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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 22 Negotiation with the Eldar Tribe breaks down

The Eldar appear to be elves with pointed ears. They are all handsome men and beautiful women, and their movements are elegant.

In the golden age, humans and Eldar dominated the galaxy. Just like humans, the Eldar destroyed the world with a snap of their fingers, and the sun, moon and stars were nothing more than playthings in their hands.

The Eldar have a longer history than humans. They dominated the galaxy countless years before the birth of humans.

In comparison, humans in the Golden Age were more like nouveau riche.

But later, the Eldar declined before humans, and they are still surviving until now.

The process of degradation is very simple, that is, the Eldar civilization is too perfect, so perfect that it is a bit boring. Without any pressure to survive, the entire civilization began to enjoy and indulge.

For example, playing basketball, at first it was just a rule known to humans. Later, if you cut off the opponent’s limbs and shoot, you would get one point. Then, if you cut off the opponent’s head and then shoot, you would get two points. If you kill him before beheading, you would get three points…

In short, it comes as exciting as it comes.

The indulgent emotions of the entire civilization formed a projection in the subspace, converging into an indescribable disgusting monster, and eventually grew into one of the four evil gods, Serel.

The moment Selel was born, a large number of Eldar died, and their souls became playthings in the hands of Selel, setting off a psychic storm, tearing apart the barrier between subspace and reality, forming the famous “Eye of Terror”.

At that time, mankind had just suppressed the Iron Man rebellion and had not yet recovered its strength. The Eye of Terror triggered a four-thousand-year subspace storm, blocking the navigation routes of human colonies.

Human colonies lost communication, and the original interstellar civilization degenerated into a barbaric wasteland and feudal kingdom, which was the age of strife.

A period like an eternity of night.

Without the Emperor, humanity would be doomed.

It can be said that the Eldar have polluted the Warp, the Warp has polluted reality, and the Eldar are the main culprits of humanity’s decline.

So Said was full of disgust for the Eldar. When Yoda took off the veil, he had no desire, only the desire to kill.

Yoda had known the Emperor’s Truth and was not surprised by Said’s threat. She said calmly: “I can bring you 30 million people. Is this enough to buy my life?”

Said shook his head: “Not enough! They are bound to be contaminated by aliens and chaos. We have to purify a large part of them, and few of them will actually pass the test.”

Said’s racial mysophobia and extreme xenophobia, Yoda couldn’t stand it anymore and said angrily:

“Polluting the race? How? Your ignorance and prejudice make me sick! It is simply a wrong decision to hand over my people to scum like you!”

“You have no power to take the lives of 30 million humans. I thought you would be different, but in fact you are no different from other slave-owning warlords!”

Said controlled the puppet and shook his head: “It’s not that I don’t have the power to take away the lives of 30 million human beings, but I don’t have the power to keep them alive!”

“You Eldar race know the reason. Your corruption nourishes the evil god of subspace and becomes a bridge for it to interfere with reality. You and your vassals should all die.”

“If you feel guilty and still have a conscience, let those 30 million civilians be purified and then die!”

The anti-slavery alliance is scattered around the world, resisting various slave kingdoms and bandits. It is the most normal force in Said’s eyes. Unexpectedly… the leader is actually an alien.

If you want to gather this power, you must find anti-slavery people around the world, and only Yoda knows their location.

However, Said no longer intends to recruit them, because their leader is an alien, and there may be Israel behind him, which must be purified.

Yoda didn’t want to argue on this issue, she said calmly: “I want to make a deal with you, using the information of the webway in exchange for my life and the lives of three thousand people.”

The Webway is a relic of the ancient saints that can isolate the influence of the subspace. Today, some Eldar live in the Webway to avoid the covetousness of the evil gods of the subspace.

The Eldar must have a deeper understanding of the Webway than humans, and the Emperor also hopes to use the Eldar Webway to isolate humans from the influence of the Warp.

