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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 209: The Era of Decisive Battle, Power Prepares for Thirteen Expeditions

Holy Terra, after a hundred years, the Superman Council convened again.

At the beginning of the meeting, Guilliman gave a detailed work report on behalf of the Internal Affairs Committee. Compared with before the Deterrence Era, the empire’s productivity has increased by 30,000 times!

The entire empire has been developed, and a complete industrial system has been established in each of the millions of worlds. Each galaxy can manufacture all industrial products including warships.

The superposition of their production capacity is enough to unleash extremely terrifying productivity. Even if it is faced with an attack by other powers in the galaxy, the empire can handle it alone.

The participants were excited, especially the primarchs of the main war faction. If the production capacity was used for war, the empire would be invincible.

There were not many wars in the Era of Deterrence, and many of the Primarchs who were born for war were particularly bored. Many Primarchs left Terra and returned to their home planet to farm and raise troops, waiting for the war to resume.

After Guilliman finished his report, Said announced that the era of deterrence was over and that the empire had entered the era of decisive battle. The Primarch of the main combat faction cheered and the Internal Affairs Committee looked calm.

Said said: “Everyone, the time for farming and development is over. The empire will launch a comprehensive jihad against the galaxy to completely eliminate the three evils and give mankind a bright future!”

“Long live the God-Emperor!”

“The Candle Emperor’s will will destroy the monsters in the cave!”

The Primarchs shouted their loyalty and looked forward to the final holy war. Said continued:

“Everyone, our primary enemy is the Black Legion. According to intelligence, they will launch the Thirteenth Black Expedition. The scale of the expedition is far greater than any previous one.”

The original body showed disdain. In the past, Said had been victorious against Abaddon, and the Black Legion had been turned into a rogue force.

Said reminded: “The Black Legion has received reinforcements from the subspace gods. Both war equipment and the number of troops have been greatly enhanced.”

“Of course, it is still not comparable to the Empire, but in the Hazy Star Territory, it will become a threat that cannot be underestimated.”

Ryan asked: “What does His Highness plan to do?”

Said replied: “First of all, expand the army. I propose to expand the army by three thousand. Guilliman, are the personnel and materials enough?”

Guilliman patted his chest and said, “His Royal Highness, there is no problem at all. The materials and personnel are more than enough!”

Said nodded: “To make iron, you need to be strong. The empire will attack first and use endless troops, endless artillery shells, and endless steel to drown all enemies!”

The attendees were excited and excited about the addition of three thousand new legions. At that time, the Imperial military was stronger than the Great Crusade and was enough to cleanse the entire galaxy.

After the meeting, the vigorous military expansion movement began. The Superman Council changed its national policy from focusing on economic construction to focusing on cannons instead of butter, and fully prepared for war.

With the change of Terra’s national policy, the atmosphere of the empire changed in an instant, from the quiet and down-to-earth farming in the past to a warlike and fanatical one.

The local state church went all out to carry out war propaganda, shouting that the three harms will destroy me, and the people of the God Emperor need to go to the battlefield to prove their loyalty.

A large number of followers of the God Emperor joined the legion, and factories and war machines were in full operation, producing massive amounts of weapons.

The empire’s movements could not be concealed from other powers, and the tension in the galaxy suddenly increased. The Eldar increased the number of Ark movements, the Necrons teleported the tomb world further away from the Star Torch, and the Tau Empire reduced its penetration into the Pacific Star Territory.

Bonebreaker gets the revelation that Xiami is preparing for a world-famous war, and the Genestealers are more active.

At the same time as the army was expanding, a new round of purification expedition began. Terra eliminated the three pests in various parts of the empire to ensure that during the Black Crusade, it would not be involved in wars in other places.

Said said in his heart: “Brother Huang, if we win this decisive battle and successfully kill Abaddon, what will the empire do?”

The emperor replied faintly: “In the burning galaxy, there is only war. Humanity’s hegemony will face new challenges until the moment the empire is destroyed!”

Said sighed: “Isn’t there a solution once and for all? Although mankind is powerful and the economy is developing, civilization will never be able to ascend. It can only change energy, not qualitatively!”

The ultimate ideal of Said and the Emperor was to free humanity from the subspace and regain the ability to develop technology. However, the Webway Project failed, the Emperor became a god, and the bond between humanity and the subspace deepened.

Humanity’s basic technology has completely stagnated, unable to make technological breakthroughs to sublimate the race, and has fallen into stagnation for thousands of years.

Then the Emperor asked: “Do you regret making me a god?”

Said shook his head: “No, not at all. If we don’t become gods, the situation of mankind will be worse. I’m just a little confused. Human beings can endure decline, but they cannot endure stagnation!”

“Stagnation will lead to an increase in entropy and eventually lead to annihilation. The same is true for the empire. Even if I have external power to do work, it can only delay annihilation, but cannot eliminate it!”

The Emperor replied: “So mankind needs change and ascension. We cannot be satisfied with the status quo. While destroying the enemy, we must find a way to sublime.”

Said smiled bitterly: “But with subspace, how easy is it?”

The Emperor said firmly: “It’s hard to do it, but that doesn’t mean we won’t do it. Because of your existence, humanity and the Empire can persist longer until we find a way to sublime.”

Said sighed: “But this will not help the current situation at all. We can still only search in the fog.”

The emperor said calmly: “When you urged me to become a god, shouldn’t you have thought of today?”

Said nodded: “Yes, but I still had a glimmer of hope that humans could find other ways to ascend besides the Webway, but it turns out that I thought it was easy.”

Ten thousand years have passed, and Sayid has tried quantum collision experiments, reproduced the grand unified theory, and created basic science such as tachyons, but all of them have failed without exception.

Not to mention cutting-edge technology, Sayid is preparing to reproduce relativity and classical mechanics, and sometimes he will get different experimental data.

This means that the physical rules of this universe are changing at any time, and humans lack the soil for developing technology, and can only rely on the remnants of the golden age to barely survive.

The Emperor knew Sayid’s efforts, and he said calmly: “If I think of a way to ascend, I will tell you immediately. If you have any ideas, you can also tell me.”

“But now, we must first eliminate the enemies of mankind before we can consider other things. Attention, Chaos has begun to act!”

Sayid was startled and immediately turned his eyes to the hazy star field. Soon, a large number of space wrecks were reported from all over the place.

They are huge in size, often composed of several ships, hiding various monsters and ancient super technologies.

For the Mechanicus, space wrecks are a dangerous treasure trove, and they hope to board and explore.

Said immediately refused and pointed out: “This is a conspiracy of Chaos to weaken the power of the Empire. There are a large number of mutant greenskins and gene stealers hidden in it. They must be destroyed as soon as possible!” He strictly prohibited all exploration of space wrecks, executed a large number of violators, and ordered the Imperial Navy to use nova cannons and even cyclone torpedoes to destroy them with all their strength. However, the wreck was too large and the destruction efficiency was extremely low, so Said ordered the use of the Void Claw to suck the space wreck into the black hole. But Said was still a step too late. The tentacles of the Zerg Fleet entered the hazy star field. At the same time, the plague of faithlessness spread throughout the star field.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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