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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 205 The death of Huron and the appearance of the Ark of Omen

“It couldn’t have come at a better time!”

Said complained in his mind.

Huron had been crippled, and Guilliman’s main force had just arrived. His only task was to chase the remaining soldiers, which was very easy.

However, he believed that Guilliman did not do it on purpose. It was already fast enough from the time he received the order to assemble the army and travel from Okrama to the Ghoul Sector.

Therefore, Said did not have any dissatisfaction, but calmly said:

“Go and bring back the Huron head. You will not accept any negotiations. If you let Huron go due to carelessness or other reasons, you will be severely punished.”

Guilliman saluted solemnly and said: “Yes, Your Highness, I promise to complete the mission!”

Subsequently, Guilliman led thousands of warships deep into the void to pursue the remnants of the Huron army.

Said also contacted the exploratory expedition fleet operating nearby and asked for assistance in pursuing the traitor Huron. If successful, the exploratory expedition could be ended early.

In the exploration war group, the Huron Hardcore had already rebelled. Even though the remaining war groups usually had a good relationship with Huron, once Huron failed, they would immediately fall into trouble.

They are sitting on the fence and watching. If Huron wins, they may join in support, but if Huron loses, they must do something to show their loyalty to the empire.

With the exploration expedition and the local snakes in front, and the pursuit of Guilliman behind, it is not difficult to imagine that Huron has no wings and cannot fly.

So Said left Huron behind and began to deal with the aftermath.

In this battle, the Huron Legion was crippled and its designation was directly revoked, becoming the first mixed regiment in the empire to be revoked.

All the legion loyalists died, and all five billion survivors were dismissed as traitors to the empire. Said first shot all mid-level and senior officers, creating four million corpses.

Considering that the remaining prisoners had performed meritorious services and accelerated Huron’s defeat, Said spared their lives, but this did not mean that they were acquitted.

In order to atone for their sins, five billion rebels and the next six generations of descendants were sentenced to hard labor. Most of them would be incorporated into the Penal Legion to serve the Emperor.

After dealing with the prisoners, Said took over the government affairs of the sector, appeased the planetary governors and trading merchants, and restored the economy of the Ghoul sector as soon as possible.

Although the Huron Rebellion did not affect the local planets, it inevitably made everyone in the planetary governors feel in danger, and the already scarce merchant ships disappeared.

This directly led to a shrinking of consumption, a depression in the market, hindering trade in the sector, people falling into panic, and the Chaos Sect taking advantage of the situation.

The key is to stabilize confidence. With confidence, consumption will increase, people’s lives will improve, and chaos will not be able to take advantage of the situation.

Therefore, Said sent a large number of puppets to various worlds to explain the current situation to the planetary governors, provide financial assistance, and make promises to the trade guilds.

With the credibility of the Imperial Prince, market confidence was quickly restored, and trade in the sector returned to prosperity, quickly returning to the pre-war state.

At the same time, Guilliman commanded the Okrama Army to press forward step by step. Huron was like a rat crossing the street, hiding in XZ, and the space for movement became increasingly narrow.

In the end, they were desperate and plunged into the Eldar space. However, when Guilliman’s fleet pursued them to the border, they were intercepted by the Ark Eldar.

“Please leave, lowly beings. According to the armistice agreement, your fleet is not allowed to enter here!”

Guilliman was angry: “The empire rebelled and fled into your territory. Since entry is not allowed, it is up to you to hand it over, otherwise we will go in and find it ourselves!”

The Ark Fleet refuted: “That is your own business as a human being. It has nothing to do with I, Ada, and I will not be involved in your civil war!”

Guilliman sneered and said: “No, you have already been involved. Hand over the Empire’s rebellion, otherwise you will be treated as a traitor and will be wiped out together!”

“Are you planning to go to war with the Empire?”

Ark Fleet: “You…”

Guilliman’s tyranny left him speechless. After a moment, he said: “We will give you the person within three days. Before that, it is forbidden to cross the border, otherwise it will be regarded as a declaration of war!”

Guilliman nodded: “Okay, I’ll wait for your news!”

As a result, a day later, news came from the Eldar: “Your Excellency Guilliman, your target is not in our universe. He left half a day ago.”

Guilliman said coldly: “Are you kidding me? I’ll give you the last chance to either hand over someone or open the border and let the Empire go in and search!”

At this time, Ada sent a string of codes and said, “Please listen to me. He is currently at this coordinate. You can go and verify it.”

“Please be sure to kill them all. Just now, they bombed a virgin world, activated the webway and fled, but we didn’t stop them.”

Guilliman said disdainfully: “A declining and proud civilization cannot even stop a group of bandits. It’s such a waste.”