If the Emperor could gain access to Eldar knowledge, it would undoubtedly accelerate the Webway Project.

Said did not dare to act rashly when it concerned Brother Huang, and fell into hesitation.

At this moment, the emperor sent a message: “Sayed, don’t agree, kill her immediately, and then wipe out the anti-slavery alliance!”

Said was confused: “Why? What she said makes sense, and she is not an Israeli believer.”

The Emperor said coldly: “No matter who she is, since she knows about the Webway plan, there must be subspace behind it!”

The subspace is a cesspit, how can it be possible to emerge from the silt and not be contaminated!

So Said had a plan and said to Yoda: “I understand and I can promise you, but as for the details…”

Yoda smiled and seemed to be happy that his people were saved. However, on a building in the back, Krieg puppets set up sniper rifles and were surrounded by five thousand giants.

“So, what do you think of my placement conditions?”

After Said finished speaking, Yoda nodded and smiled: “It’s a very good condition, we can completely accept it, but…it would be great if it were true!”

As soon as he finished speaking, five sniper rifles fired in turn, with kinetic energy bullets and powerful lasers shooting at Yoda from all directions.

But Yoda had anticipated it, and a shield appeared on his body, blocking the laser and deflecting the kinetic energy projectile.

Said mused: “The void shield and deflection field are really well prepared!”

Then with a thought, the Krieg puppets of the honor guard on the ground raised their guns and fired a volley.

At this moment, Yoda jumped up gracefully, dodging the volley, tapping his toes, waving his arms, and the silver light shone, as graceful as a dance.

Said was wary and shouted loudly: “Squirt is in danger, retreat quickly!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the Krieg honor guard was cut into pieces, and the heads of the snipers in the distance fell to the ground.

If you look closely, you will see that the dots of silver light are countless intertwined steel wires. Yoda steps on one of the steel wires, standing gracefully in mid-air, wearing a clown mask on his face, looking down at the Marshal puppet.

This gesture reminded Said of an Eldar force: the Harlequin Troupe.

Most of the Eldar gods have fallen, and only the Laughing God Xigaoqi is still alive. This group of followers of the clown god is called the Harlequin Troupe.

Yoda said coldly: “I originally wanted to absorb you into the secret sect, but I didn’t expect that you are just like other humans, ignorant, tyrannical and cruel to the point of nauseating!”

After saying that, with a wave of his hand, the reinforcing Big Brother puppet was cut into pieces.

But the marshal puppet was unmoved and looked up at Yoda without saying a word. Yoda continued:

“In order to avoid making the same mistakes as us, you advocate abstinence and restraint, and use extreme worship and hatred to unite mankind, but you don’t know that these emotions will also be projected into the subspace and create a new god!”

The Eldar believe that every time a new god is born, a large number of lives will die, causing a galactic catastrophe.

Said was unmoved and said calmly: “Are you done? Go and die when you’re done!”

As soon as he finished speaking, countless manticore rockets rose into the sky and shrouded the square. Under such intensive firepower, even the void shield could not defend it!

Squirt had already moved away and evacuated nearby civilians. At this moment, only the Marshal Puppet and Yoda were left in the square.

If nothing unexpected happens, they will perish together.

However, just before the rocket fell, there was a subspace fluctuation around Yoda, and the figure disappeared from the spot.

The Spirit Tribe has its own gods, but due to indulgence and depravity, they no longer believe in the gods, which led to the decline of the gods. Finally, they were killed by four vendors. Only the Laughing God Xi Gaoqi survived.

Xi Gaoqi looks like a clown. There are not many members in the clown troupe, but he is very good at fighting. He has a record of forcing his way into the Terra Palace and fighting against the imperial army.

The Secret Cult is an inter-racial organization that also includes humans. Its goal is to save the galaxy, but the method is a bit tricky: killing all humans so that Chaos has no source of emotions. The traitorous Primarch Alpha is one of them.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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