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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 34: Recruiting Nuclear Thunder

The number of termite diggers is limited, and Sayid’s first advance team consists of 50,000 puppets and 200 fire lizards.

The digger adjusted the angle, followed the previous assault route of the Thunder Warriors, broke through the surface, and drilled into the soil.

Half an hour later, a sound of steel twisting was heard, and the termite digger arrived at its destination-the rainstorm corridor full of sentinel mechas.

According to the intelligence of the Thunder Warriors, these mechas came from the golden age, and their own shields can defend against all weapons such as explosive bombs, hot melt guns, plasma weapons, etc.

It can be said that no weapon of the empire can destroy the sentinel robots now.

In front of the sentinel machines, 40,000 Thunder Warriors had no resistance. More than half of them were slaughtered as soon as they came into contact, and their morale collapsed and they surrendered directly.

In the original time and space, the fire lizards relied on close combat and exchanged injuries to solve them. During the battle, it was extremely tragic, and less than 2,000 fire lizards died.

Therefore, Sayid was extremely cautious. Not only did he prepare nearly 200 million troops, but he also designed a lot of unique weapons.

A shrill alarm sounded, and heavy footsteps came from deep in the rain corridor. Salamander loaded the explosives and prepared to go forward to fight, but was stopped by the puppet:

“Remember the tactical rules? If there is danger, the puppets will go first!”

The auxiliary army actually rushed in front of Astartes. Although they are puppets, they are too brave!

The Salamander was stunned for a few seconds, then nodded.

At this time, a puppet put his palm on the ground, and Sayid’s psychic energy was transmitted. A large area of ​​green spread, and the entire underground base was included in the perception, and then the mind moved.


Forty thousand puppets roared loudly and killed in the direction of the footsteps.

They wore bomb vests and held funnel-shaped weapons. It had a very nuclear name in World War II-Type 4 anti-tank thorn mine, also known as Taijun Happy Stick!

The thorn mine is shaped like a toilet suction. When using it, you only need to stab the front end hard at the target to detonate the cavity TNT explosive, forming a metal jet to achieve armor-piercing effect.

Salamanders’ long-range firepower cannot break the shield, so they can only rely on melee hammers to blast sentinel mechas, and close-range anti-tank mines can also do the same.

Compared with Salamander’s fists, mines can cause greater damage.

Soon, the forward puppets encountered sentinel mechas, and the sentinel cannon roared, turning into automatic turrets with full firepower, demonstrating the unparalleled power of the golden age, and the puppets fell in groups.

Fortunately, the passage was narrow and the battlefield was small, so only one mecha could exert its firepower at a time.

The puppets were arranged in a column, and every time a puppet died, there would be a puppet behind to make up for it, constantly shortening the distance with the mecha.

Soon, a mecha was approached by a puppet, and the mecha’s close defense firepower was activated. The energy ball blew away several puppets, but more puppets rushed up and greeted the mines with leg joints.


Continuous explosions sounded, the sentinel mecha joints were damaged, and the movement was hindered, and then the puppets exploded, forming a secondary blow, aggravating the injury.

The puppets took advantage of their numbers and the narrow width of the battlefield to successfully close the distance, cooperate with the sting mines and self-destruct vests, and destroy the sentinel mecha in close combat.

Originally, the fire lizards had to lose most of their troops to complete the output, but Sayid only spent 10,000 cannon fodder to achieve the same effect.

The sentinel mecha fell to the ground with a bang, and the puppets continued to charge over the wreckage. There were still hundreds of them waiting for them!

At this time, the termite digging vehicle went back and forth several times, and transported 300,000 puppets holding sting mines and wearing self-destruct vests. As soon as they landed, they rushed into the depths of the tunnel like a tide.

The fire lizards were shocked inexplicably. At this moment, the war seemed to have nothing to do with them, and a sense of shame could not help but surge in their hearts.

They roared and prepared to step forward to help. For soldiers, life is important, but honor is more important. The puppets’ actions were an invisible mockery of them.

A puppet called them and said angrily: “Stop! What are you doing! Going up is to die, and another 10,000 puppets have just died!”

A fire lizard said angrily: “Only you puppets dare to die! We fire lizards are also loyal warriors of the emperor, and we are not afraid of death either!”

“Get out of the way quickly, we will chop one up for you to see!”

Sayed was also angry: “This is the order of the commander, go back and stand still! Don’t move without orders!”

The leading fire lizard slapped the puppet away and shouted:

“We are bathed in the flames of war and forged in the anvil! Only when steel is tempered by real fire can it be forged into your majesty’s sword!”

Throwing down this sentence, the fire lizard picked up the chain sword and charged forward. Sayed sighed and said helplessly: “Wait a minute, return the weapon!”

At this moment, the fire lizard saw that a group of puppets were fiddling with the wreckage of the mecha and disassembling and assembling the energy cannon on it.

“If you take this, you can temporarily get the same firepower as the enemy!”

The mecha uses a lot of artificial intelligence technology, and there are not many parts that can be reused. Only the machine gun can be used barely.

In the original history, the fire lizard relied on close combat to destroy the sentinel mecha, and then dismantled the weapons on it and destroyed the remaining mechas.

Sayid followed the same idea. After destroying the first mecha, he immediately began to dismantle and modify it.

Holding the weapon modified by the puppet, the fire lizard came to the front line and fired at the rampaging sentinel mecha.

The energy ball passed over the puppet’s head and hit the sentinel mecha heavily. In an instant, the shield flashed continuously.

The fire lizard was surprised at the strength of the enemy’s shield and knew why Sayid did not let them fight.

Ordinary weapons can’t hurt the mecha at all. Cannon fodder self-destruction and thorn mines are the most cost-effective way.

However, after killing a mecha and seizing the modified cannon, you can use the enemy’s spear to break the enemy’s shield.

Salamander fired one after another, and in conjunction with the puppet’s nuclear sting mines, several mechas were successfully destroyed, and the situation began to improve.

Then as they cheered, the cannon exploded, blowing the Salamander away.

Without artificial intelligence control, the artillery can easily explode.

The Salamander had a strong vitality. Even if it was blown away by the explosive cannon, it just shook its head, got up from the smoke, and went to another pile of mecha wreckage to participate in the modification of the cannon.

Soon the roar of machine guns and the screams of salamanders as the chamber exploded were heard in the passage.

After several hours of fighting, Said successfully eliminated hundreds of Sentinel mechas at the cost of 10 million puppets and a serious injury to a Salamander.

Finally, after breaking through a door, they found the reactor and hundreds of Thunder Warriors waiting in formation.

A Thunder Warrior said: “Originally there was a Titan here. It was pulled to the ground by the idiot warlord, but it was knocked over by all the energy of the void shield!”

Then he drew his sword and shouted angrily: “Salamander, if you dare to challenge one to one, don’t hide behind the army like a coward. Come and compete with me to see who is the emperor’s warrior!”

Just as Salamander was about to step forward, the puppet said coldly: “Reject him, this is an order!”

“I can ignore the violation last time, but not this time!”

Salamander said: “This is the way of a warrior, Your Highness!”

The puppet responded with action. The thorn thunder directly pressed against his back and threatened coldly:

“Life is the emperor’s currency. Waste is an act of disloyalty and rebellion and should be killed. Do you want to be a traitor, Salamander!”

Salamander was speechless and had no choice but to surrender. With a thought in Said’s mind, tens of thousands of puppets rushed towards the Thunder Warriors.


Bullying the few with the many and the weak with the strong is the way of the Sayyid warriors.

Stay loyal!


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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