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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 21 Anti-Slavery League

Said tried his best, and all the creatures in the bandit area were slaughtered, leaving two blank areas.

There are no living creatures in the zone, and the population of the existing scientific research area is not yet saturated, so it is not suitable for building a new scientific research area.

In order to improve land use efficiency, Said decided to build an industrial hive.

The hive city only needs puppets. When the surface is covered with factories, you can build the second and third floors and develop towards the sky. There is no upper limit and no restrictions on land area.

In other words, Said can expand its production capacity infinitely, and the nests are carefully designed so that each one can produce all products.

A hive city occupies an entire area. Said currently has three industrial areas, which he labeled Industrial Area 1, Industrial Area 2, and Industrial Area 3.

In other words, Said will build three hive cities.

Seeing three billion puppets working day and night to build and lay various equipment production lines, Said felt a sense of satisfaction.

Human resources, industrial production capacity, and scientific research strength are the basis for the struggle for cosmic hegemony. As Said’s power continues to accumulate, the greater the chance of winning in the future competition in the galaxy.

“Brother Huang, don’t worry. Even if the original body rebels, my army of puppets can help you wipe them out!”

The emperor calmly replied: “I believe you, Said, but you have to be careful. Chaos will not let you succeed easily.”

Said said disdainfully: “I am protected by the waaaagh force field. My soul does not touch the subspace. The four vendors cannot affect me.”

The emperor shook his head: “The evil god cannot affect you, but it can affect the people around you. In your prophecies, many of the rebel originals were dragged into the water by the people around you.”

Said was agitated, and Lorgar, Mortarion, Horus flashed through his mind… Fulgrim got a sword with the power of chaos on it.

The waaagh force field can only protect against the subspace, but it cannot protect against the temptation of the material world. Despite Said’s reputation as a civilized person, he is no more than an ordinary person.

As long as the main body is killed, the Bingmu civilization will fall apart, let alone save humanity and expedition for the Emperor.

Sensing Said’s worry, the emperor comforted him: “Don’t worry, Said. If chaos appears around you, I will remind you, but you must also be careful.”

Said nodded: “I know, I will try to minimize the exposure of my true body. As long as I remain a dead man, there will be no way for corrosion to start.”

At this moment, Squirt found the puppet and reported to Said:

“Chief, the Anti-Slavery Alliance just sent a message, hoping to surrender to us and negotiate with you.”

Said frowned: “Negotiation? Do they have any conditions?”

“They want to keep their religion and their way of life,” Squirt replied.

Said sneered: “What a beautiful idea. If you reply to them, you will either surrender unconditionally or die! This is the fate of the skeletons and bandits!”

“Yes, Sir Chief!”

A few days later, Squirt contacted Said again and said: “Chief, the Anti-Slavery League agrees to your request, but their leader wants to see you.”

Said puppet said coldly: “See me? Who is he! Can I see him if I want to?”

Squirt said: “He brought 30 million human beings. If the training is absorbed, it will be of great help to the development of scientific research.”

“Thirty million… is enough to fill a scientific research area,” Said pondered, then agreed: “I will let the puppet meet him!”

But Squirt was confused: “The leader wants to see you in person…”

Said remembered the emperor’s warning, and the alarm bells rang in his heart, and he immediately refused: “No, if we can’t reach an agreement, we will need 30 million troops to negotiate!”

Squirt also wanted to see Said. In the past period of time, Said had used a puppet to give him orders, which made him a little flustered.

But Said insisted that he was afraid of death, and Squirt did not dare to say anything. He could only nod and agree: “Okay, chief, I will arrange it right away.”

Two days later, three beasts of burden pulled a cart, escorted by armored vehicles, into the scientific research area.

The window opened, revealing a face with a veil, and a pair of eyes looking at the scene outside the window through the gap between the armored vehicles.

Fountains, sturdy houses, prosperous markets, and sufficient survival supplies all highlight the prosperity of the scientific research area.

When the carriage drove through the central square, the inquisitors were collectively executing heretics and rebels, and priests in white robes recited scriptures to purify the sins of heretics.

The people in the audience looked pious and fanatical, shouting “Burn the heretics”.

The price of a prosperous life is the White Terror of the Emperor’s Truth, and it is said that many innocent humans are taken away and executed by the Inquisition for no reason.

However, another theory is that the humans who were executed were not normal people.

Either they are dissolute by nature, or they are searching for all kinds of strange knowledge, or they are irritable, or they are not hygienic. In short, they have various problems.

On the streets, puppet soldiers wearing gray military coats and holding steel guns can be seen everywhere. Their masks look like skeletons, giving out a cold light and scanning the pedestrians on the street.

It is said that they have a unique way of identifying heretics and execute them on the spot.

And in the invisible corners, the agents of the Tribunal are all-pervasive, investigating every human being who behaves abnormally. People are encouraged to inform each other, and they are jointly guaranteed. Reporters are rewarded, and shielding is punished.

Under strict surveillance, everyone is an informant of the Inquisition, and any misconduct will not escape the eyes of the Inquisition.

Among them, indulgence, violence, and filth were the most common. Under the key crackdowns of the Tribunal, the entire society advocated frugality, restraint, and cleanliness.

The car window was closed, and the veiled woman frowned slightly, as if her thoughts were turbulent. At this time, the motorcade arrived at its destination, the car door opened, and the Krieg puppets lined up outside with guns raised, forming a passage.

The veiled woman got out of the car, stepped onto the white brick ground, and walked forward under the watchful eyes of the Krieg puppet.

The soldier’s mask was like a skull, and the round eye sockets were empty, which made the veiled woman particularly uncomfortable. She couldn’t help but look away and looked at the two figures at the end of the passage.

One of them was the mechanic who contacted her, and the other was wearing a spiked steel helmet, a Krieg mask, and a Krieg uniform.

Compared with the soldiers, his uniform was more gorgeous, with many decorative tassels and epaulette ribbons added. One word came to the veiled girl’s mind: marshal.

If the other masked men are dressed as soldiers, the one at the end is the marshal.

The mechanic was one position behind him, and it was not difficult to see that the masked marshal was the one she was negotiating with, the leader of the powerful puppet army.

She came to the Marshal’s puppet, bent down and said: “Great leader, my name is Yoda, the leader of the anti-slavery alliance, I would like to express my high respect to you.”

After saying that, he took off his veil, revealing a charming face that would captivate a country.

Said thought to himself: “Brother Huang, is she sent by Israel to persecute me?”

The emperor said calmly: “No, but you must be careful, she is not a human being…”

Said was startled, and a guess appeared in his mind. He manipulated the puppet and said coldly: “Are you…an Eldest clan?”

As soon as he finished speaking, the nearby Krieg puppets all raised their guns and aimed at Yoda. The Marshal puppet said coldly:

“Since you dare to come, you should know the empire’s attitude towards aliens. Are you ready to die?”

Krieg wears a poison mask and is dressed as a German stick. He is silent when fighting. He advocates death and has unlimited morale.

We provide 500 million soldiers every year. Even if there are traps ahead, we will fill them in for you to see.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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