because it can only interfere with electromagnetic waves.

The Empire basically uses puppets for communication, and the enemies of the Empire do not use electromagnetic waves. Basically, only the rebels who betrayed the Empire will use electromagnetic communication.

The Huron rebels were clearly in this situation. In an instant, the rebel fleet lost communications, and the command could only rely on shouting, and they basically fought on their own.

Just as they were in a panic, the Prince’s fleet fired a salvo of nova cannons, blowing up a large number of warships, followed by countless light spears, and missile carrier-based aircraft covered them like clouds.

In an instant, the rebel fleet suffered heavy losses, and half of the fleet was gone in an instant. The loyal fleet had an absolute numerical advantage.

When the rebels came to their senses, a large number of Space Marines launched a boarding, and the battle barge broke into the warship, and the loyal Space Marines rushed into the cabin.

Bolt guns roared, plasma flew, and chainsaw swords roared. Mortal sailors had no resistance in front of the demigod warriors and were easily slaughtered.

Huron only had four regiments, which could not meet the defense of thousands of warships at all. They could only defend important warships, and the others could only leave it to fate.

The loyalist Space Marines slaughtered without peer, while shouting that they would not be killed if they surrendered. The survivors knelt down and surrendered, and the loyalists easily took over the warships one by one.

Under the command of the Space Marines, the captured rebel warships turned their guns and turned their guns to the remaining rebel warships. They were blown to pieces under close-range volleys.

In the end, Huron escaped with 20 warships, including a battleship, two battlecruisers, ten cruisers, and seven battle barges.

Sayid immediately ordered a pursuit, and nearly 10,000 warships were chasing and intercepting. If nothing unexpected happened, Huron would have nowhere to escape and only the fate of defeat.

However, at this moment, a large number of battle barges rushed in, and Sayid recognized that it was the rebellious Exploration Expedition.

After attacking the Piercing Sword, they cleared the puppets, and Sayid lost their trace.

They quickly attacked Mandeville Point. At this time, the loyal fleet was encircling Huron. Mandeville Point was not prepared, and the fleet was quickly defeated.

At this time, the Huron fleet risked accelerating to the speed of light, rushed to Mandeville Point, and at the same time turned on the subspace engine and successfully entered the subspace.

At this point, Huron escaped and ascended to heaven. Sayid beat his chest and stamped his feet, but at this moment, the Ghoul Star Cluster was shrouded in a warp storm. Sayid was surprised and said: “Brother Emperor, did you do it?” The Emperor affirmed: “Future prophecies show that Luft Huron will become a scourge that is no less than Abaddon. Let him die here as much as possible!” Sayid nodded: “Okay, I will make sure that he can’t fly away!” The warp storm blocked the Ghoul Star Cluster, which means that Huron can’t escape to the interior of the empire, so there is only one direction – the Eldar virgin world! At this moment, a large blue fleet left Mandeville Point, and a huge toilet logo on the hull was shining. The flagship was the Glory of Macragge! Then the voice of Guilliman came from the communication platform: “Your Highness, the Ultramar Legion reports to you and requests to pursue the Huron rebels!


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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