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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 33 Feint Attack on the Caucasus

The ground forces began a general attack, with 20 million puppet auxiliary troops, 20,000 fire lizards, and hundreds of tanks charging.

The sea of ​​people was like a tide, pouring out from the horizon, seemingly endless, sweeping across the Caucasus Fortress.

This was the largest offensive in the history of the Imperial Army, but the Caucasus defenders were not panicked at all, not only because of the defected Thunder Warriors, but also because of the light curtain covering their heads.

Countless shells fell on the light curtain, unable to hurt the fortress at all, but the defenders’ artillery fire could be fired without hindrance, bombarding the Imperial Army.

The shield is similar to the void shield, which can only defend against high-speed objects, while low-speed objects can pass through without hindrance. As long as you survive the defenders’ artillery bombardment, you can fight the enemy face to face.

In the previous battles, only one in ten of the Imperial Army that broke through the barrage blockade survived, and when fighting with bayonets, they had long lost their manpower advantage.

But Sayid’s puppets are endless, enough to cause qualitative changes from quantitative changes.

At his request, the puppet auxiliary army rushed in front of the Salamanders, attracting enemy firepower, consuming enemy ammunition, and allowing the Salamanders to close the distance.

This made the Salamanders particularly uncomfortable. In their eyes, the auxiliary army always followed behind to pick up leaks, so why rush in front of the Astartes.

After sacrificing one million puppets, the Imperial Army finally broke through the barrage and broke into the enemy position in the Caucasus for close combat.

The Caucasian warlords could not bear to show weakness. The Thunder Warriors and the warlords’ gene warriors drew out the chainsaw swords, and the psychics brewed psychic energy, ready to give the enemy a head-on blow.


They first heard a roar, and then countless puppets rushed into the position and started a bloody melee.

The defenders held the chainsaw sword in their left hand, and each swing chopped off a puppet, and the bolt gun in their right hand blew up a puppet with each shot.

However, the puppets were endless, as if a tsunami was constantly pouring out from the horizon, which made people feel desperate.

At this time, one of the genetic warriors was careless and was knocked down by the puppet, detonating the bomb on his body, and they died together with a loud bang.

This scene shocked the defenders, and then another Thunder Warrior was knocked down and killed by the puppet’s self-explosion.

Some puppets did not even touch the defenders, but exploded when the chainsaw sword was swung, which shocked the defenders greatly.

Soldiers with mortal combat power killed a large number of genetically modified warriors. Although the exchange ratio was very different, it was still an incredible feat.

The commander of the Salamander was stunned and said to Sayid: “Is this what you call a feint? The casualties are almost catching up with the decisive battle!”

When the Imperial Army first attacked the Caucasus, it suffered casualties of one million mortal auxiliary troops and retreated in defeat, but Sayid suffered casualties of two million puppets, but he was still calm.

Sayid said: “For Bingmu, this is a feint attack. Unlike mortals, puppets’ lives are not lives, and we can afford to die.”

The Salamander Commander was in a strange mood. He had never fought a battle with such low casualties, and couldn’t help saying:

“But the main force’s advancement is too slow, do you want us to rush in?”

Sayid refused: “Feint attack requires rhythm, and pressure must be applied layer by layer. Now the enemy’s morale is still there, and you can’t make a final decision by pressing on!”

“One blow, then decline, and then exhaustion. You should wait until the enemy has fought for a long time and is exhausted, and then suddenly attack, so as to achieve the greatest results!”

The Salamander Commander was speechless: “But this is not a feint attack?”

Sayid said lightly: “A feint attack can destroy the enemy, so there is no need to attack!”

While the two were arguing, another million puppets died, and their sacrifices were exchanged for the lives of a thousand genetically modified warriors.

Up to now, the enemy has suffered 4,000 casualties of genetic warriors, and the front-line positions are riddled with holes.

“Reinforcements! We need reinforcements!”

