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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 31 Preparing for War in the Caucasus

Said scratched his head in embarrassment, then manipulated the puppet and asked the real emperor to stick it out. The emperor quickly stopped him and said:

“This webway won’t last long, send the other puppets here first!”

“Okay!” Said agreed, and asked a thousand puppets to line up in a column, pass through the temporary network tunnel, and arrive at Terra.

Said asked: “Can this thing, combined with the Golden Throne, bring out the Webway?”

The emperor shook his head and said: “No, compared with the Ancient Saint’s Webway, this is a low-end version and can only be used in the golden age. If you use it now… Haha, you will know it soon!”

At this time, the teleportation had lasted for two minutes, and a total of two thousand puppets had arrived in Terra. When Said was wondering, the “any door” suddenly shook.

The Sisters of Silence and the Custodes were facing a formidable enemy, and Waldo reported: “Your Majesty, an evil spiritual energy is approaching!”

The Emperor said: “Sayed, I count three seconds and turn off the machine at the same time!”

“Yes, Brother Huang!”

At this time, the portal shook even more violently, and traces of purple mist lingered around the door frame. Said and the Emperor fell down three times, cutting off the energy supply of the portal at the same time.


An unwilling roar came from behind the door, and the Sisters of Silence spread the black field, swallowing up the escaped spiritual energy.

The owner of the roar used his own tricks and easily overloaded the teleportation gate. The teleportation machine emitted black smoke and shattered to the ground with a “bang”.

Said regretted: “The Webway is so fragile, no wonder we haven’t seen it in the golden age!”

The emperor said calmly: “The subspace in the golden age was far less dangerous than it is now. This low-end version is enough.”

Comparing the subspace to the ocean, the Webway is the submarine pipeline, the Old Ones Webway is the steel tunnel, and the low-profile version of the Webway is the plastic tunnel.

Steel pipes can withstand shark bites, but plastic tunnels cannot.

Not to mention that there are four powerful evil gods in the subspace, and the plastic webway can be broken with a poke.

The technical difficulty of the Webway lies in the materials. For the Emperor, Terra needs the Steel Webway, and the tricks of the Golden Age are useless.

So the Emperor needs to launch the Great Crusade to find materials and technology to repair the Old Ones’ Webway, but before that, Terra must first be unified!

Thinking of this, Said said: “Brother Huang, let’s start. Give me a block and I will give you 200 million soldiers within a week!”

The Emperor said: “Follow me!”

At this moment, the Emperor has swept across Asia, Europe, and Africa, leaving only East Asia and North and South America unconquered.

The Caucasian warlords had a small territory and a small population. The emperor originally thought they were just a group of bandits who would break into pieces when touched, but unexpectedly they turned out to be stones from a pit, smelly and hard.

The enemy forces in Caucasus are composed of genetically modified technobarbarians, psykers blessed by Chaos, and renegade Thunder Warriors.

The Empire occupies the Eurasian continent and has great potential for war. Even if the enemy forces are strengthened by Thunder Warriors, the Empire can still destroy them as long as it invests its strength and makes sacrifices.

But at this time, the Pan-Pacific Empire stabbed the enemy in the back, causing the situation to take a turn for the worse.

The Pan-Pacific Empire occupied the Pacific and East Asia, and then united with the warlords in North and South America to organize a huge military force and contain a large number of the empire’s troops.

This resulted in insufficient troops being invested in the Caucasus. The enemy was reinforced by Thunder Warriors, and the balance of combat power changed.

Looking at the situation map, the emperor worriedly said: “…If the enemy from the Caucasus comes to bloom in the center, we will be in trouble!”

Said nodded: “I understand, Brother Huang, where do you want me to go, the Caucasus or the East Asian front?”

The Emperor did not answer, but asked: “Where do you want to go, Said?”

Said replied: “Go to the Caucasus. The puppet’s strength lies in the war of attrition. The advantage is even more obvious against the Caucasus warlords!”

The emperor nodded: “Okay, my brother, the Caucasus front will be handed over to you, and the Salamander Legion will be left behind.”

“Ah this…” Said smiled bitterly. Historically, the Salamanders were almost completely wiped out in the Caucasus, with less than 2,000 Astartes left among the 20,000.

He previously suggested that the Thunder Warriors attack the Caucasus warlords just to save the Salamanders. Unexpectedly, due to the inertia of history, he sent them to the Caucasus anyway.

But Said didn’t pay much attention. Anyway, the command was in his hands, and the survival of Salamander depended on his thoughts.

Said then connected with the Minister of the Interior Malcador, an immortal and powerful psyker who was responsible for the entire army’s logistics during the Unification War and the Great Crusade.

At this moment, he controls all material production in the empire, and privately has the title of Economic Emperor.

The kind-hearted old man said:

“Your Highness, the empire is currently facing the dilemma of fighting on two fronts. It is really difficult to gather the equipment of 200 million mortal auxiliary troops within a week…”

“And the equipment standards of your auxiliary army are too high, such as gas masks and fully sealed clothing… Terra is not an alien planet, there is no poisonous gas, and you can expose your skin.”

Said knew that he was being rash. Although the empire occupied the Eurasian continent and had countless resource factories, it still used human labor for production, and its efficiency could not match that of the puppets.

To give the most straightforward example, the emperor’s army was only a little over 100 million, while Said’s army had skyrocketed to 700 million.

Although most of them are mortal-level cannon fodder, the equipment required is still astronomical.

Makado continued: “To be honest, Your Highness, with the current production capacity, it is difficult for everyone to have even one laser gun.”

Said recalled the information about the Caucasus campaign and made a concession: “You can give as much as you can, but one thing must be fully matched.”

“You say!”

Said said categorically: “Fusion cluster grenades! Or bomb vests that allow mortals to carry them on their backs and rush forward to explode!”

Fusion bombs are tactical nuclear weapons, which means that Malcador will give Said 200 million tactical nuclear weapons.

Thinking of the spectacular scene, Malcador almost couldn’t breathe and immediately refused:

“This is Terra, the home planet of mankind. The environment needs to be restored after the war. Your Majesty does not allow the use of nuclear bombs!”

In the Warhammer world, the home planet has extraordinary significance. At the most critical moment of the Horus Heresy, the Emperor never thought of leaving Terra and running away.

During the Age of Strife, nuclear weapons dried up Terra’s oceans, causing great damage to the natural environment. The Emperor was particularly distressed.

During the entire unification war, he never used a nuclear bomb.

Said understood, but he was used to big bangs, and it was very uncomfortable to have his hands and feet suddenly tied up!

In his combat plan, a large amount of explosives were needed, and nuclear bombs were undoubtedly the most efficient method.

At this time, Makado suggested: “I don’t know what plasma weapons are like. Due to instability and overload, many troops don’t need them and are squeezed into warehouses.”

Said’s eyes lit up, the plasma explosion was as powerful as a tactical nuclear bomb, and it was cleaner and pollution-free.

Said immediately agreed and added: “Made into a bomb vest, multi-ceramic armor, detonator in hand!”

“My puppet will pounce on the enemy, launch self-destruction, and serve the Emperor loyally!”

Malcador gave a thumbs up and praised:




Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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