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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 3 Eliminate the Slave Catching Team

As night fell, the technological barbarians camped in the wild, took out bloody pieces of meat, threw them into their mouths and chewed them, causing blood to splash everywhere.

Their bodies have been mutated and strengthened to be able to digest raw meat.

The human slaves ate a piece of black stuff. The slaves devoured it. It is not difficult to imagine that they had not eaten for more than a day.

Said discovered that the slaves were all women

The technological barbarians held bolt guns and stared at them eating with a ferocious smile, winking at each other.

After the slaves finished eating, the barbarians opened the cage and took out a slave, preparing to do some primitive actions.

The slaves struggled hard. Under the sanitary conditions of the wasteland, they were not beautiful and all had dark skin. However, the technological barbarians were not afraid of meat and vegetables.

At this time, a little girl rushed out and tried to save her companions from the brave strong man, but was slapped away by the strong man.

The strong man said angrily: “Get out of here, or I’ll get you!”

The barbarian is as strong as a calf, and his arms are thicker than the little girl’s waist. Said believes that if he were not afraid of playing to death, the little girl would definitely not be able to escape the clutches.

The little girl’s voice was trembling but firm: “I am taking my mother’s place, please don’t hurt her!”

The woman rushed forward and blocked the little girl: “Don’t hurt her, come to me!”

The barbarians who were watching laughed: “Boss, only children make choices, adults want them all!”

“What if I die?”

“If you play somewhere else, you won’t die!”

The boss felt justified and was ready to extend his poisonous hand to the little girl.

The barbarians spoke Gothic, and the reconnaissance puppet heard it clearly. Said said angrily: “These beasts deserve to die, even the little girl will not be spared!”

At the same time, he sensed an opportunity for a surprise attack.

At this moment, night fell and visibility decreased. The barbarians on guard outside were also attracted by the boss’s brutality. They turned around to watch, not realizing that the murderous intention was about to come.

So nine hundred puppets scattered around and surrounded them. With a thought in Said’s mind, the puppets charged from all sides and attacked the barbarians.

Although the opponent only has thirty people, Said is still cautious. Each of them has a bolt gun and shoots explosive warheads. The simple power armor can kill one against a hundred in hand-to-hand combat.

On the other hand, Said’s nine hundred puppets were unarmed and had only spears made of stone, so their chances of winning were not great.

To this end, Said used the darkness of night to launch sneak attacks, closing the distance as much as possible, offsetting the advantage of firearms, and dragging the enemy into the melee stage.

Just when they were about to rap the little girl and their attention was distracted, Said moved.

In the night, the encirclement narrowed rapidly. When it shortened to a distance, the barbarians on the periphery heard the movement.

The barbarian genes have been mutated, their hearing and smell have been strengthened, their perception has become sharper, and they can quickly detect something approaching.

So, a flare was launched into the sky, and then I saw the puppets all over the mountains and plains. They distanced themselves from each other, layer by layer, and launched a wave charge.


Said organized the puppets into three-by-three formations, formed a skirmish line, supported each other, and kept rushing into the light of the flares, as if there was no end.

The barbarians were so stunned that they shouted at the top of their lungs: “The enemy is attacking!”

Then, ignoring the little girl Rip, he picked up a gun and fired in all directions.

“Bang bang bang!”

The bolt gun fired a red bullet chain, and the high-explosive bomb exploded in the puppet. Each shot had the power of a grenade, blowing up a large number of puppets in an instant.

But Said had already expected it. He deliberately increased the depth and distance between troops to reduce casualties. At the same time, he launched a wave charge to close the distance as much as possible.

A technological barbarian said angrily: “What the hell is this! Why are there aliens here? I’ve never seen them before!”

The boss roared angrily: “Whatever he is, guard it for me, the enemy is nothing but stone weapons!”

After the death of two hundred puppets, the bolter bullets ran out and had to be reloaded. The puppets took advantage of this time lag to close the distance again and engage in face-to-face melee combat!


