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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 206 The curse attacks Wa Banxian, and Wa Banxian borrows a knife to kill someone.

Every time a new power rises, it will be suppressed by the existing power. This is true for the earth, and the same is true for the Milky Way. The same is true for subspace, which gathers human emotions.

Neither the Emperor nor the four human gods are willing to see Vashtor become the sixth Chaos God and share the souls of living creatures in the real universe with them.

Therefore, Sai Yidan asked: “Brother Huang, if this happens, will the four gods of chaos join forces to attack Vashtor? We can also join in!”

The Emperor shook his head: “They won’t. Vashtor and the Four Chaos Gods maintain a fragile alliance. The Four Chaos Gods need the industrial products of the Soul Forge.”

Said ignored the identities of subspace capitalists and industrial trusts. If anyone offends Wa Banxian, Wa Banxian will sell weapons to your opponent.

If there is a conflict, you will find that there is a demon armored vehicle on the opposite side but you do not, so the subspace gods will basically not openly conflict with Wa Banxian.

Don’t you see, on earth, the arms dealer is the king of war in the Black State!

Just when Said gave up the strategy of using barbarians to fight barbarians, the emperor changed the subject:

“However, the Four Gods of Chaos are indeed unwilling to see the rise of Vashtor, and are prepared to take some measures.”

Said’s eyes lit up, as if he had thought of something, and guessed: “Could it be that… I’m looking for you, Brother Huang?”

Among the five evil gods, only the Emperor does not need Vashtor’s arms. He has a more stable and reliable source of arms – the Empire itself!

In the Prince’s Ridge, a large number of curses leave the subspace every year, transporting the guns, tanks, and battleships of the prince’s territory, becoming a stable source of arms for the curses.

Since it is not convenient for Wa Banxian’s customers to take action, it would be better to let forces that are convenient and unrestricted attack Wa Banxian.

The Emperor confirmed Said’s guess and said: “Yes, Tzeentch found me on behalf of the Four Gods and promised not to cause trouble in the empire in the near future and let me attack the Soul Forge!”

Said sneered: “The Four Gods are wrestling with Gao Mao in the Eye of Terror! Of course they can’t use their hands to conquer the empire! Are you going to agree, Brother Huang?”

The emperor said calmly: “Of course, he corrupted Huron. This debt cannot be settled like this. He must be severely punished and he will not dare to covet the empire again!”

Said offered 10,000 support for this. In the original Thirteenth Black Crusade in history, Vashtor, as an ally of Abaddon, provided a large amount of support.

In the plot of Ark of Omen, it slaughtered a large number of imperial worlds in search of holy relics. Regardless of whether it has ill intentions towards the empire or not, it is an enemy of the empire.

So the sooner we suppress it, the better.

Therefore, Said decided to provide Cursed with all the equipment of a legion, including battleships, to enhance the Emperor’s combat power in the subspace.

After finalizing Vashtor’s countermeasures, Said asked another question: “Brother Huang, how is the battle between Mao Mao and the Four Gods in subspace?”

The emperor said helplessly: “Since the orcs stabilized their position and the survival crisis of Gaomao has been lifted, they have started fighting among themselves again. The four gods are gradually returning to the situation.”

When there is no boss among the orcs, they will fight among themselves until the boss is born. As the god of the green-skinned race, Gaomao naturally inherits the green-skinned nature, and must distinguish between superior and inferior, and no one will obey anyone.

In the face of an existential crisis, they can put aside their prejudices and temporarily cease fighting. When the existential crisis is over, they will immediately continue fighting each other for trillions of years.

The two of them are equally powerful, and it is not difficult to imagine that this internal struggle will last longer until the greenskins are once again in crisis.

On the other hand, although the four gods are fighting among themselves, they are generally fighting without breaking up. They usually deal with their own affairs, and there is less internal friction than fighting.

This is specifically reflected in the fact that the Black Legion received help from a large number of demonic troops, which offset the numerical advantage that the Green Skins were proud of. In addition, the Black Legion’s elite beheadings continued to cause the Green Skins to fall into internal strife.

The greenskins began to fall into disadvantage.

Said frowned and thought, he didn’t want the green skins to lose too quickly, otherwise the black army would be free to engage in the empire, and the empire’s development progress would be slowed down.

So, Said said: “How about I ask Cadia to launch an expedition into the abyss to help the greenskins stop their defeat?”

The emperor said calmly: “It’s useless. I have already asked the curse to intervene to prevent the black army from beheading, but the black army can fail ten thousand times, and the green skin cannot afford to lose even once.”

Can the greenskins stop the black legions from decapitating them?

Said sighed, no one can stop Abaddon except the Bonecrusher!

But according to intelligence, as Gomao continued to fight among themselves, the God-chosen Bonebreaker disappeared somewhere. No matter how strong the new green-skinned boss was, he couldn’t compare to the Bonebreaker, and he couldn’t beat Abaddon in a one-on-one fight.