After saying that, he changed course and headed to the coordinate position. There, Guilliman saw the Huron fleet and sent a communication:

“Huron, surrender, Your Highness will only kill the culprit, and your battle group may survive!”

Huron said angrily: “A group of traitors, traitors of mankind, I will not surrender to the traitors!”

Guilliman shook his head and said: “You are wrong Huron. You are the traitor. Don’t make unnecessary sacrifices and surrender quickly!”

Huron laughed and said: “Father, a few days ago, I was trapped in the subspace turbulence and drifted for several years. During this period, a voice told me that I was right.”

Guilliman’s face changed greatly: “That’s a warp demon, you’ve been corrupted! My child!”

Huron said helplessly: “Maybe, they support me in killing aliens, heretics, demons, and opposing subspace, but the empire does not support me in doing so. Do you think it’s ironic?”

Guilliman frowned: “The demons will sell the ropes to hang them, but until then, your soul will be tortured forever!”

Huron nodded: “No matter which side I choose, the result will be death, but subspace supports my ideals and promises to help me!”

Guilliman closed his eyes and said in pain: “You have fallen, my child, may your soul be purified in the Golden Throne!”

“Nova Cannon, fire!”

Hundreds of Nova Cannons fired volleys, blocking all directions for the Huron ships to escape. If nothing unexpected happened, the remaining Huron troops would be killed along with the ships.

The ship was shot up as expected, and Guilliman was about to breathe a sigh of relief when the puppet beside him said: “Don’t be careless, Huron is not dead yet!”

Guilliman was stunned: “What? How is that possible!”

Under the concentrated fire of dozens of Nova Cannons, Huron had no chance of surviving. He immediately asked the puppet why, but the puppet shook his head and said:

“I don’t know. This is a reminder from the God Emperor. Huron is still alive and not dead!”

Guilliman thought quickly and quickly eliminated all possibilities, leaving only one guess, which was that Huron was not in the fleet at all.

So where is he?

Combined with the whispers of the subspace evil god, there is only one possibility.

Guilliman immediately ordered: “Disperse the entire army, form a search formation, and search the surrounding space!”

The Ultramar legion immediately dispersed, activated the auspicious device, scanned the surrounding space, and soon discovered something.

Calgary reported: “Father, the surrounding subspace is extremely active!”

Guilliman said: “Nonsense, the God-Emperor has set off a warp storm, of course he is active!”

Calgar shook his head: “The God-Emperor subspace storm follows a specific frequency, but the frequency we detected is different from before, indicating that this space subspace is interfered by the evil god.”

Guilliman was lost in thought, but there was too little information to analyze, so he ordered: “Continue searching and continue reporting!”

But at this moment, the outer spacecraft was attacked, and a large number of energy groups and unknown beam weapons were launched, blasting a large number of outer ships.

The Ultramar Legion immediately formed a defensive formation to guard against attacks from all directions. The augury was turned to maximum, trying to find the source of the attack.

At this moment, the void ahead was distorted, and a group of strangely twisted ships left the subspace and entered the real universe.

Guilliman was surprised to find that these ships were a mixture of various waste ships in the subspace, and each one was unique, just like a mountain of garbage for the orcs.

But unlike the garbage mountains, these abandoned ships are less rough and wild, and more eerie and strange.

Because the orcs will not paint the battleship black, let alone let some parts of the structure squirm on their own, as if there is life.

Guilliman wondered: “What is this? A Black Legion ship? Could it be that they were involved in the Huron Rebellion!”

But Said denied this speculation: “Cadia’s reconnaissance ship reported that the Black Legion was fighting fiercely with the Greenskins in the Eye of Terror. They are currently at a disadvantage and unable to interfere with the Huron Rebellion.”

Guilliman nodded: “That’s right. If they had these battleships, they would have reinforced the Eye of Terror a long time ago and would not have sent them here at all!”

“But in the Eye of Fear, only the Black Legion has the ability to create a fleet. If it doesn’t come from the Black Legion, then who does it come from?”

Said had a guess in his mind, but he was not sure yet and did not say it. He just said to Guilliman:

“No matter who they are, they are enemies, let’s start the fight and kill them!”

“Yes, Your Highness the Prince!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the Nova Cannon fired a salvo. Dozens of high-speed projectiles focused on the hulk, but were blocked by the hulk’s unknown shield. Guilliman said in surprise:

“What kind of shield is this? It can actually block dozens of Nova Cannon salvos!”

The puppet on the side said faintly: “The technology of the Golden Age is a variant of the void shield technology, but because of artificial intelligence, humans cannot use it.”

