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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 210 Victory in the first battle

The Plague of Unbelief is a trend of thought that believes that the Empire has abandoned the ideals of the God-Emperor and does not have the legitimacy of allegiance, and advocates belief in the truth of the Empire.

This is exactly the same as Nova Terra and the Age of Two Emperors Rebellion.

The believers of the unbelieving plague launched a rebellion, and then ran into the suppressing troops. In an instant, rivers of blood flowed, and a large number of rioters were killed.

The imperial state church reacted quickly, dismissed the plague of unbelief as heresy and excommunication, and suppressed it with all its strength. In the face of the organized army, the mob armed with small arms had no chance of winning.

Said wondered: “We have already carried out a purification expedition, and the Obscurity Star Region is the focus of purification. Why is there still a heretical rebellion?”

The emperor calmly replied: “Chaos psychic energy can distort thoughts and amplify already extreme emotions. The rebels are probably dissatisfied with the empire for a long time, and the plague of unbelief has amplified this dissatisfaction.”

Said was surprised: “The seeds of doubt exist in the hearts of most people. Wouldn’t chaos easily lead to rebellion across the country?”

Even the fanatics who chant the loudest slogans cannot guarantee absolute loyalty, let alone ordinary civilians in the empire.

The emperor comforted him: “Don’t worry, this plague takes thousands of years to brew, and the conditions are extremely harsh. Only the Obscure Star Territory will be affected.”

“Rebels are no different from ordinary people. As long as they are suppressed, no pollution will remain.”

Said breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, the civil war was like a prairie fire, sweeping across the entire Hazy Star Territory. Wherever humans existed, the state religion and the rebels were at war.

Said immediately ordered the galaxy fleet to assist in the suppression. Law enforcement and other light cruisers exerted their powerful power. They may be cannon fodder in space naval battles, but they are absolutely invincible in suppressing the rebels on the ground.

With the support of aircraft carriers and orbital bombardments, the rebels were quickly defeated. The loyalists quickly recaptured the planet and launched a bloody purge of the rebels.

During this period, an organization called the Voice of the Emperor emerged. Its leader was a man wearing a hood and holding two guns. He escaped many pursuits from the Assassin’s Court.

He attracted the attention of the Dark Angels, and Lion offered to take over the case and personally direct the purge of the Emperor’s Voice. Said readily agreed.

The Black Crusade is approaching, and the Empire has no time to carefully screen. Under the auspices of the Inquisition, all humans who have anything to do with the rebels will be executed.

White terror enveloped the entire Hazy Star Territory, and a large number of scientific research ships joined in microscopic scanning, trying to uncover all rebels.

With the destruction of the rebels, hulks everywhere were also destroyed one after another, but the chicken thieves and greenskins stored on them became beacons, attracting more chicken players to the Hazy Star Territory.

Through the genetic radiation bomb, the Greenskins were quickly defeated, but the Hive Fleet plunged into the Obscure Star Territory, making the situation suddenly tense.

Fortunately, the hulk near the Empire’s key strategic point was destroyed in time, and the Hive Fleet headed straight for the uninhabited land of deep space, giving the Empire enough time to react.

The Black Legion was ready to go, and the troops in the Misty Star Territory were stretched thin. Said gave an order, and one thousand of the newly formed three thousand legions went north to become the Mobile Legion in the Misty Theater Zone.

A thousand legions, each one as large as the Primarch legions during the Great Crusade, will become a terrifying force when they gather in the Obscure Star Field.

The commander of the Hazy Theater, Lane, was in high spirits and immediately led the entire army to encircle and destroy the Tyranid Hive Fleet.

At this time, the Hive Fleet had just swallowed the Hulk Chicken Thief, but found that there was nothing around. Just when it was depressed, it was suddenly surrounded by a huge fleet.

Each legion has approximately 5,000 warships, and a thousand legions have 50 million warships!

This number far exceeds that of any Hive Fleet!

On the other hand, the Hive Fleet itself only has tens of thousands of warships at most, which is unable to compete with the encirclement and suppression of 50 million warships.

When the Imperial fleet appeared, the Hive Fleet was in chaos, and then panicked and tried to escape, but it was too late.

