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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 32 The emperor’s currency should be cherished

A week later, Said’s 200 million puppets emerged from the ground and set foot on the Siberian wasteland.

During the years of strife, Siberia had been devastated by nuclear weapons many times and had long since become a wasteland, filled with all kinds of harmful radiation and poisonous gases.

Except for genetically modified warriors, mortals could not survive there, let alone develop it, so with a wave of the emperor’s hand, the entire Siberia was assigned to Said as a land for refining weapons and wood.

The soil of Bingmu can transform the environment. After some refining, the radiation and poisonous gas were removed. Although it was still barren, it was already habitable.

This discovery surprised Malcador. If Said refined the entire Terra, wouldn’t it be able to improve Terra’s livability.

But when he thought of Terra turning into an alien breeding base, Malcador hesitated, even if Said was a pure human being…

At this time, the 200 million puppets were fully equipped and headed to the Caucasus mountains to complete the defense change with the troops there.

After taking over the position, Said was surprised to find that in addition to 20,000 Salamander warriors, the Emperor had left him a tank brigade, an artillery division, a bomber group, and two fighter groups!

Converted into heavy equipment, that is 160 tanks, 2,000 heavy artillery, 100 bombers, and 200 fighters.

In this way, even if the main force withdraws, Said can still suppress the enemy with heavy weapons.

“Your Highness, you cannot deprive us of our right to be loyal to the Emperor. We want to join the war! Instead of doing logistics, building bridges and paving roads!”

In front of the puppet, the mortal auxiliary army commander said anxiously.

The puppet shrugged and said: “I am the commander, I have this power! Your loyalty should be reserved for the expedition to the galaxy, not the civil war on Terra!”

“This is a tough battle. I want my puppet to sacrifice for you. Are you still unwilling?”

The commander quickly said: “Thank you, commander, for thinking about our lives, but we are the emperor’s warriors, and fighting for the emperor is the meaning of our lives!”

“If we can’t go to the battlefield, our lives will be meaningless! So please help us, Commander!”

Said was both speechless and in awe. These mortals were not ordinary mortals. They were tankers, artillerymen, bomber pilots, and proper technical arms.

This kind of talent should be saved for the Great Crusade to kill alien demons, not lost in the Terran Civil War.

So Said said coldly:

“This is an order. Your lives are the emperor’s currency and do not belong to you. Sacrifice at will is a waste of the emperor’s assets and is disloyal!”

The mortal officer was speechless, left the command post angrily, and ordered his men to surrender their positions.

Before the battle begins, Said must be familiar with the army, have one-on-one interviews with the generals of each unit, and become familiar with the combat concepts.

After the mortal auxiliaries came the Space Marines. A salamander giant walked into the headquarters and immediately looked displeased when he saw that the commander was a puppet.

Because the portal is unreliable, Said’s body is in the extreme star field, and Terra only has puppets, which makes Salamander, who hates aliens, very unhappy.

After Said noticed it, he said: “I am the prince of the empire, the brother of the emperor. The puppet is my clone and the emperor’s army. Are you dissatisfied with this? Your Excellency, Fire Dragon Warrior!”

The spiritual energy filled the whole place, exuding powerful coercion, and the Salamander boss couldn’t help but feel a great deal of pressure. It is not difficult to imagine that if there is even the slightest disrespect, he will be suppressed immediately.

No matter how fond Said was of Salamander, this was an army after all, a place where absolute obedience was important, and ensuring authority was the top priority.

If the Salamander becomes unruly, Said will not hesitate to engage in military law.

Fortunately, the Salamander boss knew the right thing to do and immediately bowed his head and surrendered, replying: “Everything will follow your will, Your Highness!”

Said puppet nodded: “Very good, after the emperor leaves and before I come, you will be in command of the Caucasus front, right?”

Salamander nodded and said: “Yes, Your Excellency! The twenty thousand Salamanders and the mortal auxiliary army are all under my command.”

Said then ordered:

“Well, you continue to command them. In addition, I will give you 20 million puppets, whose combat power is equivalent to that of the mortal auxiliary army, and let you command them.”

“As for the mortal auxiliary army…let them build roads, dig trenches, and be responsible for logistics.”

Salamander nodded in agreement: “I understand, can you tell me the reason for doing this?”

Said calmly replied: “Life is the emperor’s currency and should be cherished! Don’t use mortals for sacrifices that can be replaced by puppets.”

These words made Salamander in awe, he bowed deeply to Said and said:

“You are a great human being, Your Highness the Prince! If you can practice this concept, Salamander will become a sharp sword in your hands!”

Far away in the Wolf’s Den Bunker, Said smiled and thought to himself: “These black uncles are really honest people. No wonder the emperor likes them so much!”

Then Terra’s puppet ordered: “You are responsible for the surface front, command the puppet auxiliary army to launch feint attacks, maintain pressure, and tie the enemy troops to the ground!”

“Don’t be afraid of sacrificing the puppets. Even if they are all dead, they will grow back within a week!”

The Salamander boss nodded, and then said: “May I ask if His Highness plans to attack the shield generator?”

To eliminate the Caucasus warlords, you need to eliminate the core stronghold. There are not many troops inside. Even if you add the Thunder Warriors, their combat power cannot be compared to Said, let alone the Emperor.

However, the Imperial Army failed. The reason was that there was a Golden Age shield there, which the Imperial Army could not penetrate, and they were massacred by defensive firepower when they charged.

To lay down the core fortress, the shield must be destroyed, and to destroy the shield, the underground shield generator must be destroyed.

Said nodded and said: “That’s right, feint attack on the ground to contain the enemy. The main force rides on the termite ground drill to destroy the shield generator and win!”

The Salamander boss persuaded: “Thunder Warriors tried it before, and the 40,000 Thunder Warriors lost 20,000, and all the rest defected.”

“These Thunder Warriors are familiar with the Empire’s tactics. They must be guarding the shield generator tightly. If they attack rashly, they have little chance of winning!”

Said shook his head and said disdainfully: “The odds of winning are not yours. I have 180 million puppets, which is enough to destroy them!”

Seeing Said’s firm attitude, Salamander stopped trying to persuade him and nodded:

“Yes, Your Highness, I will collect enough termite burrowers for you and send another five hundred salamanders to follow the puppets!”

After saying that, he turned around and left. Said was about to refuse, but the Salamander boss didn’t give him time, and then he understood that this was Uncle Black’s kindness.

“There must be Thunder Warriors underground, and there might as well be some big green guys with them.”

In the wolf’s lair, Said muttered to himself, thinking about the tactical details. Terra was not the moon, there were no microscopic scanning satellites in the sky, and the troops’ equipment was extremely crude.

So this must be a war of attrition, a protracted war!

After several hours of preparation, under the command of Salamander, the puppet auxiliary army launched a feint attack. Thousands of artillery bombarded them indiscriminately, and hundreds of bombers swarmed like locusts, turning the enemy fortress into a sea of ​​flames.

However, a light curtain blocked the sea of ​​​​fire and could not damage the fortress in the slightest.

On the contrary, the fortress’s anti-aircraft guns continued to counterattack, interfering with the aircraft’s bombing.

This is the command from the Salamander boss: “Attack the entire army!”

Still a loyal day


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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