“Many of these scrap ships come from the Golden Age. They must be able to apply the above technology to a certain extent to defend against attacks by imperial ships!”

Guilliman was curious: “Does His Highness know how to crack it?”

The puppet shook his head: “Humans in the Golden Age can compete with the Eldar at their peak. The Nova Cannon technology comes from the Eldar, but it is still a incomplete version, so it cannot beat them.”

“Use the Claws of the Void. The technology of the Golden Age can only be dealt with with the weapons of the Golden Age!”

Guilliman nodded solemnly: “Got it, Macragge’s Glory! Attack!”

Among Guilliman’s private army, only the flagship Macragge’s Glory was equipped with the Void Claw. In order to defeat Huron, Guilliman personally attacked. “

At the same time, the Nova Cannon was still firing salvos. Guilliman brought thousands of warships, at least dozens of them equipped with Nova Cannons. Under the salvo, they had a powerful output.

Even if it cannot break through the shield, it can increase the burden on the generator and enhance the impact of the Void Claw.

At the same time that Macragge’s Glory was advancing, Huron continued through the communication channel:

“Father, the subspace has given me a fleet and soldiers, allowing me to roam freely in the galaxy, killing heretics, slaying aliens, and destroying demons without any restrictions!”

“As long as I have these, I can carry out the will of the God Emperor, eliminate the three evils from the galaxy, protect mankind, and protect the galaxy! It is much better than your Laoshizi Empire!”

Guilliman sneered and mocked:

“It’s ridiculous. How can subspace destroy itself? Countless fallen people have the same idea as you, but in the end they find that they are just pawns in the evil god’s game.”

Huron didn’t believe it: “You are lying to me. That great being signed a contract with me. It gave me troops and support. As long as I help him find things, I can use the troops at will!”

Guilliman was alert: “What are you looking for?”

Huron laughed and taunted: “Do you think I will tell you? A traitor who colludes with aliens!”

The puppet listened to their conversation, and Said verified his guess and knew which evil god Huron had taken refuge in – Vashtor, known as Vashtor.

This guy controls the largest industrial base in subspace – the Soul Furnace, from which all the technological products of the gods and demon armies come.

In the original history, this guy provided Abaddon with a battleship called the Ark of Omen after the Great Rift opened.

In return, the Black Legion must help Vashtor find holy relics across the galaxy and assemble a key to help Vashtor become the Sixth Evil God.

These Huron ships must be the Ark of Evil Omen, as expected.

Combined with the emperor’s prophecy, Huron is likely to do something with the Ark of Omen, so Said is determined to kill him.

He told Guilliman about the general situation of the Ark of Omen, and Guilliman said solemnly: “Don’t worry, Your Highness, I will do my best to destroy such a blasphemous creation!”

At this time, the Macragge’s Glory entered the attack range, and the Claws of the Void immediately launched. Dozens of black holes surrounded the Ark of Omen. Huron was completely sucked in before he could say a word.

No matter how weird or magical the Ark of Omen is, it is still a three-dimensional world material. Under the strong gravity, it is instantly compressed into an iron ball, and all life inside disappears.

At this point, Luft Huron died, and his life as a red pirate was over before it even began.

After confirming that there were no survivors, Guilliman was about to leave when he was stopped by Said:

“Wait a minute, there is something in the galaxy where the Ark of Omen is stationed. It is temporarily blocked and waiting for the scientific research ship to arrive.”

Guilliman asked curiously: “What is that? Your Highness the Prince!”

Said replied: “It’s a holy relic. The evil god behind Huron used the holy relic to assemble the key and ascended to become the god of chaos.”

Guilliman looked startled and said seriously: “Your Highness, don’t worry, I will take good care of this galaxy!”

At this time, the subspace storm disappeared, and the scientific research ship passed through the subspace, reunited with the Ultramar fleet, and launched a microscopic scan of the galaxy.

A crystal was soon discovered under a mountain. The crystal was made of an unknown substance and formed into a regular shape, which proved that it was not naturally formed.

It is also the only unnatural object in the entire galaxy.

Said pondered: “This should be the holy relic. I will immediately send a prince’s army to join you and escort the holy relic back to Terra!”

As long as one piece of the holy relic is missing, Wa Banxian will not be able to form a key, will not be able to be promoted to the priesthood, and will not be able to threaten humans.

Said cheered in his heart: “Brother Huang, do the other evil gods in the subspace know the existence of the holy relic? Do they also want to prevent Vashtor from being promoted?”

At present, there are only five gods with the highest status in the subspace. They are like the Wuchang, instinctively refusing to add new members. Wa Banxian is promoted. The script can refer to Asan’s entry into the Changchun.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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