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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 208 Defeat Wa Banxian and reform the Mechanicus

While battling with the Inquisition fleet, the Ark of Omen detached several warships and launched an orbital airborne landing on the Forge World.

The rebels on the ground received reinforcements, and the battle line began to advance. The Daemon Engines exploded with powerful combat power, not only crushing the Skitarii servitors, but also spreading warp corruption, turning more machines into Daemon Engines.

Many servitors turned against each other, grew more limbs and weapons, and even merged together to form a huge adhesive body like a Titan.

Although the Skitarii were large in size, they were quickly defeated and the front advanced towards the burial site of the holy relics.

Under such circumstances, Said’s puppet took over the command and ordered the foundry general:

“Let all troops retreat here and resist until reinforcements arrive!”

This location was exactly where the holy relics were buried. The Titan Soldiers of the Supervisory Group occupied it first and built tight fortifications as a final resistance.

The Foundry General was surprised: “If you go somewhere, what about other areas? Chaos will plunder everything!”

Said’s move was tantamount to giving up valuable industrial equipment and research data and concentrating his troops on a few square kilometers of strongholds. Of course, the founding general was not happy.

Said complained in his heart: “As for Plunder, Wa Banxian’s soul furnace is much larger than this one!”

But he was too lazy to explain and said coldly: “To carry out the order, you still intend to take responsibility for the defeat!”

The Skitarii rebelled, and the Founding General did not have much say. It was still unclear whether to liquidate after the war. He did not dare to disobey Said at this time, so he could only issue the order angrily.

Soon, the rebels and the Vashtor invasion force encountered strong resistance, slowing their advance and allowing the Loyalists to increase their density and make their defenses easier.

General Casting was surprised to find that after the Skitarii retreated, the enemy did not attack the rear, but pressed hard against the Skitarii’s front. He asked doubtfully:

“Your Highness, is there anything buried in the location?”

Said nodded and said: “Yes, the enemy’s invasion this time is to rob the treasure inside. The treasure has been controlled and contained at present. Just wait for the reinforcements to arrive and kill the enemy in one fell swoop!”

The Foundry General wondered what the treasure was, but Said remained silent and refused to answer.

At this time, the battle became fierce. Both the attacker and the defender suffered heavy losses. Every inch of land had to be fought for repeatedly, leaving corpses everywhere.

Time passed little by little, and at this time, the golden sun rays hanging high in the subspace calmed the subspace storm, and the legion fleet immediately jumped through the subspace and arrived at the outskirts of the galaxy.

Five thousand battleships were at the edge of the Chen Bing Galaxy, carrying a huge military force, pressing against the rebel fleet, which numbered only three hundred.

The rebel fleet and even the Inquisition fleet were evenly matched, so they were naturally unable to withstand the main force of the legion and were instantly killed.

The Nova Cannon fired a salvo, and the Void Claws output all their power, instantly destroying a large number of enemy ships.

However, Said keenly discovered anomalies. Those who were slaughtered were the Mechanicus rebels, but the Ark of Omen was blocked by a psychic shield to resist the suction of the black hole.

Psychic energy, as idealistic energy, can transform gravity according to the Grand Unified Theory.

As the god of invention and creation in the subspace, Vashtor can naturally simulate the Grand Unified Theory.

However, the imperial warships had a numerical advantage, and massive nova cannons focused their fire. Under the pressure of Mount Tai, the psychic shields were quickly overloaded, and the Ark of Omen was massacred.

The Legion fleet broke into the galaxy, launched orbital bombardments on the forge world, supported ground operations, cleared landing sites, and launched orbital airborne landings.

Soon the auxiliary troops spread all over the equator and pushed towards the two poles. The invaders and rebels were attacked from both sides, their morale plummeted, and they fled one after another.

The legion fleet intensified its bombing efforts, continuously dropped Space Marines into the defense circle, strengthened the loyalist front, and fought off wave after wave of attacks.

Eventually, the invaders and rebels will retreat, and the defenders and legions will converge to launch a purge of the entire planet while moving the holy relics.

In the Subspace Soul Forge, Vashtor was extremely furious. Its long-planned offensive was thwarted, and the second holy relic was snatched away.

This means that even if all the remaining fragments are found, they will still have to fight a tough battle with the empire to regain the fragments of the holy relic before they can be promoted to god.

Based on the empire’s performance, it was obvious that it had known about the attack for a long time and even knew the role of the holy relics, so it made targeted arrangements.

Being so targeted by a powerful force, Vashtor felt particularly uncomfortable. It urgently needed to plan a battle to divert the empire’s attention and reduce the resistance to collecting holy relics.

Therefore, he once again set his sights on Abaddon and decided to increase cooperation and provide more support to the Black Legion.

When the holy relics arrived at the Palace of Terra, Said breathed a sigh of relief. If Vashtor wanted to become a god, he could only attack Terra.

The solar system is the most heavily defended place in the galaxy. Attacking by force on weekdays is tantamount to cannibalism, so Vashtor has only one chance – the Thirteenth Black Crusade.

Only when Abaddon restrains the main force of the Empire can Vashtor fish in troubled waters and weaken the solar system’s forces.

To this end, Vashtor must strengthen the Black Legion’s combat power. The most direct way is to provide military assistance, just like what Yingjiang did to Ermao.

Moreover, the battle between the Black Legion and the Greenskins is bound to speed up, and the Thirteenth Black Expedition is not far away.

But this was a conspiracy. Even if Said knew what the enemy was doing, he could not stop it. He simply put it behind him and concentrated on farming and internal affairs in the empire to accumulate strength.

In addition, the Mechanicus rebellion must be resolved. After the war, Said launched an extermination order on the Forge World and strengthened control measures against the Mechanicus.

Said also served as the Forge General of Mars, directly controlling Mars through puppets, and subsequently launched reforms within the Mechanicum.

Compared with Terra, Mars has much weaker control over each forge world. If a forge world masters unique technology, it is basically an independent kingdom and can completely ignore Mars’ orders.

After Said took control of Mars, he first strengthened centralization, imitated the Terran system, directly controlled the star base and galaxy fleet, dispatched more inspectors to the Forge World, and included it within the scope of the Inquisition’s law enforcement.

If the Forge World encounters an invasion or rebellion, it will first be attacked by the system fleet. On weekdays, the Inquisition will also maintain infiltration monitoring to ensure the Forge World’s loyalty to the Empire.

In the past, Forge World loyalty relied solely on self-consciousness. The Inquisition was unable to enforce the law in the Forge World, and reforms weakened the Forge World’s independence. Opposition was quickly encountered.

The teachings of the Mechanicum are different from those of the Ecclesiarchy. Forge worlds are worried that the Inquisition will be indiscriminate and indiscriminate in enforcing the law. In panic, individual forge worlds launch rebellions.

Said was well prepared and immediately sent out the prince’s army to suppress it with all its strength.

The Skitarii were vulnerable to the primal power, and the rebellion was easily suppressed. To intimidate, Said used the Order of Extermination against the rebel forge world.

During this period, many Primarchs came to see Said, such as Feinus the Iron Hand, Vulkan the Salamander and other forces that were happy to cooperate with the Mechanicus, and they were worried about the second civil war in the empire.

However, Said’s identity as General of the Foundry and the original driving force of the Mechanicum is naturally legal and refutes concerns.

Under the storm of iron and blood, the Mechanicus quickly succumbed and accepted Terra’s supervision and reduction of power, and the reform was successfully completed.

At the same time, within the Eye of Terror, the Black Legion defeated the Greenskins, like a signal, marking the beginning of the Thirteenth Black Crusade.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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