From all directions, up and down, left and right, the Imperial fleet has surrounded them, firing Nova Cannons, Void Claws at full output, and Macrocannon Light Spear carrier-based aircraft pressing on, swamping the Hive Fleet.

At the same time, Trazin, who was monitoring the Milky Way, was stunned and said in surprise: “The tentacles of the Hive Fleet have stopped moving! Could it be…”

The empire quickly crushed the rebellion with its absolutely superior force, repelled the hulk, and annihilated the greenskins and Tyranids, demonstrating its powerful combat power.

At the same time, in the vast space of the Obscure Star Territory, the number of Chaos raids increased sharply, and a large number of merchant ships were attacked in a well-coordinated time.

However, with the empire’s abundant escort fleet, the pirate war did not cause much harm, and they were killed in large numbers by the empire’s patrol fleet.

At this time, Typhus, the acting commander of the Death Guard, led the plague fleet to attack the real universe, attracting a large number of desperate pirates to join.

They then swarmed toward an Imperial world called Woodward and ran head-on into the Legion fleet stationed there.

With the influx of a thousand legion reinforcements from the Obscure Galaxy, Lane was able to station legions on all important worlds, and those less important galaxies also strengthened the galaxy fleet.

The Plague Fleet encountered a head-on attack outside the galaxy and was decimated by the overwhelmingly superior Imperial fleet, suffering heavy losses.

Typhus was outraged and surprised by the strength of the Empire’s troops, and immediately ordered the fleet to retreat and jump across the warp again.

In the original history, Typhus’s plague fleet ambushed the Imperial Navy’s Quaragon Fleet, defeated naval patrols reinforced from various places along the way, and seized control of the universe near Cadia.

However, this plot failed at this time. Although Chaos tried his best, all the plots were easily crushed in the face of absolute strength.

As news of the victory returned to Terra, Said felt a twinge of unreality, then feared that Abaddon would be frightened, halting the Thirteenth Black Crusade.

But the Emperor denied: “Abaddon will launch an attack because the Four Gods of Chaos urgently need a victory to regain the faith of mankind.”

Khorne needs war, Nurgle needs plague, Tzeentch needs change, Slaanesh needs indulgence.

However, the empire under Said’s rule had overall peace and few wars. The medical rescue system suppressed plagues, superhuman authority suppressed all changes, and asceticism and frugality suppressed luxury and enjoyment.

All their beliefs are concentrated in the golden sun of the subspace, rather than the four gods of chaos in the supreme sky, which makes them particularly dissatisfied.

At this time, this dissatisfaction reached a critical point. Regardless of the fact that Abaddon had lost twelve consecutive games, he forced him to launch an attack and tried to spread the concept of chaos to the world.

Abaddon took the opportunity to make more demands, and asked the four gods of Chaos to take out the old man. Tzeentch’s Thousand Sons Legion, Khorne’s Shacklebreakers, Slaanesh’s Emperor’s Children Legion, and Nurgle’s Death Guard all joined Abaddon’s command. Under the command of Abaddon.

Coupled with the previous accumulation, Abaddon’s military strength increased sharply. At this time, Vashtor invested in the company and provided the Ark of Omen fleet and a large number of weapons and vehicles.

It can be said that Abaddon’s strength exceeded one mixed legion for the first time, reaching the size of three legions.

For a time, Abaddon had a strong army and a strong horse, and felt that he could do it again. Although he learned that the plague fleet was defeated, he believed that the empire had a huge force and a large defensive area, and the local forces were weak.

As long as the Imperial forces are mobilized through mobile warfare, with the help of subspace allies, and concentrated on attacking its weak points, Cadia can be captured.

Thinking of this, Abaddon ordered: “Attack the entire army! Target, the Eye of Terror!”

Using ancient Chinese metaphors: Abaddon is like a nomad, conquering fifteen cities on the frontier, the Eldar are like the remnants of the previous dynasty, the Necrons are like the resurrected Great Qin Legion, the Tau are like coastal pirates, and the Tyranids are like the Little Ice Age.

And Cadia… is similar to Shanhaiguan, and the subspace rift is similar to Xifengkou. Both routes can lead to the imperial capital, but the former can successfully establish a supply line, while the latter can only support war with war.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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