The puppet wielded a stone spear and headed towards the barbarians, but was blocked by the thick power armor. The barbarian boss punched one of the puppets away.

“Hahahaha, these wooden people are useless! Brothers, kill them!”

The barbarian boss is sure of victory. The stone spear cannot penetrate the power armor. The puppet’s strength is the same as that of a mortal and cannot hurt the mutant genetic warrior at all.

In just one encounter, a hundred puppets were lost, and the troops were depleted at an extremely fast rate, but Said remained unmoved and continued to attack.

Under his unified control, the puppets showed extremely high coordination capabilities, and played their best role in every block, every death, and every dodge.

Every time the technological barbarians swung away a stone spear, every time they smashed a puppet, more stone spears pierced from all directions, passed through the gaps in the power armor, and penetrated into the body.


The barbarian roared, grabbed the spear and threw the puppet away, and then broke the spear, but taking advantage of this gap, a spear penetrated the lower third.

The barbarians howled in pain!

This scene happened all over the battlefield. The puppets were like a whole, working together in a tacit understanding, exerting their combat power to the extreme. Three technological barbarians soon died.


The puppets shouted slogans every time they killed one. Said complained at first that he was too green-skinned, but then he remembered that when the emperor was studying the weapon tree, the target was green-skinned.

So Said felt relieved: “If you’re green-skinned, just be green-skinned. It’s waaaagh anyway, isn’t it?”

As the intensity of the war increased, Said felt extremely happy. Just like humans get satisfaction from reproductive activities, fighting between puppets brought him infinite pleasure.

Greenskins can get happiness from fighting, and so can wooden puppets. In addition, Said also felt a wave of energy filling his body. He said in surprise:

“This is… psionic energy!”

Fighting between puppets produces pleasant emotions, and emotions produce spiritual energy. According to the green skin setting, this spiritual energy will form a waaaagh force field to carry out the power of my thoughts.

Like the greenskins, under the waaaagh force field, as long as enough puppets think that something is feasible, it will definitely be feasible.

Said and the puppets are of one mind, and his cognition is the cognition of all puppets, and it will definitely come true, so he thought:

“Those puppets killed the big guy, they must be big and strong!”


The psychic energy converged on the target puppets. They were shrouded in white light, their limbs grew larger, and their bodies grew a section taller, making them a head taller than the other puppets.

Said controlled one of the enhanced puppets, grabbed a spear and threw it hard, instantly passing through the gap in the power armor and piercing a technological barbarian.

The barbarian boss was startled and shouted: “Gather, back to back, gather together and shoot!”

The increase in the puppet’s combat power made him feel scared, and he planned to give up physical combat and use long-range killing.

At this time, the puppets still had 400 troops left. Said estimated that if the opponent continued to succeed, even if all the puppets were used up, they would not be able to annihilate them all.

So Said used his special move, and with a thought, his spiritual energy gathered into a fighting puppet, and then said: “Nervous boy, release it!”

As soon as he finished speaking, electric snakes flew around the puppet’s body, covering the barbarians like spider webs. The barbarians exploded their brains one after another, and no one survived.

A battle came to an end, and Said wiped out the technological barbarians.

He activated telepathy: “Brother Huang, this Bingmu is too waaaagh, you wouldn’t really design me according to the green skin, would you?”

The Emperor calmly replied: “Except for the different appearance and command, they are almost green-skinned, with the same warlikeness, the same reproduction speed, and the same psychic field!”

“But please remember, my brother, your genes have not changed, you are still a human being! Please be loyal to the cause of human rejuvenation!”

Said nodded excitedly, crossed his hands and performed the Eagle Salute: “I understand! Long live the Emperor! Long live the Empire! Long live mankind!”

The emperor made reference to the green skin when implanting the soldier tree. The protagonist’s thinking is inevitably affected, so he talks like an green skin, but his memory is human, so… emmm


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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