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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 207 The Oil Man’s Rebellion

In the Obscure Star Territory, a forging world in the Gothic Sector, the Supervisory Puppet found the Forging General and said:

“According to intelligence, Chaos will invade here in the near future. Please be prepared. The reinforcement fleet is on its way.”

After the end of the Beast Wars, the Mechanicus launched a rebellion that led to the first Black Legion invasion, which was ultimately defeated in Cadia, after which Terra deployed puppet overseers on all Forge Worlds.

They are usually a regiment of Titan soldiers stationed on a star base and a strike cruiser fleet. Once a rebellion occurs, the supervisory regiment will become the last bastion of the loyalists.

However, the Mechanicus is independent of Terra’s official government, and the Inspection Corps has become Terra’s only military force within the Mechanicum.

The star base is still controlled by the Mechanicus, and the Mechanicus fleet still has an absolute advantage. Therefore, the defense of the galaxy must rely on the Mechanicus.

After receiving the reminder from the Titan Soldier, the Forging General did not immediately prepare for war, but asked:

“Your Highness, do you know the time of invasion? You know that the Forge World conducts massive experiments every day, and war preparations will inevitably interrupt research experiments.”

Said said coldly: “Research is more important? Or is it more important to protect the world of Ohm Messiah? Is research and experiment not as important as Ohm Messiah’s loyalty?”

Due to the existence of subspace, the research efficiency of the Mechanicus is extremely low. All technological breakthroughs come from Said’s instructions, and none of them are archeology and independent research and development.

After the Iron Man Rebellion, the technology of the Golden Age became unreliable. Even though Said knew the entire technology tree, less than 2% could be used.

Not to mention going to archeology, even if a complete technology is found, it cannot be used because of hatred of intelligence and subspace pollution.

Therefore, for humans, the role of the Mechanicus is to preserve technological seeds, waiting to isolate subspace, and help humans achieve technological take-off.

Said continued: “As far as I know, in the past ten thousand years, your scientific research achievements have only been three: improving lubricants, reducing gear wear, and increasing the laser gun’s ammunition capacity by an average of two rounds.”

“This is still done with my technical support. Don’t you think the research and development capabilities are too low? Just for these so-called research, you turn a blind eye to the threat of Chaos!”

The puppet shook his head helplessly: “To be honest, it’s hard for me not to doubt your loyalty!”

This is a very serious accusation, and could be grounds for the Overseer to issue an Exterminator against any Forge World.

The Foundry General was so frightened that he lost his soul and immediately denied: “No, Your Highness, we will immediately implement your instructions and the Forge World will be on first-level combat readiness!”

Then he gave the order, and the entire forge world began to mobilize. Countless servitors and skitarii stopped what they were doing and entered combat positions.

A large number of puppets act as liaison officers and grassroots officers, commanding and coordinating at all levels.

There is no land of soldiers and trees in the forging world, and each puppet dies one by one. Although the number is huge, it is still a very precious resource and cannot be used casually as cannon fodder.

In comparison, various servitors are cheap cannon fodder. They are made by human criminals and are similar to programmed robots. They are fearless and extremely loyal.

Said controlled the puppet to inspect the war preparations everywhere, and praised with satisfaction: “You are still loyal. If you successfully resist the invasion, you will receive a technical reward.”

Carrots and sticks, a combination of kindness and power, can ensure the loyalty of the oil guy.

The Foundry General beamed with joy and said with sincerity: “Praise Om Messiah, praise the original power, we will always be loyal.”

In the values ​​of the Mechanicus, the value of life is directly proportional to knowledge. The more knowledge an individual contains, the more valuable life is.

Said’s free technology reward increases the life value of the oil guy, which is an extremely valuable reward.

The technology of the golden age is the link between the Oil Guy’s loyalty to the Empire. Said cannot imagine how to maintain the loyalty of the Mechanicum once all the capital is exhausted.

In ten thousand years, most of the capital has been eaten up. If there is no way to isolate the subspace and develop science and technology safely, the empire is likely to face disintegration.

This is something Said never wants to see.

While his thoughts were racing, a strong subspace storm appeared in the space surrounding the forge world, and then an Ark fleet of bad omen entered the galaxy and engaged in a battle with the Mechanicus fleet.

Unlike the Empire’s million worlds, there are not many forged worlds in the Adeptus Mechanicus where the main force of the fleet can be concentrated to defend them.

Therefore, the Ark of Omen encountered a strong blockage and competed with the Mechanicus fleet for control of the universe.

General Casting asked: “Your Highness, when will the reinforcements arrive?”

The puppet said calmly: “We have already been ambushing around the galaxy and will be here soon!”

As soon as he finished speaking, an Inquisition fleet appeared on the outskirts of the galaxy and attacked the Mechanicus fleet from both front and back. The Nova Cannon continuously shot through the Chaos Hulk, causing heavy damage.

In front of the well-prepared empire, the Ark of Omen fleet was in danger. They were scarred in an instant. If nothing happened, they would be wiped out soon.

But an accident happened at this moment. The Mechanicus fleet, which had been fighting the enemy bravely, suddenly switched sides and aimed its guns at friendly forces and opened fire.

The Loyal Mechanicus were unprepared and were caught off guard by the macrocannons and light spears. They were quickly wiped out. Then they merged with the Ark of Omen and charged towards the Inquisition fleet.

At the same time, riots broke out in the Forge World. Skitarii and rebels fought together. Cultists used evil rituals to fuse human limbs with machines to create blasphemous engines.

The situation reversed instantly, and the balance of victory began to swing.

Said angrily asked the Foundry General: “What did you do? Such a large fleet rebelled like this? How did you manage your ideological work?”

The foundry general’s soul was gone. As the immediate boss of the galaxy fleet, he could not absolve himself of the blame for the rebellion under his command. He replied incoherently:

“Dear…His Royal Highness, you have been doing well recently. There is no sign of it. Why did you rebel?”

This was a quite serious accident. Even if Terra’s sanctions did not arrive in the end, the Mechanicus would still have to give up part of its power.

When an ally makes a mistake, it’s time to ask for a price.

But this is a later story. Said knew very well that he could not push too hard and push the remaining loyalists to the opposite side, so he ordered:

“Hold the current front immediately and don’t allow the enemy to advance any further. The legion fleet is coming. As long as you hold on until reinforcements arrive, you will win!”

Trazin’s intelligence was still too late. Even if Said assembled the sector army immediately, he still could not arrive before the battle broke out.

We can only ask the Tribunal troops responsible for quick response to provide early support and persist until the main force of the legion arrives.

Originally, this was a foolproof strategy. The Forge World’s troops were not weak enough to hold out for a sufficient period of time. Unexpectedly, some of the troops defected, causing variables in the outcome.

This would be almost impossible to happen in an Imperial world, where Inquisition spies are so pervasive that most of the Three Evils would be nipped in the bud.

However, the Mechanicus is an independent political entity, and the empire has no right to interfere too much. The supervisory team is sparse in number and can only monitor the upper levels and cannot resist Chaos infiltration.

Said was determined to accelerate integration and promote the integration process after this war.

While his thoughts were racing, the rebels and the Ark of Omen detached a part of their fleet and landed in the Forge World.

In the plot of Ark of Evil Omen, Wa Banxian invades the world of oil guys and is directly regarded as the Ohm Messiah, and then is turned into a demon engine by Wa Banxian.

In addition, thirteen black expeditions have recently been conceived, preparing for a big climax, so there are four thousand updates per day.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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