The emperor said calmly: “The greenskins will lose this battle, but in the long term, the Eye of Terror will inevitably become a malignant tumor that spreads wantonly like the Empire.”

The Black Legion did not have genetic radiation bombs, so they could only kill a thousand enemies and suffer eight hundred self-destructions through chemotherapy, which further reduced the Four Gods’ control over the Eye of Terror.

Since the greenskins must be defeated, Abaddon will be free sooner or later to launch the Thirteenth Black Crusade. If Said wants to prolong this time, he cannot passively defend.

He made an agreement with the Emperor to send the Cursed and Cadian fleets to continuously attack the Eye of Terror to delay the defeat of the greenskins. In addition, the Cursed Bind would attack the Soul Forge to delay the rise of the Vulcan Immortal.

At the same time, in the Ghoul Constellation, next to the destroyed Huron Ark of Omen, another Ark of Omen appeared. According to the Ark symbol, they came from the Dark Mechanicum.

After Huron’s Ark turned into an iron ball, because the gravity disappeared, the parts wanted to spread in all directions, becoming a pile of space junk.

The Dark Mechanicus collected the fragments, analyzed them carefully, and exclaimed: “Man-made black holes…what an amazing technology, how terrifying the empire is!”

The technical priest beside him said: “We need to report to the Lord of Machinery and strengthen the Ark of Omen, otherwise the search for the holy relics will be greatly hindered.”

Most of the Empire’s battleship-level ships are equipped with Void Claws. If it is not resolved, the Ark of Omen will have no advantage over the Empire’s battleships and will only be killed instantly.

The empire’s territory extends across the galaxy, and most of the holy relics are in the empire. The imperial fleet is a hurdle that cannot be circumvented.

Somewhere in the subspace, there are huge foundries with abstract shapes, full of black iron and steam, gears and collisions, roars and pistons.

In this twisted mechanical kingdom, countless contracts were reached, countless demons merged with machines, put on collars, and became terrifying demon engines.

The demons gain great power in exchange for providing enough souls to the master here.

Deep in the mechanical kingdom, a huge figure with a body wrapped in brass metal and holding a golden ax is reading the report of the Black Mechanicus.

It is Vashtor, known as the first arms dealer in subspace, and this is his kingdom – the soul furnace.

He stared at the report, motionless, as if thinking. After an unknown amount of time, it calmly said:

“The repair progress of Blackstone Fortress has reached 57%. It is still too slow. Ten additional production lines will be added! It must be completed as soon as possible!”

Immediately afterwards, its gaze fell on the human empire across the galaxy through the surging purple waves, and said calmly:

“Golden sun of subspace, will you be an obstacle on my way to promotion?”


A resounding answer came from the Sea of ​​Souls, followed by a huge golden fleet rushing out of the huge purple waves, hovering over the Machine Kingdom.

However, before Vashtor could reply, the Golden Fleet began an orbital bombardment. The explosion flames swept through the Soul Forge, turning countless factories into scrap metal.

Vashtor roared, and in an instant a large number of battleships and aircraft took off to fight the golden fleet. However, there were too many golden battleships. They gathered the faith of trillions of humans and easily crushed the Vash’s fleet.

Said provided a legion, thousands of warships, and the past accumulation of the Cursed Legion, which were enough to determine the outcome of a divine war.

In the end, the Wa Banxian fleet failed to withstand the bombing of the gold fleet. After the soul furnace turned into ruins, the fleet flew away, leaving only the incompetent and furious Wa Banxian.

Even though his mind was as calm as a machine, he still felt an uncontrollable anger at this moment. He had to do something. The entire subspace thought he was easy to bully.

The original plan was to speed up the repair process of Blackstone Fortress, support Abaddon, and accelerate the Thirteenth Black Crusade. Now the factory is in ruins and reconstruction will take more time.

This move alone would not be able to take revenge on the empire. He had to think of a killing move that would be more effective.

Soon, a plan to kill someone with a borrowed knife came to mind, and it said: “Go, spread this news!”

At the same time, in the Eye of Terror, Said looked at the fleeing black army with satisfaction. Just now, they were attacking the greenskins and were backstabbed by the Cadian fleet.

The greenskins escaped and ascended to heaven, and the black legions were defeated and fled. The more the black legions failed, the farther away the Thirteenth Black Crusade was.

In addition, he also discovered that the Black Legion’s demon engines were getting fewer and fewer, and ammunition was getting scarcer. Said couldn’t help but guess that there was something wrong with Wa Banxian, and it must be the work of the Emperor.

Just when the situation was looking good, a Necron demon engine suddenly appeared in the solar system, instantly penetrated the defense system and headed for Mars.

