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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 27 The United Kingdom Surrenders

In a tent in a hidden valley, a little girl asked her mother: “Mama, will the leader lead us to a place without slavery?”

The middle-aged woman touched the little girl’s head: “The leader has great powers, he will definitely do it! Before that, we must hide ourselves and don’t let the slave catching team find out.”

The little girl was still confused: “But a few days ago, I heard from the adults in the village that the food was almost gone. If the leader doesn’t come back, will…”

The middle-aged woman interrupted: “Don’t think nonsense, trust the leader! Since she came, we have enough food, and the slave catching team can’t find us!”

At this time, the little girl pointed to the sky and said happily: “Mom, there is something flying in the sky. Is the leader back?”

At this time, outside the valley, the Thunderhawk gunship slowly landed and dropped a large number of Krieg puppets. They blocked the entrance of the valley and then entered the mountain to search to ensure that no one escaped.

The villagers gathered, and the Krieg puppet said loudly:

“I am the Armed Forces of the Empire of Man, here to receive the Emperor’s people back into his arms. I will give you half an hour to pack your things, and then come with us!”

The villagers looked at each other with doubts. Before leaving, the leader said that he would lead them to live a good life.

But the Krieg puppet looks too intrusive, and the gas mask looks like a skeleton. Looking directly at it for a long time will produce a strong uncanny valley effect.

Seeing that no one was cooperating, the puppet leader hit a villager with the butt of his gun, and the explosive bomb roared into the sky, and he said angrily:

“Gather here in half an hour. Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed! What the hell, they are a bunch of bastards!”

Fear is more intimidating than gentleness. The ignorant people do not understand what liberation and oppression are. When faced with non-cooperation, Said directly uses the most brutal method.

This scene happened all over the planet. Through satellite scanning, Said easily found all the anti-slavery alliance strongholds and sent Thunderhawk gunships to receive them.

Their population is hundreds of millions, and excluding the parts corroded by the chaotic aliens, there are tens of millions, which is enough to fill a scientific research area.

Under the deterrence of gun butts and muzzles, the migration work was carried out in an orderly manner.

Among them, many migrations occurred in the hinterlands of other forces, but due to the threat of nuclear explosions, local armed forces did not dare to stop them.

At this time, in the nameless valley, the little girl came to a puppet and asked timidly:

“Please…are you going to take us back as slaves?”

The puppet lowered his head and said softly:

“You are not a slave, you are a subject of the emperor. You have endless food to eat every day, wear warm clothes, and learn cultural knowledge!”

The little girl’s eyes were bright and she said in disbelief: “Really? It turns out that the leader didn’t lie to us! Can we really have enough food and clothing?”

The puppet nodded: “Of course, the premise is to pass the emperor’s test and become his people!”

The little girl wondered: “Test? What will happen if you fail?”

The puppet still said gently: “I will accept the emperor’s purification and return to his arms…”

A few hours later, hundreds of thousands of refugees gathered in the square of a camp. They took the puppet’s food and feasted on it.

In the distance, Thunderhawk gunboats continued to land, dropping off more refugees.

Soon, the number of refugees reached the upper limit, and the Thunderhawk gunship stopped landing. This was the puppet loudly saying:

“Everyone, starting from today, you will return to the embrace of the Holy Emperor. Before that, you must first undergo purification! Go take a bath! Wash your body and meet the Emperor!”

The refugees had a full meal and their eyes were filled with hope for the future. They took towels and soap from the puppets and headed to a huge building.

It was a bathhouse large enough to accommodate hundreds of thousands of people bathing at the same time.

In the wolf’s lair, Said was filled with sadness as he watched the people bathing. Either their souls were corrupted by chaos, or their genes were contaminated by aliens.

In order to protect more humans, Said had to purify them.

However, he still felt uncomfortable because that innocent little girl was also in the bathhouse…

On the earth in her previous life, she would have been a kind citizen, had children, and worked hard to become rich when she grew up.

But it is a pity that this is the Warhammer universe. The existence of subspace and aliens has forced humans to scrape their bones to cure poison and cut their own carrion.

Perhaps this is the charm of Warhammer. Despair, frustration, and sacrifice are present throughout. Every day humans survive, it costs trillions of lives.

The emperor felt Said’s intolerance and comforted him:

“Sayed, we have no right to let them live. If you really want to do something, help me complete the Webway Project and let mankind completely get rid of subspace!”

The emperor’s words seemed to have infinite magic power, soothing Said’s inner restlessness. He smiled again and said:

“I know Brother Huang, I will help you eliminate the enemies of mankind and let our descendants completely get rid of this kind of life!”

At this time, the refugees were enjoying a hot bath. This was the first time in their lives that they took a bath, as if they were in heaven.

Said said calmly: “Don’t worry, you will no longer be in pain soon…”

After saying this, a special gas was poured into his mind, and the fugitives fell into a long sleep without pain, and their souls returned to the embrace of the emperor.

The pure ones who passed the screening were placed on the original territory of the Sharks, where Said built a new scientific research area.

Mechanics, church ministers, and the Inquisition have already been waiting here, gearing up to transform the ignorant lamb into an ideal appearance.

After everything was on track, Said planned the blocks in his hands, including two scientific research areas, two industrial areas, and a military area.

One of the scientific research zones and industrial zones is under construction. In the short term, Said will not be able to digest the territory in his hands.

He murmured to himself: “The expansion progress is a bit slow. This planet has at least fifteen blocks, and I have only captured five of them, and there are still two that have not been digested!”

“The emperor of Terra is in urgent need of puppet help. At the current rate, when can I unify the planet, launch the moon landing plan, and project power to Terra…”

Just when he was distressed, Squirt reported to Said: “Chief, the United Kingdom has sent a special envoy, hoping to submit to us, but it has put forward conditions, do you want to reject them?”

Just when Said was about to refuse, he swallowed his words and replied: “Let’s hear what the conditions are first!”

Soon, Said manipulated a Krieger puppet dressed as a marshal to meet the United Kingdom envoy and said, “How do you want to surrender?”

The special envoy was a middle-aged handsome guy. From him, Said sensed the aura of the Prince of Joy (Israel). The special envoy bent down and said respectfully:

“Great puppet master, we in the United Kingdom agree to surrender, but we hope to retain limited autonomy and freedom of religious belief!”

Squirt slapped the table and immediately said angrily: “There is no need to talk about religious beliefs. All empire territories must abide by the emperor’s truth!”

Imperial Truth advocates frugality, restraint, and authoritarian worship, which is incompatible with the extravagance, dissipation, and money worship of the United Kingdom.

There are many Chaos and Xenos occupying high positions in the United Kingdom, and it is impossible to agree with the Emperor’s truth.

The special envoy sighed helplessly: “Then there is no need to talk. Goodbye, puppet master!”

“Wait a moment!”

At this moment, Said said: “As long as you agree to our conditions, we can agree to your request!”

Since it’s for Warhammer, I probably won’t find it poisonous…after all, other people have written more brutal things.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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