The warlord commander kept asking for help. In just a few hours, 40% of the 10,000 defenders on the front line were killed or wounded. At this rate, the position would not last a day.

In the rear, the warlord leader was about to send reinforcements, but was stopped by the Thunder Warrior:

“This is obviously a feint, Your Excellency, the dead are all wooden men, the Empire’s genetic warriors and armored forces have not yet appeared.”

“It is not difficult to imagine that once we reinforce the front line, the Empire will definitely use the same trick again, and the main elite will attack the shield generator underground!”

The warlord leader worried: “But if the front line is broken, we will lose the shield advantage and can launch an attack from inside the shield. We can’t compete with the Empire in a war of attrition!”

The Thunder Warrior leader patted his chest and said: “Please rest assured, no one knows the Empire better than me. Even if the front line is lost, it can be taken back immediately!”

The warlord leader did not believe it and insisted:

“Thunder Warrior, reinforce immediately, this is an order. Since you have surrendered to me, you must prove your loyalty with the enemy’s head, instead of hiding in the back and guarding a machine!”


The Thunder Warrior was speechless, and then found that the warlord guards around him were holding their grenade guns tightly. If he disobeyed orders, they would immediately become sieves.

Even if the body is blessed by Nurgle, it cannot stop the loyal bombs.

The Thunder Warriors surrendered, withdrew the troops defending the shield generator, and reinforced the front line.

Soon, the Caucasian army, which received reinforcements, was in high spirits and began to counterattack the puppets, pushing the puppets out of their positions.

Victory gradually tilted towards the Caucasian warlords, and the puppets suffered heavy casualties. In just a few minutes, another million casualties.

At this time, the slow-moving Salamanders arrived at the front line. At Sayid’s request, 20,000 Salamanders surrounded 160 tanks and advanced slowly in coordination with infantry and tanks.

When passing through the shield, the tank guns roared, fired at the enemy artillery, formed suppression and rolled over the positions, and the Salamanders’ bombs whistled, and the chainsaws swung, clearing the trenches.

The situation reversed again. With Salamanders and armored troops as spearheads, tens of thousands of puppets continued to attack, getting close to the enemy and launching self-destruction.

“Originally there were 20,000 enemy troops on the front line. Now there are 10,000 more troops, and there are still 10,000 left. As long as 30,000 are disabled, the remaining 10,000 can be mobilized…”

In the wolf’s den, Said counted on his fingers. On the other side of the battlefield, three hundred termite diggers were waiting.

At this moment, more than 10,000 thunder warriors encountered Salamander, and their eyes immediately turned red as if they had seen an enemy.

In the eyes of the Thunder Warriors, it was because of the appearance of the Astartes that they were abandoned by the Emperor and had to join forces with the warlords.

The two sides began to attack fiercely, with chainswords and bolters roaring among the giants. The Thunder Warriors were as powerful as the Astartes, and with Nurgle’s blessing, they easily suppressed the Salamanders.

A Salamander was cut down, and the Thunder Warrior raised his chain sword high, preparing to hit the target. At this time, a large number of self-destructing puppets rushed towards the Thunder Warrior.

However, the distance was not enough, and the puppet was shot ahead of time, but the Salamander on the ground seized the gap and pierced the Thunder Warrior’s chest with his chain sword.

This scene happened all over the battlefield. With the cooperation of the puppets, the Salamanders killed and wounded the Thunder Warriors in large numbers.

Said made another move, and the Thunderhawk gunship transported a group of puppets to the rear of the position. If the airdrop was successful, the front line would be attacked from both sides and collapse.

The Caucasus warlords panicked and hurriedly dispatched their remaining reserves, leaving the underground shield generator empty of troops.

Said immediately ordered: “Termite digger, go!”

This picture is based on the Krieg CG animation from Station B. When I first saw the tunnel, Krieg was walking in front of the salamander…the sound of the grenade and the csm self-destruction shocked me for a long time.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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