Terra was caught off guard, Said was confused, not knowing what the Necrons were trying to do, and according to the emblem, the World Engine came from the Sotec dynasty.

Since Trazin teleported away the Tomb World, the Empire has not had a conflict with Sotec. This sudden fight is really strange.

But Said quickly stopped thinking and sounded the alarm on Mars. At the same time, he dispatched the solar fleet and tens of thousands of warships to attack the world engine.

During the Battle of Orpheus, the Empire had destroyed the World Engine and had a lot of experience. It knew that its shield was extremely strong and that neither the Nova Cannon nor the Light Spear could penetrate it.

But like the void shield, it could not intercept slow-moving objects, so a strike cruiser was flown into it and used as a landing module to drop 3,000 Titan soldiers.

The Titan Weapon killed the God when it blocked the God, and the Buddha when it blocked the Buddha. It easily destroyed the shield generator and successfully destroyed the shield. Finally, the cyclone torpedo was launched, destroying the world engine.

Subsequently, Said ordered the imperial fleet to retaliate, launching cyclone torpedoes at 5 of the 20 undead worlds that had been identified, destroying a large number of undead in their sleep.

Said couldn’t find the Sotec dynasty, so he took action on other Necron dynasties, and at the same time started wide-area broadcasts throughout the galaxy:

“Zandrick, come out immediately for a decisive battle, or else we will destroy more undead worlds!”

Terra is the heart of the empire. Said must not be passive in defense. He must take the initiative and show his tough skills to scare all villains.

Zandric is a warrior full of honor, determined to revive the undead civilization, and will never sit back and watch his compatriots be killed in their sleep.

Soon the Figure King came to the door and said anxiously: “Your Highness, this is all a misunderstanding!”

Said sneered: “Misunderstanding? I will send a fleet to praise your museum now, and I will tell you about the misunderstanding again!”

Trazin waved his hand hurriedly: “Please listen to me. Zandrik heard that the Void Dragon was sealed underground on Mars. He was worried that once it wakes up, it will take revenge on the Necrons, so he wants to blow up Mars.”

The Void Dragon is one of the Star Gods. The Star God is an omnipotent god in the real universe. He once dominated the Necrons and won the war with the Old Saints.

Later, the undead stabbed the star gods in the back and blew them into pieces. Their strength was not as good as before, and they became the pets and batteries of the undead.

The Void Dragon is a relatively complete star god, able to control all machinery in the real universe, including the steel body of the undead.

In the Mechanicus, the Void Dragon was once considered the god of all machines.

A long time ago, the Void Dragon had a fight with the Emperor and was sealed by the Emperor, but the Necrons were not at ease and were always worried that the Void Dragon would break the seal.

Zandrik, who cares about his race, decided to eliminate the hidden dangers, so he launched this invasion of Mars.

Trazin explained: “We have no ill intentions towards humans. After my persuasion, Zandrik realized his mistake and will not invade Mars again.”

Said sneered and said: “Are you going to just let it go? In human law, attempted murder is also murder. Shouldn’t you pay the price for your attempt to massacre tens of billions of people on Mars?”

Trazin helplessly held up her forehead: “Here we go again, Your Highness, is there ever a time when you don’t rip me off?”

Said said coldly: “You have to admit when you are wrong, and you have to stand upright when you are beaten. Of course, you can also turn over the table, give up the ten tomb worlds, and let me appease the dissatisfaction in the country.”

Trazin sighed: “I just learned about the Void Dragon on Mars, otherwise I would have gone to take a peek. How did Zandric know about it? Aren’t you curious?”

Said shrugged: “This information is not enough compensation!”

Trazin continued: “As you know, Zandrick has some brain problems, so he often sees hallucinations. Recently, he saw the Void Dragon underground on Mars in his hallucinations.”

“Hallucination?” Said smelled a conspiracy, and it came from the subspace. He immediately asked: “Are the undead also affected by the subspace?”

Trazin shook his head and said: “It’s hard to say, but if it is a subspace creation, it is possible. Has the empire offended any new enemies recently?”

Said immediately remembered Vashtor, the demonic demigod of inventions and engineers, and immediately exposed him.

Trazin touched his chin: “If it is him, it is indeed possible. Let’s do this. As compensation, I will tell you the locations of other holy relics.”

Said was surprised: “Can you find the holy relic?”

Trazin nodded: “Of course, the holy relics will be activated one after another to emit subspace fluctuations, and we can detect the location.”

Now that another holy relic has been activated, Vashtor, who wants to be promoted, will definitely send troops to look for it, and the empire can ambush it at that time.

Thinking of this, Said smiled ferociously and said: “It’s a deal, let’s use this as compensation!”

Trazin also said relaxedly: “You should be punished for using my compatriots as knives!”

In the original history, the world engine exploded Mars, but it happened, and the result was no doubt that it was sent back.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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